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纤维素复合酶对羔羊消化道组织结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明纤维素复合酶提高羔羊饲料消化率的消化道组织学基础,选择刚出生且体重相近的波尔山羊公羔30只(20日龄开始自由采食优质苜蓿干草, 80日龄断奶)分为对照组和试验组(添加0.2%酶制剂),分别在2、3和4月龄每组各选体重相近的3只羔羊屠宰.结果表明,瘤胃乳头长度、宽度和单位面积瘤胃乳头表面积随月龄增加而增加,而单位面积乳头数随着月龄的增加而减少(P < 0.01).酶制剂提高3、4月龄羔羊瘤胃乳头长度(P < 0.01)、宽度(P > 0.05)和单位面积瘤胃乳头表面积(P < 0.01),减少单位面积乳头数(P < 0.01).显著提高3月龄十二指肠肠绒毛的长度(P < 0.05).在3、4月龄,酶制剂有增加小肠隐窝深度和黏膜厚度的趋势,但未达到显著水平(P > 0.05).  相似文献   
Although the spatial genetic differentiation that occurs in animal populations has been extensively studied, information on temporal variations in genetic structure and diversity is still lacking, especially for animals with oscillating populations. In the present study, we used the mtDNA D‐loop sequence to assess the temporal genetic variation in samples from six successive years for the greater long‐tailed hamster, Tscherskia triton. Sampling was carried out between 1998 and 2003 in cropland on the North China Plain, China. A total of 108 individuals were analyzed. The temporal samples showed a high level of genetic diversity. Substantial genetic changes in haplotype frequencies over time were detected for the hamster population. Random genetic drift and migration are likely to be the major factors responsible for the observed temporal pattern. The genetic diversity of the hamster population was higher in years with higher population density, and lower in years with lower population density. The result supports our hypothesis that genetic diversity decreases when population density declines in animals whose population oscillates greatly between years. The combined effects of inbreeding and genetic drift caused by reproduction, dispersal and population size might play important roles in the observed changes in genetic structure and diversity between years.  相似文献   
Santiago, Chile's semi-arid climate and urbanized environment poses a severe limitation for the establishment and maintenance of urban forests. Municipalities, or comunas, are the main stakeholders in the management of Santiago's public urban forests. A tenable hypothesis would be that as the socioeconomic level of a comuna increases, the better the condition of a comuna's urban forest. Unfortunately, there is little comprehensive information on management, public expenditure, and structure of Santiago's public and private urban forests. To examine this hypothesis, Santiago was divided into socioeconomic strata, then using air photo interpretation and stratified field sampling, urban forest structures were quantified by socioeconomic strata. In addition, interview surveys were used to determine municipal urban forest management and expenditures for different public urban forests based on socioeconomic strata. Urban forests in the high socioeconomic strata had fewer public trees, greater tree cover, tree and leaf area density, and leaf area index than lower socioeconomic strata. The percentage of total municipal budget allocated to public urban forest management was consistent among strata, but the total public urban forest budgets were greater in the high socioeconomic strata. Public urban forest structure is related to the socioeconomic strata of Santiago's different comunas.  相似文献   
Several studies indicate a long-term decline in numbers of different species of voles in northern Fennoscandia. In boreal Sweden, the long-term decline is most pronounced in the grey-sided vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus). Altered forest landscape structure has been suggested as a possible cause of the decline. However, habitat responses of grey-sided voles at the landscape scale have never been studied. We analyzed such responses of this species in lowland forests in Västerbotten, northern Sweden. Cumulated spring densities representing 22 local time series from 1980–1999 were obtained by a landscape sampling design and were related to the surrounding landscape structure of 2.5×2.5 km plots centred on each of the 22 1-ha trapping plots. In accordance with general knowledge on local habitat preferences of grey-sided voles, our study supported the importance of habitat variables such as boulder fields and old-growth pine forest at the landscape scale. Densities were negatively related to clear cuts. Habitat associations were primarily those of landscape structure related to habitat fragmentation, distance between habitat patches and patch interspersion rather than habitat patch type quantity. Local densities of the grey-sided vole were positively and exponentially correlated with spatial contiguity (measured with the fragmentation index) of old-growth pine forest, indicating critical forest fragmentation thresholds. Our results indicate that altered land use might be involved in the long-term decline of the grey-sided vole in managed forest areas of Fennoscandia. We propose two further approaches to reveal and test responses of this species to changes in landscape structure.  相似文献   
To study the genetic variation in Iranian olive collections and some foreign olive cultivars, 47 accessions of 18 local cultivars from 6 olive collections of Iran (Roudbar, Zanjan, Ahvaz, Dezful, Kazeroon and Shiraz), were analyzed along with 30 imported cultivars using 16 microsatellite primer pairs. All the used microsatellite loci revealed polymorphism in the studied genotypes, except GAPU14 and GAPU113 markers. Fourteen microsatellite primers amplified 126 polymorphic alleles in the 87 selected olive accessions. The average number of alleles per locus was 9, ranging from 3 to 14. Polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.85. The genetic similarity based on Jaccard coefficient ranged from 0.15 to 1. The genetic relationships among accessions were investigated using cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Most of the accessions with the same name were grouped together; some exceptions were also observed. As expected, close relationship was observed among accessions within same cultivar. Most of the Iranian olive accessions were clustered to a main distinct group. Two-dimensional scatter plot of principal component analysis revealed a clear separation of most of the Iranian olives from Syrian and other introduced cultivars. These suggest that Iranian cultivars have different origin related to West Mediterranean basin cultivars and have evolved independently from the others. Between and within Iranian and foreign cultivars (cultivars including three or more accessions) genetic diversity was analyzed using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). AMOVA revealed higher within cultivar genetic variation (62.76%) as compare to that between cultivar variations (37.24%). The intra- and inter-cultivar variance tested by permutation test showed significant genetic variation at both levels. The high level within cultivar genetic variance could be due to mislabeling and presence of homonyms in cultivars produced by vegetative propagation from original plants.  相似文献   
采取不同的棉苜间作方式,研究了棉苜间作棉田天敌群落结构及种群动态规律、棉蚜与天敌的消长动态,以及棉苜间作对棉田蚜虫的控制效应。与常规单种棉田相比,间作苜蓿棉田内的瓢虫、蜘蛛、草蛉种群数量大幅度增长,尤以每隔1膜间作75cm苜蓿带处理区为甚,分别增长了318.0%、120.9%和79.6%。间作或邻作苜蓿的棉田天敌群落的物种丰富度、丰富度指数及多样性指数均高于常规单种棉田,表明间作和邻作苜蓿带并适时刈割,可以提高棉田内天敌群落的丰富度和多样性。刈割苜蓿带对棉田棉蚜及瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌的数量动态影响较大。在棉蚜上升初期刈割苜蓿带,使棉田内瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌数量急剧上升,棉蚜数量大幅下降,从而有效地控制了棉田棉蚜的暴发。  相似文献   
Senecio jacobaea is a poisonous weed in grasslands of various countries (e.g. Great Britain, New Zealand, Central European states) and the further spread of the species into farmland must be prevented. To assess the influence of management practice and site conditions on the occurrence of S. jacobaea, we conducted a survey in the northern and central part of Switzerland. Botanical assessments were carried out on grassland plots with S. jacobaea occurrence and on neighbour plots without S. jacobaea. For these plots, we analysed the soil nutrients and the details of management practice, such as type and intensity of management and fertiliser application. The most important factors influencing the occurrence of S. jacobaea were related to management: There was a high risk for the occurrence of the species on parcels with low nitrogen fertilisation, continuous‐extensive grazing (set stocking) and a very open sward. Senecio jacobaea was not present in intensively managed meadows cut more than twice per year. As an exception, with a high propagule pressure from the vicinity, S. jacobaea was also found in intensively grazed pastures and in meadows of moderate management intensity (two cuts). We conclude that long‐term control of S. jacobaea can best be achieved by avoiding sward damage and by preventing the species’ seed formation in the pasture and local vicinity.  相似文献   
Alternaria tenuissima is a common pathogen on a number of plants described in several geographic regions of the world. Genetic variation within and between Russian Far East, North West and Caucasus populations of A. tenuissima from wheat was examined. In addition, genetic differences between isolates from various hosts were estimated. In total, 101 isolates of A. tenuissima were studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with four primer combinations. Wright’s fixation index (F st), gene flow (N m) and gene diversity (H s) were calculated. AFLP banding patterns indicated significant genetic distance and at the same time a low level of gene flow between the Far East and the two other groups of isolates originating from the European part of country. The degree of similarity between the North West and Caucasus populations was very high, as was the migration rate. Isolates analysed by UPGMA-based cluster analysis were grouped according to location of origin but irrespective of plant host. Based on the F st value, the group of isolates originating from wheat and barley were not found to differ significantly from each other.  相似文献   
The genetic structure of the populations of Turnip mosaic virus in Kyushu and central Honshu, Japan was assessed. The host specificity of isolates was determined, and their gene sequences compared utilizing a population genetic approach. Phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences revealed that 32 of 49 Honshu isolates (65%) collected during 1997–2001 belonged to the basal-BR group as did 23 of 64 isolates from Kyushu. All these basal-BR isolates infected both Brassica and Raphanus plants. However, analyses of the positions of recombination sites in five regions of the genome (one third of the full sequence) showed that at least four intra-lineage recombinants were present in these populations. These analyses showed that Kyushu and Honshu shared none of these subpopulations, and genetically distinct basal-BR populations were present in the two districts. We conclude that different basal-BR subpopulations had expanded into those districts. The nucleotide sequences are deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB267281-AB267376.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of 71 Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains isolated from different host species and from diverse geographical regions was determined by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (f-AFLP) analysis. The study was carried out using three different selective primer combinations. Strains of P. syringae pv. syringae , P. syringae pv. phaseolicola , P. syringae pv. glycinea , P. syringae pv. tagetis and P. amygdali were also included as outgroups. Based on cluster analysis of f-AFLP data, all P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains showed a high degree of similarity, grouping in a cluster and forming a taxon clearly separate from outgroup strains. AFLP analyses failed to support placing strains of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi , P. syringae pv. phaseolicola and P. syringae pv. glycinea in the same species. Strains of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi formed subclusters that correlated with the host species. Strains identified within these subclusters were related to the geographical region where the strains were isolated. Strains of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi from olive were divided into two subclusters. Strains from oleander were differentiated from those from ash and were divided into two additional subclusters, distinct from olive strains. Three strains isolated from jasmine showed a high level of similarity among them but, at a lower Dice similarity coefficient, were linked to a subcluster including olive strains. Finally, two strains isolated from privet were similar to strains from olive and were included in the same subcluster.  相似文献   
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