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Synthetic soil conditioners have been studied by many soil scientists, but their studies were mainly on the formation of the water-stable aggregate of soils. But it may be possible that, if synthetic soil conditioners, the water-soluble polymers, are spread on the plowsole of the leaky paddy field, the leakage of water is prevented by the thin layer of the polymer formed by the swelling with irrigation water.  相似文献   
Different fractions of potassium (K) and the kinetics of K release as influenced by 21 cycles of rice–rice cropping with different rates of fertilizers and manuring were investigated on an Aeric Haplaquept (kaolinitic Inceptisol) soil profile from Bhubaneswar, India. The neutral 1 N ammonium acetate–extractable K in the surface soil layer (0–15 cm) increased from its initial value of 11.2 mg K kg?1 to 14.8, 14.2, and 17.5 mg K kg?1 soil in different treatments. However, the nonexchangeable K content in the surface soil layer dropped considerably to a level of 4.8–20.0 mg K kg?1 soil. Cumulative nonexchangeable K release after 121 h of extraction with 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) was <14 mg K kg?1. The first-order kinetic model best described the nonexchangeable K release. The decrease in pH and increase in iron (Fe) content indicated the possibilities of K supply to plants through the dissolution of soil minerals.  相似文献   
[目的]探究伊毛缟石对蒙脱土和高岭土分散凝聚特性的影响,为水土保持和环境保护工作提供理论依据。[方法]采用浊度法测定黏土的分散性、离子交换法测定黏土电荷特性、电子显微镜观察等实验方法,将蒙脱土和高岭土溶液分别按一定比例混合伊毛缟石溶液,观察伊毛缟石对蒙脱土和高岭土分散凝聚特性的影响。[结果]伊毛缟石和蒙脱土的1∶1混合溶液,在全部pH值范围内保持凝聚;未脱铁处理的高岭土在pH值为5.9以下凝聚,在pH值为6.0以上分散,添加约5%的伊毛缟石使它的分散凝聚特性逆转。[结论]从微观上看,无论在酸性还是碱性条件下,伊毛缟石混合溶液都呈凝聚状态。酸性时,伊毛缟石的可变电荷和结晶性黏土矿物的永久电荷之间的引力形成凝聚;碱性时,伊毛缟石的表面变成中性形成凝聚。  相似文献   
为探究生物炭可溶性组分与土壤矿物的交互作用,进而从矿物角度揭示生物炭在土壤中的稳定机制,以水稻秸秆为生物质原料制备不同炭化温度的生物炭(RS300、RS500和RS700),选用高岭石、蒙脱石和伊利石3种土壤矿物,开展土壤矿物与生物炭可溶性组分的吸附结合实验。结果表明:随生物炭可溶性组分碳浓度的升高,土壤矿物对其吸附量逐渐增加,3种土壤矿物的吸附量顺序总体为蒙脱石>伊利石>高岭石,这与土壤矿物的自身结构直接相关。高岭石、蒙脱石对生物炭可溶性组分的结合机制以范德华力为主,其贡献比例分别为3.4%~87.0%和32.0%~82.0%;而伊利石与RS300可溶性组分的吸附结合作用以Ca2+架桥为主(贡献比例为60.4%~70.6%),与RS500和RS700可溶性组分的结合以范德华力为主(贡献比例分别为18.7%~65.0%和53.0%~67.6%)。经综合对比分析,RS500通过与蒙脱石的交互结合,最大程度上抑制了可溶性组分的溶解,有利于更好地发挥生物炭的固碳减排优势。  相似文献   
低分子量有机酸对高岭石中铝释放的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
徐仁扣  季国亮  蒋新 《土壤学报》2002,39(3):334-340
选择了几种土壤中可能存在的低分子量脂肪羧酸 ,研究了它们对高岭石中铝释放的影响。结果表明 ,有机酸可以通过络合作用促进高岭石中铝的释放。几种有机酸对体系中可溶性铝影响的大小顺序为 :草酸 >柠檬酸 >丙二酸 >苹果酸 >乳酸。草酸、柠檬酸和乳酸对可溶性铝释放的促进作用随体系pH的升高而减小 ,其中草酸体系中可溶性铝随pH的变化幅度最大。在苹果酸体系中 ,可溶性铝随pH的升高而稍有增加。体系中的可溶性铝随有机酸浓度的增加而增加 ,而交换性铝随柠檬酸浓度的增加而减少 ,先随苹果酸浓度增加而增加 ,然后又逐渐减少。与对照相比 ,柠檬酸和草酸使交换性铝的量减小 ,苹果酸和乳酸在低pH下使交换性铝明显增加 ,而苹果酸在较高pH下使交换性铝减少。有机酸影响释放出的铝在固液相间的分配比 ,苹果酸在低pH下使体系中释放出的大部分铝以交换性形态存在 ,而在较高pH下 ,大部分铝以可溶形态存在。在草酸体系中 ,释放出铝的大部分都以可溶形态存在。不同有机酸的不同表现与体系中铝的溶解平衡、铝的吸附 -解吸平衡、有机酸的吸附 -解吸平衡、有机酸的离解平衡和铝与有机酸的络合 -离解平衡有关。  相似文献   
咪鲜胺在4种粘土矿物上的吸附行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确咪鲜胺在蒙脱石、高岭石、凹凸棒石和海泡石4种粘土矿物上的吸附行为及作用机理,采用批量平衡实验法,利用HPLC和FT-IR进行了测定和分析。结果表明,4种粘土矿物对咪鲜胺的吸附12 h内均可达平衡,Elovich方程为最佳模型(R20.88,P0.05,n=9);Langmuir方程适合描述咪鲜胺在蒙脱石、高岭石和海泡石表面的等温吸附(R20.93,P0.05,n=6),其最大吸附量分别为1.401、1.240和3.800 mg·g-1,而Freundlich方程适合描述其在凹凸棒石上的等温吸附;在实验p H范围内,随体系初始p H值升高,咪鲜胺的吸附量逐渐减少;咪鲜胺分子与4种粘土矿物之间的作用力主要有氢键和电荷转移等。粘土矿物的结构与实验p H值对咪鲜胺的吸附影响较大,其在粘土矿物上的吸附作用力也因矿物不同而有所差异。  相似文献   
从物质的磁性看高岭土与针铁矿的胶结本质   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对针铁矿,高岭土及其胶结样,混合样撅经率的测定和相应计算,发现胶结样中Fe^3+的末配对电子数较无胶结作用的Fe^3+的为大,为此认为其胶结本质就是生成了氢键。  相似文献   
黑土轻组分C与团聚体水稳性的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SHI Yi  CHEN Xin  SHEN Shan-Min 《土壤圈》2007,17(1):97-100
To evaluate the role of kaolinite and variable charge soils on the hydrolytic reaction of Al, the hydrolysis of Al ions in suspensions of a kaolinite and an Oxisol influenced by organic anions was investigated using changes of pH, Al adsorption, and desorption of pre-adsorbed Al. Kaolinite and the Oxisol promoted the hydrolytic reaction of Al above a certain initial Al concentration (0.1 mmol L^-1 for kaolinite and 0.3 mmol L^-1 for the Oxisol). The Al hydrolysis accelerated by kaolinite and the Oxisol increased with an increase in initial concentration of Al and was observed in the range of pH from 3.7 to 4.7 for kaolinite and 3.9 to 4.9 for the Oxisol. The acceleration of Al hydrolysis also increased with the increase of solution pH, reached a maximum value at pH 4.5, and then decreased sharply. Al hydrolysis was promoted mainly through selective adsorption for hydroxy-Al. Soil free iron oxides compensated a portion of the soil negative charge or masked some soil surface negative sites leading to a decrease in Al adsorption, which retarded acceleration to some extent. For the Oxisol organic anions increased the proportion of adsorbed Al^3+ in total adsorbed Al with the increase in soil negative surface charge and eliminated or reduced the acceleration of Al hydrolysis. Different organic anions inhibited the hydrolysis of Al in the order: citrate 〉 oxalate 〉 acetate (under initial pH of 4.5). The formation of Al-organic complexes in solution also inhibited the hydrolysis of Al.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the efficiency of a kaolinite clayey soil to mitigate water repellency of a sandy soil with olive trees. The treatment was applied to the soil zone below the tree canopy, which displayed the highest degree of water repellency [average water drop penetration time (WDPT) value = 820 s]. Both dry (incorporated onto the top soil) and wet clay applications (after dispersion in irrigation water) were examined in a replicated experiment, with control trees being used for comparison. The application rate of the clayey soil was maintained in both cases (wet and dry mode) equal to 1 kg m−2, while the effect of subsequent wetting and drying cycles on the treatment performance was evaluated. The results of the study verify that clay application was effective to mitigate soil water repellency. Dry supplementation displayed low efficiency (26% reduction of the air‐dry WDPT compared with the control soil) within the first week of application. The efficiency of the dry‐clay treatment increased to 76% after applying three subsequent wetting and drying cycles. In comparison with the dry mode, the wet clay was efficient immediately after application (74% reduction of the WDPT), indicating that the limiting step in the overall process was clay dispersion. Based on the findings of this study, it was proposed that wet clay application is of interest for controlling soil water repellency in agricultural land. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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