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砷在环境中普遍存在,因其高毒性,世界卫生组织将砷污染列为重大公共卫生问题。因此,科学家们在不断寻求科学有效的砷污染去除方法。人工湿地砷污染去除系统自上世纪七十年代推出以来,因其环境友好、成本低廉的特性得到蓬勃发展,快速成为绿色环保修复技术之一。人工湿地被认为是理想的砷富集去除场所,其对砷污染的去除方式主要通过植物和微生物相互作用及腐殖酸强化修复来实现。本文通过砷污染治理历史及技术发展、人工湿地的兴起及砷在湿地生态系统中的赋存状态以及人工湿地生态系统砷污染去除三个方面综述了人工湿地砷污染去除的研究进展。通过大量文献综述分析,我们认为在人工湿地砷污染去除的后续研究工作中,应着重研究砷在湿地生态系统中的扩散迁移及演变规律,构建湿地生态系统沉水-浮水-挺水植物立体结构,并不断探索植物-微生物及腐殖酸强化修复对砷污染的协同阻滞及界面作用。  相似文献   
  • 1. Wetlands are declining worldwide, and there is a great need for their restoration and creation. One natural agent of wetland engineering is beavers, Castor spp., which have returned or are returning to many parts of their former range.
  • 2. We initially studied the facilitative effect of the beaver Castor canadensis on a waterbird community consisting of three waders and four ducks in boreal wetlands in southern Finland. Both waterbird species diversity and abundance increased when beavers impounded a pond. Common teal Anas crecca and green sandpiper Tringa ochropus were the species showing the most positive numerical response, but the other five species also increased upon flooding.
  • 3. This article evaluates how the results of the study have been used in management, both in theory and practice. The whole‐community facilitation concept has been taken up in numerous articles considering the restorative effects of beavers. It has also been used as ecological background when planning and executing man‐made wetland projects in Finland within both the public and the private sectors.
  • 4. Our study and its publication in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems have set a foundation for further evidence‐based management of waterbird communities. As the results show, having beavers as wetland managers is a feasible tool for creating and restoring wetlands for waterbirds and other biota. Moreover, wetland restoration projects are becoming more popular endeavours, owing to an understanding of the diverse benefits of wetlands. Flooding by beavers is used as a model for managers when creating man‐made wetlands; for example, in urban areas where it is difficult to maintain beavers.
为了解人工湿地中固体外加碳源的碳溶出规律及添加量对反硝化效果的影响,本研究选择竹子、木块和木本泥炭作为外加C源材料,在厌氧下测定3种材料的碳溶出量,同时应用于人工湿地中试试验,为人工湿地外加碳源的应用提供依据。结果表明:单位质量的试验材料C的溶出量是竹子木块木本泥炭,竹子、木块和木本泥炭的C溶出量均值分别达577、266和59mg/(kg·d);材料C溶出量随时间变化的回归曲线拟合度较高,溶出稳定。人工湿地中试试验中,添加62kg木块为外加碳源时的湿地系统对总氮和铵氮的去除率明显高于添加31kg木块的湿地系统。溶出试验中木块作为人工湿地反硝化脱氮的外加碳源材料促进了人工湿地对氮的去除。  相似文献   
以武当山污水处理厂尾水处理的人工湿地工程为例,通过对潜流型人工湿地的工艺流程、污染负荷、湿地床结构、基质材料、植被选择及水力条件等设计参数的分析,设计了占地面积为7 227 m2的潜流型人工湿地,每天可处理7 000 m3的污水处理厂尾水,系统每年可减排COD 25.55、BOD525.55、TN12.78、TP 1.28、NH3-N 17.89 t,出水可达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)的一级A标准。  相似文献   
以苏州太湖流域衙甪里村为例,介绍了复合式生物滤池与人工湿地组合工艺对农村生活污水处理的工程实例应用。运行结果表明:该村生活污水经复合式生物滤池与人工湿地组合工艺处理后,其COD、NH3-N、TN和TP指标均达到《GB18918—2002城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级B标准,部分指标达到一级A标准要求,运行稳定且成本低廉,说明复合式生物滤池与人工湿地组合工艺适宜在太湖流域农村地区推广应用。  相似文献   
在大量试验数据的基础上,剖析了水平流-垂直流复合人工湿地的最佳工艺参数,探讨了在不同季节、不同停留时间及不同回流比条件下此复合系统对污水氮的净化效率。结果表明,进水的氨氮浓度在24~143mg·L-1之间,氨氮的去除率为24.83%~98.41%;进水的平均总氮浓度在28~187mg·L~(-1)之间变化,系统对总氮的去除率为10.63%~62.33%,氨氮的去除效果明显好于总氮的去除效果。在同一季节内,复合系统对总氮和氨氮的去除效率随着停留时间的延长及回流比的增加都有所提高。  相似文献   
基于盘锦湿地生态系统野外观测站芦苇群落6-10月的定位观测资料,分析了芦苇湿地凋落物土壤微生物量C的动态变化.结果表明,盘锦芦苇湿地凋落物土壤微生物量C未收割区大于河岸区;未收割区和河岸区垂直层次变化不明显.并进行了未收割区和河岸区土壤微生物量C与环境因子的相关分析和通径分析.  相似文献   
与传统活性污泥法的人工湿地处理技术不同,人工湿地系统的重要特点在于其通常具有水生植物,水生植物的直接和间接作用增强了湿地的污染物去除能力和改善了生态环境,其中植物供氧是一个重要因素.而水量平衡对于湿地处理效果的衡量具有重要的意义,碳、氮和磷平衡有助于理解湿地系统的污染物的迁移转化规律.湿地的进水量和出水量通常不等,准确计量湿地的进水水量和出水水量非常必要.  相似文献   
Abstract –  This study quantified the seasonal pattern of reproduction in a swamp-dwelling population of the African cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae. In the hypoxic waters of the Lwamunda Swamp, Uganda, P. multicolor was reproductively active throughout the year, even during the peak of the dry seasons. However, the degree of activity was seasonal, with rainfall providing a predictor of the percentage of ripe, mature females. There was no correlation between aquatic oxygen availability dissolved oxygen (DO) and either adjusted mean gonad mass or percentage of mature females, suggesting that DO is not limiting reproductive activity in this system. Reproductively mature females were larger during drier periods and may maximise their lifetime reproductive success by producing young throughout the year; but with a lower brooding efficiency. A comparison with Welcomme's (1969) study of a river-swamp system feeding Lake Victoria suggests that reproductive patterning is variable among populations of P. multicolor and may reflect adaptive response to chronically hypoxic conditions in the Lwamunda Swamp.  相似文献   
在滇池湖滨带核心区退塘还湖措施的基础上,通过对福保村湖滨废弃鱼塘改造,建立了表面流人工湿地系统,对该区域内面源污水处理进行了研究。研究表明,系统年削减人湖污染物COD、TN、TP负荷分别达7840、650和20kg,单位面积削减量分别为4704、390和12kg·hm^-2,削减率分别为28.02%、35.93%和4.86%;系统对污水中COD、NH3-N、TN、TP的去除率分别为15.57%、56.76%、40.37%和35.64%,且除COD外,旱季污染物去除率高于雨季;推流曝气可提高系统对污染物的去除效果,使NH3-N、TN、TP的去除率分别提高约39%、23%和21%,而COD去除率变化不明显。该系统为滇池湖滨区退塘还湖和湖滨生态系统重建提供了重要的技术示范,对滇池富营养化防治工作的开展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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