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M. F. O'Connell 《Fisheries Management and Ecology》2003,10(4):201-208
Conservation spawning requirements (limits) for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., have been developed for a number of rivers in Newfoundland. Status of stocks is evaluated against these limits and scientific advice and recommendations on levels of recreational catch provided to resource managers. A critical factor in this process is the determination of total returns. This has been accomplished for 30–40% of the rivers in question over the years through the use of fish counting fences and traps installed in fishways. In Newfoundland, it is not logistically or financially possible to operate fish counting facilities in all of the approximately 200 Atlantic salmon rivers. Thus angling catch data have been used as an alternative means of estimating total returns to rivers without counting facilities. Estimates of total returns were three to four times higher than the actual values for one of the two rivers studied and deviated from the actual by as much as 60% for the other. Management implications of the approach are discussed. 相似文献
为了探究不同底质与撒播方式对毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)潜沙行为的影响,在实验室条件下,观察了壳长(10.0±0.9)mm毛蚶的潜沙过程,并研究了沙质(粒径251~500μm)和泥沙质(粒径120μm)两种底质和播散方式(集中和分散)对毛蚶潜沙时间和潜沙率的影响。结果显示,毛蚶潜沙过程分为准备、潜沙及结束3个阶段。在两种底质条件下,集中播撒方式的毛蚶潜沙时间均短于分散播撒方式,但同种底质不同播撒方式下的毛蚶潜沙时间差异不显著(P0.05)。无论是集中播撒还是分散播撒,沙质条件下毛蚶的潜沙时间均短于泥沙质的潜沙时间,并且在分散播撒方式下,两种底质的差异达到显著水平(P0.05);两种底质条件下,毛蚶的潜沙率均表现为集中播撒高于分散播撒。研究表明,与泥沙质底质相比,毛蚶在沙质条件下更易于快速潜底;与分散播散方式相比,集中播撒更利于毛蚶快速潜底。 相似文献
Few marine rotifer species (e.g. Encentrum linheii and Synchaeta cecilia) have been cultured successfully besides Brachionus plicatilis and B. rotundiformis, commonly used to rear larvae of many marine fish species. The development of culture techniques for marine rotifers smaller in size than the Brachionus species may be useful for rearing fish species for which the currently used prey are too large. We evaluated the possibility of culturing Colurella dicentra isolated from a Mississippi Gulf Coast estuary. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of salinity (10–35 g L?1) on its population growth rate. Rotifers were fed Nannochloropsis oculata at a density of 100 000 cells mL?1 for 15 days. Colurella dicentra survived in water with a salinity of 10–47 g L?1. Densities of up to 300 rotifers mL?1 were sometimes attained in cultures. Salinity influenced C. dicentra production (P<0.001). The mean rotifer numbers at 10 g L?1 (22 840±2604 SD), 15 g L?1 (25 980±7071 SD) and 20 g L?1 (19 780±1029 SD) at the end of the experiment were similar (P>0.05), but were higher (P=0.05) than numbers at 25 g L?1 (4240±1783), 30 g L?1 (1300±264 SD) and 35 g L?1 (100±101 SD). The population growth rate (r) of the rotifers was the highest at 15 g L?1 (0.37–0.42 day?1), and the lowest at 35 g L?1 (?0.33–0.06 day?1). This is the first report of C. dicentra in the estuarine waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and also the first time it has been cultured successfully. 相似文献
Kolliyil S Mohamed Vasanth Kripa Tharammal S Velayudhan Kavintekizhakkathil K Appukuttan 《Aquaculture Research》2006,37(7):725-741
Comparative studies were made on the growth and biometric relationships of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata (Gould) Tuticorin stock at (Tuticorin (TST) – parent stock) transplanted from the Tuticorin Bay (8.7°N; 78.2°E) in the Gulf of Mannar along the Indian southeast coast to Kollam Bay (8.8°N; 76.5°E) in the Arabian Sea along the Indian southwest coast (Tuticorin stock at Kollam (TSK) – transplanted stock). At the time of transplantation, Kollam Bay did not have a native stock, however, within a year, the transplanted stock spawned and oyster spats were collected from within the farm (Kollam stock (KS) – progeny stock). The growth in dorso‐ventral measurement and total weight in Kollam Bay was 1.4–1.6 times and 3.1 to 6.8 times respectively greater than that observed at Tuticorin. Furthermore, at Kollam Bay, the thickness observed at the end of first year was similar to that obtained at the end of second year in Tuticorin. Both the TSK and KS had significantly higher instantaneous growth rates (IGR) than TST. All the stocks displayed significantly different biometric relationships. The increased growth in Kollam Bay is attributed to the almost double productivity in the Arabian Sea compared with the Bay of Bengal. It is concluded that in the case of P. fucata, the site and its interaction with environment are important determinants of growth and shell dimensions. The present study clearly indicates that the environmental conditions prevailing along the southeast Arabian Sea are congenial for the growth, gametogenesis, spawning and settlement of P. fucata larvae. In spite of strong monsoonal influences in the hydrology of Kollam Bay, the growth and reproduction of P. fucata stocks indicates its relative hardiness and ability to adapt to a changed environment. 相似文献
Dietary essentiality of ascorbic acid in rohu larvae: Quantification with ascorbic acid enriched zooplankton 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Carp larvae, like any other fish larvae dependon natural food during first few days of theirlife. In nursery conditions, high mortality andslow larval growth are of common occurrence;sub-optimal nutrition might be a possiblereason for such consequences. To improve thesituation the effect of feeding ascorbicacid-enriched live food on survival, growth,tissue biochemical composition includingascorbate level was evaluated in first feeding(3 days old) larvae (av. wt. 2.2 mg) of therohu carp, Labeo rohita (Ham.) for aperiod of 15 days (temp. 28.6 ± 1 °C)under natural photoperiod. The larvae (stockingdensity 10 l–1) were offered enriched andnon-enriched zooplankton ad libitumfollowing a rigid schedule with four feedingregimes, each having 3 replicates. In treatmentT1, non-enriched zooplankton (Moina,Daphnia, Cyclops, Diaptomus) and in T2,T3, T4 ascorbic acid enriched (12 henrichment) zooplankton [@10%, 20% and 30%ascorbyl palmitate (AP) inclusion in diet ofzooplankton] were offered. Highest survival(90%) and growth (9563% live weight gain)could be seen in T3 group and the lowestin T1 (62% survival and 805% live weightgain), thus confirming the dietary essentialityof ascorbic acid for rohu larvae. Therequirement has been shown to be 1409 µg/gdry diet. Whole body tissue analyses for crudeprotein, total lipid and RNA: DNA ratiofollowed the same trend as that of growthresponse and percent survival. Significantpositive correlation (r = 0.949 and 0.861) couldbe found with muscle RNA/DNA ratio and muscleRNA content with specific growth rate indifferent treatments. Significant differencewas found in tissue ascorbate levels betweenenriched plankton fed groups, being highest in T3. Such live foodmediated vitamin transfer might be an effectivemeans to provide higher plane of nutrition forhigh survival and rapid growth for rohu larva. 相似文献
Thenmoli Vallipuram Sundarabarathy Udeni Edirisinghe & Chandraratne Mahinda Bandara Dematawewa 《Aquaculture Research》2005,36(2):196-201
This study was aimed to develop captive breeding and nurture the young of stonesucker (Garra ceylonensis, Bleeker), a small threatened freshwater fish species endemic to Sri Lanka. Breeding of stonesucker was possible under indoor conditions without hormonal stimulation. They were single spawners having a fecundity of 562±176 eggs per fish (total length of 7.9±0.6 cm) with an egg size of 770–1877 μm. Duration of development stages were, egg to hatchling 36–48 h, hatchling to postlarva stage 3–4 days, postlarva to juvenile stage 5–64 days and adult stage in 300–365 days at 26–28°C. Juveniles exhibited bottom dwelling habit in 70–75 days. Postlarva fed with formulated feed exhibited the highest growth (P<0.05) compared with live diets, Artemia and microworm (Anguillula sp.). Although the juveniles revealed a significantly high growth performance (P<0.05) with swine liver diet up to day 45 compared with formulated feed and combination of detritus and plankton, formulated feed exhibited an increase in growth from day 50. Therefore, formulated feed could be used for rearing of postlarva and juvenile stages without any live feeds. 相似文献
提出了与时俱进、因事而立、以人为本的农机技术培训适应性原则,以及认真调查、制定规划、编好教材、选好基地、搞好“四结合”、静态培训与动态培训相结合、“长线”与“短线”相结合的新形势农机技术培训的现实途径。 相似文献
高等农业院校插花艺术教学兼有实践技能培养、艺术教育和素质教育等功能。基于"鱼骨图"分析法,从学校、教师、学生、社会四个维度探讨了高等农业院校"插花艺术"课实践教学的影响因素,明确了实践教学改革的方向。 相似文献
Closure of the Newfoundland commercial Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fishery in 1992 was the most restrictive measure introduced to help rebuild depressed local stocks of salmon. Here, the effects of the closure are evaluated by analysing trends in abundance since 1984, and estimates of survival in both freshwater and marine environments derived from enumeration of salmon at fish counting facilities. While freshwater production of smolts generally has been maintained, marine survival rates remain low (2–10%), and highly variable. Overall, total stock size differs little from that prior to the closure of the commercial salmon fishery. Spawning escapements have increased by a factor of 2 or 3 in some rivers, but in other areas total returns are lower on average than those prior to the fishery closure. Factors other than exploitation are contributing to lack of stock recovery, resulting in continued conservation concerns. 相似文献