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为建立荞麦轮纹病的抗性鉴定方法和筛选可利用的抗轮纹病的荞麦种质资源,本研究以TP2和KP14为供试材料,在健康荞麦叶片正面针刺处理,然后用荞麦轮纹病的病原菌菌饼进行接种;利用建立的抗性鉴定方法,对50份荞麦种质资源进行抗病性评价。结果显示:针刺5针接种叶片病斑出现较快,且比针刺1针、针刺3针的叶片病斑大,针刺5针的病情指数最高。50份荞麦种质资源的病情指数有差异,其中YZ-18的病情指数为29.63,为高抗种质资源,YZ-2、YZ-5、YZ-13和YZ-9的病情指数均低于40,为中抗种质资源,其余为感病种质资源。因此,接种前叶片正面针刺5针的方法为最佳的抗性鉴定方法。50份抗性评价的荞麦种质资源中,筛选出5份抗病种质资源。  相似文献   
To create new germplasm lines resistant to Verticillium wilt in upland cotton, 65 distant hybridization germplasm lines (DHGLs) in upland cotton genetic background were cultivated by interspecific hybridization between Gossypium hirsutum and wild species including G. anomalum, G. armourianum, G. aridum, G. raimondii, G. mustelinum, interspecific F1 backcrossing with G. hirsutum for four generations, and selfing for four generations, followed by a conventional breeding program. The results of agronomic trait identification during 2011-2012 indicated that average plant heights of DHGLs were closely similar to commercial cultivars of upland cotton, while average fruit branches, fruit nodes, bolls of DHGLs individual plant were lower than those in commercial cultivars of upland cotton. Average single boll weight and lint percentage of DHGLs were lower than commercial cultivars of upland cotton. Fiber length, strength, fineness and maturity of DHGLs were reasonably collocated. Fiber of most lines was suitable for spinning extra high count yarn, but the main fiber quality indices of commercial cultivars of upland cotton were not well coordinated. Identification of resistance to Verticillium wilt in defoliation disease nursery during 2012-2013 indicated that five DHGLs resistant to Verticillium wilt . Suyuan 040, Suyuan 045 and Suyuan 061 were highly resistant to Verticillium wilt with a disease index of 8.33, 4.35 and 7.79, respectively. Suyuan 030 and Suyuan 034 were resistant to Verticillium wilt with a disease index of 12.35 and 13.70, respectively. The genetic relationship of new germplasm lines resistant to Verticillium wilt were traced and showed that Suyuan 040 and Suyuan 045 were DHGLs of G. raimondii, Suyuan 061 was DHGL of G.mustelinum, Suyuan 030 and Suyuan 034 were DHGLs of G. aridum.  相似文献   
利用我国高油大豆品种东农47与日本引进多亚基缺失型育种材料日B,采用回交、三交的育种方法,综合系谱选择,通过SDS-PAGE技术分析亚基组成,在BC1、BC3及三交种F8群体内,选育到(α+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型、(α′+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡa、Ⅱb]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡa]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡb+X1X2]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡb]-缺失型和(α′+11S groupⅠ、Ⅱa)-缺失型共7种具有中国大豆遗传背景的7S球蛋白α′、α亚基与11S球蛋白groupⅠ(A1aB1b,A2B1a,A1bB2)、groupⅡa(A4A5B3)和groupⅡb(A3B4)不同亚基缺失组合新种质。测定优良品系的综合农艺性状及氨基酸组成、含量,结果表明,与对照相比,各种缺失突变体的各种氨基酸组分含量普遍提高,蛋白总量普遍高于轮回亲本,精氨酸含量特别是游离精氨酸的含量大幅提高。其中亚基组成为(α+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型品系G2-2-3的17种氨基酸含量、氨基酸总量、蛋氨酸含量均显著高于轮回亲本东农47,特别是游离精氨酸含量高出7.27mg/g。以上结果表明,7S与11S多亚基缺失型优良品系在有效去除致敏蛋白的同时,可以提高大豆蛋白氨基酸含量, 改善大豆蛋白氨基酸组分配比。各种致敏蛋白缺失型大豆优良新品系的获得,大大丰富了我国蛋白质组分改良育种的种质基础。  相似文献   
调查了44份芥蓝种质的植物学性状,并利用RAPD分子标记分析了其遗传多样性。结果从150条随机引物中筛选出20个引物,20个引物共扩增出177条谱带,其中多态谱带105条,平均每个引物扩增出8.9条谱带和5.3条多态性谱,多态性比率为59.32%。基于RAPD标记,利用NTSYS-pc2.11构建了聚类树状图谱,遗传距离为0.70时,44份芥蓝资源可聚成六大类群。芥蓝种质存在着一定的遗传多样性,但原产华南而且主要产区也在华南,遗传多样性要小于芸薹属其他蔬菜。  相似文献   
为更好地发掘和利用现有闽楠种质资源,本研究利用7个SSR位点对江西和福建16个闽楠群体的237份材料进行基因型分析,采用逐步聚类(随机取样策略,位点优先取样策略)和模拟退火算法(等位基因数目最大化策略,遗传距离最大化策略)4种取样方法构建闽楠核心种质,并将各遗传多样性指标进行分析。结果表明:7个SSR位点共检测到50个等位基因,平均为7.143,平均有效等位基因为2.115,Shannon信息指数为0.778,观测杂合度为0.302,期望杂合度为0.442。基于逐步聚类方法构建的核心种质相较于基于模拟退火算法构建的核心种质各遗传参数指标都相对较高。对其进行t检验后,选择以基于逐步聚类位点优先取样策略在25%的取样比例下选取的种质为核心种质,其等位基因数、平均有效等位基因数、多态性位点百分率、Shannon多样性指数的保留率分别为初始种质的98%、104.92%、90.09%、97.94%。筛选出的59份核心种质材料能够较好地代表闽楠种质资源的遗传多样性,为闽楠的种质资源保存提供科学依据。  相似文献   
利用棉花纤维品质相关QTL评价海陆渐渗品种品质初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 选用第7、13、25号染色体上纤维品质相关QTL(Quantitative trait locus)密集分布区间的48对SSR(Simple sequence repeat)引物,对48份棉花种质进行多态性检测,研究结果显示在实验材料中3对SSR引物具有陆海差异多态性,相关分析表明3个优质基因SSR位点与纤维长度和纤维强度达到极显著相关。通过与海岛棉带型比对、追踪,从分子水平上明确了这些品种中来源于海岛棉渐渗于陆地棉的优异基因区段,为下一步分子标记辅助聚合育种提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
为了拓宽和丰富小麦种质资源遗传多样性,提高小麦产量和品质,在大田对国外引进的145份小麦种质资源进行了农艺性状和品质性状的鉴定和评价。结果表明,这些材料基本属弱春性类型。在山西南部麦区,可推迟播期于10月下旬种植,作为育种材料利用。主要农艺性状的单株穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量变异系数分别为15.7%、16.03%、12.23%和23.96%,多数材料籽粒综合品质较好,尤其面筋品质好,筋力强。这些材料的农艺性状和品质性状具有丰富的遗传多样性。株高和千粒重与产量的相关系数最大,分别为0.5032和0.4178,达极显著水平,是提高产量的关键因素。综合3年试验结果,筛选出产量超过3750 kg/hm2有32份,鉴选出8个组合的相应强筋力品系和35个综合性状表现较优异品系,其突出优异性状表现植株穗大,小穗结实好,穗粒多,可作为小麦育种的重点种质材料利用。通过播期调节花期,利用CIMMYT材料合理杂交配组,已选育至F3代、BC2F1代和BC1F1代,有望育成优质大穗丰产抗旱创新材料及新品系。  相似文献   
[Objective] An elite germplasm resource of sea-island cotton with outstanding traits was mined in order to accelerate the breeding process of new varieties. [Method] The core collections of sea-island cotton germplasm consisted of 178 accessions were used as experimental materials in this study. Analyses of variability and diversity were performed through detecting phenotypic data of six main breeding-targeted traits, including boll weight, boll number per plant, lint percentage, fiber length, fiber strength, and micronaire. The elite germplasm of sea-island cotton was selected according to 10% optimal sampling strategy based on the phenotypic value of each trait. The 120 pairs of polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were used to analyze the polymorphism of 178 accessions of the core collections. Then, we conducted the population structure and clustering analysis based on the genotyping results. According to the results of cluster analysis, the primary elite germplasm was further selected, and the final elite germplasm of sea-island cotton was identified. [Result] The results showed that there was a high variability and abundant genetic diversity in the 6 studied traits. In 178 accessions of sea-island cotton, 262 alleles were detected by 120 pairs of SSR primers, with an average of 2.18 loci. The average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.067 8-0.630 0, with an average of 0.296 0, showing moderate polymorphism. The cluster analysis showed that the core collection of sea-island cotton was divided into six groups. twenty-three elite germplasm resources of sea-island cotton were identified based on phenotypic value and cluster analysis of SSR markers. [Conclusion] The germplasm of sea-island cotton can be analyzed and evaluated based on the phenotyping and SSR markers, and then the elite germplasm of sea-island cotton can be identified. These results provided the material basis for the genetic breeding of sea-island cotton, as well as the important reference and basis for the mining and identification of crop elite germplasm.  相似文献   
旨在减少药用石斛产业化发展中对野生中药材资源的依赖,筛选适合人工栽培的优良种质,实现中药产业持续发展与生态环境保护相协调。以湖北英山引种收集的13个药用石斛原生种质为试材,采用物候期观测、茎叶形态和花形态等生物学特性观测方法,同时进行生长适应性比较。结果表明:不同药用石斛种质的物候期不同,花期最早在3月底,多数集中在4—5月,最晚可到7—8月。不同种质间茎叶形态和花形态存在显著差异,可分为高大型、普通型和小型3个类型。不同药用石斛种质的花瓣和唇瓣颜色主要在白色到黄绿色之间变化。花瓣质地以革质为主,少数为厚革质、纸质或膜质。‘霍山石斛’、‘铁皮石斛’、‘铜皮石斛’和‘罗河石斛’的生长适应性较好。湖北省英山县地理气候条件优越,适合大多数药用石斛的生长。物候期、茎叶形态和花形态是区分药用石斛种质类别的重要指标。‘霍山石斛’、‘铁皮石斛’、‘铜皮石斛’(江西种源)是可以在湖北省推广发展的优质种质。  相似文献   
人工老化过程中柔枝松种子内源激素含量变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本研究为柔枝松(Pinus flexilis James.)种子内源激素含量的变化实验。经过人工老化处理,5个柔枝松种源种子内源IAA、ZR、GA3和ABA含量发生明显的变化,在整个发芽过程中,各内源激素含量的变化均呈先增加后降低的趋势。经过老化处理内源激素IAA、ZR、GA3和ABA含量都增加。其中ZR的含量增加最多。通过实验判断引进的5个柔枝松种源Rl、Rg和Rsi种子的品质较好,种源Rs最差,种源Rsd变化较大。同时也为国内林木种子活力的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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