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Abstract: A 6-year-old Rottweiler was presented to the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine for evaluation of multiple cutaneous nodules. The dog had a history of anorexia, vomiting, and hind-limb paraplegia. Results of cytologic examination of the cutaneous nodules were consistent with a round cell tumor. At necropsy, primary tumors were found coalescing in the duodenum and the pancreas and extending into the associated mesentery. Numerous masses also were found throughout the skin, abdominal and thoracic viscera, and lumbar spinal cord. Histologically, the duodenal tumor had variable morphology, with some areas resembling adenocarcinoma and others resembling anaplastic round cell neoplasia; the skin and other metastatic lesions resembled round cell neoplasia. Immunohistochemistry of the cutaneous, duodenal, and pancreatic masses showed the neoplastic cells were positive for pancytokeratin, supporting an epithelial origin. In addition, low numbers of neoplastic cells were positive for periodic acid-Schiff and Alcian blue, consistent with acid mucin production by duodenal epithelium. These findings confirmed that the cutaneous nodules were metastatic lesions originating from the duodenal adenocarcinoma. Cutaneous metastasis of intestinal carcinoma is rare in domestic animals. This case demonstrates the potential difficulty in diagnosing metastatic lesions based on cytologic and histologic morphology alone, because the cutaneous metastases may not resemble the primary neoplasm morphologically.  相似文献   
This work aimed to characterize the complex carbohydrates in the duodenum of fetal and adult fallow deer. The proximal parts of the duodenum were removed from the intestine of 12- and 16-week-old fetuses and of adult fallow deer. Sections were assessed by conventional carbohydrate histochemistry combined with glycosidase digestions and treatment with KOH. During development, there was an increase in the acid carboxylated components of the glycoconjugates in goblet cells, while the duodenal glands expressed high quantities of sulphated glycoconjugates at the beginning of development but, in the adult, mainly secreted neutral and carboxylated glycoconjugates containing sialic acid. Sulphated components, probably represented by chondroitin sulphate B-like and heparan sulphate-like glycosaminoglycans may play a role in the morphofunctional differentiation of the duodenum.  相似文献   
用Grimelieus银染法对0、5、10、30、50日龄及一年龄的四十只绍兴麻鸭十二指肠和直肠的嗜银细胞进行形态学观察和出现率统计,结果表明:1.十二指肠和直肠的嗜银细胞数多随日龄增长而增加,其绝对生长高峰期,十二指肠绒毛在10~39日龄:直肠绒毛、十二指肠腺和直肠腺在5~10日龄.其形态多为梭形或卵圆,形属“开放型”细胞.2.棕色、黑棕色和黑色的嗜银细胞在肠腺及绒毛上的分布无规律.3.绒毛上发现嗜银颗粒到达纹状缘并贴于纹状缘的嗜银细胞,肠腺内见有嗜银细胞的胞质突起沿基膜伸延,绒毛及肠腺内均见到嗜银细胞突起穿过基膜到达固有层并在此处与嗜银颗粒相连续的图像,提示绍兴麻鸭嗜银细胞还可能有旁分泌和“腔分泌”作用.  相似文献   
对11只成年山羊的肝外胆道、十二指肠形态进行了解剖学研究。结果表明,山羊胆囊位于腹腔内右季肋部第9~10肋间相对处,有2个副肝管开口于胆囊管。肝管和胆囊管合并为胆管,后者与胰管合并为胆总管,开口于十二指肠憩室。十二指肠可分3段。测量了胆道数值,并阐明了山羊肝外胆道外科手术最佳途径。  相似文献   
选择3只徐淮白山羊,采用4×3拉丁方设计研究不同植物性蛋白源日粮(A:豆粕、B:棉籽粕、C:菜籽粕、D:玉米酒糟)对瘤胃和十二指肠内氨基酸和肽的影响。结果表明:各处理组瘤胃内的游离氨基酸、肽氨基酸浓度分别为8.55、5.38、7.37和7.74mg/L和41.76、36.89、33.65、29.59mg/L;游离氨基酸组成以Glu、Pro所占比例相对较大,Gly、Thr、Leu和Phe所占比例相对较小。肽氨基酸组成以Asp、Glu、Ser、Pro、Val含量相对较高,而Arg、Phe含量相对较低。十二指肠食糜游离氨基酸、肽氨基酸浓度分别为48.71、32.26、35.72、51.23mg/L和11.28、8.54、9.95、12.54g、100gDM;其中游离氨基酸中以Tyr、Ala、Val、Leu、Phe含量相对较高,His、Cys含量相对较低。各组中总氨基酸含量以Ala、Val、Leu、Phe含量相对较高,His、Cys含量相对较低;进入十二指肠的菌体蛋白氨基酸含量,以豆粕组最高,进入十二指肠的饲料氨基酸含量,以玉米酒糟组最高。  相似文献   
试验选用21日龄纯种大白仔猪70头,分为A、B、C、D、E5组,A组饲喂基础日粮(含铜15mg/kg),B、C、D组在基础日粮中添加50、100、200mg/kg赖氨酸铜来源的Cu,E组在基础日粮中添加200mg/kg硫酸铜来源的Cu,试验期42d。结果表明:日粮添加不同水平的Cu可提高仔猪的日增质量,其中C、E两组与A组差异显著(P<0.05),C组与D、E组差异不显著(P>0.05)。与A组比较,E组十二指肠内容物脂肪酶活性显著提高(P<0.05)。B、C、D组十二指肠、胰脏脂肪酶活性有提高趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
首次应用亲和免疫组化方法(ABC法)和免疫组化间接法(SPA—HRP间接法)同时显示了SS阳性细胞和IgA阳性细胞的在十二指肠中的分布情况。结果显示:SS阳性细胞主要分布于小肠绒毛上皮细胞之间、肠腺上皮细胞间及肠腺周围。IgA阳性细胞主要分布于小肠固有层中。在SS阳性细胞分布较多的部位,IgA阳性细胞的分布则较少;而在igA阳性细胞分布较多的部位,SS阳性细胞则分布较少。提示ss对IgA细胞的合成有重要影响,说明SS对粘膜免疫有重要的调节作用。因此,通过半胱胺降低体内SS的水平来增加IgA阳性细胞的数量是一条行之有效的途径。  相似文献   
试验用27只50日龄Wistar纯系雄性大鼠,采用体内原位结扎肠段灌注技术结合放射性同位素示踪技术,通过与氟化锌比较,研究了高铜、植酸对氨基酸螯合锌(以赖氨酸螯合锌和蛋氨酸螯合锌为代表)吸收的影响。试验中观察了在高铜、植酸条件下下,向结扎十二指肠灌注不同形态锌的灌注液后,不同时间点(5,15,30,60,90,120min)血液中^65Zn比放射性的动态变化;120min(试验结束)时结扎肠段^65Zn的消失率、不同组织器官中^65Zn的放射性。试验结果表明:高铜或植酸显著降低了氟化锌中锌的吸收,对氨基酸螯合锌中锌的吸收也有影响,但受影响程度比氯化锌小得多。  相似文献   
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