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图书馆,作为一个标志性建筑,在城市文化中具有重要的地位。文章以众多的实例说明,体现了美学在图书馆建筑文化中的运用表现。 相似文献
本文论述了道路的行车安全与舒适性的关系,指出一条公路在确保安全、快捷工程的前提下, 对公路线形的美学设计也是很重要的;并阐述了道路成形组合设计中应注意的几个基本问题。 相似文献
论文提出农业园美学理论缺失,是造成当前农业园景观设计农业特征景观不足、简单沿袭园林手法现象的重要原因。在对农业园与传统农业、园林在审美特征,即审美心理、审美诉求、整体形象及景观要素体系分析的基础上,论文尝试构建农业园美学概念:即运用美学理论研究农业园景观的美学特征和规律。并进一步提出农业园景观构成的四维要素来源、美学特征及规律。通过将美学理论与农业园景观应用结合,以期对农业园景观建设发挥美学指导作用。 相似文献
可持续植保具有丰富的美学意蕴。可持续植保所强调的整体性与和谐性的观点同生态美学所具有的特色相吻合,将生态美学作为1种价值观、伦理观、教育观,引入植保的研究领域,有助于我们更深刻辩证地认识并解决植物保护所面临的问题,树立可持续控制理念。同时,赋予生态美学更多的现实意义,进而实现可持续植保与社会发展的良性互动。 相似文献
花景勇 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》2008,(3)
树立系统的形式美评价的基本观点,是寻找有效美学评价工具的基础。我们熟知的工业设计美学评价,基本上是基于现代主义的抽象美学。这是从一开始就标榜与传统决裂的美学。然而,新时期对个性生活文化的回归,必然在美学上引入众多的传统因素。后现代主张的文脉就是回应时代需求的必然反映。从传统及其他成熟的领域中寻找更能融入生活的美学理论,不仅可以丰富企业美学识别的种类和内容,还可以使设计更加易于推广传播。 相似文献
胡晓波 《信阳农业高等专科学校学报》2006,16(4):86-88
《边城》通过对男女之爱、亲属之情、邻里之睦等世态人情的刻画,展现了边城人民的美好生活。饱经沧桑的老船夫的顺其自然、达观的人生态度,是作者所向往的。 相似文献
Sustainable development based on economic growth that is environmentally sound is increasingly essential. To achieve both ecological and social progress without detracting from China's primary economic objectives, China's Ministry of Communications has promoted the strategy of harmonious road systems, for which artistic principles are incorporated in the road's design to balance the needs of the environment with those of socioeconomic development without neglecting human esthetic needs. To illustrate the new strategy's impact, we examined a project that has been conducted following this approach in the Shennongjia region of China's Hubei Province since 2004. As in the use of ecological corridors, the new strategy emphasizes the need to decrease the impact of road construction on plant and animal habitats by emphasizing the protection of existing natural habitats and the use of local species for revegetation of the land surrounding the roads. However, it also emphasizes the need to improve traffic safety, promote local tourism and economic growth, and provide a demonstration to citizens (including bureaucrats) of the need for environmental protection both during and after road construction. After 6 years of monitoring, we found that the new strategy both satisfies the human desire for beauty and improves the road's harmony with nature and the surrounding visual landscape while promoting environmental conservation, ecotourism, traffic safety, socioeconomic development, and cultural values. This approach will help to guide future landscape design, planning, and management. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献