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Traffic has a considerable effect on population and community dynamics through the disruption and fragmentation of habitat and traffic mortality. This paper deals with a systematic way to acquire knowledge about the probabilities of successful road crossing by mammals and what characteristics affect this traversability. We derive a model from traffic flow theory to estimate traffic mortality in mammals related to relevant road, traffic and species characteristics. The probability of successful road crossing is determined by the pavement width of the road, traffic volume, traversing speed of the mammals and their body length. We include the traversability model in a simple two-patch population model to explore the effects of these road, traffic and species characteristics on population dynamics. Analysis of the models show that, for our parameter ranges, traffic volume and traversing speed have the largest effect on traffic mortality. The population size is especially negatively affected when roads have to be crossed during the daily movements. These predictions could be useful to determine the expected effectiveness of mitigating measures relative to the current situation. Mitigating measures might alter the road and traffic characteristics. The effects of these changes on traffic mortality and population dynamics could be analysed by calculating the number of traffic victims before and after the mitigating measures. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary:This study was conducted to develop a suitable model for describing the growth pattern of the yak. The data used consisted of body weight records of 76 growing yak aged between 5 to 37 months. Three mathematical models were applied to describe the growth curves during this development period:①Y1=20.105 + 11. 250x-0. 526x2 ;used for describing the growth curve of yak aged 5 to 13 months;②Y2 = -359.687 + 49. 977x - 1. 249x2 ;used for animals aged 13 to 25 months;and ③Y3 = -833. 339 + 63. 772x - 1. 019x2 ;used for animals aged 25 to 37 months.  相似文献   
Canine histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is an aggressive and highly metastatic tumor. Previously, the kinase inhibitor dasatinib was shown to have potent growth inhibitory activity against HS cells in vitro, possibly via targeting the EPHA2 receptor. Here, the in vivo effect of dasatinib in HS cells was investigated using a xenograft mouse model. Moreover, the expression status of EPHA2 was examined in six HS cell lines, ranging from insensitive to highly sensitive to dasatinib. In the HS xenograft mouse model, dasatinib significantly suppressed tumor growth, as illustrated by a decrease in mitotic and Ki67 indices and an increase in apoptotic index in tumor tissues. On Western blot analysis, EPHA2 was only weakly detected in all HS cell lines, regardless of sensitivity to dasatinib. Dasatinib likely results in the inhibition of xenograft tumor growth via a mechanism other than targeting EPHA2. The findings of this study suggest that dasatinib is a targeted therapy drug worthy of further exploration for the treatment of canine HS.  相似文献   
经4年试验示范推广,在冀东加苫加后土墙型冷棚中,摸索出甘蓝尖椒新品种及新栽培模式,即选用新品种甘蓝精选8398,尖椒冀冬35。精选8398在8月下旬至9月上旬播种,定植密度67 500株/hm2;冀冬35在11月下旬播种,单株定植,密度46 500株/hm2。试验表明:甘蓝精选8398平均产量54 225 kg/hm2,收获期集中在元旦、春节,比对照中甘11增产6 525 kg/hm2,增产率达12.03%,产值高29 520元/hm2;尖椒冀冬35平均产量78 430 kg/hm2,4月上旬采收,比对照朝研牛角椒提前25 d左右上市,增产19 530 kg/hm2,增产率达24.90%,产值高41 075元/hm2。该模式平均纯效益161 312元/hm2,比传统栽培模式高78 189元/hm2,在京、津、冀等北方地区有着广泛的推广价值。  相似文献   
为了探索水稻无盘旱育免耕抛秧适宜栽培密度和技术,设计了6种不同抛秧密度的试验。结果表明,性状指标变化情况为:株高、穴穗数、穗长、穗总粒数、穗实粒数随抛秧密度的增加而减少,667m2穗数随抛秧密度的增加而增加,够苗期随密度的增加而提前,其他性状指标变化不大。667m2抛秧14 000、17 000和20 000粒谷秧的处理4、5、6产量较高,分别为760.3 kg/667m2、718.2 kg/667m2和712.8 kg/667m2,与其余3个处理间达显著或极显著水平。无盘旱育免耕抛秧适宜的密度范围为1 4 000~20 000粒谷秧/667m2。  相似文献   
李泽鑫  高爽  王昌昆  刘国华  胡登辉 《土壤》2024,56(3):639-645
星载高光谱仪器的光谱通道以及光谱分辨率和信噪比等核心参数设置直接影响土壤有机碳定量反演精度。本研究开展了卫星载荷光谱分辨率、信噪比、光谱特征波段对不同土壤类型有机碳反演影响的研究,提出了基于大气传输模型、光谱分辨率分析模型、信噪比分析模型、特征波段的提取分析模型以及偏最小二乘回归反演模型的面向不同土壤类型有机碳监测的高光谱卫星“地面–大气–仪器–观测–反演”全链路仿真分析方法,实现了土壤类型、大气效应、仪器特性参数、反演方法的耦合影响分析。结果表明:①3种类型土壤有机碳反演的最佳光谱分辨率均在10~20 nm。②不同土壤类型对观测的信噪比需求不同。对于Phaeozem的有机碳监测,较另外两种土壤有更高的信噪比需求。③在不同特征波段提取分析方法下所需的最佳光谱分辨率和信噪比一致。不同类型土壤光谱数据提取出的特征波段不同,其中反演效果最佳的土壤类型为Chernozem,特征波段数为26个,R2=0.826 5,RMSE=3.438 9 g/kg。④反演模型与仪器特性参数无耦合关系,同一类型土壤不同反演算法的最佳光谱分辨率和信噪比需求一致。⑤Chernozem有机碳最佳反演参数需求为光谱分辨率15 nm,信噪比大于506.66,特征波段提取数为26个;Kastanozem有机碳最佳反演参数需求为光谱分辨率17 nm,信噪比大于331.42,特征波段提取数为22个;Phaeozem有机碳最佳反演参数需求为光谱分辨率15 nm,信噪比大于432.51,特征波段提取数为19个。  相似文献   
为了更好的了解柔鱼和日本爪乌贼个体发育期营养生态位变化,根据2021-2022年“淞航”号渔业资源调查船所采集36尾柔鱼和30尾日本爪乌贼样本,对其眼睛晶体进行了碳氮稳定同位素分析。结果表明:柔鱼个体δ13C、δ15N值变化幅度分别为0.10‰-1.68‰、0.79‰-7.51‰;日本爪乌贼个体δ13C、δ15N值变化幅度分别为0.15‰-1.20‰、0.81‰-7.05‰。柔鱼、日本爪乌贼生态位面积变化范围分别为0.40‰2-5.85‰2、0.27‰2-5.36‰2。GAM模型分析显示:柔鱼眼睛晶体δ13C、δ15N与晶体直径均具有显著的相关性(P<0.01),偏差解释率分别为31.9%和34.3%。日本爪乌贼眼睛晶体δ13C、δ15N与晶体直径均具有显著的相关性(P<0.01),偏差解释率分别为12.9%和19.4%。分析认为,个体营养生态位的变化幅度较大,侧面反映了西北太平洋黑潮-亲潮过渡区同位素基线值变化幅度较大;该海域的柔鱼、日本爪乌贼个体摄食水平存在很大差异;个体发育和基线值是影响组织δ13C、δ15N值的因素。  相似文献   
杨树固沙林密度、配置与林木生长过程的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在科尔沁沙地证明低覆盖度行带式固沙林具有显著的防风效果后,进一步对雨养条件下杨树(赤峰-36号)固沙林的密度、配置及林木生长过程与林龄的动态关系进行研究.结果表明: 1)1~5 a林木的生长基本不受密度的影响,密度大单位面积材积量大;6~11 a是密度对林木生长的显著影响阶段,杨树固沙林的胸径、株高和材积量的增长率随林龄增大而逐年加快;大约在11 a之后趋于稳定;单位活立木蓄积最大(153.39 m3·hm-2)的固沙林密度是825株·hm-2,其他密度按蓄积大小排序依次为540株·hm-2、420株·hm-2和1 215株·hm-2;2)边缘林木的平均胸径和单株材积量分别比林内高20%~70%和90%~260%,且低密度林分的边缘林木的生长优势比高密度林分边缘林木的生长优势更加明显;3)同密度(500株·hm-2)13 a的一行一带式固沙林,其胸径、树高和材积量分别比等株行距的片林高37.4%、17.4%和81%;而10 a的两行一带式的胸径、树高和材积量分别比等株行距的片林高19.8%、16.2%和64.8%,说明行带式配置还具有生物生产力优势.  相似文献   
木材蠕变模拟研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述树种和材性变异、应力水平、温度、含水率等因素对木材蠕变的影响,介绍分析含水率稳定和变化条件下木材蠕变模拟预测等方面的研究进展情况.我国木材蠕变特别是木材的机械吸附蠕变研究尚缺乏系统性,应综合考虑不同的影响因素对木材蠕变进行充分研究,以建立不同条件下木材蠕变预测的模型,为国内木材蠕变研究及木结构建筑的安全和可靠性设计提供基础.  相似文献   
BackgroundProliferative enteritis caused by Lawsonia intracellularis undermines the economic stability of the swine industry worldwide. The development of cost-effective animal models to study the pathophysiology of the disease will help develop strategies to counter this bacterium.ObjectivesThis study focused on establishing a model of gastrointestinal (GI) infection of L. intracellularis in C57BL/6 mice to evaluate the disease progression and lesions of proliferative enteropathy (PE) in murine GI tissue.MethodsWe assessed the murine mucosal and cell-mediated immune responses generated in response to inoculation with L. intracellularis.ResultsThe mice developed characteristic lesions of the disease and shed L. intracellularis in the feces following oral inoculation with 5 × l07 bacteria. An increase in L. intracellularis 16s rRNA and groEL copies in the intestine of infected mice indicated intestinal dissemination of the bacteria. The C57BL/6 mice appeared capable of modulating humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to L. intracellularis infection. Notably, the expression of genes for the vitamin B12 receptor and for secreted and membrane-bound mucins were downregulated in L. intracellularis -infected mice. Furthermore, L. intracellularis colonization of the mouse intestine was confirmed by the immunohistochemistry and western blot analyses.ConclusionsThis is the first study demonstrating the contributions of bacterial chaperonin and host nutrient genes to PE using an immunocompetent mouse model. This mouse infection model may serve as a platform from which to study L. intracellularis infection and develop potential vaccination and therapeutic strategies to treat PE.  相似文献   
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