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在市场经济环境下,贷款担保作为上市公司融通资金的一种方式,是企业的一种正常的经营行为。它可以减少交易风险、促进资本市场发展。然而,目前由于种种原因,上市公司互保不仅没有起到化解市场风险的作用,反而加大了证券市场和金融市场的风险,严重扰乱了资本市场的正常运行。因此,本文拟通过思考重庆“互保圈”现象,分析“互保圈”形成的原因及危害,并由此提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   
中国草业教育发展史:1.本科教育   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
中国现代意义上的草业教育是从高等教育开始,由20世纪30年代在大学陆续开设的牧草学、草原学、饲料生产学等单门课程逐步发展、扩大为完整、系统的草业科学专业。70多年来,通过单门课程教学,本、专科专业教学体系初步形成,恢复及完善,本科专业教学体系快速发展和提高4个发展阶段,草业教育由畜牧专业的单门课程发展为独立的二级专业,继由二级专业提升为草业科学一级学科。草业本科教育在内涵提高的同时,其外延也取得了巨大的发展与成就,专业的数量和培养的草业人才大幅度增加,2010年全国共有草业科学本科专业30个,截至2008年底,有专业教师486人,已毕业本专科生14 225名,有在读本科生5 107名,中国成为世界上草业科学专业和学生的数量最多、培养层次最完整、教学指导思想最先进的国家之一,而且,甘肃农业大学的草业科学本科专业是世界上规模最大的本学科本科专业。  相似文献   
对畜牧业实行循环经济的综合评价是衡量畜牧业可持续发展程度的重要措施。采用层次分析法的原理建立畜牧业循环经济综合评价的数学模型,对层次分析法的具体流程进行详细描述,同时对层次分析法存在的一些问题进行总结。通过相应的实例,证明层次分析法在畜牧业循环经济综合评价中应用的可行性,对畜牧业相关部门在制定政策时能起到决策支持的作用。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To quantify factors influencing anesthetic concentration when an innovative anesthetic delivery device (vapor wand) was used with enclosed chambers. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized study. METHODS: Two experimental chambers (57.4 and 171 L) were constructed. Anesthetic volumes necessary to reach a target concentration of 3% or 5% isoflurane with complete vaporization were calculated for each chamber. After centering the distal end of the vapor wand and multi-orifice sampler, each chamber was sealed. Air (450 mL) was cycled through the vapor wand in a to-and-fro fashion with an electric, modified air pump at either 20 or 40 cycles minute(-1). Samples taken at 30-second intervals were analyzed for isoflurane concentration. Times to reach 2.8% isoflurane concentration were compared for eight treatment combinations replicated three times. Curves were constructed to display the rate of rise to endpoint concentration. Analysis of variance was applied to the data. RESULTS: Chamber size, pump stroke rate, and target isoflurane concentration all affected time to reach 2.8%, and their three-way interaction was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Generally time to 2.8% was less with small chambers, more rapid pumping and a target concentration of 5%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: When a wild or aggressive animal is presented for clinical veterinary care, introduction of a vapor wand into its cage offers a safer, more convenient, and less stressful alternative for anesthesia than transfer to an induction chamber. By quantifying factors affecting the rate of rise of anesthetic concentration with its use in experimental chambers, this study should promote greater safety and predictability when used clinically. This information will be useful when anesthetic induction needs to be hastened or delayed depending on the responses of the patient and the clinical judgment of the anesthetist.  相似文献   
野牦牛是青藏高原珍贵的野生畜种资源。本文从野牦牛的分布、类型、种群数量以及主要地理分区等方面分析了中国野牦牛遗传资源现状,同时讨论了野牦牛的生物学特性和经济价值,并提出了保存和利用野牦牛遗传资源的措施,对促进高寒牧区生态效益和社会效益有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
以宁夏的做法和经验为例,论述了大力提高草原生产力、完善配套政策措施、转变畜牧业生产方式是草原生态保护建设的有效途径。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effect of soft X-ray irradiation on ocular development, pregnant rats were exposed to a single 12.5 Gy irradiation on embryonic day 9 (ED 9). The embryos obtained by laparotomy on ED 12 and 21 were examined for ocular abnormalities under a binocular stereo-microscope and a light microscope. The ED 12 embryos were stained with osmium tetroxide to facilitate the observation. The stereo-microscopic examination on ED 12 and 21 revealed various types of ocular abnormalities characterized primarily by aplasia or hypoplasia of the optic cup and invaginated lens placode. The light microscopic examination further confirmed these findings histomorphologically, and the hypoplastic abnormalities were classified into three types: (1) hypoplasia of the optic cup and invaginated lens placode, (2) complete malformation of the optic cup and hypoplasia of the invaginated lens placode, and (3) complete malformation of the optic cup and invaginated lens placode. Because the lens was formed in the complete absence of the retina, the development and differentiation of the retina and lens do not seem to be tightly synchronized. Thus, this sequential analysis on ocular abnormalities during the early stage of development supports the notion that the presence of the retina is not always necessary for the development of the lens.  相似文献   
本文通过对海北州草业发展现状的调研,进一步分析了当前草业发展存在的问题和困难,提出了今后发展草业的思路和建议。  相似文献   
新形势下的动物医学人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物医学专业一直是农业院校的基础专业,主要培养医治畜禽和伴侣动物疾病的人才,随着社会的发展和就业领域的拓宽等新形势,对动物医学人才的培养提出了新的要求。本文主要从人才培养模式、课程设置和模块化培养等方面进行相关阐述。  相似文献   
李正春 《中国牛业科学》2010,36(1):73-73,100
对近年来青海省湟源县牛冷配技术推广情况进行了调查和分析,认为湟源县牛冷配技术推广效果良好.但仍存在问题,并提出了解决问题的措施。  相似文献   
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