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我国森林土壤健康评价研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
保持和提高森林土壤健康是实现森林健康的基础。本文综述了森林土壤健康的概念、评价指标、评价方法及其优缺点。森林土壤健康评价是相对的而不是绝对的,主要以土壤的功能为基础,不同类型土壤的评价应采用不同的标准。因此,须进一步加强评价指标的标准化、综合化和应用化,选择适宜的方法来评价森林土壤健康,从而探索有利于某地区森林土壤健康的管理措施,以实现森林土壤的可持续发展。  相似文献   
介绍了玫瑰花的风味成分、营养价值以及与其相关的各种功能性饮料。玫瑰花作为一种具有保健功能的花卉,有很大的食用价值,可以广泛应用于与其相关的各种保健食品的制作。重点介绍了玫瑰花作为食物原料在保健饮料方面的应用。  相似文献   
Feral pigs are one of the most abundant free‐roaming ungulates in the United States, yet their role in the ecology and transmission of foodborne pathogens is poorly understood. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of Salmonella shedding among feral pigs throughout Texas, to identify risk factors for infection, and to characterize the isolates. Faecal samples were collected from feral pigs in Texas from June 2013 through May 2015. Standard bacteriologic culture methods were used to isolate Salmonella from samples, and isolates were characterized via serotyping and anti‐microbial susceptibility testing. The prevalence of faecal Salmonella shedding among sampled pigs was 43.9% (194/442), with positive pigs originating from 50 counties. Pigs sampled during fall and summer were significantly more likely to be shedding Salmonella than pigs sampled during winter. High serovar diversity was evident among the isolates, and many of the detected serovars are leading causes of human salmonellosis. The most common serovars were Montevideo (10.0%), Newport (9.1%), and Give (8.2%). Resistance to anti‐microbial agents was rare. The burgeoning feral pig population in the United States may represent an emerging threat to food safety.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of sodium alginate supplementation on gut microbiota composition, health parameters, growth performances and growth‐related gene expression of Malaysian mahseer. Five test diets were formulated by supplementing 0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.8% sodium alginate. Triplicate groups of juvenile Tor tambroides (2.19 ± 0.05 g) were stocked in 15 aquaria (20 individuals per aquarium) and fed at 3.0% body weight per day for 60 days. PCoA and UPGMA analysis showed that gut bacterial community were more convergence in higher sodium alginate‐supplemented diets. The percentage of Porphyromonadaceae, Bacteroides, Plesiomonas and Shewanella were substantially higher and Aeromonas, Entomoplasmatales and Prevotellaceae were drastically lower in higher sodium alginate (0.2%–0.8%) diets. Sodium alginate supplementation (≥0.2%) significantly improved the haematocrit value and respiratory burst activity of T. tambroides. Growth performances and feed utilization were significantly higher in 0.2%–0.4% sodium alginate‐supplemented diets. The increased growth rate of T. tambroides was governed by both hyperplastic and hypertrophic muscle growth. Real‐time PCR data demonstrated that most of the growth‐related genes were significantly upregulated in 0.2%–0.4% sodium alginate‐supplemented diet. Finally, it can be concluded that sodium alginate should be supplemented at 2 g/kg in practical fish feed formulation.  相似文献   
为了提高面包的营养价值,改善口感和风味,在确定其制作工艺的基础上,融合四时养生与中医药膳食养学的传统养生理论,在普通面包的基础上(配方:高筋面粉500 g、海藻糖50 g、砂糖50 g、奶粉5 g、酵母5 g、海藻酸钠1.5 g、鸡蛋1颗、水250 g),选用有春、夏、秋、冬为元素的16种食材来研发制作了一款系列形式的营养面包。通过食材的比例用量进行单因素试验和正交试验,以感官评分为指标,确定以下配方(面粉质量为100%):春季营养面包,糯米∶燕麦(体积比)=2∶1,菊花120朵/500 g水,菠菜泥5%;夏季营养面包,红小豆∶红米(体积比)=1∶2,山楂18%,胡萝卜碎3%;秋季营养面包,山药∶银耳(质量比)=1∶1,百合1%,白果0.4%;冬季营养面包,黑豆∶核桃仁(质量比)=6∶1,黑芝麻8%,枸杞子12%。根据该工艺制作的面包外型饱满,口感良好,营养丰富,是老少皆宜的健康食品。  相似文献   
食品及环境均是影响人体健康的重要因素。主流的西方营养学、膳食学侧重于研究环境地理、气候条件或饮食模式对人体健康的影响,而忽略传统食品的健康作用与其起源及环境和人类健康的耦联关系。本文首先全面概述环境地理、饮食模式与人体健康的研究进展,并在此基础上界定环境食品学研究范围。“环境食品学”可大致界定为:基于东方人天人相应的健康观以及体质的特殊性,采取现代科学手段研究处于特定环境下进食之于健康的关系及机制的系统科学。然后以国人因自身体质和饮食习惯差异而表现区别于西方人群的寒热证为例,系统论述食品和环境耦合之于健康的关系,最后介绍环境食品学的现代研究方法。环境食品学作为新型交叉学科,在环境基础上侧重于东方传统膳食营养,主要研究处于特定环境条件下以混合膳食进食产生的健康效应,该领域相关研究成果可对中国传统食品(如环境地理食品和应季食品)的开发提供参考。  相似文献   
The nontarget effects of fresh and used motor oil were studied in a soil test system involving such criteria as earthworm survival, response of soil dehydrogenase and urease, and nitrification. When earthworms were exposed to motor oil-contaminated soil for 4 weeks, the observed median lethal concentrations (LC50) were 40.33 and 3.88 g kg−1 soil for fresh and used oil, respectively. Only fresh motor oil application increased earthworms' body weight even at the higher dose of 19 g kg−1 soil. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry revealed that used motor oil contained more of aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals than fresh oil. This disparity in the chemical composition might be the factor responsible for the significant toxicity of used motor oil towards earthworms. Activities of soil dehydrogenase and urease were significantly enhanced in presence of both the motor oils, while there was a significant inhibition in nitrification by the used motor oil even at a low concentration of 0.2 g kg−1 soil. This study clearly demonstrated that earthworm survival and nitrification could serve as suitable indices to assess motor oil pollution in soil.  相似文献   
为探究健康意识对规模养殖户以使用环保饲料为代表的亲环境行为的作用,以湖北省402个生猪规模养殖户为研究对象,应用Heckman两阶段模型,探讨健康意识对不同群体规模养殖户的影响差异。研究结果表明,大多数规模养殖户(78.97%)愿意为环保饲料付费,且平均意愿支付水平为每头生猪饲料成本的6.69%(46.80元·头-1)。健康意识中的健康关注程度对生猪规模养殖户环保饲料支付意愿具有正向促进作用,健康变化感知对其意愿支付水平的影响正向显著。通过主成分分析,健康意识整体上直接对规模养殖户环保饲料的支付意愿与意愿支付水平产生正向影响。而差异性分析也表明,在环保饲料支付意愿决策上,健康意识不同的规模养殖户群体间有明显差异。  相似文献   
龙眼果肉的健康效应及主要活性物质研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙眼是药食兼用水果,传统中医和民间一直用其滋补身体,但长期以来其物质基础和作用机制尚不清 楚。近年来,国内外对龙眼果肉的健康效应及其主要活性物质研究较为活跃。综述了龙眼果肉的抗氧化、免疫调节、 延缓衰老、内分泌和神经调节等主要生物活性,并对其酚类、脂类、多糖类、核苷类和氨基酸类等主要活性物质的提 取分离方法及其组成、化学结构和含量等进行了全面梳理归纳,旨在为龙眼功能食品的精深加工提供依据。  相似文献   
农村城镇化生态风险法律规制的规范分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨如何在转型期的城镇化进程中,有效应对以生态风险为代表的各类风险,对当下的生态文明建设和绿色发展具有重要的现实意义。伴随着人口的聚集和工业的进驻,农村城镇化既会带来环境污染的不断累积,也会造成自然资源的大量耗费,同时也会占用大量的生态空间。基于对这些生态风险现状的分析,阐明我国在应对农村城镇化产生的污染累积性生态风险、资源耗竭性生态风险、生态空间占用性生态风险及复合型生态风险时,固然会受到经济社会等方面的影响,但更主要是因为出现了法律规制失灵的困境,存在着应对生态风险的法律法规体系不完善、司法救济效能有待提升、行政监管能力有待加强等滞碍因素。为有效规制城镇化生态风险,应以规范分析为进路,以法制生态化为方向,从完善生态立法,增强生态司法效能,提高生态执法能力等几个方面提出消解城镇化生态风险法律规制滞碍因素的具体对策。  相似文献   
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