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《Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology》2013,22(2):39-57
Abstract Proximate composition and performance of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) stocked at 40, 50, and 75 kg/m3, were determined. Moisture content of fish fillets decreased while their protein and lipid contents increased during the 24 weeks of rearing period. Statistical analyses indicated that moisture, protein and lipid contents of charr flesh varied significantly among density groups while ash contents did not. While the moisture and ash contents of fish fillets were directly related to stocking density (r = +0.9435 and r = +0.9918, respectively), contents of protein and lipid did not (r = ?0.5251 and r = ?0.7038, respectively). The level of carotenoids in the flesh and skin of Arctic charr increased with duration of feeding on pigmented diets. However, no correlation (r = ?0.6053) existed between stocking density and concentration of carotenoids. The specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly influenced by stocking densities but the hepatosomatic index (HSI) of fish did not. These performance parameters of fish were well correlated with stocking density (r = ?0.9368, ?0.9975, ?0.9899, and ?0.9920, respectively). Although SGR, FCR and PER of fish from different stocking densities varied significantly (p < 0.05), their final weights did not. 相似文献
Leontine T. Colon Dirk J. Budding L. C. Paul Keizer Martin M. J. Pieters 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1995,101(4):441-456
Four components of partial resistance toPhytophthora infestans were measured after inoculation in the greenhouse and in the field ofSolanum arnezii x hondelmannii, S. berthaultii, S. circaeifolium, S. leptophyes, S. microdontum, S. sparsipilum, S. sucrense andS. vernei, and four hybrid progenies ofS. microdontum withS. tuberosum. The four components were infection efficiency, lesion growth rate, generation time and sporulation capacity. The results were compared with resistance ratings derived from field experiments, and with observations made on the potato cultivars Bintje, Bildstar, Libertas and Pimpernel. Genetic variation for all components was found, while the relative importance of the components of partial resistance appeared to vary between the species. InS. microdontum, generation time, infection efficiency and lesion growth rate, and inS. tuberosum infection efficiency, lesion growth rate and sporulation capacity appeared positively associated, but in other species no such association was found. A strong hypersensitive reaction, the expression of which appeared to depend on environmental conditions, was found inS. microdontum. ForS. berthaultii, infection efficiency appeared to be the main resistance component.Abbreviations ADPC
area under the disease progress curve
- IE
infection efficiency
lesion growth rate
- GT
generation time
- SC
sporulation capacity 相似文献
水稻基质育秧不同播种量对秧苗素质和产量的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为探索有机基质料培育标准化壮秧技术,以武运粳23号和"科杰"牌基质为材料,采用田间试验方法,研究了5种不同播种量水平对水稻秧苗地上部与地下部性状、大田茎蘖动态及产量的影响。结果表明,随着播种量增加,秧苗地上部和地下部性状差异较大,在播种量为120-210 g/盘范围内,叶绿素含量、盘结力和根系活力则随着播种量增加而增加,在播种量为150-180 g/盘时基质料育出的秧苗更有利于培育健壮的机插秧苗,具体表现为增穗、增粒作用,可以在大面积范围内推广应用。 相似文献
盆栽试验结果显示,用漯效王1 000、1 200、1 500、2 000倍液浸种甬优12(籼粳杂交稻)和中浙优1号(籼型杂交稻)种子,2个水稻品种的种子发芽率、根长、胚芽长均与清水对照无明显差异。在不施化肥的情况下用漯效王喷施叶面,2个品种的株高、根长、地上部鲜质量、地下部鲜质量、叶绿素相对含量与清水对照也无明显差异。在对处理组施尿素后用漯效王喷施叶面,而对清水、普绿通、可杀得叁仟处理组只施尿素的情况下,漯效王处理的水稻株高、地上部鲜质量、地下部鲜质量、叶绿素相对含量明显优于清水对照、普绿通、可杀得叁仟处理。叶面喷施后14d,漯效王处理组各指标依旧优于对照组。综合试验结果表明,漯效王在与尿素配合施用的情况下能够达到促进肥效、抗虫、促进根部和植株生长、促进分蘖的作用,并且药效持久性好。 相似文献
研究了复合磷酸盐在酸奶中对发酵剂酸化速率和产品品质的影响,以及复合磷酸盐最适添加量抑制霉菌生长的效果。结果表明,复合磷酸盐添加量0.02%和0.04%对发酵剂酸化速率影响不明显,并且对产品品质没有影响,但是对酸奶中霉菌生长具有明显的抑制作用。因此,在酸奶生产中添加适量复合磷酸盐可以有效提升酸奶产品货架期。 相似文献
充分发挥磷肥后效作用是实现玉米节本增效的重要举措 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过吉林省中等肥力黑土玉米磷肥13年田间与盆钵定位试验及室内大量化验分析得出磷肥当季虽具有较明显的增产效果,但其利用率(9.8%)并不高.四个量级磷肥(45、90、135和180kg/hm2)利用率最高的时期均在施后第二年(14.9%~38.8%)和第三年(12.3%~30.5%),到第四年虽能被玉米吸收利用一部分(9.1%~18.6%),但其增产效果已不显著.残留在土壤中的磷肥前两年利用率之和可达到27.4%~68.5%.产量与效益结果表明,磷肥在施用后的第二年和第三年,即磷肥前两年后效的年均增产(1003~1443 kg/hm2)增收(802~1154元/hm2)效果最高. 相似文献
辣椒种子引发技术优化试验 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文对辣椒种子引发方法进行了优化。以不同品种的辣椒种子为试材,利用振荡器作引发工具,用不同化学药剂和H2O作引发剂,通过测定引发过的辣椒种子的发芽特性,筛选最佳引发剂配方和引发时间。实验结果表明,引发后的种子发芽特性和抗逆性均增强,处理(1)‘1.8% KNO3+0.2% ZnSO4,处理4天’的综合表现最佳,处理(4)‘10% PEG+1.8% KNO3+0.2% ZnSO4,处理6天’的种子在半个月内发芽特性最好,但3个月后发芽率明显下降。由此可见,处理(1)‘1.8% KNO3+0.2% ZnSO4,处理4天’为最佳引发方法。 相似文献