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为考察超高温快速堆肥提高畜禽粪便处理效率的可行性及其产物农田施用效果,以鸡粪(chicken manure,CM)、猪粪(pig manure,PM)、奶牛粪(dairy manure,DM)和稻壳为发酵原料,监测其在85℃、发酵24 h前后的理化特性和嗜热微生物数量变化,并采用盆栽试验研究了鸡粪为主要原料的快速堆肥产物对小白菜出苗和生长的影响。结果表明,超高温发酵24 h后粪便中病原菌数量和含水率达到有机肥质量标准,70℃能生长的高温微生物数量提高2个数量级。超高温快速堆肥后,CM,PM,DM浸提液可溶性有机碳质量分数分别增加了46.5%、22.9%和42.6%,挥发性脂肪酸质量分数分别增加了37.2%,31.2%和56.8%。超高温快速堆肥对CM,PM,DM总氮、总磷、总钾含量影响不大,但游离氨基酸质量分数分别增加79.2%,58.1%,74.6%;总腐殖质质量分数分别增加了27.6%,3.4%,27.3%。CM,PM中铵态氮质量分数分别上升了114.6%,40.6%(P0.001),因而降低了种子发芽指数和小白菜出苗率。但出苗后,施用超高温快速堆肥产物的小白菜地上部生物量最高,分别比施用纯化肥、腐熟有机肥高出20.4%(P0.05)和51.9%(P0.05)。可见超高温快速堆肥(85℃,24 h)提高畜禽粪便处理效率是可行的,其产物施入土壤能减少无机氮肥的施用,但不宜用于育苗,施用时应根据土壤和作物类型,采用合理的施用量和施用方法。  相似文献   
堆肥中不同氮素原位固定剂的综合比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为综合比较磷酸+氧化镁(PMO)、过磷酸钙(SP)和磷酸(PA)等3种氮素原位固定剂在堆肥化过程中对氮素损失控制、温室气体排放、堆肥品质以及成本的差异,进而选择合适的氮素原位固定剂,试验以猪粪和玉米秸秆为原料,采用强制通风模式(通风率均为0.25 L·kg~(-1)DW·min-1),在60 L发酵罐中进行模拟堆肥。结果表明,PMO处理能降低55.4%的NH3排放,但对N2O和CH4排放无显著影响;PMO堆肥产品充分腐熟,最终产品的晶体中鸟粪石相对含量达到78.3%。SP处理能降低37.5%的NH3和76.4%的CH4排放,对N2O无显著影响;氮素主要以氨氮形式固定。SP处理的成本最低,计算固定营养元素的价值后可实现利润4.0元·t-1。PA的NH3挥发率最低,仅为初始总氮的12.4%,但因氨氮积累导致堆肥未能彻底腐熟。鸟粪石沉淀技术是控制堆肥化过程中氮素损失的重要技术,在未来的研究中应当寻找磷酸的替代材料,以降低该技术的成本。  相似文献   
The potential for using the composting process to sanitize plant waste infected with one of three plant pathogens was investigated using bench‐scale composting equipment. Two of these pathogens, the potato wart disease fungus Synchytrium endobioticum and Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) are currently subject to European quarantine regulations. The third, Polymyxa betae, a parasite of sugar beet, is regulated in some European countries when in association with Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the causal organism of rhizomania disease of sugar beet. Survival of test organisms following various combinations of compost temperature, exposure time and moisture was determined using RNA‐based detection methodology and/or plant‐based bioassays. Mathematically definable relationships between compost treatment (temperature/time) and organism viability were identified for P. betae and S. endobioticum; these give some indication of the practicality of using composting for dealing with infected wastes. However, for PSTVd, the considerable variability in measured susceptibility of the viroid to the composting process meant that no such definable relationship could be determined and further work would be needed to extrapolate to practical situations.  相似文献   
Cellulolytic bacteria have a bio-activating role in the composting process. A study was carried out to isolate and identify cellulolytic bacteria from various sources. The isolates were cultured in the carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) agar medium and incubated at 30°C for 3–7 days. Based on morphological characteristics of the isolates, maximum diameter of a clear zone around the colony and maximum cellulolytic activity, eight isolate were selected for further studies regarding composting experiments.

Molecular tests based on PCR amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene of isolates showed the closest phylogenetic similarity with the species of Stenotrophomonas rhizophila DSM14405 (99.8%), Brevibacterium halotolerans DSM8802 (99.6%), Achromobacter marplatensis B2 (99.8%), Bacillus methylotrophicus CBMB205 (100%), Pseudomonas azotoformans IAM 1603 (99.7%), Bacillus sonorensis NBRC 101234 (99.8%), Bacillus subtilis KCTC 13429 (100%) and Ochrobactrum thiophenivorans DSM 7216 (99.3%). The study of the isolates impact on the composting of palm wastes in a randomized complete block design with 11 treatments in 3 replications showed that strain IB (B. methylotrophicus) caused a significant decrease in C:N ratio (58%). The increasing of microbial respiration compared with control after 30 days incubation at 37°C showed that the B. methylotrophicus strain IB with cellulolytic characteristics can be applied to hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass in the composting processes.  相似文献   

除氨菌系对牛粪堆肥氮素转化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了减轻牛粪堆肥过程中NH3释放对环境的污染及氮素损失,在牛粪堆肥时添加除氨菌系,研究其对氮素形态转化的影响。加除氨菌系处理的NH4+-N、NH3较对照分别降低20.47%和61.21%,全氮、NO3--N较对照分别提高11.63%和65.01%,酸解有机氮、氨基酸态氮、酰胺态氮和氨基糖态氮含量分别提高12.42%、11.26%、16.92%和19.51%。表明除氨菌系在牛粪堆肥过程中,能够固定NH4+-N向有机氮各组分转化,减少NH3挥发,具有较好的保氮作用。  相似文献   
为探讨以养蚕生产大宗副产物蚕沙制造养分丰富的有机肥料技术,直接采用含有约10%桑枝和5%桑叶的蚕沙为主要原料,以废弃蘑菇基料作为调理剂进行好氧堆肥,研究蘑菇基料的不同添加比例对蚕沙好氧堆肥腐熟条件中的温度、pH、含水率等因素以及堆肥中养分的影响。用90%蚕沙+10%蘑菇基料(处理1)、75%蚕沙+25%蘑菇基料(处理2)、100%蚕沙(对照)制造堆肥,均可在6 h达到最高温度(分别为64.4、66.0、68.3℃),但处理1组的高温持续时间较短,处理2组和对照组的高温持续时间在5 d以上,达到无害化卫生标准规定。处理1组和对照组堆肥中的含水率较高,处理2组可降低堆肥中的含水率及pH。从堆肥中的养分来看,各处理均可增加堆肥中的磷、钾含量,但处理1组和对照组均存在氮素损失(分别下降0.62%、5.84%)的问题,而处理2组由于降低了堆肥的pH,因此比初始状态增加4.19%的氮素含量。综合以上试验结果认为,在蚕沙堆肥过程中添加25%的废弃蘑菇基料有利于改善堆肥的反应条件,提高堆肥的氮素养分含量。  相似文献   
以北京市大兴区庞各庄镇污水处理厂的堆肥污泥、生污泥和通州区的熟土为对象,探讨污泥混配土淋溶液中相关指标的动态变化.结果表明,生污泥、堆肥污泥和熟土混配后可降低土壤pH值,增加土壤全氮、全磷含量,同时也增加了土壤中重金属As、Cd、Ni、Cu、Ph的含量,生污泥系列淋滤液中Pb对地下水造成污染的可能性最大;堆肥污泥系列淋滤液中给地下水带来污染可能性最大的因子是As.但各处理中重金属的污染程度都很低,基本符合国家第II类地下水水质标准,因此淋滤液中的重金属基本不会对地下水造成污染.  相似文献   
During a 4-week period of composting of wheat straw-amended pig faeces, humin (HU)- and core-HU-like matter were isolated by NaOH-Na4P2O7 treatment of the compost bed, respectively, without and with previous extraction by organic solvent and by H2SO4. The changes in the content and elemental composition of both fractions in the compost bed were monitored. Evidence of the compositional changes was also obtained by NMR spectroscopy and by pyrolysis-GC / MS studies. The results indicated that core-HU-like matter was mainly aromatic, while HU contained both core-HU-like and other types of easily degradable organic matter. Correlation of the data found in this study with data from previous studies on humic acid (HA)- and core-HA-like matter in the same composting process indicated that in the time range from 2 to 4 weeks, the weight loss of the core-HU-like matter amounted to 788 g, whereas the weight of total core-HA-like matter increased by 87 g. In spite of the high weight loss, the NMR and pyrolysis-GC / MS spectra failed to reveal significant changes in the chemical nature of the core-HU-like residue. However, the chemical composition of the core-HA-like matter changed significantly and tended to become similar to that of the core-HU-like matter when the composting time increased. The data suggest that, during composting, core-HU-like matter undergoes both conversion to new core-HA-like soluble matter and biodegradation to volatile products.  相似文献   
P type humic acids showing characteristic absorption maxima at 615, 575, and 450 nm have been found in various types of soils around the world (3, 5, 7,8). P type humic acid was fractionated into a brown fraction (Pb) and a green fraction (Pg) by column chromatography using cellulose powder (4) or Sephadex gel (3). The Pg fraction which has a strong absorption maxima at 615, 575, and 450 nm causes the characteristic absorption pattern of P type humic acid.  相似文献   
麦秸秸秆花盆堆肥化研究及评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为探明麦秸秸秆花盆堆肥化过程养分变化规律,为废弃秸秆花盆堆肥化处理提供理论参考,提出将秸秆花盆粉碎物料(Crushed straw flowerpots,CSF)分别与半腐熟有机肥(4份腐熟平菇渣+1份腐熟中药渣+1份新鲜金针菇渣)按照干质量比0:10(CK)、1:10(TⅠ)、2:10(TⅡ)、3:10(TⅢ)混合进行4种处理堆腐发酵试验,研究秸秆花盆堆肥化阶段理化性状动态变化,并结合综合性腐熟评价指标——种子发芽指数(GI),对其堆腐程度进行评价。结果表明:CSF添加量对堆腐温度、pH及水分变化无显着影响,但显着影响了堆腐发酵产物中有机碳和全氮含量,全氮随CSF添加量的增加显着升高,TⅠ、TⅡ和TⅢ3个处理堆腐结束与初期的全氮含量相比均有所下降,表明添加适量CSF后会发生氮素的降解。氮形态分析发现,CSF的添加可提高堆腐发酵产物中铵态氮相对含量,堆腐初期氨基酸态氮和氨基糖态氮存在上升趋势,适量添加CSF利于植株生长及微生物的活动;反映种子活力的GI指标分析结果显示,TⅠ、TⅡ和TⅢ处理的GI值均高达0.8,表明添加CSF堆腐优于CK,可削弱对种子萌发的毒害作用。  相似文献   
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