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基层农民节水意识与节水技术采用取向探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过问卷调查与实地调研,对河南省封丘县102个基层农户进行了节水意识与节水技术采用取向研究。结果表明,受访农户中仅有极少数具有较强节水意识,农户节水意识主要取决于其文化素质、种植作物种类、灌溉费用等。调查区内基层农户采用的节水技术中应用最普遍、效果最好的是管道输水。超过半数的受访农户表示如果节水技术合意则乐于采用,而对节水技术的要求最普遍是经济性和实用性。  相似文献   
Redesigning IT systems for specific user groups encompasses a lot of effort with respect to analysing and understanding user behaviour. The goal of this paper is to provide insights into patterns of behaviour of agricultural users, during the usage of a decision support system called OPTIRas™. This system aids agricultural users in their cultivar selection activities. We analyse logs resulting from OPTIRas™, and we get insights into user’s navigational patterns. We claim that the results of our analysis can be used to support the redesign of decision support systems in order to address specific agricultural users’ characteristics.  相似文献   
叶片数是影响泵性能的主要参数,不同比转速的离心泵有不同的选取准则。为研究低比转速离心泵的叶片数选取准则,选取IS50—32—200低比转速离心泵作为研究对象,通过Pro/e建立三维模型,在gambit中进行网格划分,导入Fluent中对三维流场进行数值模拟,计算出各个物理参数的分布。通过对不同叶片数的计算比较分析,得出低比转速离心泵叶片数对流量,扬程和性能的影响,揭示不同叶片数的低比转速离心泵内部流动规律,给出低比转速离心泵叶片数的选取原则,提高低比转速离心泵的优化设计。  相似文献   
俄罗斯沙棘优良品种引种试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三北”地区和黄土高原是中国沙棘亚种的分布中心,现已有大面积人工沙棘林,但其果小、刺多,产果量低,采果难。为此,作者于1997-2006年承担水利部“948”沙棘引进项目,以解决该地区沙棘优良品种缺乏问题。通过8年试验研究,引进俄罗斯大果无刺沙棘优良品种、类型40余种,分别在“三北”和黄土高原地区的7个主要试验基地进行引种试验,从中初步筛选出效果较好的9个优良品种、类型。它们生长发育良好,抗性较强,具高产、优质特性,并已开始利用引进的俄罗斯沙棘与当地中国沙棘杂交,培育出第一代杂交种。在引种选育和对俄罗斯沙棘生物生态学特性进行试验研究的基础上,对其良种的集约栽培和繁育做了试验和示范推广工作,产生了良好的生态、经济效益。通过本项目实施,为做好沙棘引种选育工作提供了良种,这对大面积建造高产、优质人工沙棘林和沙棘果园,加速黄土高原和“三北”地区的环境治理、发展地方经济具重要意义。  相似文献   
种粒大小选择对大豆种间杂交后代性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以两种类型大豆种间杂交组合F2至F4为材料,研究种粒大小集团选择效应及对其他性状的影响。表明:种粒大小是一个重要性状,大豆种间杂交后代随着向大粒方向选择,植株变矮,茎秆增粗,倒伏性降低,分枝数减少,产量性得以改善。在F2根据植株体表现进行种粒大小的分组定向选择,这种趋势能够有效地保持到高代。  相似文献   
B.R. Ntare 《Euphytica》1999,107(2):141-147
Selection of superior crosses of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in early generations would increase the probability of identifying superior lines. The objective of this study was to determine the potential of selecting for physiological traits identified in a yield model [crop growth rate (C), reproductive duration (DR) and partitioning (p)] in segregating populations. Forty populations and nine parental lines were evaluated in replicated trials in 1992 (F2, 1993 (F3) and 1994 (F4) at three locations in Niger. Physiological traits were estimated from final yield and biomass as well as data on flowering and maturity. Regressions from two different parent-offspring generations (F2: F3 and F3: F4) were calculated. The results were compared to determine if early generation performance accurately predicts the performance of cross bulks in later generations. Differences were observed among populations and parents for all traits. Effects of locations were significant for C, p and DR in F2 and F3 but nonsignificant for yield and C in F4. Regression coefficients from F3: F2 were 0.10 ± 0.08 for C, 0.45 ± 0.17 for p, 0.10 ± 0.03 for DR and 0.16 ± 0.03 for pod yield. Based on F3: F4 regression, the coefficients were 0.12 ± 0.23 for C, 0.46 ± 0.17 for p and 0.57 ± 0.17 for yield. Parent-offspring correlations were in most cases similar to the regression values. It was concluded that selection for yield and model components in early generation bulks may inneffective. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary One hundred random oat (Avena sativa L.) lines from a base (C0) and each of three populations (C1, C2, and C3) improved for groat (caryopsis) oil content by phenotypic recurrent selection were evaluated for correlated changes in several unselected agronomic traits. In addition, the parents of the base population and four check varieties were evaluated for the same traits. Phenotypic recurrent selection for high groat-oil content resulted in no significant correlated response in mean expression of any trait. Mean grain yield, biomass, groat yield, and harvest index of the improved populations were equal or superior to the mean of the parents and, with the exception of harvest index, equivalent to the mean of the check varieties. Mean test weight and seed weight of all populations were lower than for parents or check varieties. Selection for high groat-oil content caused a decline in genotypic variance for test weight and groat fraction, but reductions in genotypic variance for heading date and plant height may have resulted from culling for good agronomic type. Broad-sense heritability remained moderate to high for all traits except groat fraction. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients revealed negative, though mostly nonsignificant, relationships between groat-oil content and several traits, which may reflect a purported bioenergetic limitation to increasing groat-oil content in oats. Oil yield, however, was positively correlated with grain and groat yield, groat fraction, biomass, and harvest index. Results suggest that development of high-oil oat cultivars with current levels of production traits via phenotypic recurrent selection is possible.Journal Paper no. J-13038 of the Iowa Agric. and Home Econ. Exp. Stn., Ames, IA 50011. Project 2447.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the use of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) resistant parents in cultivar development and identify superior clones possessing moderate to high late blight resistance combined with acceptable maturity and tuber quality. Ninety-five crosses were made between eight unadapted parents with reported late blight resistance (B0718-3, Bertita, Bzura, Greta, Libertas, Stobrawa, Tollocan and Zarevo) and susceptible parents (cultivars or advanced breeding clones) adapted to North American growing conditions. A total of 408 field selected clones were assessed for late blight resistance in the greenhouse and in the field using a mixture of US8 P. infestans isolates (A2 mating type, metalaxyl resistant) that overcame all known R-genes except R8 and R9. Clones with ≤ 10% infected foliar area in the greenhouse test or ≤ 0.30 RAUDPC (relative area under the disease progress curve) value in the field in 1998 were re-tested in 1999. A total of 118 (29% of 408) putative late blight resistant clones were selected. The eight late blight resistant parents differed in both the ability to transmit late blight resistance and in the level of resistance transmitted to the progeny. The Tollocan and B0718-3 families (half-sib progeny) had the greatest degree of resistance and frequency of resistant clones. Scott-Knott cluster analysis ranked 79 clones (67% of 118) in the high and moderate late blight resistant groups. Among these 79 clones, 19 clones had vine maturity equal to or earlier than mid-season combined with acceptable tuber quality. Further selection in 2000 resulted in eight advanced selected clones (six from Tollocan and two from B0718-3 families) with the same level of resistance as the parent combined with vine maturity and tuber quality equivalent to Atlantic, a standard cultivar for chip processing in North America. The results indicate that this breeding approach can be used to select parents for late blight resistance breeding and to identify superior clones with high levels of late blight resistance and marketable vine maturity and tuber quality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
四川丘陵区是四川省面积最大、人口分布最集中的区,伴随着农业重心从成都平原转向盆中丘陵,四川丘区农业成为全省经济特别是农业的重要区域.近年来,由于异常气候和生态环境恶化,农业生物灾害常年影响丘陵地区农业活动,制约了丘区的农业生产和经济发展.因此,为了绿色安全地进行农业生产活动,笔者总结了丘区旱作农业主要生物灾害的防治策略...  相似文献   
分子标记辅助选育抗稻白叶枯病的低温敏核不育系3178S   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以IRBB21为Xa21基因供体,籼型低温敏不育系399S为低温核不育系基因供体,采用杂交和回交方法,逐代用分子标记检测手段,导入广谱抗白叶枯病基因Xa21和低温敏核不育系基因,聚合双亲的有利性状,育成抗白叶枯病的籼型低温敏核不育系3178S,其抗性达到了IRBB21的抗性水平,且保持了399S稳定的育性和双亲的优良经济性状。  相似文献   
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