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Change of Brain Electrical Impedance has great relations with brain oedema and brain block, a new method of Examining Brain Oedema through Brain Electrical Impedance Topographic Mapping(BEITM)is reviewed. Network topology structure that used in BEITM are also presented. According to topology, we discuss the drawing algorithm that based on triangle element. Some patients have been measured to make clinical data, according to this data Brain Electrical Impedance topographic come into being by computer at last, functional imaging has been implemented. Clinical case analysis compared with change state of an illness and repeatability of steady patient's data has proved the method is feasible.  相似文献   
M. Imtiaz    M. Ahmad    M. G. Cromey    W. B. Griffin  J. G. Hampton 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(5):401-404
Stripe rust of wheat caused by Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici presents a serious problem for wheat production worldwide, and identification and deployment of resistance sources to it are key objectives for many wheat breeders. Here we report the detection of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to the durable adult plant resistance of cv. ‘Otane’, which has conferred this resistance since its release in New Zealand in 1984. A double haploid population from a cross between ‘Otane’ and the susceptible cv. Tiritea’ was visually assessed for adult plant infection types (IT) in the glasshouse and field, and for final disease severity in the field against stripe rust pathotype 106E139A+. At least three resistance loci controlled adult plant resistance to stripe rust in this population. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping results revealed that two of these, one on chromosome 7DS corresponds to the durable adult plant resistance gene Yr18 and other on chromosome 5DL were contributed from ‘Otane’; while the remaining one on chromosome 7BL, was contributed from the susceptible ‘Tiritea’. Interval mapping placed the ‘Otane’‐resistant segment near the centromere of chromosome 7DS at a distance of 7 cM from the SSR marker gwm44. The stability of QTL in the two environments is discussed. SSR gwm44 is potentially a candidate marker for identifying the durable resistance gene Yr18 in breeding programmes.  相似文献   
Guo  Longbiao  Zhu  Lihuang  Xu  Yunbi  Zeng  Dali  Wu  Ping  Qian  Qian 《Euphytica》2004,140(3):155-162
Effective cumulative temperature (ECT) after heading would be a more reasonable parameter for seed sampling of pre-harvest sprouting/seed dormancy (SD) tests in segregating populations than the days after flowering. SD is an important agronomic trait associated with grain yielding, eating quality and seed quality. To identify genomic regions affecting SD at different grain-filling temperatures, and to further examine the association between SD and ECT during grain-filling, 127 double haploid (DH) lines derived from a cross between ZYQ8 (indica)/JX17 (japonica) by anther culture were analyzed. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and their digenic epistasis for SD were identified using a molecular linkage map of this population. A total of four putative QTLs for SD (qSD-3, qSD-5, 6 and 11) were detected on chromosomes 3, 5, 6 and 11, together explaining 41.4% of the phenotypic variation. Nine pairs of digenic epistatic loci were associated with SD on all but chromosome 9, and their contributions to phenotypic variation varied from 2.87%–8.73%. The SD QTL on chromosome 3 was identical to the QTLs found in other mapping populations with different genetic backgrounds, which could be a desirable candidate for gene cloning and marker-assisted selection in rice breeding.  相似文献   
Gonzalez-Hernandez  J.L.  Elias  E.M.  Kianian  S.F. 《Euphytica》2004,139(3):217-225
Grain protein concentration (GPC) is an important quality factor in durum wheat [Triticum turgidum (L.) var. durum]. Due to the strong environmental influence on GPC, molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting GPC have the potential to be valuable in wheat breeding programs. Various quantitative traits in a population of 133 recombinant inbred chromosome lines were studied in replicated trials at three locations in North Dakota. Segregation for GPC, 1000-kernel weight, gluten strength, heading date, and plant height was observed. By relating phenotypic data to a linkage map obtained from the same population, three QTL affecting GPC, and one affecting yield were identified. The genotypic coefficients of determination for both traits were high.  相似文献   
根毛是植物吸收水分和养分的重要器官。本研究从T-DNA突变体库中获得一个以中花11为遗传背景的水稻短根毛突变体, 命名为ossrh3 (Oryza sativa short root hair 3)。该突变体的根毛伸长严重受阻, 并且伴随株高、主根长、侧根长和侧根数目等性状的改变。遗传分析表明该突变性状受1对隐性单基因控制, 利用ossrh3纯合体和籼稻品种Kasalath杂交构建F2定位群体, 利用已公布的水稻SSR (simple sequence repeat)和自行设计的STS (sequence- tagged site)标记, 最终将OsSRH3定位在水稻第1染色体上的标记S38978和S39016之间, 物理距离约为37.7 kb, 包含8个候选基因, 为进一步克隆OsSRH3基因和研究禾本科作物根毛发育的分子调控机理提供了依据。  相似文献   
龙S是一个广谱抗稻瘟病的水稻两用核不育系,利用分子标记技术精细定位其主效抗性基因,对于培育抗稻瘟病水稻新品种具有重要意义。采用来自国内外的41个稻瘟病菌系通过接种鉴定方式对龙S进行了稻瘟病抗谱分析,结果显示龙S的抗性频率为100%,对其中39个菌系表现高水平抗性,与Pi9的携带品种75-1-127抗性频率和抗病级别基本相当。群体遗传分析表明龙S的抗性基因表现为显性遗传方式,对于不同菌系龙S表现出不同的抗病遗传模式,其中龙S对稻瘟菌系318-2的抗性由单基因控制。通过抗病亲本龙S与感病亲本日本晴构建F2分离群体,采用BSA (bulk segregant analysis)及RCA (recessive class analysis)分析方法,将龙S的主效抗病基因精细定位于第9染色体上的SSR标记M1-M2所在的1.31 cM区间,与已克隆的广谱抗稻瘟病基因Pi5位于相邻的染色体区域。抗谱分析表明,龙S与Pi5、Pii单基因系的抗性频率差异明显,抗谱较后二者更广。龙S主效抗性基因的精细定位,为进一步揭示其与Pi5、Pii的等位关系以及通过分子标记辅助选择培育抗病水稻新品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   
烤烟易烤性QTL定位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用易烤性好的烤烟品种云烟85和易烤性差的烤烟品种大白筋599杂交所得到的F2群体为作图群体,借助SSR分子标记技术,在群体中共获得91个多态性标记,利用Mapmaker3.0作图软件,构建了一个含17个连锁群、75个标记的烤烟遗传连锁图。利用该图谱和易烤性表型数据,通过复合区间作图法进行QTL检测,共检测到与易烤性相关的4个QTL,分别位于1、8、9连锁群上,可解释的表型变异分别为9.26%、8.87%、7.57%和7.83%。4个QTL的加性效应值均为正值,说明易烤性增加的效应均来自母本云烟85。  相似文献   
突变体是功能基因组学研究和分子育种的重要材料。自然条件下,在玉米自交系M08649中发现一个突变穗,其突变表型表现为凹陷,没有胚以及胚乳,不能发芽并繁殖后代的缺陷型籽粒(defectivekernel)。利用出现籽粒突变自交系M08649的杂合体与正常自交系齐319构建分离群体对突变体进行遗传分析,共有85个F2代自交穗具有突变籽粒,38个F2代自交穗表现为正常,统计分析发现其符合2:1的分离比例。同时在85个具有突变籽粒的穗子中,共有9961粒正常籽粒和3217粒突变籽粒,符合3:1的分离比例,初步证实自交系M08649中控制籽粒发育的突变基因属于单个基因的隐性突变,暂命名为dek1-T7(t)。利用SSR分子标记将该基因初步定位在第1染色体的短臂上1.03区,位于SSR标记bnlg2204和Hkf1-3之间,两个标记之间的物理距离为1.78Mb。本研究结果为该基因的克隆和功能分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   
基于单粒观察值的胚乳性状QTL图的构建方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
谷物胚乳性状是决定谷物品质的一类重要性状。由于胚乳是由雌性的两个极核和雄性的一个精核受精发育而形成的三倍体组织,因此胚乳性状的遗传基础要比通常的二倍体农艺性状复杂得多。本文根据三倍体胚乳性状的数量遗传模型,提出利用分布于染色体上的所有分子标记对胚乳性状数量基因座位(QTL)进行区间作图的极大似然估计方  相似文献   
Four agronomic traits were analysed including dry matter concentration (DMC) and dry matter yield (DMY) for stover, plant height (PHT) and days from planting to silking (DPS). We mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) in three populations with doubled haploid lines (DHL), one RIL population and two testcross (TC) populations derived from crosses between two of the four populations mentioned above to elite tester lines, based on field phenotyping at multiple locations and years for each; 146–168 SSRs were used for genotyping of the four mapping populations. Significant high phenotypic and genotypic correlations were found for all traits at two locations, while DMC was negatively correlated with the other traits. A total of 42, 41, 54, and 45 QTL were identified for DMC, DMY, PHT, and DPS, respectively, with 9, 7, 12, and 7 major QTL for each trait. Most detected QTL displayed significant interactions with environment. Major QTL detected in more than two populations will contribute to marker‐assisted breeding and also to fine mapping candidate genes associated with maize agronomic traits.  相似文献   
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