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[Objective] This study was to investigate the difference in microscopic features of pollen grain and stoma of four triticeae species, as well as the relationship between the sizes of pollen grain and stoma, and the chromosome ploidy. [Method] Comparison of the micro-morphological characteristics of pollen grain and leaf epiderm among diaploid Thinopyrum elongatum, Elytrigia intermedia, hexaploid Triticum aestivum and octoploid Tritielytrigia types were carried out by observation under scanning electronic microscope(SEM). [Result] There were some differences among the four species in the micro-morphology, the size, the surface protuberance, the germ pore of pollen grain and the leaf epidermal stoma, in which diploid Thinopyrum elongatum was obviously different from the other three. Diploid, hexaploid and octoploid species of triticeae had remarkable differences in micro-morphological characteristics of pollen grain and stoma. However, some differences between hexaploid species and octoploid species were not significant. [Conclusion] Some microscopic characteristics of pollen grain and stoma could be used as the evidence to identify diaploid, hexaploid and octoploid spieces whose chromosome ploidy are hugely different.  相似文献   
小麦EST-SSR标记的开发和遗传作图   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】利用小麦EST序列数据库开发EST-SSR标记。【方法】对GenBank/dbEST注册的普通小麦EST序列(2006.4.18—2007.2.4)进行SSR查找,采用Primer5.0软件设计EST-SSR引物,选用3个小麦品种进行有效性检测,利用RIL群体和Mapmaker/Exp3.0软件进行遗传作图。【结果】在265362条普通小麦EST序列中,共发现6314个SSR,占整个EST数据库的2.38%。其中二核苷酸、三核苷酸重复序列最多,分别为2237(35.43%)和2084(33.01%)个。二核苷酸重复中,以GA/CT和AG/TC出现频率最高、分别占SSR总数的17.85%和10.37%,其次是CA/GT(4.07%)和AC/TG(2.53%);三核苷酸重复中,CAA/GTT(3.93%)、CGG/GCC(3.83%)、CGC/GCG(3.36%)、GGC/CCG(3.14%)、CTT/GAA(2.53%)、TGC/ACG(2.27%)以较高的频率出现。根据筛选得到的微卫星序列共设计了596个EST-SSR引物对,选择其中95分以上的194个合成。PCR检测表明,165个引物对(85%)可以扩增出稳定清晰的带型;在RIL群体中检测到21个EST-SSR引物26个位点有多态性,将其中的23个位点整合到已有的小麦遗传图谱上。【结论】开发了165个小麦EST-SSR新标记,EST序列是小麦SSR标记的重要来源。  相似文献   
一个谷子新抗锈基因的AFLP标记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】研究谷子抗源的抗锈遗传规律,寻找和定位与谷子抗锈基因连锁的分子标记,为谷子抗锈病基因的定位、克隆和抗病育种等研究奠定基础。【方法】用谷子锈菌单胞菌系93-5接种十里香和豫谷1号及杂交后代F1、F2进行抗锈鉴定,并根据鉴定结果构建抗、感基因池;利用AFLP技术筛选128对EcoRⅠ/MseⅠ引物组合,从中寻找和定位与谷子抗锈基因连锁的分子标记;根据AFLP分析结果进行抗锈基因连锁分析并进行SCAR标记转化。【结果】根据十里香×豫谷1号杂交后代F2群体(131株)抗感谷锈病分离比例,确定十里香抗锈性由显性单基因控制。筛选获得3个与谷子抗锈基因Rusi1(暂命名)连锁的AFLP分子标记,经计算标记与该抗锈基因的遗传距离分别为7.4、9.2和27.4cM。将3个标记片段回收、克隆和测序,成功地将AFLP标记E+CTT/M+TAC-256转化为SCAR标记。初步构建了谷子抗锈基因Rusi1的遗传连锁图谱。【结论】谷子十里香抗锈性由显性单基因控制,Rusi1是一个新发现的谷子抗锈基因。  相似文献   
中国6种犬科动物直针毛的扫描电镜分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用扫描电镜对我国分布的6种犬科动物背部和腹部直针毛的鳞片花纹类型进行研究.结果表明,6种犬科动物直针毛鳞片花纹类型主要有杂波型、长瓣型、杂瓣型、扁平型和方瓣型,毛鳞片形态在属间和种间存在差异,同一种类身体不同部位毛的鳞片形态也有差异,同一根毛的不同部位也存在差异.依据本项研究,笔者探讨了利用犬科动物毛鳞片花纹进行物种识别的可行性及需要注意的问题.  相似文献   
中国蔬菜电子商务发展的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李优柱  杨珊珊 《湖北农业科学》2012,51(13):2895-2898
中国既是蔬菜生产大国,亦是消费大国.蔬菜具有地域性、季节性、消费普遍性、销售时效性等众多复杂特征.近年来蔬菜价格波动剧烈,流通参与环节多,导致到消费者手中时价格偏高.学术界对农产品电子商务研究较多,但对蔬菜这一特珠农产品的电子商务研究则较少.提出了用电子商务解决中国蔬菜流通中的问题的方法,分析了中国蔬菜电子商务的现状以及制约其发展的原因,对蔬菜电子商务的发展提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   
SSR(simple sequence repeat)分子标记是以聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术为基础的共显性分子标记,也称为微卫星标记(microsatellite markers),其具有多态性高、通用性好、易检测且操作简单等优点,已被较多应用于苹果的品种鉴定、遗传多样性分析以及遗传图谱构建和基因定位等方面。就以上方面对苹果中SSR分子标记的应用进行概述并提出SSR分子标记在未来苹果中的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   
Protein and starch are the most important traits in determining processing quality in wheat. In order to understand the genetic basis of the influence of Waxy protein (Wx) and high molecular weight gluten subunit (HMW-GS) on processing quality, 256 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross of waxy wheat Nuomai 1 and Gaocheng 8901 were used as mapping population. DArT (diversity arrays technology), SSR (simple sequence repeat), HMW-GS, and Wx markers were used to construct the molecular genetic linkage map. QTLs for mixing peak time (MPT), mixing peak value (MPV), mixing peak width (MPW), and mixing peak integral (MPI) of Mixograph parameters were evaluated in three different environments. The genetic map comprised 498 markers, including 479 DArT, 14 SSR, 2 HMW-GS, and 3 Wx protein markers, covering 4 229.7 cM with an average distance of 9.77 cM. These markers were identified on 21 chromosomes. Eighteen additive QTLs were detected in three different environments, which were distributed on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 1D, 4A, 6A, and 7D. QMPT-1D.1 and QMPT-1D.2 were close to the Glu-D1 marker accounting for 35.2, 22.22 and 36.57% of the phenotypic variance in three environments, respectively. QMPV-1D and QMPV-4A were detected in all environments, and QMPV-4A was the nearest to Wx-B1. One minor QTL, QMPI-1A, was detected under three environments with the genetic distances of 0.9 cM from the nearest marker Glu-A1, explaining from 5.31 to 6.67% of the phenotypic variance. Three pairs of epistatic QTLs were identified on chromosomes 2D and 4A. Therefore, this genetic map is very important and useful for quality trait related QTL mapping in wheat. In addition, the finding of several major QTLs, based on the genetic analyses, further suggested the importance of Glu-1 loci on dough mixing characteristics.  相似文献   
通过对国内农林院校图书馆的电子资源建设的调查,分析了当前农林院校图书馆电子资源建设的现状。并针对电子资源建设的发展作了进一步的思考,为农林院校图书馆电子资源建设提出建议和参考。  相似文献   
主要水产养殖动物QTL定位的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数量性状是一个多世纪以来遗传学研究的主要对象之一,因为它是许多重要作物,畜牧和人类的重要性状。最早的工作是在孟德尔定律重新发现之前由Galton[1]开展的。但长期以来,开展数量性状研究主要借助于统计学手段。20世纪80年代,尤其是90年代以来,RFLP,RAPD,AFLP,微卫星,SNP等DN  相似文献   
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