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Expanding tree canopies can be difficult to achieve in built environments because urban land is costly and urban soil inhospitable to vegetation so engineered planting systems offer a potentially valuable tool for achieving sustainable urban forests. Tree water uptake, performance and root distribution were assessed in systems of structural soil and structural cell. Structural soil relies on stone and soil, it is highly porous and designed to support tree root growth and possess pavement strength. The structural cell is made up of rigid structural units with 90% void space which is to be filled with soil. To evaluate tree performance under the conditions of fill and drain regimes in structural soil and structural cell, these two systems were subjected to three simulated infiltration rates. This study was conducted in April 2015 to April 2016 in the tropical equatorial environment of South East Asia. Infiltration rate affected both biomass accumulation and rooting depth. Species and substrate effect was significant for biomass and rooting characteristics but less prominent for transpiration. Biomass was greater for trees in structural cells, and Pouteria obovata was particularly sensitive to prolonged inundation. Rooting depth was always higher in the rapid infiltration indicating the negative effects inundation had on this parameter. Root system in the structural cell was deeper while those in the structural soil were wider. Samanea saman had better adapted to the drain and fill regimes, and this was despite Pouteria obovata being a coastal species and was expected to be flood tolerant. Species and substrate effect was weak (R2 ranging from 0.20 to 0.28) but moderate drainage consistently led to higher transpiration. We conclude that structural soil and structural cell are potential solutions and provide a tool to overcome suboptimal urban growing conditions. The application of these solutions will allow for seamless integration of greenery with urban infrastructure.  相似文献   
西气东输管道干线截断阀的旁通管道节流阀、放空阀,站场ESD放空管道放空阀,大量使用进口Serck Audco压力平衡式旋塞阀。针对站场ESD高压放空旋塞阀内漏故障频繁,常规处理效果不好的问题,分析了进口旋塞阀的密封及压力平衡结构特点,结合现场实践经验提出了注脂处理、解体维修、更换阀门、返厂维修等处理方法。旋塞阀频繁内漏的根本原因是旋塞表面本体磨损、划伤,导致密封失效。现场解体维修中,旋塞和阀体之间的间隙难以保证恢复至原始状态,旋塞经人工打磨很难达到原始匹配精度,多次解体后维修效果可能会更差,因此解体维修应谨慎开展。返厂维修消除了旋塞表面磨损、划伤,经现场试验验证可以解决阀门内漏问题,但国产旋塞阀及国内厂家维修后的进口旋塞阀均需增加旋塞大端泄压孔,才能消除旋塞自锁现象。大端泄压孔与介质流体直接接触,当阀门用于管道介质含杂质较多的工况时,不能避免杂质进入大端底部,旋塞阀的国产化研制应在这方面开展研究。(图4,参16)  相似文献   
脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥提高番茄产量及NPK养分吸收   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为提高番茄肥料的利用效率,该文采用恒温培养和土培试验研究了自制番茄专用缓释肥(special slow-realease fertilizer for tomato,TSRF1和TSRF2)在酸、中、碱性土中的氮素释放特性以及对番茄产量、NPK养分吸收利用的影响。结果表明,在3种不同土壤中,氮素释放累积量均表现为普通复合肥(ordinary compound fertilizer,OCF)>商品缓释肥(commercial slow-release fertilizer,MSRF)>自制专用肥(special compound fertilizer for tomato,TCF)>自制专用缓释肥1(TSRF1)>自制专用缓释肥2(TSRF2),且各施肥处理在3种不同土壤类型上的氮素累积释放量大小表现为碱性土>中性土>酸性土。在整个培养期,各施肥处理在3种不同土壤中氮素相对累积释放率大小总体表现为碱性土>中性土>酸性土,且土壤中不同形态氮素累积量均是铵态氮大于硝态氮。铵态氮、硝态氮的累积量大小也表现为碱性土>中性土>酸性土。不同形态氮在3种土壤中的累积释放量动态释放以一级动力学方程拟合最好(r=0.963~0.998)。采用一级动力学方程,不同形态氮素的最大释放量表现为总N>NH4+-N>NO3--N,这与土壤中各形态氮素养分的累积释放特性变化规律表现一致。在土培试验中,两种专用缓释肥(TSRF2和TSRF1)显著提高了番茄果实干物质量,较TCF、MSRF和OCF处理分别增加了18.18%、7.24%、31.40%和13.45%、2.96%、26.15%,且番茄产量在各处理之间的差异达到显著水平。各处理对氮素的积累量大小顺序为TSRF2>TSRF1>MSRF>TCF>OCF,对磷的吸收上表现为TSRF1>TSRF2>MSRF>TCF> OCF,钾素吸收积累量的趋势与氮素基本相同。与普通复合肥相比,两种专用缓释肥处理的N、P、K利用率分别增加了10.66%、20.53%和18.62%(TSRF1),14.94%、18.48%和21.95%(TSRF2)。两种专用缓释肥(TSRF2和TSRF1)在抑制剂的作用下,能够延缓肥料中N素养分的释放,增加番茄植株对氮磷钾养分的吸收,从而提高了NPK养分利用率和番茄产量。  相似文献   
近60年洞庭湖区水沙演变特征及趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于洞庭湖1951-2009年年径流泥沙量数据,采用趋势分析法和阶段分析法对近60 a来洞庭湖水沙的演变特征及变化趋势进行分析,并以年份序列为自变量,对洞庭湖水沙累积量进行多项式函数拟合,结果表明:①近60 a来,洞庭湖区除四水入湖水量的趋势性不显著以外,三口入湖水沙量、四水入湖沙量和城陵矶出湖水沙量均呈较显著的减少趋势;②洞庭湖水沙在演变过程中表现出一定的阶段性特征;③洞庭湖水沙的演变特征及趋势与下荆江裁弯工程、葛洲坝截流工程、三峡工程等水利设施的建设密切相关.  相似文献   
以SPOT 4遥感影像和林相图为主要数据源,RS和GIS软件为数据分析平台,借助景观生态学的理论和方法,对额尔古纳国家级自然保护区景观多样性及其空间特征进行定量分析.结果表明:保护区呈现以针阔混交林、针叶林和阔叶林为主体的交错景观格局,其它景观类型呈补丁状镶嵌之中;处于演替前期的森林类型(山杨和白桦林等)的斑块形状构图复杂,破碎化程度较高,景观异质性高,处于演替后期的森林类型(落叶松林等)则刚好相反;景观多样性指数为1.2593,景观总体的异质性较低,景观生态结构呈现出不合理性和简单化.研究成果可为该自然保护区生物多样性保护、建设管理和景观规划等提供理论依据和科学基础.  相似文献   
猪、奶牛粪厌氧发酵中Pb的形态转化及其分布特征   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
畜禽粪便经厌氧发酵后其中的铅(Pb)仍然保留在沼液和沼渣中,阐明此发酵过程中 Pb 的形态转化对沼液和沼渣的后续处理有重要的参考意义。该研究以猪粪和奶牛粪为发酵原料,在中温(37℃±2℃)条件下,采用连续搅拌反应器进行了130 d中试试验,分析了Pb在固相和液相中的分配及其形态转化。研究结果发现:1)与进料相比,猪粪沼液和奶牛粪沼液中总Pb量降低了约70%和19%;2)猪粪沼液和奶牛粪沼液中Pb在液相中的比例为29%和17%,较发酵前降低约17%和58%;3)厌氧发酵后,猪粪沼液中各形态Pb所占比例的大小顺序为:残渣态(35%)>酸溶态/可交换态(34%)>可还原态(24%)>可氧化态(8%);奶牛粪沼液中为:可还原态(33%)>酸溶态/可交换态(27%)>残渣态(26%)>可氧化态(15%);4)厌氧发酵后,猪粪沼渣中残渣态和酸溶态/可交换态Pb的比例都极显著增加,奶牛粪沼渣中可氧化态Pb的比例极显著增加。猪粪和奶牛粪厌氧发酵后,适合通过沉淀池或氧化塘削减沼液中的Pb含量;但沼渣中Pb的浓度较大且化学形态发生显著变化,建议还田前进行重金属钝化处理。  相似文献   
The relationship between the charge characteristics and the dispersibility of soils from reclaimed land (highly dispersive) and adjacent forest area (physically stable) was investigated.

To evaluate the amount of soil charges quantitatively, the measurement based on cation and anion adsorption (ion adsorption method) was attempted in two ways, where special attention was paid to the solution concentration. In the conventional ion adsorption method, the treatments with concentrated solutions (1 mol L-1) were included in the process. In the modified method, soils were treated with dilute solutions (5 mmol L-1), in taking account of the soil solution concentration in humid temperate regions. The amount of charges derived from the modified method was smaller than that from the conventional one, especially in the high pH zone. In a preliminary experiment, the extraction of polyvalent cations from soils was found to be significantly affected by the salt concentration. Thus, the use of solutions with an excessively high concentration was considered to result in an error in the estimation of the active charges in soils which would contribute to the dispersion behavior in the field.

The applicability of the modified method for analyzing the dispersion behavior of soils was evaluated by relating the dispersibility of silts and clays at different pHs with the charge characteristics determined under the same ionic strength. The dispersion ratio of silts of the reclaimed land reached maximum values at pH 5.5, above which the ratio decreased, whereas the ratio of clays began to increase in the pH range above 6. The dispersion ratio of silts of the forest area increased in the pH range above 6, whereas that of clays remained constant at a low level in all the pH ranges below 7. The changes in the dispersibility of silt plus clay fractions corresponded to total charge characteristics determined by the modified method. Thus, the evaluation of soil charges by the modified ion adsorption method was considered to be effective to predict soil dispersibility under field conditions, indicating that it could replace electrokinetic analyses such as electrophoresis in studies on the dispersion/flocculation behavior of soils.  相似文献   
周江敏  代静玉  潘根兴 《土壤》2004,36(1):46-50
采用元素分析、1HNMR和FTIR研究了黄泥土中水溶性有机质组成及结构特征,并与富里酸、胡敏酸进行比较。结果表明:胡敏酸含有大量的芳香族不饱和物质,烷基链烃多,支链长;富里酸以含有大量的羧基为主要结构特征;水溶性有机质主要由碳水化合物组成,含有大量的羟基,芳香族不饱和物质少。  相似文献   
The level of compaction induced on cultivated fields through trafficking is strongly influenced by the prevailing soil-water status and, depending on the attendant soil degradation, vital soil hydraulic processes could be affected. Therefore, understanding the relationship between field soil-water status and the corresponding level of induced compaction for a given load is considered an imperative step toward a better control of the occurrence of traffic-induced field soil compaction. Pore size distribution, a fundamental and highly degradable soil property, was measured in a Rhodic Ferralsol, the most productive and extensively distributed soil in Western Cuba, to study the effects of three levels of soil compaction on soil water characteristic parameters. Soil bulk density and cone penetration index were used to measure compaction levels established by seven passes of a 10 Mg tractor at three soil-water statuses corresponding to the plastic (Fs), friable (Fc) and relatively dry soil (Ds) consistency states. Pore size distribution calculated from soil water characteristic curves was classified into three pore size categories on the basis of their hydraulic functioning: >50 μm (f>50 μm), 50–0.5 μm (f50–0.5 μm) and <0.5 μm (f<0.5 μm). The greatest compaction levels were attained in the Fs and Fc soil water treatments, and a significant contribution to compaction was attributed to the existing soil water states under which the soil compaction was accomplished. Average cone index (CI) values in the range of 2.93–3.70 MPa reflected the accumulation of f<0.5 μm pores, and incurred severe reductions in the volume of f>50 μm pores in the Fs and Fc treatments, while an average CI value of 1.69 MPa indicated increments in the volume of f50–0.5 μm in the Ds treatment. Despite the differential effects of soil compaction on the distribution of the different pore size categories, soil total porosity (fTotal) was not effective in reflecting treatment effects. Soil water desorption at the soil water potentials evaluated (0.0 to −15,000 cm H2O) was adversely affected in the f<0.5 μm dominated treatments; strong soil water retention was observed with the predominance of f<0.5 μm, as was confirmed by the high water content at plant wilting point. Based on these findings, the use of field capacity water content as the upper limit of plant available soil water was therefore considered inappropriate for compacted soils.  相似文献   
在南京市范围内采集谷里村、锁石村和东庐村3个地区的典型设施菜地有机肥及土壤样品,并利用超声波提取,固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱分析的方法测定了其中的四环素、土霉素、金霉素和强力霉素等4环素类抗生素。结果表明,采集的有机肥和土壤样品中四环素类抗生素均被检测出,其浓度以土霉素为最高,四环素和强力霉素其次,金霉素浓度较低。在调查的3个地区中,谷里村的有机肥中四环素类抗生素浓度最高,锁石村其次,东庐村则相对较低,各地区抗生素总量范围分别在126~8 071、266~3 326和339~373μg/kg,平均浓度分别为2 152、1 188和356μg/kg;不同种类的有机肥中抗生素的浓度差异很大,其中人畜粪便的抗生素总量为371~7 820μg/kg;而对3个地区土壤中四环素类抗生素浓度的分析结果表明,谷里村仍为最高,总量范围为18.4~483μg/kg。由此可见,施用含有四环素类抗生素的有机肥已对土壤环境造成一定的威胁,有机肥农用的潜在问题应当引起关注。  相似文献   
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