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科技期刊的分类和评价标准早已有之,这些年来改革的推进,为评奖、评职称各单位推行了一些土政策,对期刊进行人为的分类,我们一些老期刊工作者也是一头雾水,有必要加以说明,以便领导和作者、读者问到自己时能够加以正确解释和回答。  相似文献   
在不同实验条件下将家畜骨制成骨炭除氟剂,通过除氟效果的比较筛选出最佳除氟剂制备方法。利用所制得的骨炭进行除氟静态吸附实验,研究了骨炭对氟的吸附效果以及温度、pH和地下水中常见阴阳离子等不同影响因素对骨炭除氟效果的影响。实验结果表明温度对骨炭除氟效果影响不大;低pH条件有利于骨炭对氟的去除;地下水常见阴阳离子中,Ca2+和Mg2+对骨炭除氟有一定的促进作用,而阴离子则起到不同程度的抑制作用。除氟后的骨炭可以利用NaOH浸泡方法进行再生,经三次再生后其吸附容量仍可达原来的94.3%,说明骨炭除氟剂具有良好的再生能力且可反复用于水中除氟。  相似文献   
积雪覆盖下土壤热状况及其对气象因素的响应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究季节性冻土区在积雪覆盖条件下,土壤温度变化趋势及气象因素对土壤热状况的影响,以野外实测试验数据(2013年11月8日—2014年4月28日)为基础,分析裸地、自然降雪、积雪压实和积雪加厚覆盖条件下5、10、20、40、60、100、140 cm深度土壤温度变化特征,采用灰色关联度分析的方法筛选出影响土壤热状况的主要气象因素,进而统计土壤温度与气象因素之间的相关关系。结果表明:积雪的存在阻碍了环境与土壤之间的能量交换,引起土壤温度和土壤冻融过程的差异;随着积雪覆盖深度的增加,土壤的冻融日期会出现延迟现象,土壤温度相对稳定在较高水平,并且地、气之间温差增大;冻融过程中土壤温度变化的主要影响因素为环境温度,积雪覆盖使得气象因素与土壤温度的关联度减弱。  相似文献   
Abstract. The paper highlights the advantages of modelling to simulate dynamic processes and to couple environmental data more closely with effects on crops. The CERES-Maize crop model and the DSSAT software package were selected for the work and the region of the Triângulo Mineiro in the state of Minas Gerais was selected as the study area. The results showed that there are differences in the potential production of the Latosols of the Triângulo Mineiro and this should be taken into account when extrapolating or transferring technology for other regions within the same cerrado ecosystem of central-west Brazil. It is essential to improve the number of points with weather data collection since, as demonstrated for Frutal, the climate of the Triângulo can determine differences in potential agricultural production as well as risk for production. The study showed that the use of crop models can improve land suitability evaluations, for land use planning, or establishing strategies for rural funding.  相似文献   
低温热水地板辐射采供暖系统在实际运行时常出现室内设计温度达不到和热力失调现象,现就结合几年中实际工作进行归纳和分析。  相似文献   
塔里木沙漠公路景观评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木沙漠公路是开展塔克拉玛干沙漠旅游的重要组成部分。公路沿线旅游景观的视觉好坏,直接影响游客的心理感受和对景观质量的认可度。通过对以往研究的总结与实地调查,从旅游研究视角,运用AHP法建立了3层级27个指标因子的塔里木沙漠公路景观评价体系,并验证了评价方法的有效性。进而对沙漠公路沿线景观质量进行系统评价,结果表明:沙...  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: No reliable tool to predict outcome of acute kidney injury (AKI) exists. HYPOTHESIS: A statistically derived scoring system can accurately predict outcome in dogs with AKI managed with hemodialysis. ANIMALS: One hundred and eighty-two client-owned dogs with AKI. METHODS: Logistic regression analyses were performed initially on clinical variables available on the 1st day of hospitalization for relevance to outcome. Variables with P< or = .1 were considered for further analyses. Continuous variables outside the reference range were divided into quartiles to yield quartile-specific odds ratios (ORs) for survival. Models were developed by incorporating weighting factors assigned to each quartile based on the OR, using either the integer value of the OR (Model A) or the exact OR (Models B or C, when the etiology was known). A predictive score for each model was calculated for each dog by summing all weighting factors. In Model D, actual values for continuous variables were used in a logistic regression model. Receiver-operating curve analyses were performed to assess sensitivities, specificities, and optimal cutoff points for all models. RESULTS: Higher scores were associated with decreased probability of survival (P < .001). Models A, B, C, and D correctly classified outcomes in 81, 83, 87, and 76% of cases, respectively, and optimal sensitivities/specificities were 77/85, 81/85, 83/90 and 92/61%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The models allowed outcome prediction that corresponded with actual outcome in our cohort. However, each model should be validated further in independent cohorts. The models may also be useful to assess AKI severity.  相似文献   
徐辉 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(31):17913-17915
利用湖北省荆州市、松滋市、潜江市、宜昌市及襄誉市的5个市(县)118个会员的调查数据,基于Logit模型对农村专业技术协会人力资本团队满意影响因素进行了实证分析。  相似文献   
针对园林景观工程造价难以控制的现状以及园林景观工程造价控制存在的问题,分析了影响园林景观工程造价的因素,分别对决策阶段、设计阶段、招标阶段、施工阶段以及竣工养护阶段提出了园林景现工程全过程造价控制的相应对策。  相似文献   
余志峰  张文伟  张志宏  张弥  王成 《油气储运》2012,31(5):321-325,407
通过增大管径或压力提高天然气管道的输送效率,成为天然气管道工业的发展方向,国内外天然气管道正在向1422mm管径或12MPa以上压力发展。分析了现有制管、设备、施工、设计方法、运行要求等方面存在的制约因素,针对性地提出改善措施和建议。重点讨论了国内外X100钢级管线钢的研究应用现状,以及制约其大规模工业应用的关键问题,提出研究应用建议,指出在设计中应引入基于可靠性的设计和评价方法,以适应大管径、高压力、高钢级管道建设的需要。  相似文献   
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