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摘要:通过对宁夏旱作农业区应用全膜双垄沟播技术效应、存在问题的分析,肯定了该项技术是旱作农业的一项突破性技术,针对其在生产应用中存在的技术问题,提出了提高认识、强化技术培训、提高技术到位率、加强技术创新力度、坚持地膜补贴惠民政策、建立旧膜回收机制、加强领导等对策,以加快全膜双垄沟播技术的应用速度,发挥更大的增产、增效作用。  相似文献   
Two series of field trials were performed at three sites in Schleswig-Holstein between 1981 and 1988 to inquire into the yield structure of European winter types of Vicia faba L. and to compare their yield potential with that of spring types. Due to low winter survival, 6 winter types could be evaluated only in 4 environments in dependence of 1–3 sowing times (series α: seed rate 30/m2) and 1 winter type in 5 environments in dependence of 3 sowing times and 3 seed rates (series β: seed rate 15, 30, 45/m2). Seed yield of winter type averaged 410 g/m2 (D.M.) surpassing spring types by about 14 %. Environments caused a considerable variation in yield (275–620 g/m2) and in each yield component of winter types, while sowing dates and seed rates hardly affected the components seeds/pod and seed weight, which displayed stable genotypic rank orders. Compensative forces among the components plants/m2, tillers/plant and pods/tiller, were established. Plant densities of less than 10/m2 in spring, generally led to seed yield below 350 g/m2. Variation between 15–30 plants/m2 due to environments, sowing times or seed rates were frequently not fully compensated by tillering of plants, but often variation of the thus formed yield potential was reduced by pod set of tillers resulting in 210–270 pods/m2. The direction of correlations of pods/tillers with tillers/plant and plants/m2 differed due to experimental conditions whereas negative correlations between pods/tiller and tillers/ m2 were generally evident. Tillering was significantly influenced by the sowing time, though the increase because of early sowing was often covered by compensative effects of different plant densities. A genotypic capability to produce reproductive tillers was demonstrated using an approach which considered different plant densities and compensative forces. Neither a genotypic capability of tillers to set pods nor direct effects of environments or sowing time on pod set were established.  相似文献   
花卉常规杂交育种的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本对花卉育种的历史和花卉常规常规杂交育研究进展及各种杂交技术方法进行综述。花卉常规杂交育种的应用领域人:(1)培育花色、花型和香味等观赏性状更加新颖的品种;(2)改变花期;(3)提高花卉适应性和抵抗病虫害能力。并对花卉常规杂交育种未来的研究方向作了展望。  相似文献   
The radiographic appearance of the cribriform plate was investigated in 16 canine cadaver heads. The cribriform plate appeared as a "V"-shaped multilinear bone-opaque stripe in the caudal nasal region in projections perpendicular to the hard palate in 6 dogs with a skull index between 50.00 and 54.00. In 9 dogs with a skull index between 55.40 and 74.40, the cribriform plate had a more "C"-shaped and sharp appearance. In vertically oblique projections with an obliquity greater than 20 degrees, the cribriform plate lost its sharp outline and finally (40 degrees) disappeared. In lateral projections the cribriform plate appeared as a "C"-shaped interrupted bone-opaque stripe in all 16 dogs. In more brachycephalic dogs frontal bone structures superimposed on the cribriform plate on ventrodorsal and dorsoventral views and accentuated the radiographic appearance of the plate. Vertically oblique views separated both structures to produce two lines.  相似文献   
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was isolated from the rhizosphere of eggplant in the Nile Delta of Egypt, and its antagonistic potential against Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2, the causal agent of potato brown rot, was in vitro evaluated on KB agar medium and in vivo on potato plants. In vitro, four isolates of S. maltophilia (PD3531, PD3532, PD3533, and PD3534) appeared antagonistic. The isolate (PD3533) was screened as the most promising antagonist for the in vivo tests. In the greenhouse, the antagonist was applied directly to soil or by bacterization of potato eyepieces. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia significantly suppressed potato brown rot in Egyptian clay soil but not in Dutch clay soil. Survival of a rifampicin and chloramphenicol-resistant S. maltophilia strain PD4560 was investigated in two pairs of clay soils, conventionally and organically managed, from Egypt and the Netherlands. The survival of S. maltophilia was significantly less in Dutch than in Egyptian soils, while the converse occurred for R. solanacearum. These results are in agreement with those obtained in the in vivo biocontrol tests. In conclusion, S. maltophilia may be useful for control of brown rot in the area where it was originally isolated, the Nile Delta in Egypt.  相似文献   
通过田间试验研究了底墒差异对西瓜生长和产量以及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:播前适宜的底墒(0~100 cm土层储水量在223~238 mm)可以促进西瓜主蔓长的生长、叶片的发生以及提高西瓜叶面积;播前底墒较丰时(0~100 cm土层储水量在283 mm),不利于西瓜前期的生长。与播前不灌水相比,播前灌水造墒处理不同程度地提高了地上部生物量和西瓜产量;其中播前灌水量达到70m3/667m2时,西瓜产量和瓜蔓重最大,分别为1 645 kg/667m2和25.4 kg/667m2,相比播前不灌水处理分别提高了30%和49%。西瓜水分利用效率随播前土壤储水量增加而降低。  相似文献   
Plants alter soil biota which subsequently modifies plant growth, plant–plant interactions and plant community dynamics. While much research has been conducted on the magnitude and importance of soil biota effects (SBEs) in natural systems, little is known in agro‐ecosystems. We investigated whether agricultural management systems could affect SBEs impacts on crop growth and crop–weed competition. Utilising soil collected from eight paired farms, we evaluated the extent to which SBEs differed between conventional and organic farming systems. Soils were conditioned by growing two common annual weeds: Amaranthus retroflexus (redroot pigweed) or Avena fatua (wild oat). Soil biota effects were measured in wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth and crop–weed competition, with SBEs calculated as the natural log of plant biomass in pots inoculated with living soil divided by the plant biomass in pots inoculated with sterilised soil. SBEs were generally more positive when soil inoculum was collected from organic farms compared with conventional farms, suggesting that cropping systems modify the relative abundance of mutualistic and pathogenic organisms responsible for the observed SBEs. Also, as feedbacks became more positive, crop–weed competition decreased and facilitation increased. In annual cropping systems, SBEs can alter plant growth and crop–weed competition. By identifying the management practices that promote positive SBEs, producers can minimise the impacts of crop–weed competition and decrease their reliance on off‐farm chemical and mechanical inputs to control weeds, enhancing agroecosystem sustainability.  相似文献   
稻秸还田下耕作与播种方式对小麦出苗及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究稻秸还田下耕作与播种方式对小麦出苗及产量的影响,通过大区试验,分析了稻秸全量还田下不同耕作与播种方式对小麦出苗率、出苗均匀性及产量性状的影响。结果显示,相同的播种方式下,浅耕处理小麦出苗率高于免耕处理,但出苗均匀性差于后者;相同的耕作方式下,播种方式对小麦出苗率和出苗均匀性的影响差异较大,其中,机械匀播方式下小麦出苗率最高,出苗均匀性最好;小麦出苗率和出苗均匀性通过影响穗数、穗粒数、千粒重而影响籽粒产量,同一耕作方式下机械匀播小麦籽粒产量均高于其余2种播种方式,免耕和浅耕下机械匀播小麦产量分别达6484.35 kg/hm~2和6476.20 kg/hm~2。因此,稻秸全量还田条件下,建议采用免耕机械匀播方式,能有效改善小麦田间出苗情况,进而获得较高的籽粒产量。  相似文献   
精量播种条件下冬小麦的高产优质初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究冬小麦在小播量条件下的产量和品质表现,2001~2003年在北京安排了两个年度的秋播试验。参试品种有DS1号、临抗1号、冀麦30、鲁麦21和京411,京411是对照品种,播种量是22.5kg/hm^2。2001-2002年度,参试品种中临抗1号的最高产量达到6652.5kg/hm^2;2002-2003年度中,京411、鲁麦21、临抗1号、DS1号、冀麦30的平均产量分别达到8537.6,7403.7,7353.75,6836.25,6169.8kg/hm^2,品种的品质也较好。试验中,这些品种有正常的生育表现,较强的分蘖能力,旺盛的生理活动。在产量结构中,这些品种的单株穗数较多。  相似文献   
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