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We studied salmon feeding selectivity and diel feeding chronology in the Columbia River plume. Juvenile chinook and coho salmon were caught by trawling at 2–3 h intervals throughout a diel period on three consecutive days (21–23 June 2000) at stations located 14.8 and 37 km offshore from the mouth of the Columbia River. A total of 170 chinook salmon were caught at the inshore and 79 chinook and 98 coho salmon were caught at the offshore station. After each trawl, potential prey were sampled at different depths with 2–3 different types of nets (1‐m diameter ring net, bongo net, neuston net). Despite the variability in zooplankton abundance, feeding selectivity was surprisingly constant. Both salmon species fed selectively on larger and pigmented prey such as hyperiid amphipods, larval and juvenile fish, various crab megalopae, and euphausiids. Hyperiid amphipods were abundant in the salmon diets and we hypothesize that aggregations of gelatinous zooplankton may facilitate the capture of commensal hyperiid amphipods. Small copepods and calyptopis and furcilia stages of euphausiids dominated the prey field by numbers, but were virtually absent from salmon diet. Juvenile chinook salmon, with increasing body size, consumed a larger proportion of fish. Stomach fullness peaked during morning hours and reached a minimum at night, suggesting a predominantly diurnal feeding pattern. In general, both chinook and coho salmon appear to be selective, diurnal predators, preying mostly on large and heavily pigmented prey items, in a manner consistent with visually oriented, size‐selective predation.  相似文献   
近年来,浙江省海水养殖业迅速增长,2003年、2004年海水养殖产量分别比上一年增加7.9%和1.2%,产量分别为9.184×106t和9.294×106t。但是在养殖规模不断扩大,养殖产量不断增加的同时,养殖生物死亡事故也不断发生,根据《中国渔业生态环境状况公报(2004年),》2004年浙江省发生海水  相似文献   
建设完善的生态体系和发达的产业体系是林业工作的两大目标。长期以来,尤其在短缺经济条件下,搞林业确有单纯追求直接经济效益的倾向,而对于林业(森林)的生态效益(间接效益)则往往有所忽视;当林业的生态作用被强化时,又出现了另一种苗头,以所谓"森林是陆地生态的主体"和"林业是生态建设的主体",将林业列为社会公益性为主的产业,强调国家投资、社会供养,对林业自身如何发展经济则有所忽视。之所以产生这样两种倾向就在于对林业认识的片面性和表面性。  相似文献   
作为世界唯一自然脱涩的甜柿品种"罗田甜柿"在湖北省罗田县已有千余年的栽培历史,目前已发展到0.24万hm2,年产甜柿鲜果0.6万t,鲜果收入可达1.44亿元。柿饼、柿花、柿叶茶和柿单宁等加工产品也相继得到开发。但由于长期以来甜柿种植管理粗放、深加工不够,产业链难延伸,制约了甜柿产业的发展。要使罗田县甜柿产业健康有序的发展,必须做好科学的规划,强化示范引领,突破加工开发、拓宽销售市场,充分挖掘罗田甜柿潜在效益。  相似文献   

Loss of soil‐water saturation may impair growth of rainfed lowland rice by restricting nutrient uptake, including the uptake of added phosphorus (P). For acidic soils, reappearance of soluble aluminum (Al) following loss of soil‐water saturation may also restrict P uptake. The aim of this study was to determine whether liming, flooding, and P additions could ameliorate the effects of loss of soil‐water saturation on P uptake and growth of rice. In the first pot experiment, two acid lowland soils from Cambodia [Kandic Plinthaqult (black clay soil) and Plinthustalf (sandy soil)] were treated with P (45 mg P kg?1 soil) either before or after flooding for 4 weeks to investigate the effect of flooding on effectiveness of P fertilizer for rice growth. After 4 weeks, soils were air dried and crushed and then wet to field capacity and upland rice was grown in them for an additional 6 weeks. Addition of P fertilizer before rather than after flooding depressed the growth of the subsequently planted upland rice. During flooding, there was an increase in both acetate‐extractable Fe and the phosphate sorption capacity of soils, and a close relationship between them (r2=0.96–0.98). When P was added before flooding, Olsen and Bray 1‐extractable P, shoot dry matter, and shoot P concentrations were depressed, indicating that flooding decreased availability of fertilizer P. A second pot experiment was conducted with three levels of lime as CaCO3 [to establish pH (CaCl2) in the oxidized soils at 4, 5, and 6] and four levels of P (0, 13, 26, and 52 mg P kg?1 soil) added to the same two acid lowland rice soils under flooded and nonflooded conditions. Under continuously flooded conditions, pH increased to over 5.6 regardless of lime treatment, and there was no response of rice dry matter to liming after 6 weeks' growth, but the addition of P increased rice dry matter substantially in both soils. In nonflooded soils, when P was not applied, shoot dry matter was depressed by up to one‐half of that in plants grown under continuously flooded conditions. Under the nonflooded conditions, rice dry matter and leaf P increased with the addition of P, but less so than in flooded soils. Leaf P concentrations and shoot dry matter responded strongly to the addition of lime. The increase in shoot dry matter of rice with lime and P application in nonflooded soil was associated with a significant decline in soluble Al in the soil and an increase in plant P uptake. The current experiments show that the loss of soil‐water saturation may be associated with the inhibition of P absorption by excess soluble Al. By contrast, flooding decreased exchangeable Al to levels below the threshold for toxicity in rice. In addition, the decreased P availability with loss of soil‐water saturation may have been associated with a greater phosphate sorption capacity of the soils during flooding and after reoxidation due to occlusion of P within ferric oxyhydroxides formed.  相似文献   
松材线虫危害后马尾松林土壤氮素的矿化特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择合肥大蜀山森林公园受松材线虫危害程度不同的马尾松林为研究对象,采用室内模拟试验对林氮素的转化性质,增加了土壤氮素淋失的危险性。地土壤氮素矿化特征进行了研究。结果表明:不同林分土壤氮素转化速率差异显著(P<0.05),受损严重的林分氮素矿化速率显著高于轻度受损林分,特别是硝化速率更为显著(P<0.01)。松材线虫病危害改变了马尾松林土壤  相似文献   
以磷效率不同的5个大豆基因型为材料,通过水培试验研究磷、硼不同处理对大豆不同生育期植株生长和磷、硼吸收的影响及基因型差异.结果表明:磷、硼不同处理显著影响大豆生长,并且磷、硼对大豆生长的影响具有显著的交互作用.其中,磷有效性是影响大豆生长和硼吸收的重要因素.在相同硼水平下,增加磷有效性能显著提高各大豆基因型植株干质量、籽粒产量和单株磷硼积累量;在适量磷水平下,增加硼水平,能显著促进磷高效大豆基因型的生长和植株体内磷、硼的累积,但对磷低效品种则无显著影响.磷、硼对大豆生长的影响及其交互作用在成熟期表现更为明显,改善硼供应有利于提高磷高效大豆基因型的产量.  相似文献   
回顾了我国农业发展研究现状,运用投入产出法分析了1992年以来我国农业的发展变化。结果表明:农业对生产性服务业的中间需求趋于下降,非农产业对生产性服务业的中间需求有上升趋势;农业增产增效总体效果不容乐观,劳动密集型特征并没有改观,国家在税收上对农业支持力度加大,对农业发展产业积极影响;农业对流通环节中间需求下降明显,但比重依然较高;高级生产性服务业在农业发展中作用显著,金融业对农业投入受政策影响明显;农业对肥料及农药制造业的中间需求比重占制造业整体比重增加十分显著,农产品深加工程度显著加强。  相似文献   
针对以甜高粱为原料生产生物燃料中存在的原料不足、产品成本高等问题,根据近10年甜高粱育种与栽培研究成果以及与企业的合作经验,对影响上述问题的主要因素如品种、种植区域、技术、政策等进行分析。结果表明:甜高粱虽有较好的品种,但不能满足所有地区以甜高粱秆为原料生产燃料产业持续发展的需要,这是造成原料基地不足的首要原因。我国的边际土地面积巨大、类型众多,不都完全适合种植甜高粱来生产燃料乙醇,选择种植区域不当是甜高粱种植不足的第2个原因。在甜高粱高产种植、加工技术方面,重视了高产栽培、发酵技术等核心技术的研究,忽略了配套技术研究,这是造成生产成本高的主要原因。国家虽然制定了相关产业政策,但不足以引导生物质能产业健康持续发展。在今后发展以甜高粱为原料生产生物燃料过程中,首先需注意甜高粱品种的多元化,要特别注意选育早熟、高产、高含糖量品种、杂交种;其次根据区域气候特点,选择适宜地区不仅适合种植甜高粱,更要适合甜高粱的储藏和加工;同时研究甜高粱机械化收储运、甜高粱秆连续发酵、糟渣利用等配套技术研究,构建完整的产业链;制定中小规模生物质能产业持续发展的政策法规和生物能源研发的国家持续投入机制,保障生物质能产业稳步发展。  相似文献   
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