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The present study was conducted on the Van Gujjar tribe inhabiting a sub-Himalayan tract in the North Western Himalayas of Uttarakhand State,India.The Van Gujjars have been practicing transmigration over hundreds of years.They migrate each year with their households and livestock between summer and winter pastures.A few years ago with the announcement of the establishment of the Rajaji National Park,the tribe has been forced out of the forest area and rehabilitated outside the park,which has affected their lifestyle.The newly established rehabilitation colony in the Gandikhata area of Haridwar District of Uttarakhand State was taken as a case study.The aims of the present study were to understand and evaluate the socio-economic status of the Van Gujjars in their newly established rehabilitation colony,the utilization pattern of forest resources by the tribe and their relative preference for selective trees for various uses.A total of 176 households were interviewed (giving equal weight to all economic classes and family every size) by using pre-structured questionnaires.The education level was very low (12.9%) and the average income per household was recorded as Rs.36000 (approximately $ 803) per year.The major source of income was dairy production (80.6%) followed by labor employment (13.9%),NTFPs (4.2%) and agricultural production (1.4%).More than 90% of fuel wood and fodder is extracted from the forest.The average fuel wood and fodder consumptions per household per day were recorded as 25.86 and 21.58 kg,respectively.A total of 35 species of cultivated plants and 89 species of wild plants were found to be utilized as food sources.Selectively 25 wild tree species are well known as being used by the Van Gujjars as fodder,fuel wood,agricultural implements,household articles,dye,medicine,fiber and other products.According to their utility value,the most preferred and useful tree species is Ougeinia oojeinensis,followed by Terminalia alata,Bombax ceiba,Shorea robusta and Dalbergia sissoo.  相似文献   
农村信息化是否对农户收入存在影响,此话题的论证尚停留在宏观理论层面,少有数据论证。根据2009年甘肃省民勤县调研数据,通过spss17.0软件运用相关因子分析法,实证分析了农村信息化对农户收入存在重要影响关系。并对农村信息化与农户收入关系做了更进一步的讨论。  相似文献   
“三农”问题的核心是农民问题。现阶段农民问题的关键是增加农民收入。农民收入问题将不仅直接关系到我国扩大内需、国内市场开拓以及工业化、城市化进程,还将直接关系到农村社会经济的持续、快速、健康、协调发展。要解决农民收入增长问题,就需要弄清农业收入增长的机制问题。本文对此进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
基于休耕轮作的人与自然和谐的农村生态环境的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前农村化肥、农药的过量使用造成日益严重的水源污染,以及土壤贫瘠化、物种单一化倾向,借鉴国外先进的农耕方式,提出了一种解决办法------休耕轮作,从粮食安全问题、农民收入、改善土壤、物种保护等几方面论述了采用该方法的必要性、可行性。  相似文献   
为农地承包权的顺利退出提供参考,对苏州市和宿迁市7个村庄391家农户的调查数据,采用二元logistic回归模型分析农户资源禀赋、收入结构和就业特征对农地承包权退出意愿的影响。结果表明:1)资源禀赋方面,承包地面积、承包地块数、实际经营面积、宅基地面积以及是否发生过土地流转对承包权退出意愿影响不显著,而拥有城镇住房的家庭退出意愿更强烈。2)就业特征方面,农民外出务工时间越长、上班地点离农村越远、从事的职业与农业相关性越弱,则农户退出土地承包权的意愿越强烈,同时接受过非农技巧培训的农户更愿意退出土地承包权。3)收入结构方面,工资性收入所占比重越高则农户退出承包权的意愿越强,而家庭经营性收入占比较高的家庭越不愿退出承包地。  相似文献   
近30年来中国农村居民食物消费的生态足迹分析#br#   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 【目的】食物消费占用了包括耕地在内的各种农用地资源,本文从包括耕地在内的全部农用地资源角度,动态分析农村居民食物消费,以便更全面合理地评估食物消费结构变化对农用地资源需求的影响。【方法】首次对中国主要食物消费项目的用地类型和折算因子进行探讨,运用改进因子的生态足迹模型对中国近30年来农村居民食物消费的生态压力进行了宏观估算和动态分析。【结果】中国农村居民食物消费结构变化对各类用地的总体占用从1980年的1.465标准亩增加到2006年的1.782标准亩,2000年后农村居民食物消费结构变化使直接耕地资源占用显著下降。中国农村居民食物消费支出和食物足迹近30年来保持强相关性,人均肉类水产足迹的支出弹性为0.43。【结论】近30年来中国农村居民食物消费的总生态压力非稳定性增加,主要是食物消费模式的变化(耗粮型动物产品和水产消费增加)导致的农用地资源压力。通过固定单产和可变单产的人均食物足迹差异分析表明,中国耕地生产力的提高大大缓解了中国农村居民在食物消费结构升级过程中的资源压力。  相似文献   
以腾冲、罗平和景谷3县集体林权制度改革为例,从省和县尺度上对林改所产生的森林资源增长、林业经济增长、农户收入增长、林业劳动力吸收与转移、林区农村林业矛盾化解等方面的积极绩效进行评价,认为集体林权制度改革初步实现了资源增长、农民增收、生态良好和林区和谐的目标.并提出了后续改革的方向和目标.  相似文献   
不同栽培方式对大豆产量及构成因子的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高大豆产量,试验设置2种配套栽培模式处理,研究45cm窄行密植栽培模式和65cm垄作栽培模式对大豆产量及其构成因子的影响,并对经济效益进行分析。结果表明:垄作栽培下,黑河36的株荚数、株粒数、荚粒数均高于窄行密植栽培模式下的合农60。合农60窄行密植栽培模式产量为3 615kg·hm-2,黑河36垄作栽培模式产量为2 865kg·hm-2,2种栽培模式下产量差异达到极显著水平。窄行密植栽培模式较垄作栽培模式增产750kg·hm-2,增产率达到26.18%,增收效益为3 000元·hm-2。  相似文献   
A study involving 7 white-egg and 3 brown-egg commercial layer strains was conducted at the North Carolina Piedmont Research Station to assess the effects cage population 3-bird vs. 4-bird cages and alternative molt programs on performance through 113 wk of age (791 d). The flock was divided into 3 groups; not molted (NM), maintained in continuous production; molted using feed restriction (FR), an industry-type 14-d feed withdrawal molting program initiated at 463 d of age; and molted using a nonfasted/anorexic program (NF), in which an ad libitum supply of a low protein, low energy molt feed was provided. Productivity, egg size, and egg quality were monitored at 28-d periods throughout the test providing the performance data for the white-egg and brown-egg strains with regard to these management factors. Detailed results by strain are available on the following Web site: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/poulsci/tech_info.html#layer. The performance for the 3-bird or 4-bird cage groups for either type of layer was similar, except that birds in 4-bird cages had higher feed consumption in the first production phase than did the birds in 3-bird cages. In the same time period the white-egg birds in the 3-bird cages had a greater percentage of cracked eggs and a smaller percentage of Grade A large eggs than those in 4-bird cages. No differences were observed in egg income for the 2 population sizes for either type of layer. However, due to their higher feed consumption, the white egg birds in the 4-bird cages had higher feed cost per hen for the first cycle, which was offset by the egg income component due to their increased production rate. The molted layers outperformed the nonmolted layers for both types of layers in terms of overall income over feed costs. The FR molted hens, under a program that has traditionally been used by commercial producers, outperformed NF-molted hens, indicating that further refinements are needed to make the NF program economically competitive with the FR molting program.  相似文献   
以科学发展观为指导,针对安徽省农民增收和农业发展中存在的资源约束等问题进行分析,提出了抓住时机,依靠政策调动、布局优化、市场带动、科技拉动,提高农民增收的稳定性和持续性,大幅度提高农民增收的对策和发展思路。  相似文献   
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