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Long MA 《干旱区科学》2019,11(2):192-207
An abrupt temperature change and a warming hiatus have strongly influenced the global climate.This study focused on these changes in Inner Mongolia, China. This study used the central clustering method, Mann-Kendall mutation test and other methods to explore the abrupt temperature change and warming hiatus in three different temperature zones of the study region based on average annual data series.Among the temperature metrics investigated, average minimum temperature(Tnav) shifted the earliest,followed by average temperature(Tnv) and average maximum temperature(Txav). The latest change was observed in summer(1990 s), whereas the earliest was observed in winter(1970 s). Before and after the abrupt temperature change, Tnav fluctuated considerably, whereas there was only a slight change in Txav.Before and after the abrupt temperature change, the winter temperature changed more dramatically than the summer temperature. Before the abrupt temperature change, Tnav in the central region(0.322°C/10 a)and west region(0.48°C/10 a) contributed the most to the increasing temperatures. After the abrupt temperature change, Tnav in winter in the central region(0.519°C/10 a) and in autumn in the west region(0.729°C/10 a) contributed the most to the temperature increases. Overall, in the years in which temperature shifts occurred early, a warming hiatus also appeared early. The three temperature metrics in spring(1991)in the east region were the first to exhibit a warming hiatus. In the east region, Txav displayed the lowest rate of increase(0.412°C/a) in the period after the abrupt temperature change and before the warming hiatus,and the highest rate of increase after the warming hiatus.  相似文献   
The increasing shortage in water resources is a key factor affecting sustainable socio-economic development in the arid region of Northwest China(ARNC). Water shortages also affect the stability of the region's oasis ecosystem. This paper summarizes the hydrological processes and water cycle of inland river basins in the ARNC, focusing on the following aspects: the spatial-temporal features of water resources(including air water vapor resources, runoff, and glacial meltwater) and their driving forces; the characteristics of streamflow composition in the inland river basins; the characteristics and main controlling factors of baseflow in the inland rivers; and anticipated future changes in hydrological processes and water resources. The results indicate that:(1) although the runoff in most inland rivers in the ARNC showed a significant increasing trend, both the glaciated area and glacial ice reserves have been reduced in the mountains;(2) snow melt and glacier melt are extremely important hydrological processes in the ARNC, especially in the Kunlun and Tianshan mountains;(3) baseflow in the inland rivers of the ARNC is the result of climate change and human activities, with the main driving factors being the reduction in forest area and the over-exploitation and utilization of groundwater in the river basins; and(4) the contradictions among water resources, ecology and economy will further increase in the future. The findings of this study might also help strengthen the ecological, economic and social sustainable development in the study region.  相似文献   
为明确主要气象因子对黑龙江省水稻主产区水稻鞘腐病发生的影响,从2007年开始连续10年进行定点调查,收集水稻鞘腐病发生时期的气象因子及病情指数,采用通径分析及逐步回归的方法,对影响水稻鞘腐病病情指数的气象因子进行了研究。结果表明,8月份的平均温度是对水稻鞘腐病影响最大的气象因子,其次为8月份的平均降雨量和9月份的平均日照时数。试验结果为适期施药防治水稻鞘腐病奠定了基础。  相似文献   
为明确杂交中籼水稻在江淮地区种植的适宜播期,提高稻米品质,选用3个杂交中籼水稻品种(系)分5个播期,利用AMMI模型对其营养食味品质性状(糊化温度、胶稠度、直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量)进行了稳定性和适应性分析。结果表明,糊化温度、胶稠度、直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量4项指标在基因型间、播期间及基因型×播期互作间的方差均达到极显著水平,这4项指标的交互效应主成分值(IPCA)差异也达到显著水平;穗期(抽穗至成熟期)平均气温较高、累计日照时数长、气温日较差大,有利于杂交中籼水稻品质的提高;3个参试品种(系)营养食味品质稳定性表现为新两优6号两优1128丰两优4号,5个播期对杂交中籼水稻品质影响表现为4月20日5月10日5月20日4月30日5月30日。  相似文献   
针对安徽沿淮地区气候特点,通过试验筛选出适宜沿淮地区旱种旱管栽培,丰产性和稳产性较好的旱稻品种5个,节水耐旱型水稻品种7个;明确了沿淮地区以旱优73为代表的杂交旱稻的丰产节水栽培技术:播种期6月5-12日,播种量2.0 kg/667 m~2左右,氮肥用量10~14 kg/667 m~2;在施肥过程中适当降低基蘖肥用量、增施穗粒肥,基、蘖、穗肥比例以4∶4∶2较好。  相似文献   
基于衢州地区5个气象站1973—2013年逐月气象要素,采用线性趋势倾向估计、相关分析、Mann-Kendall非参数检验、多元回归分析等方法,分析了蒸发量的变化特征及影响因素。结果表明:衢州地区中东部年及四季蒸发量呈显著上升趋势,特别是近10年蒸发增多趋势明显,西部年及夏、冬季蒸发量呈显著下降趋势,年蒸发下降速率小于中东部上升速率。衢州地区夏季蒸发最大,冬季最小,蒸发量月际变化呈单峰型,最大月为7月,衢州地区中东部年及四季蒸发量均发生突变,而西部只在年、春、夏、冬季发生突变。年蒸发量与相对湿度、水汽压、降水量呈负相关,与平均最高气温、温度日较差呈正相关。相对湿度、水汽压减少,气温上升,温度日较差增大是衢州地区中东部蒸发量上升的主要因素。  相似文献   
Soil erosion is one of the main environmental problems in the Mediterranean area. This problem is becoming even more important especially in Italy, in the Apennines, where severe erosive processes occur due to the action of concentrated running water. The erodibility (K-Factor) of a soil, estimated using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), is a measure of its susceptibility to erosion and depends on several soil properties such as organic matter, texture and permeability and structure.To assess the spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in hilly agricultural areas and to investigate the relationships between soil features and landscape morphodynamics, a detailed study in Molise region (southern Italy), in a small drainange basin located along its hilly Adriatic flank, was carried out. In this catchment, 63 topsoil samples (A horizons) were collected and 10 soil profiles, forming a catena crossing 3 land units, were sampled. The calculated K-Factors ranges between 0.012 and 0.048 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1 indicating a complex spatial distribution, due to the several local pedological and geomorphological factors affecting soil erodibility. The results give clear evidence about the relationships among soil characteristics, soil erodibility and landscape morpho-dynamics (land units).Comparing the soil loss rates estimated for the study area with those reported in literature, a good correspondence can be observed only for the more stable land unit, not characterized by intense erosive processes. The proposed methodology is suitable to highlight areas characterized by similar morphodynamics features, and comparable soil erodibility, for a more effective spatialization of K factor.  相似文献   
Watershed development programmes carried out in different agroclimatic conditions in India resulted in beneficial impact in terms of productivity enhancement and natural resources conservation, but less attention paid to institutional and participatory aspects. This paper explored the performance of various institutions regarding execution of watershed development programmes in semi-arid region of India. Recorded observations from documents maintained at watershed level and information collected through primary survey as well as focus group discussion with different types of stakeholders were used for analysis. The results indicated lacunae in participatory aspects during programme implementation process like monitoring activities, management of common property resources and equity. Gap in linkages and differential level of performance of various watershed level functionaries indicates the necessity for corrections in the structures and linkages pattern for sustainability of the infrastructure and institutions. The study also showed unequal priorities by the implementing agencies towards institutions, land and water resources development, production enhancement activities and fodder resources development as well as rationalities of technical, economic, financial, political and social aspects among the watersheds.  相似文献   
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