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ABSTRACT:   The feeding habits of albacore Thunnus alalunga (fork length: 48.9–76.2 cm, n  = 132) were examined from late spring to early autumn in relation to its northward migration in the transition region between the subtropical and subarctic fronts in the central North Pacific. Samples were collected at night using surface gill nets or during daytime pole-and-line surveys in 2001 and 2002. During May and June, albacore fed mainly on Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus , which accounted for 27.2%, 67.0%, and 45.5% of the total stomach contents by number ( Cn ), wet weight ( WW ), and frequency of occurrence ( F ), respectively, and secondarily on the subarctic gonatid squid Gonatopsis borealis ( Cn , 15.8%; WW , 10.8%; F , 28.8%). From July to September, albacore continued to depend on Japanese anchovy ( Cn , 48.2–52.8%; WW , 79.9–95.2%; F , 27.8–85.4%). These results corresponded well with the remarkable rebound of the Japanese anchovy stock since the 1990s. Gonatopsis borealis , the main squid prey from May to June, almost disappeared from the stomachs of albacore from July to September, probably due to the northward migration of this squid to subarctic waters in summer. The feeding impact of albacore on the Japanese anchovy stock in the transition region was conservatively estimated to be from 1400 to 2100 tons per day from late spring to early autumn.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Gnomefish Scombrops boops and Scombrops gilberti are commercially important fishes in Japan, but these species are often confused in the markets because of their morphological similarity. To identify these two species, we performed nucleotide sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis on 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene and the control region in mitochondrial DNA. Five and 12 nucleotide substitutions were observed between species in the 777-bp 16S rRNA gene and 471-bp control region, respectively. Diagnostic restriction sites for discriminating between S. boops and S. gilberti were found in the 16S rRNA gene, but not in the control region. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–RFLP analysis using two enzymes, Eco NI and Mva I, clearly discriminated between S. boops and S. gilberti identified by meristic characters. The PCR–RFLP analysis identified most of the 168 Scombrops young caught in the coastal waters of the Izu and Miura peninsulas as S. boops , suggesting that S. gilberti juveniles are rare in this area.  相似文献   
采用PCR产物直接测序法测定了2尾来自中国南海的日本竹煲鱼(Trachurus japonicus)线粒体DNA控制区基因全序列,并结合从GenBank中下载的8种竹笑鱼属相应序列,对竹煲鱼属控制区序列进行了结构分析,识别出终止序列区、中央区和保守序列区3个区域,并找到了2个与DNA复制终止相关的序列TAS和中央保守区的保守序列CSB—F、CSB—E和CSB—D,以及保守序列区的保守序列CSBl、CSB2和CSB3。以鳜(Sinipercachuatsi)作为外群,使用邻接法和最大简约法构建了9种竹荚鱼属的系统发育树。竹笑鱼属鱼类为单系类群,蓝竹煲鱼(rpicturatus)、智利竹笑鱼(zmurphyi)、太平洋竹笑鱼(zsymmetricus)、南非竹荚鱼(rcapensis)和竹荚鱼(rtrachurus)构成一支,地中海竹笑鱼(zmediterraneus)、青背竹笑鱼(zdeclivis)、日本竹荚鱼(rjaponicus)和新西兰竹荚鱼(rnovaezelandiae)为另一支;日本竹笑鱼未单独成一支,而是聚人青背竹笑鱼和新西兰竹笑鱼之间,初步猜测日本竹笑鱼和新西兰竹荚鱼为同种异名。  相似文献   
鲁北是国内蔬菜生产和批发的重要集散地,随着人们对蔬菜品种和质量要求的提高,无公害蔬菜生产、农产品质量安全检测成为当地政府和农技推广部门的主要任务之一,现阐述当前蔬菜生产中存在的问题及面临的任务,并提出了相应的对策措施和建议。  相似文献   
寒地梨种质资源表型多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对寒地梨种质资源表型性状的Simpson和Shannon多样性指数、标准差、变异系数和聚类分析等研究表明幼叶颜色、叶面状态、果实形状、抗寒性、抗梨黑星病、单果质量、可溶性固形物等性状多样性指数较高,变异度大,可为梨育种提供良好变异的群体;尤其是保存了多份极抗寒资源,抗寒性中等资源较少,无抗寒性弱和极弱的资源;果实形状多样性较高,而且性状间分布也较为均匀,可溶性固形物变异系数较大;大果型、抗梨黑星病类型资源分布较少,尚需收集、增加果个大、高抗病资源。  相似文献   
山葡萄‘双红’、‘双优’在戈壁滩上栽培的表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道我国西部栽培的‘双红’和‘双优’两个山葡萄品种不埋土能正常越冬,调查、测定和分析这两个山葡萄品种在冬季寒冷、冬春又极干旱的西部戈壁滩上栽培的生产表现。两个山葡萄品种根系耐低温能力比欧亚种酿酒葡萄品种强,枝条保水能力更强,因此,在干旱荒漠的戈壁石砾地上不埋土能安全越冬和抗御春日多风和干旱。一年生枝条长势好,花芽能正常形成,但在开花季节花序干枯和脱落现象严重。‘双红’、‘双优’山葡萄表现生产性能差、果穗少、果穗小、穗重轻、果粒小,故产量低,仅为原产地的1/3,但其品质好,可溶性固形物高出3.9~4.6个百分点。为使‘双红’、‘双优’在河西戈壁滩上栽培,既不埋土又有较高的产量,提出一些解决措施。  相似文献   
【Objective】Our goal is to develop disaster-reducing, production-preserving and chemical-controlling cultivation techniques to effectively resist cold damage at the booting stage of japonica rice in cold region.【Method】The split plot design and the central combination test design were used to screen out the optimal application concentrations of CaCl2, glutamic acid(Glu), and γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA) through the membership function values of yield-related indicators under cold-water stress at booting stage.【Result】1) Under cold water stress at the booting stage, the optimal concentrations of exogenous CaCl2, Glu and GABA (CGG) were 1.87 mmol/L, 2.76 mg/L, 4.40 mmol/L, respectively and the average membership function value is the largest (0.932). 2) Compared with normal irrigation, the nitrogen photosynthetic efficiency of cold-region japonica rice decreased under cold stress at the booting stage. Compared with cold water stress at the booting stage, CGG application at the optimal concentration significantly increased the leaf area index (5.37%) and nitrogen photosynthetic efficiency (4.53%) of Dongnong 428 at the full heading stage; significantly increased leaf biomass per leaf area (2.56%) and leaf area index (3.39%) of Songjing 10 at the full heading stage. 3) Compared with cold water stress at the booting stage, the application of the optimal concentration of CGG increased the dry matter accumulation from heading stage to maturity in the cold-region japonica rice, but it was still lower than that of the normal irrigation, and there were differences between varieties and treatments. 4) Compared with cold water stress at booting stage, the yield and yield components of cold-region japonica rice increased with the application of the optimal concentration CGG, and the impact on cold-sensitive varieties was more significant. 5) Compared with the cold water stress at the booting stage, the average increase in temperature production efficiency of Dongnong 428 and Songjing 10 was 5.55% and 23.72% under the optimal concentrations of CGG, respectively. The contribution rate of exogenous CGG to the gap of temperature production efficiency is 8.99%.【Conclusion】The application of the optimal concentration of CGG under cold water stress at the booting stage promoted leaf growth of cold-region japonica rice at the full heading stage and increased the population nitrogen photosynthetic efficiency, which was beneficial to dry matter accumulation and yield formation after heading stage, thereby reducing the loss of cold-region japonica rice under cold water stress at booting stage and improving the temperature production efficiency of cold-region japonica rice.  相似文献   
为筛选耐盐性优良的小麦资源,在0、0.3%和0.5%NaCl处理下,对黄淮麦区的132个小麦品种的8个数量性状进行了遗传多样性、相关性、主成分分析和耐盐性评价。结果表明,供试材料具有丰富的遗传多样性,且随盐浓度的升高,被测指标的变异系数和遗传多样性指数逐渐增大,其中单株成穗数、穗下茎节长和单株产量的变异系数均大于10%;除株高外,其他性状的遗传多样性指数均大于2。相关分析表明,在高盐(0.5%NaCl)胁迫下,株高与单株产量极显著正相关,而在低盐(0.3%NaCl)胁迫下则相关不显著;在低盐胁迫下,千粒重与单株产量极显著正相关,而在高盐胁迫下相关性不显著。主成分分析表明,在低盐、高盐胁迫下,前4个主成分累计贡献率达到82.677%、88.897%。以综合耐盐指数为依据,发现河北省的衡4399、石麦15,山东省的青麦6号、青丰1号、青农2号和烟农5286,河南省的洛旱6号、郑麦366、周麦22号、周麦23号和周麦28号共11个品种在两种盐分条件下均表现为耐盐性强。结合田间群体表现和产量,认为周麦22号、洛旱6号、郑366、青农2号、烟5286和衡4399为高产耐盐小麦种质资源,可在耐盐育种工作中加以利用。  相似文献   
以阿克苏地区的经济发展与建设用地集约利用的两个子系统为研究对象,基于二者与社会协同理论,同时运用熵值法、统计分析、系统评价和耦合模型等方法对其进行研究。建立阿克苏地区经济发展与建设用地耦合模型,然后对耦合关系进行探讨,揭示经济发展与建设用地集约利用的关系。研究结果表明,阿克苏地区经济发展和建设用地集约利用水平都较低;经济发展—建设用地集约利用系统中两子系统在反正切函数模型中的协调性越来越差;两子系统在经济和建设用地集约利用水平较低时高度耦合,阿克苏地区的经济水平较建设用地集约利用水平快速发展,建设用地集约水平急需改善。  相似文献   
张群  梁锐  刘加平 《西北林学院学报》2011,26(1):195-198,204
西北地域环境制约了当地的生产与生活,开发生态设计策略,对于该地区的可持续发展有重要意义。通过发现该地区特有的民居景观环境设计约束条件,提出因地制宜利用自然能源、气候缓冲空间、自然植被的生态设计策略,并在银川市碱富桥住区工程实例中对此进行了探索。以期通过理论分析结合工程实例,探索一条有地域特色的景观环境设计道路,对气候环境恶劣地区的人居环境建设起到示范作用。  相似文献   
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