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A change in the European Union energy policy has markedly promoted the expansion of biogas production.Consequently,large amounts of nutrient-rich residues are being used as organic fertilizers.In this study,a pot experiment was conducted to simulate the high-risk situation of enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following organic fertilizer application in energy maize cultivation.We hypothesized that cattle slurry application enhanced CO2 and N2O fluxes compared to biogas digestate because of the overall higher carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) input,and that higher levels of CO2 and N2O emissions could be expected by increasing soil organic C (SOC) and N contents.Biogas digestate and cattle slurry,at a rate of 150 kg NH4+-N ha-1,were incorporated into 3 soil types with low,medium,and high SOC contents (Cambisol,Mollic Gleysol,and Sapric Histosol,termed Clow,Cmedium,and Chigh,respectively).The GHG exchange (CO2,CH4,and N2O) was measured on 5 replicates over a period of 22 d using the closed chamber technique.The application of cattle slurry resulted in significantly higher CO2 and N2O fluxes compared to the application of biogas digestate.No differences were observed in CH4 exchange,which was close to zero for all treatments.Significantly higher CO2 emissions were observed in Chigh compared to the other two soil types,whereas the highest N2O emissions were observed in Cmedium.Thus,the results demonstrate the importance of soil type-adapted fertilization with respect to changing soil physical and environmental conditions.  相似文献   
在充足底墒播后不灌水条件下,进行了适当晚播(10月15日播)与超晚播条件下的小麦肥料试验。主要结果为:(1)播后不灌水条件下超晚播减产严重,主要是单位面积总粒数下降太多,通过适当提高穗密度难以补偿;(2)高施磷条件下(施磷二铵450kg/hm2),随施氮量的增加,开花前的耗水量没有增加,而灌浆期的耗水量则随氮肥用量增加而增加;(3)控制花前无效生长,降低花前耗水,优化开花后的群体结构,提高灌浆期的灌浆强度是降低总耗水、提高水分利用效率的基本途径。  相似文献   
Plants ofRuscus hypoglossum L. were grown in containers with perlite, an inert medium, or with soil, under similar-to-commercial conditions, for three winter seasons. Constant fertilization with soluble calcium [Ca(NO3)2] through the root zone resulted in a reduction of up to 78% in postharvest rot caused by artificial inoculation withBotrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. Control plants were treated by fertilization with N,P,K and all other elements, identical to the fertilizer containing calcium. Foliar application of Ca(NO3)2 to ruscus bushes or application of this compound or of CaCl2 or CaSO4 to mature cut branches standing in water, resulted also in a significant reduction in postharvest phylloclade rot. Application of CaSO4 and Ca(H2PO4)2 + CaSO4 to ruscus plants, from fertilizers containing 22% Ca and releasing the cation gradually, effectively reduced the susceptibility of cut branches to infection byB. cinerea.  相似文献   
采用田间试验方法,研究了不同覆盖种植方式与平衡施肥对旱地春玉米产量及其水分利用效率的影响。结果表明, 三种覆盖种植方式中,全膜双垄沟播种植方式有利于玉米碳水化合物的合成,增加玉米干物质积累量,N、P、K平衡施肥干物质积累量增加效果明显;与全膜双垄沟播相比,半膜覆盖和裸地种植玉米籽粒产量分别减产8.5%~17.6%和61.1%~95.3%,水分利用效率分别降低3.5%~15.1%和52.8%~60.2%;N、P2O5和K2O的用量分别为225、120、60 kg·hm-2时,F1N1处理玉米籽粒产量和水分利用效率最高。研究表明,在玉米全膜双垄沟播栽培技术条件下,平衡施肥可显著提高玉米籽粒产量和水分利用效率。  相似文献   
Organic farming can potentially mitigate soil compaction, which commonly occurs in vegetable plantations, particularly in greenhouses when compared with open‐air systems. Although several studies have addressed the effect of planting patterns on soil pore characteristics, few studies have focused on changes in pore attributes under organic fertilization. We used adjacent fields during green manure planting as a control to compare the differences in soil physicochemical and macropore parameters between 14‐year‐old greenhouse plots and open‐air plots under organic fertilization. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to analyse the drivers of soil macropore characteristics in vegetable plantations in Jiangsu Province, China. A significant increase in connectivity, fractal dimensions and total macroporosity and a decrease in bulk density after 14 years of organic farming, particularly in the surface layer in the greenhouse, were observed. However, the difference in pores in the plough pan layer was not significant between the treatments. The volume of small pores (50–500 μm) and medium pores (500–1,000 μm) increased significantly (p < 0.05) in both the greenhouse and open‐air systems, showing significantly positive relationships with soil organic matter (SOM) and total nitrogen (TN) content. Large pores (>1,000 μm) showed a clear decrease, especially in open‐air fields, possibly due to the disappearance of the original straw residues in the surface layer. Small and medium pores in the plough layer increased in greenhouse fields, whereas the opposite occurred in open‐air fields. Overall, compared with open‐air systems, long‐term organic greenhouse patterns had a significantly positive effect on soil pore attributes.  相似文献   
肖和良 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):76-79
桑叶养猪实用技术分为桑树种植技术和桑叶干粉发酵养猪技术两个部分。利用荒地种植桑树,降低生猪养殖饲养成本,桑叶养猪种养结合,成为生态农业典范。桑叶干粉发酵技术,提高了桑叶干粉的可消化率和饲料功能。桑叶干粉发酵料占配方6%~10%,做成桑叶猪饲料,替代3%~5%鱼粉、豆粕等蛋白质饲料,节约了饲料成本。桑叶喂养猪(简称桑叶猪,下同)的猪肉中含有肌苷酸等风味物质,显著提高猪肉胴体品质和猪肉风味。设计猪尿处理,采用红泥膜沼气池降解工程工艺应用后,降解水兑2倍清水对桑树喷灌工艺,减少人工处理劳力和成本费用。设计10%抗非洲猪瘟中药饲料添加剂+桑叶饲料,预期防治非洲猪瘟总效果85%以上。桑叶养猪实用技术可行,供同行参考。  相似文献   
为解析适宜华北种植的薏苡优良品种的产量构成,以薏苡早熟高产新品种‘太空I号’为研究对象,通过分蘖数、穗着粒数等主要农艺性状与产量的相关性分析、通径分析和主成分分析及‘太空I号’最佳施肥配方,解析薏苡高产构成。结果表明:1)相关分析显示,株高、总节数、单株穗数和分蘖数与薏苡高产最相关;2)通径分析显示,单株穗数、分蘖数和穗着粒数对薏苡高产的贡献最高;3)主成分分析显示,‘太空I号’的高产构成主要由单株穗数多、分蘖数多、穗着粒数和百粒重适中组成;4)最适于‘太空I号’的施肥配方为氮肥15kg/667 m~2、磷肥50kg/667m~2和钾肥20kg/667m~2,在北京地区的单产可达280kg/667m~2以上。综上所述,‘太空I号’单株穗数多、分蘖数多、穗着粒数和百粒重适中、早熟高产,是适合中国华北种植的优良薏苡品种。  相似文献   
变量施肥具有提高肥料利用率、保护生态环境、节约农业生产成本等优点,但目前还没有得到广泛的应用,除了难以获得变量施肥的处方图之外,缺乏闭环检测也是原因之一。闭环控制是实现变量施肥的关键之一,与间接测量排肥轴的转速相比,实时检测肥料的质量流量更为准确。本文基于静电感应原理,设计了一种颗粒肥料质量流量传感器。由于颗粒肥料之间、颗粒肥料与空气、颗粒肥料与排肥管之间的摩擦和碰撞,颗粒肥料会携带一定量的电荷,因此本研究设计了环形电极来检测电荷强度,并利用电流放大电路输出感应电流。通过标定质量流量与感应电流的关系,获得了实时的肥料质量流量。搭建试验台对该颗粒肥料质量流量传感器进行检测,试验台主要包括动态信号采集系统、肥料箱、电流放大器和环形电极传感器。以大颗粒尿素(CO(NH2)2)、过磷酸钙(Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O)和氯化钾(KCl)为研究对象,其平均容重分别为0.7、1.2、1.1g/cm3。根据施肥装置的物理参数,通过调整排肥轴转速可获得近似的目标质量流量,目标质量流量的范围是3~15g/s,增量为1g/s。对于每个质量流量,进行了4次重复。每次重复30s,施肥装置与信号采集系统同时启动。利用平均感应电流和平均质量流量建立回归方程,采用插值法得到实时质量流量。随后,对每种肥料进行25次试验,从而检验本文中颗粒肥料质量流量传感器的测量精度,每次试验的目标质量流量由5个随机质量流量组成,每个质量流量下持续排肥6s,用天平称量30s内的实际质量,通过积分质量流量和时间曲线计算检测质量。采用SPSS 22.0软件对试验结果进行统计分析,分析表明,大颗粒尿素、过磷酸钙、氯化钾的检测误差分别为3.9%、5.1%、5.9%,相应的标准差分别为5.21、7.98、11.29。检测质量与实际质量无显著性差异(P>0.1),大颗粒尿素、过磷酸钙和氯化钾检测误差的数学期望值分别为3.74%、4.93%、5.22%。本文的研究结果表明,检测误差随颗粒肥料粒径的减小而增大。  相似文献   
果园有机肥深施机分层变量排肥控制系统设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
果园不同深度的土壤养分不同,果树根系分层吸肥能力不同,有机肥分层变量深施可以解决传统施肥存在的养分分布不均和肥料利用率低等问题。针对有机肥分层变量深施的排肥控制问题,本文设计了排肥控制系统,可以根据用户设置的各层理论排肥量和作业速度,实时计算液压马达的理论转速,并采用PID算法控制比例流量阀开度,调节马达转速驱动螺旋输送器排肥,实现分层变量排肥。将AMESim中建立的液压系统模型与在Matlab/Simulink中建立的控制模型进行联合仿真,整定PID参数。液压马达转速调节性能试验中最大超调量为14r/min,达到稳定转速的时间最大为6s,控制性能较好,表明通过AMESim-Matlab/Simulink联合仿真,能够快速便捷地整定PID参数,结果准确可靠。排肥控制性能试验中排肥量相对误差最大6.20%,变异系数最大8.69%,排肥量准确性和均匀性均达到要求。设计的控制系统具有较好的性能,能为果园有机肥分层变量深施提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
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