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研究了河北省太行山刺槐种群乔木层生物量、各组分量及种群密度的动态规律。结果表明,刺槐种群自人工造林伊始,其种群总生物量、各组分量、种群密度(断面积表示)即表现出速增性,约至12a生达到峰值,基本符合Logistic规律。此后随个体间竞争的加剧,自疏作用加强,种群呈不稳定状态,种群密度和生物量下降,由一个同龄纯林逐渐趋向于具有多代个体年龄结构稳定的群体,并使种群生物量回复到一个相对稳定水平。本文还建立了生物量及各组分量与种群年龄、密度的相关模型,及W~f(A,G,H)多元线性回归议程。  相似文献   
以刺槐、榆树、臭椿、绒毛白蜡、杨树为试材,利用不同浓度盐溶液模拟盐胁迫条件,研究了盐胁迫对刺槐混栽苗光合特性的影响。结果表明:低盐胁迫下刺槐混栽苗的Pn、Ci、Cond同步下降,且相关性较高;而随着胁迫的增强,三者又有所增高,在高盐胁迫下(200mmol/L)又开始下降,但盐胁迫对不同混栽苗光合作用的伤害作用不同。  相似文献   
四倍体刺槐试管苗玻璃化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任建武 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(12):4867-4869
[目的]探索批量组培快繁中的玻璃化的防止方法。[方法]以四倍体刺槐为材料,通过大量规范化系统试验研究试管苗玻璃化的影响因子。[结果]硝态氮与氨态氮处理间差异不显著。培养基中加入水解乳蛋白后玻璃苗减少,但污染率一直很高。棉塞、纱布封口对减少玻璃苗有明显作用。使用KT时玻璃化有所减轻,但繁殖系数只有1.5;使用6-BA时玻璃化苗比例较高,但未发生玻璃化的瓶苗繁殖系数高于3.5。蔗糖和琼脂浓度都可以改变玻璃化频率,其中蔗糖的作用更为明显,但它降低了生长速度。减少玻璃化的温度和光照的最佳组合是温度23℃,光照时间14 h/d。[结论]该研究为防止四倍体刺槐试管苗的玻璃化提供了一些可行的措施。  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species (IAPs) represent one of the main biological threats to biodiversity worldwide. Information about their phenotypic plasticity are needed to increase awareness about their future invasive potential. A study about phenotypic plasticity in response to contrasting light regimes and its quantification by a plasticity index (PI) of two IAPs (Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia) inside a Strict Nature Reserve was conducted. R. pseudoacacia showed a 70% higher PI, with a strongly greater value at morphological leaf level, associated with a greater ability to survive and grow in forest understory, explaining its greater widespread. Otherwise, A. altissima showed its highest PI at physiological level, which was associated with the ability to colonize and grow in environments with high-light regimes. Based on these results, the conservative management has limited the presence of A. altissima by its lower ability to grow in forest understory. In fact, the small-scale gaps in the forest infrastructure, that could allow its recruitment, are originated only from the death of a single tree or small group of trees. Regarding R. pseudoacacia, it is critical to maintain this type of management because any disturbances resulting in large openings could further promote its presence inside the Reserve.  相似文献   
蝗虫综合防控技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
蝗灾是世界性生物灾害,给农牧业生产造成巨大经济损失.2020年初沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria再次暴发,严重影响自然生态系统和社会经济的发展.进入21世纪以来,蝗虫防治的新技术和新策略不断发展.本文概述了我国蝗虫主要成灾种类、分布及其危害,总结了近年来蝗虫监测预警及防控技术相关研究进展,重点介绍了以生...  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was purified by affinity chromatography from two populations of the oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen), collected from Huanghua and Pingshan Counties, Hebei Province of China. The purification factors and yields were 1661-fold and 19.3%, respectively, for the Huanghua population, and 3897-fold and 39.6% for the Pingshan population. Both the purification factor and yield were significantly lower in the Huanghua population than in the Pingshan population. AChE activity was almost completely inhibited by 10−6 M eserine and BW284C51, but ?5.8% of AChE activity was inhibited by ethopropazine at the same concentration, suggesting that purified AChE from either population was a typical insect AChE. However, AChE purified from the Huanghua population was 62-, 2.0-, and 1.6-fold less sensitive to inhibition by the three organophosphate compounds, chlorpyrifos oxon, demeton-S-methyl, and paraoxon, respectively, than that from the Pingshan population. Significantly lower purification factor and low yield associated with reduced sensitivity of AChE to inhibition by the organophosphates indicated that AChE purified from the Huanghua population was biochemically and pharmacologically different from that of the Pingshan population. Reduced sensitivity of AChE appeared to contribute to organophosphate resistance in the locust from Huanghua County, where insecticides have commonly been used to manage outbreaks of the locust.  相似文献   
国内外蝗虫研究发展动向初探   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
蝗虫是广泛分布于世界各地尤其是中低纬度地区的一种昆虫,其分布广泛性和危害严重性使之成为多门学科重要的研究对象之一。本文比较系统地总结了当前国内外蝗虫研究状况和近新进展,初步探讨了蝗虫研究中的若干新领域与新技术,对开展相关研究有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
In January 1997, Tanzania requested international assistance against rinderpest on the grounds that the virus had probably entered the country from southern Kenya. Over the next few months, a variety of attempts were made to determine the extent of the incursion by searching for serological and clinical evidence of the whereabouts of the virus. At the clinical level, these attempts were hampered by the low virulence of the strain, and at the serological level by the lack of a baseline against which contemporary interpretations could be made. Once it became apparent that neither surveillance tool was likely to produce a rapid result, an infected area was declared on common-sense grounds and emergency vaccination was initiated. The vaccination programme had two objectives, firstly to prevent any further entry across the international border, and secondly to contain and if possible eliminate rinderpest from those districts into which it had already entered. On the few occasions that clinical rinderpest was subsequently found, it was always within this provisional infected area. Emergency vaccination campaigns within the infected area ran from January to the end of March 1997 but were halted by the onset of the long rains. At this time, seromonitoring in two districts showed that viral persistence was still theoretically possible and therefore a second round of emergency vaccination was immediately organized. Further seromonitoring then indicated a large number of villages with population antibody prevalences of over 85%. These populations were considered to have been `immunosterilized'. Although no clinical disease had been observed in them, it was decided to undertake additional vaccination in a group of districts to the south of the infected area. Serosurveillance indicated that rinderpest could have been present in a number of these districts prior to vaccination. Serosurveillance in 1998 suggested that numerous vaccinated animals had probably moved into districts outside the infected and additional vaccination areas, but did not rule out the continued presence of field infection.  相似文献   
鲁中南山地刺槐萌生更新林经济效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用企业动态经济评价方法对刺槐萌生林不同轮伐期的经济效果进行了评价;按NPV最大、IRR最大确定了林分经济成熟龄;通过敏感性分析确定了经济成熟龄区间。  相似文献   
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important stand-forming tree species in Hungary and its importance is increasing in many countries. Black locust plants are commonly produced by two methods, by seed and by root cuttings. Tissue culture propagation can be considered as a relatively new method. Growing trees from seed is a relatively simple method for reliably producing seedlings on a large scale under a variety of circumstances. Mechanization of the method is easy and the production cost is relatively low. Propagation from root cuttings and tissue culture are valuable for reproduction of superior individuals or varieties. By applying these methods, superior traits of the selected trees can be preserved in the clones. Recent experiments demonstrated that micropropagated trees could be successfully transplanted into soil, hardened and grown in the field. Biography: Karoly Redei (1952), male, doctor, deputy director general of Hungarian Forest Research Institute H-1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó Str. 42 44, HUNGARY. Responsible editor: Chal Ruihai  相似文献   
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