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纳豆及其提取物生物活性物质测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用紫外分光光度法、高效液相色谱法等方法分析纳豆及其提取物中皂甙、异黄酮及蛋白质含量。结果表明:与熟大豆相比,纳豆中大豆甙元、染料木素、皂甙及蛋白质等生物活性物质含量增高。成熟纳豆异黄酮总量、大豆甙元及染料木素含量分别是熟大豆含量的1.08倍、23.59倍和19.43倍,其中,成熟纳豆总异黄酮中异黄酮甙元的比例达81.55%。纳豆生物活性成分是其保健功能的物质基础。  相似文献   
基于云计算,结合食品安全检验检测的完备性与最小性原理,将影响食品安全的多维因素降维成平均含量(AVE)、限量标准(STA)、超限率(OUT)、超限程度(OUD)和最大值(MAX)5个因素,并建立食品有毒有害物质检验检测大数据的风险分析算法。利用云计算技术实现对地理上分布广泛、动态、复杂性高的海量数据进行存储,并运用云计算的MapReduce计算框架进行智能的并行数据处理及计算,最后得到风险分析结果。通过对在基于Web端的实验室管理系统采集的1 000 000条检验检测数据结果进行风险分析,得出食品安全指数IFS远小于1,表明消费者人群的食品安全状态良好。  相似文献   
为了探讨鸡粪以及鸡粪与尿素配施对薄皮甜瓜果实香气物质合成及关键酶的影响,以薄皮甜瓜"DX108"为试材,以尿素为氮源的处理作为对照(CK),研究等量氮素条件下,鸡粪及其与尿素配施处理对甜瓜果实香气物质以及相关酶活性变化的影响,并分析了乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)和醇酰基转移酶(AAT)基因的表达水平。结果表明:不同处理对薄皮甜瓜香气物质合成、相关酶活性以及关键酶基因表达的影响存在明显差异;尿素处理促进了甜瓜果实中C6和C9醇醛类化合物的合成,而鸡粪以及鸡粪与尿素配施提高了成熟果实中酯类物质含量和种类,尤其是乙酸酯类含量;鸡粪配施尿素处理提高了花后35 d甜瓜果实中非乙酸酯类物质含量,且是尿素处理花后35 d甜瓜果实中非乙酸酯类物质含量的3.1倍,还检测到了尿素处理果实中没有检测到的特征性酯类物质;鸡粪和鸡粪配施尿素处理提高了花后25~30 d果实中LOX酶、氨基转移酶、ADH酶以及AAT酶活性,降低了花后35 d果实中ADH酶活性,抑制了30 d后果实中CmADH1和ADH2的基因表达,而促进了CmAAT1和CmAAT3基因表达。由此可知,鸡粪以及鸡粪与尿素配施有可能是通过调节果实不同发育期香味物质合成途径中关键酶活性的协调变化以及关键酶基因表达,影响了果实香气物质的合成,尤其是酯类物质的合成。  相似文献   
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was inoculated intraocularly into BALB/c mice, and the distribution pattern of cells positive for several neurotransmitters and viral antigens in the eyeball, trigeminal nerve ganglia, and superior cervical ganglia was examined immunohistochemically to clarify the neural route of the virus spread. In the eyeball, substance P (SP)- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive cells were detected in the ipsilateral iris and ciliary body, neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY)-positive cells were detected in the choloid membrane, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells were detected in the ipsilateral inner nuclear layer of the retina; all these cells contained viral antigens. In the superior cervical ganglia, viral antigen-positive cells containing TH or NPY were found at bilateral sites. In the trigeminal nerve ganglia, viral antigen-positive cells containing SP or CGRP were found at bilateral sites. These findings indicated that the SP- and CGRP-positive ganglion cells of the trigeminal nerve ganglia innervating the iris or ciliary body, and the NPY-positive ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglia innervating the iris, ciliary body, and choroid membrane served as the route for the virus spread. These findings also suggested that dopaminergic neurons, such as the TH-positive retinal cells and TH-positive ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglia, served as the route for virus spread.  相似文献   
研究云南不同烟区片烟醇化过程中外观颜色以及内在化学物质变化差异,为云南烟区醇化片烟的使用提供理论依据。取云南3个产区片烟进行醇化,对比分析其在醇化过程中的颜色以及内在化学物质变化差异。不同产区片烟在醇化过程中色差值Lb与总糖、总氮、烟碱呈现逐渐下降趋势,云南文山片烟色差值L、色差值b、总糖、总氮下降幅度大于云南保山与云南大理;还原糖与质体色素降解产物先上升后下降,云南大理峰值出现时间晚于云南保山与云南文山;色度值R、苯丙氨酸降解产物、西柏烷类降解产物、棕色化产物逐渐上升,不同产区变化幅度表现为云南文山>云南保山>云南大理。云南文山片烟在醇化过程中,片烟的外观颜色与内在化学物质变化幅度更大,达到最佳醇化期所需时间少于云南大理与云南保山。  相似文献   
以外源GA3和ABA处理种子和水稻亲本,研究GA3和ABA对水稻种子萌发及亲本穗上发芽的影响,结果表明,外源GA3处理后引起两者种子内源GA3升高,降低种子内ABA、IAA水平,提高了GA3/ABA比值;外源ABA处理,引起种子内ABA含量升高,降低GA3、IAA水平,GA3/ABA比值减少;种子萌发和穗芽形成过程中GA3含量、GA3/ABA比值对比,发现前者小于后者,而种子萌发率与穗芽率相比,前者远远大于后者,表明穗上穗芽形成是一个更为复杂的生理变化过程.  相似文献   
娄伟 《北方水稻》2006,(Z1):140-141
以资源开发利用为主的盘锦农业,要建立在可持续发展基础之上,从科技理念、科技管理、科技手段三个方面加强创新,才能不断使经济出现跨越式增长,为构建和谐社会提供动力和物质保证。  相似文献   
渗透胁迫对树莓离体叶片可溶性物质及相对含水量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树莓(Rubus idaeus L.)离体叶片在聚乙二醇(PEG)渗透胁迫条件下,相对含水量降低,可溶性糖含量先增加而后降低,脯氨酸含量持续增加,增加程度品种问存在差异。-2.0MPa和-2.2MPa两个处理的4个品种的树莓,相对含水量都有所下降,并且随着处理时问的延长,叶片相对含水量下降越剧烈,降低程度种间存在差异。同品种树莓用-2.2MPa渗透液处理时可溶性糖含量稍高于-2.0MPa处理的,而-2.2MPa渗透液处理的脯氨酸含量大大高于-2.0MPa处理的。  相似文献   
Extreme environments are hostile for most organisms, but such habitats represent suitable settings to be inhabited by specialized microorganisms. A marine shallow-water hydrothermal vent field is located offshore in northeast Taiwan, near the shallow shore of the southeast of Kueishantao Island (121°55′ E, 24°50′ N). Research on extremophilic microorganisms makes use of the biotechnological potential associated with such microorganisms and their cellular products. With the notion that extremophiles are capable of surviving in extreme environments, it is assumed that their metabolites are adapted to function optimally under such conditions. As extremophiles, they need specific culture conditions, and only a fraction of species from the original samples are recovered in culture. We used different non-selective and selective media to isolate bacterial species associated with the hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus and the sediments of its habitat. The highest number of colonies was obtained from Zobell marine agar plates with an overall number of 29 genetically distinct isolates. 16S RNA gene sequencing using the Sanger sequencing method revealed that most of the bacterial species belonged to the phylum Firmicutes and the class Bacilli. The present study indicates that hydrothermal vent bacteria and their secondary metabolites may play an important role for the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the phylum Procaryota.  相似文献   
利用ISSR 技术分析了土沉香也Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Gilg.页4 居群的遗传多样性及遗传分化。应用9 条 引物从4 个居群共221 份样品中共扩增出105 个位点,其中多态性位点为104 个,多态位点百分率(PPB%)为 99.05%。等位基因数(Na)和有效等位基因数(Ne)分别为1.9905 和1.5854;Nei爷s 基因多样性指数(H)为0.3390, Shannon 信息指数(I)为0.5054,表明土沉香种内存在较丰富的遗传多样性。土沉香4 个居群总的遗传变异(Ht)为 0.3236,居群内的遗传变异(Hs)为0.2500,居群间的遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.2274,基因流(Nm)为1.6983。UPGMA 聚 类分析结果显示,电白居群和大岭山居群优先聚类,然后再与清溪居群聚类,而广西居群与其余3 个居群明显分离, 显示出较大的遗传分化;电白居群的大叶类群的分化大于小叶类群;东莞大岭山小叶类群与电白居群遗传相似性较 高,而大岭山大叶类群与清溪居群的遗传相似性较高。基于该研究结果,认为东莞大岭山居群部分来自清溪自然居 群,部分与电白居群来源相同,它们均来源于海南。  相似文献   
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