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水稻株高QTL及其与产量性状和抽穗期关系的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
株高是一个与水稻品种丰产潜力密切相关的重要性状。主效半矮秆基因背景下的水稻株高变异,一般表现为受多基因控制的数量性状。最近的研究表明,已定位的株高QTL分布于水稻的所有12条染色体,其中4个QTL已克隆。克隆研究和QTL初定位结果表明,株高QTL往往存在对产量性状和(或)抽穗期的多效作用,可利用于提高水稻产量潜力。  相似文献   
The developmental genetics of plant height was analyzed from two groups of three-line indica hybrid rice at two environmental conditions based on the NCII design, using the additive-dominant developmental genetics models and the statistic methods. The results showed that the rice genotypes and environmental conditions could both affect plant height, and the effects of environment on plant height decreased gradually with plant development. Additive and dominant effects both governed the performance of plant height at all developmental stages. However, the degrees of effect varied among the rice genotypes. Moreover, the interaction between environments and genotypes also affected plant height. The genetic effects differed at most developmental stages. Furthermore, the expression of additive effect was more active than that of dominant effect. Conditional interaction effects with environment also influenced plant height during genetic development, especially at the early stage. Mid-parent heterosis (HMP) increased gradually with the developmental stage of plant height, and maximized at the latest stage, whereas the heterosis over the better parent (HBP) showed small differences among the genotypes, and kept stable at the later stage, with positive numeric value. At most developmental stages, conditional HMP was positively significant, while conditional HBP was negatively significant. All above results suggest that HMP and HBP have some new expressions in all developmental periods and the levels and directions are quite different.  相似文献   
鲁西黄牛耳缘组织成纤维细胞的体外培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验以鲁西黄牛耳缘组织为研究材料,采用组织块贴壁培养法对其进行了成纤维细胞的体外培养。通过细胞的传代培养、形态学和动力学观察与分析,结果表明,所建立的鲁西黄牛耳缘组织成纤维细胞系具有典型的成纤维细胞形态,胞体均为梭形和不规则三角形,且细胞丰满;细胞核形态为卵圆形,并位于胞质中央,核仁清晰。在细胞生长于繁殖过程中亦经历了潜伏期、指数增生、停滞期和衰退死亡期等4个时期。细胞群体倍增时期为72h。实验结果表明,已成功地培养了鲁西黄牛耳缘组织成纤维细胞。  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield is strongly related to the number of harvested kernels, where kernel number can be increased by synchronously pollinating silks rather than allowing them to be progressively pollinated as they naturally appear from the husks. However, there is scarce evidence on how this practice affects kernel weight (KW) and plant grain yield (PGY), and no report exists on its effects when combined with treatments aimed to reduce apical dominance, like male sterility and detasseling. Field experiments were conducted in two growing seasons (Exp1 and Exp2) using two hybrids, cropped at contrasting stand densities (3 and 9 plants per m2) and including (i) male-fertile and male-sterile versions, (ii) tasseled and detasseled plants, and (iii) natural (NP) and synchronous pollination (SP; pollen added manually to ears bagged 5 days after initial silking) systems. Tassel growth of sterile and fertile versions was also evaluated in a separate experiment (Exp3). Detasseling increased the number of ears per plant reaching silking (P < 0.001) of NP plants, but this beneficial effect of reduced apical dominance did not improve kernel number per plant (KNP) or PGY. Similarly, the early arrest of anther growth in male-sterile plants had no clear benefit on KNP. In contrast, KNP was enhanced by synchronous pollination (range between −13% and +71%; average of +15.4% in Exp1 and +3.9% in Exp2). However, this pollination system promoted a decreased in KW (range between −30% and +4%; average of −11.8% in Exp1 and −7.8 in Exp2) such that the treatment had no effect on PGY (range between −19% and +37%; average of +1% in Exp1 and −4% in Exp2). Because plant growth rate around flowering was not different between pollination treatments, assimilate availability per kernel was reduced from ovary fertilization onwards in synchronously pollinated plants when compared to open pollinated plants. This explains the reduced KW when increasing KNP by synchronous pollination. In summary, none of the imposed treatments allowed grain yield to be increased at the plant level.  相似文献   
以YXD053和98A-04两个茎秆高糖自交系及Y6-1茎秆低糖自交系为材料,分析玉米棒三叶光合性状对玉米茎秆糖含量的影响。结果表明,3个自交系茎秆糖含量在雄穗始花期基本一致,雄穗始花后21 d茎秆糖含量差异最大。不同茎秆糖含量玉米自交系光合参数特征明显,与茎秆低糖自交系Y6-1相比,茎秆高糖自交系YXD053和98A-04光合速率有较长的高光合功能持续期,且在子粒发育后期有较高的光合速率。茎秆低糖自交系Y6-1胞间CO_2浓度及蒸腾速率高于茎秆高糖自交系YXD053和98A-04,气孔导度及叶面积对茎秆糖含量的影响在2个茎秆高糖自交系之间表现不一致。乳熟期棒三叶光合速率可作为茎秆糖含量的选择指标。  相似文献   
富含多糖甜玉米幼穗RNA提取及高温胁迫基因表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以改良Trizol试剂法从富含多糖的甜玉米幼穗中提取高质量、完整的总RNA,利用实时荧光定量PCR对高温胁迫下粤甜13雌穗发育的8个差异表达基因进行分析。结果表明,8个基因分为上调表达和下调表达,实时荧光定量PCR和测序法基因表达谱检测的基因上调或下调表达的趋势一致,上调表达基因ZM2G058057和下调表达基因ZM2G059964、ZM2G044670相对表达量较高,可能在高温胁迫影响甜玉米幼雌穗发育过程中起更重要的作用。  相似文献   
LFY基因是控制拟南芥花分生组织特异性的关键基因,该基因的突变会引起延迟开花和叶片形态变化。本试验以相同核背景(Y53)下穗上叶片数14叶和4叶的材料为模板,通过PCR反应,扩增出4条ZFL1基因目的片段。对PCR扩增产物进行回收、纯化和测序,将测序片段进行拼接。通过序列比对,结果表明与Y53(4L)相比较,Y53(14L)在外显子3有一段13 bp的重复序列,造成ORF的改变,进而引起氨基酸序列改变。据此,初步认为多叶玉米ZFL1基因在外显子区域发生突变造成表达产物-转录因子结合靶基因的功能性失活,使玉米营养生长阶段延迟,从而引起玉米穗上叶片数的增加。  相似文献   
Growth and mortality of sibling triploid and diploid Sydney rock oysters, grown at two tidal heights, three stocking densities and three different sites on the Camden Haven River estuary, were compared. Triploids grew faster than diploids. The majority of the growth rate difference occurred after the oysters reached 2 years of age. By 3.2 years, triploids were 49% heavier than diploids. Oysters grown intertidally were larger than those grown subtidally. Oysters stocked at the lightest density of 2 L per basket grew to a significantly larger size than baskets stocked at 3 or 4 L. Growth rates were significantly different at the three sites. Growth was reduced the further the oysters were from the mouth of the estuary. There was no significant difference in mortality between ploidy level, but there were differences between tidal heights, stocking densities and sites. Intertidal oysters suffered higher mortality than subtidal. Oysters stocked at the highest density had a significantly higher mortality than the lowest density; neither of these was significantly different from the medium density. The site closest to the mouth of the estuary had significantly lower mortality than the middle and upper estuary sites.  相似文献   
氟磺胺草醚的生物测定方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验利用对氟磺胺草醚敏感的玉米、向日葵、高粱为指示作物,利用土培法研究了不同条件下,氟磺胺草醚不同浓度对作物的抑制作用,并建立了氟磺胺草醚玉米生物测定方法——玉米株高法.试验结果表明,最佳生物测定条件为在27℃条件下,培养120 h.研究结果对土壤中氟磺胺草醚的快速测定和轮作换茬具有重要意义.  相似文献   
小型太阳能直流水泵的性能测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自行配置了一套小型太阳能直流水泵,该设备具有装置简单、经济成本低、稳定性好及实用等优点,并在昆明地区进行了性能测试研究。其测试结果表明:辐照度大于450W/m2时该设备运行良好,并且提水高度在0~30m时较适用。可用于阳光充足无电力地区的深井取水、农作物灌溉、及河流、水库、水渠等提水工程。  相似文献   
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