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In order to open up the Chinese market,Britain sent two missions to China in 1791 and 1816.The most powerful colonial empire in the world met the most powerful feudal empire in the world.The two sides led the negotiations and exchanges with the concepts of tribute and equal diplomacy,and the failure of the missions of Macartney and Amherst to China was inevitable.The travel texts completed by the members of the mission recorded the process of travel to China and their views on China in detail.Two typical travel events in China completely reversed the western image of China.  相似文献   
2011-2012和2012-2013年连续2个小麦生长季,在大田条件下,设置0~20 cm (D1)、0~40 cm (D2)、0~60 cm (D3)和0~140 cm (D4) 4个土层测定土壤含水量,以各土层平均土壤相对含水量拔节期65%和开花期70%为目标相对含水量,全生育期不灌溉为对照处理 (D0),研究依据不同土层的土壤含水量测墒补灌对小麦旗叶光合特性和干物质积累与分配的影响。结果表明:D2的开花期叶面积指数和单位土地面积上旗叶叶面积、开花后7 d和14 d的旗叶净光合速率和实际光化学效率均高于其他处理,而气孔限制值低于其他处理;D2的成熟期干物质积累量、开花后干物质向籽粒的分配量和开花后同化物分配对籽粒的贡献率亦高于其他处理。两年度D2的籽粒产量分别为9367.4 kg hm-2和9727.5 kg hm-2,均显著高于其他处理;同时,D2的水分利用效率高于D0、D3和D4处理,与D1处理无显著差异。因此,于小麦拔节期和开花期依据0~40 cm土层的土壤含水量测墒补灌是同步实现高产和高水分利用效率的有效措施。  相似文献   
籼、粳超级稻光合物质生产与转运特征的差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明籼、粳超级稻干物质积累及光合生产特征的差异,以江苏地区大面积推广种植的5个超级杂交籼稻组合和5个常规粳型超级稻品种为试验材料,对稻麦两熟制条件下籼、粳超级稻干物质积累、分配、运转及叶面积、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率、秧苗素质、叶型等方面进行了系统的比较研究。结果表明,粳稻生育前期(移栽至拔节期)干物质积累量、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率及上三叶叶长、叶基角、叶开角、披垂度和叶面积衰减率、收获指数均小于籼稻,而生育中后期(拔节至成熟期)干物质积累量、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率及有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率、粒叶比(颖花/叶、实粒/叶、粒重/叶)、最大叶面积指数、总充实量、实收产量、生物产量、茎鞘最大输出量和表观输出量及比率均大于籼稻,差异显著或极显著。虽然粳稻主要生育期单茎干物重均不及籼稻,但群体数量优势保证粳稻具有较高的群体干物质积累量和叶面积,且随着生长发育的持续,群体光合物质生产优势不断加大,群体干物质积累量于抽穗后25 d前后超过籼稻。粳稻灌浆后期(乳熟至成熟期)仍保持强劲生长优势,而灌浆初期(抽穗至乳熟期)茎鞘贮存物质合理输出,有效保障了高效光合层的安全支撑及高积累产量库的流畅充实。高生物学产量的稳定形成和叶面积“稳升缓降”态势以及拔节至成熟期较强的高效光合物质生产,是粳稻光合系统高效持续产出、灌浆充实多及高产形成的重要特征和原因。  相似文献   
黄麻纤维产量与主要农艺性状的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究黄麻纤维产量与主要农艺性状的相关性, 可为高产育种与生产利用提供科学依据。本文159份不同来源黄麻种质资源的12个农艺性状对纤维产量即单株干皮重的影响表明, 各性状的变异系数变化在11.89%至38.50%之间, 表现出丰富的遗传变异。黄麻纤维产量与各性状均呈极显著正相关, 其中, 与单株鲜皮重、株高、始花期的相关系数较大, 分别为0.814、0.760和0.648。黄麻纤维产量和单株鲜皮重、株高、出麻率、鲜皮厚的回归方程达显著水平, 其标准回归系数依次为0.443、0.437、0.291和0.113。通径分析显示, 单株鲜皮重、株高在决定黄麻纤维产量时起主要作用。出麻率的相关系数(0.253)与直接通径系数(0.291)表现基本一致, 说明出麻率直接对黄麻纤维产量起作用, 具极显著正相关。因此, 在黄麻高产育种中, 应该以始花期、单株鲜皮重、株高、出麻率与鲜皮厚为主要筛选对象, 兼顾综合性状的改良。  相似文献   
The conservation of historic buildings and their environment is an unavoidable problem in urban construction. In this paper, the authors give a few new thoughts about the problem. First, the historic buildings are important part of the core power in city competition.Second,the conservation work should be combined with their development. Third, a classified and multilevel system of protection and reuse of old buildings should be set up.  相似文献   
The society-economy-environment appraisal for construction project can help our government to control macro-economy, make correlation policy and formulate laws and draw up city plan.It has great influence on the sustainable development of our society and it is the demand of the law for the environment evaluation in China.This paper introduced the basic structure of society-economy-environment appraisal system for construction project and the thought of elements transaction.Using the method of AHP, the model of project analyzing and optimizing selection is designed.For the more, the methods of the optimizing models on the selected schemes are put forward.Finally, the integrative analysis has been made on the system design and appliance of this appraisal system.  相似文献   
为探索直播春棉田害虫与其天敌之间的相互作用和竞争共存机制,采用直接观察法,系统研究了棉田主要害虫和天敌种群的时间动态变化,及其生态位宽度和生态位重叠值。研究结果表明,在直播春棉的不同生育期,棉田害虫和天敌的优势种不同。主要害虫和天敌的发生高峰期多集中在6—7月,而棉蚜高峰期在5月下旬,棉叶蝉高峰期在9月下旬。不同种群的时间生态位不同,害虫中棉盲蝽的生态位宽度最大,其次是棉铃虫,棉叶蝉和棉叶螨的生态位宽度较小;天敌中蜘蛛类天敌的生态位宽度最大,其次是小花蝽,黑襟毛瓢虫的生态位宽度最小。而黑襟毛瓢虫和瓢虫类天敌与棉蚜、棉叶螨生态位重叠度较大。因此,皖西南棉区直播春棉田可利用瓢虫类天敌抑制棉蚜和棉叶螨的危害,保护并利用好蜘蛛类天敌,需重点防治棉盲蝽和棉铃虫。  相似文献   
NaCl筛选法是培养无标记耐盐转基因水稻的有效方法。以中华11、秀水11、春江06这3个粳稻品种成熟胚愈伤组织为材料,以SKC1为目标基因,研究NaCl筛选条件下,热激与液体共培养对农杆菌介导耐盐基因转化水稻效率的影响。结果显示,热激处理和液体共培养都能提高耐盐基因对水稻的转化率,其中,热激处理最高转化提高率达到46.2%,液体共培养后最高转化提高率达到60.7%。  相似文献   
The corrosion rate of steel in concrete is highly dependent on the heterogeneous structure of the concrete and the environmental exposure conditions. Temperature and relative humidity are two important environmental factors that simultaneously influence the corrosion process and cannot be separated or isolated from each other. The interaction of temperature and relative humidity for characterizing the corrosion rate has been sufficiently studied. The resules show that the higher the temperature is, the greater the relative humidity is when rebar corrosion rate reaches the max, and as to different relative humidity, the increasing extent of rebar corrosion rate with rise in temperature is different.  相似文献   
通过五年田间定位试验的结果表明,磷肥具有明显而持久的后效。后效的大小和持续时间主要取决于磷肥的施用量;后效持续的时间与磷肥施用量之间是指数函数关系;当施磷处理耕层土壤速效磷水平降至与对照处理基本相同时,磷肥后效即告结束。  相似文献   
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