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Weed seeds in and on the soil are the primary cause of weed infestations in arable fields. Previous studies have documented reductions in weed seedbanks due to cropping system diversification through extended rotation sequences, but the impacts of different rotation systems on additions to and losses from weed seedbanks remain poorly understood. We conducted an experiment in Iowa, USA, to determine the fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in 2‐, 3‐ and 4‐year crop rotation systems when seed additions to the soil seedbank were restricted to a single pulse at the initiation of the study. Over the course of the experiment, seedlings were removed as they emerged and prevented from producing new seeds. After 41 months, seed population densities dropped >85% for S. faberi and >65% for A. theophrasti, but differences between rotation systems in the magnitude of seedbank reductions were not detected. Most of the reductions in seedbank densities took place from autumn through early spring in the first 5 months following seed deposition, before seedling emergence occurred, suggesting that seed predation and/or seed decay was important. For S. faberi, total cumulative seedling emergence and total seed mortality did not differ between rotation systems. In contrast, for A. theophrasti, seedling emergence was 71% lower and seed mortality was 83% greater in the 3‐ and 4‐year rotation systems than in the 2‐year system. Results of this study indicate that for certain weed species, such as A. theophrasti, crop rotation systems can strongly affect life‐history processes associated with soil seedbanks.  相似文献   
Annual grass weeds such as Apera spica‐venti and Vulpia myuros are promoted in non‐inversion tillage systems and winter cereal‐based crop rotations. Unsatisfactory weed control in these conditions is often associated with a poor understanding of the emergence pattern of these weed species. The aim of this study was to investigate, understand and model the cumulative emergence patterns of A. spica‐venti, V. myuros and Poa annua in winter cereals grown in three primary tillage regimes: (i) mouldboard ploughing, (ii) pre‐sowing tine cultivation to 8–10 cm soil depth and (iii) direct drilling. Direct drilling delayed the cumulative emergence of A. spica‐venti and V. myuros (counted together) in contrast with ploughing, while the emergence pattern of P. annua was unaffected by the type of tillage system. The total density of emerged weed seedlings varied between the tillage systems and years with a higher total emergence seen under direct drilling, followed by pre‐sowing tine cultivation and ploughing. The emergence patterns of all species were differently influenced by the tillage systems, suggesting that under direct drilling, in which these species occur simultaneously, management interventions should first and foremost consider that A. spica‐venti and V. myuros emerge over a longer period to avoid control failures.  相似文献   
Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle) is a dominant weed and has increased in prevalence in conservation cropping systems of the subtropical grain region of Australia. Four experiments were undertaken to define the environmental factors that favor its germination, emergence, and seed persistence. Seeds were germinated at constant temperatures between 5 and 35°C and water potentials between 0 and ?1.4 MPa. The maximum germination rate of 86–100% occurred at 0 and ?0.2 MPa, irrespective of the temperature when exposed to light (12 h photoperiod light/dark), but the germination rate was reduced by 72% without light. At water potentials of ?0.6 to ?0.8 MPa, the germination rate was reduced substantially by higher temperatures; no seed germinated at a water potential >?1.0 MPa. Emergence and seed persistence were measured over 30 months following seed burial at 0 (surface), 1, 2, 5, and 10 cm depths in large pots that were buried in a south‐eastern Queensland field. Seedlings emerged readily from the surface and 1 cm depth, with no emergence from below the 2 cm depth. The seedlings emerged during any season following rain but, predominantly, within 6 months of planting. Seed persistence was short‐term on the soil surface, with 2% of seeds remaining after 6 months, but it increased with the burial depth, with 12% remaining after 30 months at 10 cm. Thus, a minimal seed burial depth with reduced tillage and increased surface soil water with stubble retention has favored the proliferation of this weed in any season in a subtropical environment. However, diligent management without seed replenishment will greatly reduce this weed problem within a short period.  相似文献   
The spawning success of lithophilic salmonids is strongly influenced by the fine sediment content (“fines”) of spawning substrates, yet knowledge on the impacts of fines on the spawning of non‐salmonid lithophiles remains limited, despite their ecological and socio‐economic importance in European rivers. Consequently, the aim here was to use an ex‐situ experiment to investigate the impact of sand content on egg survival and timing of larval emergence of the surface‐spawning cyprinid European barbel Barbus barbus. Thirty incubator boxes within a recirculating system were filled with one of five experimental sediment mixtures (0%–40% sand by mass) that each contained 300 fertilised eggs at a depth of 50 mm. Emerged, free‐swimming larvae were captured and counted daily to assess grain‐size effects on larval survival and emergence. Specifically, total proportion of emerged larvae, cumulative daily proportion of emerged larvae and time required to reach 50% emergence were measured during the study. Whilst the proportion of sand in the sediments did not have a significant impact on egg‐to‐emergence survival (mean survival per treatment 75%–79%), it significantly affected the timing of larval emergence to the water column; early emergence was detected in treatments with elevated sand content (on average, 50% emergence after 12–13 days versus 19 days in the control). Similar to findings from salmonid studies, these results suggest high sand content in spawning gravels can influence timing of larval emergence and potentially cyprinid lithophilic fish survival.  相似文献   
播种深度对高粱出苗和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了明确高粱的适宜播种深度,观察不同高粱品种对不同播种深度的耐深播差异,研究了8 种播种深度对3 个高粱品种出苗和幼苗生长的影响,出苗时记载不同播种深度下高粱的出苗速度和出苗率,出苗结束后,调查其地上部分幼苗生长量、胚轴长度和种子根长度。结果表明:随着覆土厚度的增加幼苗出苗速度明显减慢。在播深3 cm、5 cm和7 cm处理下,各品种从播种至出苗需要5 天,在播深8 cm、10 cm、12 cm 和13 cm 处理下,需要5~7 天,在播深17 cm 处理下为7~11 天。在播深12 cm、13 cm 和17 cm处理下‘晋中0822’较其他2 个品种从播种至出苗所需时间早2~4 天。不同播深处理下高粱完成出苗所需要时间也不尽相同。在播深3 cm、5 cm和7 cm处理下,各品种完成出苗所需时间为9 天,在播深8 cm、10 cm、12 cm和13 cm处理下,需要9~13 天,在播深17 cm处理下需13 天。品种‘晋中0822’在播深8 cm、10 cm、12 cm和13 cm处理下9 天完成出苗,较其他2 个品种早。播种深度对3 个高粱品种的出苗率亦有显著影响。随着播种深度的增加,3 个高粱品种的平均出苗率不断降低。3 cm和5 cm为高粱最适播种深度。在播深3 cm、5 cm、7 cm、8c m、10cm和12 cm处理下品种‘晋中0822’出苗率显著高于其他品种。此外,播种深度对幼苗的生长发育也有显著影响。随着播种深度增加,3 个高粱品种的地上部分幼苗生长量和种根长显著降低,而胚轴长度显著增加。在3cm和5 cm播深处理下幼苗生长量、种根长和胚轴长与其他各处理差异显著。在播深7 cm、8 cm、10 cm、12 cm、13 cm和17 cm处理下‘晋中0822’品种各指标与其他品种差异显著。  相似文献   
为摸清麦黑潜叶蝇在天津市的发生规律和对小麦产量的影响,通过田间系统调查和室内饲养观察的方法进行了研究。研究结果表明,麦黑潜叶蝇一年发生1代或2代,以蛹在土中越冬,4月上旬羽化出土为害。成虫为害高峰期为4月上旬,雌蝇用粗硬的产卵器刺破麦叶;形成一行行的淡褐色针孔状斑点。幼虫为害盛期为4月下旬,百株有幼虫可达20~42头。幼虫潜食麦叶上半部叶肉,并形成袋状白色透明虫道。幼虫约8d左右老熟,老熟后爬出叶外入土化蛹越冬,化蛹率为54.5%左右。麦黑潜叶蝇为害可使小麦减产12.5%~14.3%。  相似文献   
用室内培养和田间测坑试验结果:红壤的花生萌发和出苗土壤含水量分别为0.18 g/g和0.24 g/g,土壤低于萌发含水量时,种子处于低级萌发阶段,出苗率为0;土壤含水量在萌发含水量与出苗含水量之间时,种子只处在高级萌发阶段,不能出苗;土壤高于出苗含水量种子才能出苗,但出苗率并不随土壤水分的增加而增加,最适出苗含水量为0.30 g/g.长期低土壤水分对花生的株高、分枝数、叶片数及单叶面积均有不利影响,在苗期就有明显表现,在始花前后各处理间差异达到最大.  相似文献   
为了明确在单粒播种条件下田间出苗率对玉米产量的影响,以蒙特卡罗二项分布作缺苗模拟,以Voronoi图分配缺苗土地,通过对产量-密度方程进行数学恒等变换计算产量补偿,模拟了2种单粒播策略的玉米产量随出苗率(75%~95%)的变化。结果表明,缺苗斑数目与出苗率呈单峰曲线关系,缺苗斑大小随出苗率呈负指数下降;单粒播造成0.06%~16.78%的减产,且减产率随出苗率下降而增加;两种单粒播策略的产量大小和产量稳定性均有差异,且差异随出苗率下降而扩大。该研究推荐的玉米单粒播策略是:在千方百计提高出苗率基础上,播种的种子数目应当等于目标种植密度除以出苗率、保证出苗的植株数目达到推荐种植密度。该结论对于在玉米生产上广泛采用单粒精量播种具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
Seed germination, seedling emergence, and the morphological characteristics of juvenile seedlings of Commelina benghalensis L. were observed. For aerial seeds collected in September and October, seedling emergence peaked in April and June for large seeds and from June to August for small seeds, whereas seedling emergence for large seeds collected in November showed peaks in March and April under natural rainfall conditions, and in April and June under irrigation conditions. Seedlings from small seeds emerged intermittently over a longer period from April to August under both conditions. Aerial seeds of C. benghalensis germinated on wet filter paper on the second day after seeding (DAS) for large seeds and the fourth DAS for small seeds. The germination percentage for large seeds was higher than that for small seeds by the 14th DAS. The germination percentage for large aerial seeds showed no significant difference between light and dark conditions. However, the percentage for small aerial seeds was higher under light than under dark conditions. Seedlings from large aerial seeds emerged on the third DAS at 0–50 mm soil depths. The percentage of emergence at 0 and 1 mm soil depths increased until the 30th DAS, whereas those at soil depths of 5–50 mm showed no change after the 9th DAS. There was no emergence at a soil depth of 100 mm. Seedlings from small aerial seeds emerged on the 6th DAS at 0–1 mm soil depths, with the percentage increasing until the 30th DAS. Although seedlings at 5 and 10 mm soil depths also emerged on the 6th DAS, there was no change in the percentage after the 12th DAS. There was no emergence at soil depths of 20–100 mm. The hypocotyl and taenia (part of the cotyledon connected to the seed) in juvenile seedlings that emerged from soil depths of 50 mm were longer than those in seedlings emerging from a soil depth of 1 mm.  相似文献   
为筛选出烟蚜茧蜂(Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead)规模扩繁中的最佳繁蚜冬寄主,比较了自然条件下7种不同冬寄主上烟蚜的种群数量变化,烟蚜茧蜂对各寄主上烟蚜的防控效果及僵蚜羽化率.结果表明:烟蚜在7种寄主上种群数量的自然增长从大到小依次表现为烤烟K326、芥菜、芥菜型油菜、甘蓝型油菜、萝卜、红菜薹、白菜;芥菜上烟蚜茧蜂的寄生率为70.56%,显著高于其他寄主;7种冬寄主上僵蚜羽化率均高于70%,其中芥菜最高,为97.33%,萝卜最低,为72.87%,二者差异具有统计学意义.烟蚜茧蜂均能寄生7种冬寄主植物上所饲养的烟蚜且僵蚜羽化率相对较高,但总体而言芥菜上烟蚜的种群数量增长较快,烟蚜茧蜂的寄生率和僵蚜羽化率均最高,可利用芥菜来替代烟草作为冬季繁蚜寄主,也可在春烟种植前对芥菜田释放烟蚜茧蜂使其在田间建立自然种群.  相似文献   
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