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以紧凑型玉米品种大丰26和平展型太单23为材料,大田条件下设置1.5万,4.5万,7.5万,10.5万株/hm2共4种群体规模,系统研究了不同株型的光合系统与干物质生产、籽粒形成、产量及其构成因素、源库关系等在群体调节上的异同,并提出挖掘不同株型玉米品种产量潜力途径。结果表明,紧凑型大丰26最适密度为7.5万株/hm2,平展型太单23最适密度为4.5万株/hm2,前者产量及构成因素的群体调节作用小于后者,但获得最高经济产量适宜经济系数都在0.5左右,适宜源库比均为1.50左右;生长发育后期,紧凑型大丰26净同化率和干物质积累优势明显;产量构成因素的主次作用因株型而异,平展型太单23在充足穗数前提下,主攻粒质量为主,稳定粒数为辅,而紧凑型大丰26在充足穗数前提下,为充分挖掘生产潜力,宜二者兼顾。  相似文献   
《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):289-296

Failure of fertilization in rice is a critical yield-determining factor in plants subjected to temperature or water stress at the early-reproductive stage and in high-yield cultivars bearing heavy spikelets. Although it is important to identify quickly the unfertilized spikelets for research and selection of stress-resistant or high-ripening cultivars from bulksamples, the identification takes time because unfertilized spikelets are usually determined by visual and manual procedures. Our objective was to develop a convenient method to identify unfertilized spikelets in rice. Takanari spikelets at maturity grown in the paddy field were separated into floating and sinking spikelets by different specific gravity solutions of ethanol/water mixture. The unfertilized spikelets were identified by checking the grains inside the spikelets by light penetration and examining the spikelets manually. The percentage of floating spikelets decreased with the increase in ethanol concentration, and that of floating spikelets approximately coincided with the percentage of unfertilized spikelets when the specific gravity was below 0.90×10>3 kg m-3, corresponding to over 70% -ethanol. In a practical range of temperature the specific gravity scarcely changed. In an 80%-ethanol solution, the percentages of floating spikelets in Takanari grown under different nitrogen applications and in rice cultivars having different spikelet size approximately coincided with percentages of unfertilized spikelets, though the percentages of floating spikelets was 5 to 7% higher than the unfertilized spikelets. The use of 70%-ethanol solution increased the difference in some rice cultivars. We concluded that the gravitation method would be convenient for identification of unfertilized spikelets in bulk samples of rice.  相似文献   
干旱、积温不足和劳动力缺乏是制约滇东北山区玉米生产发展的主要障碍,结合多年生产实践,从整地与选种、播种育苗、田间管理、病虫害防治、适时采收等方面总结了滇东北山区玉米抗逆栽培技术,以供参考。  相似文献   
添加尿素和乳酸菌制剂对玉米秸秆青贮料品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国玉米秸秆资源丰富,由于饲用品质差,而饲用开发利用不足。为了研究尿素、乳酸菌制剂(青宝2号)对玉米秸秆青贮饲料品质的影响,试验分别设置添加尿素(3kg/t或6kg/t)、青宝2号(2.5g/t)和青宝2号+尿素(3kg/t+2.5g/t或6kg/t+2.5g/t)5个处理,青贮发酵60d后取样分析。结果表明:玉米秸秆直接青贮,发酵品质较好,但粗蛋白含量较低。尿素(3kg/t或6kg/t)能够显著提高玉米秸青贮饲料的粗蛋白含量(P<0.05),乳酸菌制剂(2.5g/t)并没有明显改善玉米秸秆青贮饲料的发酵品质,与单独添加尿素(3kg/t或6kg/t)相比较,尿素和乳酸菌制剂一起添加(3kg/t+2.5g/t或6kg/t+2.5g/t)并没有进一步改善玉米秸秆青贮饲料发酵品质。  相似文献   
房丽萍  孟军 《中国农学通报》2013,29(17):156-160
施肥是农业持续发展的重要措施,施用化肥对中国粮食安全的保障作用是投入其他生产要素所不能替代的,掌握化肥的增产效应从指导农业生产及确定科学有效的施肥方案方面来说,都具有重要的理论与实践意义。分析了化肥施用量与粮食产量之间的关系,选取粮食作物播种面积、农用机械总动力、有效灌溉面积、化肥施用量和农业从业人员为中国粮食产量的影响因素,采用主成分回归C-D生产函数模型,计算了化肥投入对粮食增产的弹性及贡献率。结果表明:化肥施用与粮食产量之间存在较强的正相关关系;1978—2010年间化肥投入对粮食产量增长的弹性值为0.18,贡献率达20.79%,化肥对粮食增产的弹性和贡献与以往的研究结果相比略有下降,单位质量化肥投入带来的实际粮食产量增加量有所减少,但化肥投入仍是影响粮食产量增长的重要因素。  相似文献   
不同类型夏玉米主要性状及产量的分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王聪玲  龚宇  王璞 《玉米科学》2008,16(2):039-043
以4种不同类型的夏玉米品种为材料,研究了不同时期其主要性状、干物质积累和分配及产量。结果表明:4种类型夏玉米的产量存在显著差异,在不同密度下产量也表现显著差异,其中大株特大穗型玉米品种CF2187的产量最高,具有相当大的生产潜力;4种类型夏玉米的LAI发展受密度和株型影响,高密度较低密度拥有更大的LAI及持续期,大株大穗型玉米品种的叶面积持续期最长;大株大穗型玉米品种的干物质积累最多,中株中大穗型玉米品种的经济系数最大。  相似文献   
甜玉米玉米螟的发生危害与防治措施   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
研究了吉林省公主岭地区甜玉米上亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guene)的发生危害和防治措施。田间抗螟性人工接虫鉴定结果表明,甜玉米710A和普通玉米自交系丹340的食叶级别为9级,即高感玉米螟,而单交种邢抗5号和邢抗2号的食叶级别为5级,为中抗型。与普通感虫和中等抗虫性玉米品种相比,取食甜玉米的玉米螟幼虫存活率高3~7倍,发育速度更快,提前约4~8天(1~2个龄期),说明甜玉米比普通玉米感虫。甜玉米比普通玉米及早播比晚播田更吸引玉米螟产卵。田间小区试验表明,化学杀虫剂的防治效果比白僵菌和苏云金杆菌的好,以氯菊酯喷雾防治效果最好,虫孔减退率达90%;其次是杀螟灵颗粒剂、Bt喷雾和Bt颗粒剂;而白僵菌的防治效果较差,喷雾防治效果好于颗粒剂。大田防治效果与小区试验基本相同。同时还分析了氯菊酯防治甜玉米玉米螟的防治策略、防治时期、施用次数等。此外,对Bt制剂作为化学杀虫剂的取代品及与其它生物防治方法协调使用的优点与潜力进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Available irrigation resources are becoming increasingly scarce in the North China Plain (NCP),and nitrogen-use efficiency of crop production is also relatively low.Thus,it is imperative to improve the water-use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen fertilizer productivity on the NCP.Here,we conducted a two-year field experiment to explore the effects of different irrigation amounts (S60,60 mm;S90,90 mm;S120,120 mm;S150,150 mm) and nitrogen application rates (150,195 and 240 kg ha~(–1);denoted as N1,N2 and N3,respectively) under micro-sprinkling with water and nitrogen combined on the grain yield(GY),yield components,leaf area index (LAI),flag leaf chlorophyll content,dry matter accumulation (DM),WUE,and nitrogen partial factor productivity (NPFP).The results indicated that the GY and NPFP increased significantly with increasing irrigation amount,but there was no significant difference between S120 and S150;WUE significantly increased first but then decreased with increasing irrigation and S120 achieved the highest WUE.The increase in nitrogen was beneficial to improving the GY and WUE in S60 and S90,while the excessive nitrogen application (N3) significantly reduced the GY and WUE in S120 and S150 compared with those in the N2 treatment.The NPFP significantly decreased with increasing nitrogen rate under the same irrigation treatments.The synchronous increase in spike number (SN) and 1 000-grain weight (TWG)was the main reason for the large increase in GY by micro-sprinkling with increasing irrigation,and the differences in SN and TGW between S120 and S150 were small.Under S60 and S90,the TGW increased with increasing nitrogen application,which enhanced the GY,while N2 achieved the highest TWG in S120 and S150.At the filling stage,the LAI increased with increasing irrigation,and greater amounts of irrigation significantly increased the chlorophyll content in the flag leaf,which was instrumental in increasing DM after anthesis and increasing the TGW.Micro-sprinkling with increased amounts of irrigation or excessive nitrogen application decreased the WUE mainly due to the increase in total water consumption (ET)and the small increase or decrease in GY.Moreover,the increase in irrigation increased the total nitrogen accumulation or contents (TNC) of plants at maturity and reduced the residual nitrate-nitrogen in the soil (SNC),which was conducive to the increase in NPFP,but there was no significant difference in TNC between S120 and S150.Under the same irrigation treatments,an increase in nitrogen application significantly increased the residual SNC and decreased the NPFP.Overall,micro-sprinkling with 120 mm of irrigation and a total nitrogen application of 195 kg ha~(–1) can lead to increases in GY,WUE and NPFP on the NCP.  相似文献   
在简单评述主成分分析法、灰色关联分析法、层次分析法和物元分析法等综合评价方法的基础上,将这些方法应用于对我国重要粮食基地松辽流域的水资源利用现状的综合分析,不仅对松辽流域的水资源利用及粮食生产安全现状给出了综合评判,还根据评判结果,对比分析上述方法的适用范围和限制条件等,指出了相应的改进方向.  相似文献   
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