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Animal protein in broiler rations was replaced with Barseem Protein Concentrate (BPC). The standard group having blood, meat and fish meal as sources of animal protein showed an average weight gain of 1655 g. Replacement of blood meal with BPC resulted in a slight decrease in the average weight gain (1541 g) of broilers. Average weight gain of broilers increased to 1775 g and 1671 g when fish or meat meal was replaced with BPC in rations. Complete replacement of animal protein with BPC adversely affected growth and average weight gain decreased to 1443 g. Supplementation with lysine or methionine when animal protein was replaced with BPC did not improve growth of the broilers.  相似文献   
To effectively utilize total mixed ration (TMR) prepared with locally available feed resources, we studied the nutritional value and milk production in Jersey dairy cattle fed a local general diet (LGD) and fermented TMR in Mozambique. Ten head of Jersey dairy cattle with 337 ± 19.8 kg body weight, aged 3–4 years in mid location were used in this study. The LGD diet was designed following the general feeding method of local smallholding farms; it contained native grass, Napier grass, wheat bran, and mineral–vitamin mix. Fermented TMR was prepared using Napier grass, corn bran, wheat bran, formula feed, and mineral–vitamin mix. Fermented TMR was preserved as good quality, with a relatively low pH and high lactic acid content. Compared to LGD, fermented TMR significantly improved the dry matter intake and digestibility in dairy cattle. Milk yield was significantly higher in dairy cattle fed with TMR than in those fed with LGD, by 3.75 L/d; milk quality was not significantly different between treatments. The results confirmed that LGD had a low dry matter intake and milk yield, and fermented TMR prepared with local feed resources can attain good quality and improve milk yield in dairy cattle in Mozambique.  相似文献   
采用静水法研究了不同浓度镉对金鱼卵子孵化率和畸形率的影响,同时研究了镉对金鱼(Carassius auratus)的急性毒性.结果表明:镉为中毒物质,其对金鱼的24,48,72,96 h的LD50分别为9.00,7.313,5.733,5.076 mg/L.96 h的安全浓度为0.508 mg/L.镉在实验浓度范围内,随浓度的升高,孵化率趋于降低,畸变率趋于升高,但较低浓度组与对照组无显著差异,而较高浓度组与对照组差异显著或极显著.  相似文献   
RNAi is an effective tool for gene function analysis and a promising strategy to provide environmentally friendly control approaches for pathogens and pests. Recent studies support the utility of bacterium-mediated RNAi as a cost-effective method for gene function study and a suitable externally applied delivery mechanism for pest control. Here, we developed a bacterium-mediated RNAi system in Spodoptera frugiperda based on four target genes, specifically, Chitinase (Sf-CHI), Chitin synthase B (Sf-CHSB), Sugar transporter SWEET1 (Sf-ST), and Hemolin (Sf-HEM). RNAi conducted by feeding larvae with bacteria expressing dsRNAs of target genes or injecting pupae and adults with bacterially synthesized dsRNA induced silencing of target genes and resulted in significant negative effects on growth and survival of S. frugiperda. However, RNAi efficiency and effects were variable among different target genes and dsRNA delivery methods. Injection of pupae with dsCHI and dsCHSB induced a significant increase in wing malformation in adults, suggesting that precise regulation of chitin digestion and synthesis is crucial during wing formation. Injection of female moths with dsHEM resulted in lower mating, fecundity, and egg hatching, signifying a critical role of Sf-HEM in the process of egg production and/or embryo development. Our collective results demonstrate that bacterium-mediated RNAi presents an alternative technique for gene function study in S. frugiperda and a potentially effective strategy for control of this pest, and that Sf-CHI, Sf-CHSB, Sf-ST, and Sf-HEM encoding genes can be potent targets.  相似文献   
选用 4只正常幼公羊及 4只装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的幼公羊 ,按 4× 4拉丁方设计 ,分别用全收粪法与尼龙袋法测定不同加工处理组合对幼羊全混合日粮 ( TMR)干物质 ( DM)、有机物( OM)、粗蛋白 ( CP)表观消化率及瘤胃 4 8h消失率的影响 ,并分析其相关性。试验结果表明 ,在含玉米秸的 TMR中 ,以尿素精料等氮代替豆饼对日粮 DM,OM,CP的表观消化率及瘤胃消失率均无明显不利影响 ( P>0 .0 5) ;在含尿素精料的 TMR中 ,玉米告的碱化处理使日粮 DM,OM的表观消化率及瘤胃消失率分别提高了 12 .90 % ( P<0 .0 1)后 ,12 .78 ( P<0 .0 1)以及 8.65( P<0 .0 5)和 8.17 ( P<0 .0 5) ,而 CP的表观消化率及瘤胃消失率均无明显改善 ( P>0 .0 5) :对含尿素精料及碱化玉米秸的 TMR进行颗粒化加工 ,并未明显影响日粮 DM,OM,CP的表观消化率及瘤胃消失率 ( P>0 .0 5)。用全收粪法与尼龙袋法测得全混合日粮 DM,OM,CP的表观消化率与瘤胃 4 8小时消失率呈强的正相关 ( P<0 .1)。因而在具备瘤胃瘘管羊时 ,可用尼龙袋法简化 TMR营养价值评定  相似文献   
酒精糟及其残液干燥物(DDGS)富含蛋白质等营养成分,在畜禽日粮中应用能在一定程度上缓解当前蛋白质原料资源紧张的状况。但DDGS营养成分含量变异较大,导致其质量参差不齐,影响其在畜禽日粮配方中的合理配制及应用效果。综述了DDGS在猪鸡日粮中的应用效果、质量控制及其营养价值评定新技术(仿生消化技术和近红外光谱分析技术)的应用,以期为DDGS在猪鸡日粮配方中的科学应用提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的 ]明确花绒寄甲卵储存条件对其幼虫和蛹发育历期及成虫羽化数量的影响。[方法 ]观察和记录了经不同储存时长的花绒寄甲卵的孵化率的变化。同时,将初孵幼虫接入寄主,观察寄甲幼期发育和羽化情况。[结果 ]表明,在12℃,RH 60%条件下,寄甲卵储存时长对其孵化率、幼虫期、蛹期、结茧率、羽化率以及数量和体质量均有显著影响。当卵储存时长小于45 d时,其孵化率均大于92.6%,之后开始显著下降。储存60d,孵化率下降到62.1%,储存90d后其孵化率为0。其结茧率从储存0d的45.7%上升到15d的54.8%,之后开始下降,储存60 d,结茧率显著下降到仅有26.1%。不同储存时长下,其羽化率介于80.7%~96.2%之间。其幼虫期随卵储存时长的增长而总体延长,而蛹期呈不规律变化。成虫羽化数以卵储存15 d的处理最多,平均为5头·个-1寄主,之后开始下降,储存30 d,数量下降到4头,储存45 d和0 d的数量一样,平均约为3头,储存60 d,数量下降到约2头,储存75 d,数量下降到不足1头。储存15 d,成虫单头体质最大,平均为0.030 g·头-1,显著高于其他处理。[结论 ]综合以...  相似文献   
条纹石鮨摄食强度与代谢及能量收支间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设日摄食率为0.4%、1.5%、4.0%三种水平,分别测定条纹石鱼旨Moronesaxatilis幼鱼的代谢及能量的收支情况。处于饱食(日摄食率4.0%)及维持状态(日摄食率1.5%)下,该鱼代谢率增加的峰值分别于摄食后3h及7h内出现,为静止时代谢水平的2.10倍和2.46倍,SDA(特殊动力作用)持续时间均为21h,SDA总耗能量分别占摄入能的13%和35.8%。条纹石鱼旨在饱食时的转化效率K(湿重)为20.85%。三种摄食水平下条纹石鱼旨的能量收支方程分别为:饱食状态(日摄食率4.0%)时,100C=8.4F+7.8U+13.0SDA+36.9(Rs+Ra)+33.9G;维持状态(日摄食率1.5%)时,100C=7.8F+4.1U+35.8SDA+52.3(Rs+Ra),其中G=0;减重状态(日摄食率0.4%)时,(F+U+R)/(C+P1)=67.3%,其中C+P1=14.4C+85.6P1,F+U+R=1.8F+8.1U+57.4R。  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究不同比例青稞秸秆替代苇状羊茅对全混合日粮青贮早期发酵品质及有氧稳定性的影响。试验设对照组(TH0)和3个青稞秸秆不同比例替代组TH5、TH10和TH15。青贮14 d开窖取样,分析其发酵品质、化学成分及微生物数量,将剩余的发酵TMR暴露于空气,用多通道温度记录仪记录温度变化;并分别在有氧暴露的第2,5和8天取样评定其有氧稳定性。结果表明,与对照组(TH0)相比,TH5的pH、乳酸、乙酸、总挥发性脂肪酸和乙醇含量无显著(P>0.05)差异;TH10和对照相比pH差异不显著(P>0.05),但乳酸、乙酸、总挥发性脂肪酸和乙醇含量显著(P<0.05)低于对照组;TH15 pH显著(P<0.05)高于对照组,乳酸、乙酸、总挥发性脂肪酸和乙醇含量显著(P<0.05)低于对照组;各组氨态氮/总氮和乳酸/乙酸无显著(P>0.05)差异,均以乳酸发酵为主,发酵品质良好。有氧暴露第2天后各组pH和氨态氮/总氮持续上升;乳酸、乙酸和水溶性碳水化合物含量持续下降;酵母菌和好氧细菌数量显著(P<0.05)升高。除TH15外,其他各组温度在第35 h开始上升,TH15温度上升延迟,并且温度上升峰值最小。和其他组相比,TH15有氧稳定性最好。综合考虑发酵品质、有氧稳定性及对青稞秸秆资源的最大化利用,建议采用TH15设计配方最为适宜。  相似文献   
The effect of feeding four semi‐purified diets A1, A2, A3, A4, containing different vitamin A acetate levels 0, 20, 40, 60 mg kg?1 diet, respectively, on fecundity, egg hatching rate, larval survival rate and vitamin A content in eggs of Chinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) broodstock was compared with a fresh clam diet (control) in a 60‐day feeding trial. The broodstock shrimp fed the diet with 60 mg kg?1 vitamin A acetate added exhibited significantly higher fecundity (P < 0.01). Hatching rate was highest with diet A4 (P < 0.05), whereas hatching rates were similar fed diets A1, A2, A3. Increasing levels of vitamin A in broodstock diet resulted in improvement in larval quality. The vitamin A levels in shrimp eggs from broodstock fed with diet A4 were higher compared with those from broodstock fed with diet A1, A2 (P < 0.01). The fecundity and hatching percentages were positively correlated with the vitamin A content in eggs in the present study. The results of this study showed that higher level of vitamin A in broodstock diet may have positive effects on fecundity and larval quality in P. chinensis.  相似文献   
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