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Popping expansion volume (PEV) is the most important quality trait in popcorn, while its germplasm is inferior to normal dent/flint corn in yield. In this study, 259 F2:3 families, developed from the cross between a dent corn inbred Dan232 and a popcorn inbred N04, were evaluated for their PEV, grain weight per plant (GWP) and 100-grain weight (100 GW) in two environments. The genetic relationship between PEV and GWP, and 100 GW on individual gene loci were evaluated using unconditional and conditional QTL mapping methods. In total, five, one and three unconditional QTL were identified for PEV, GWP, and 100 GW, respectively. The positive alleles of all QTL for PEV were from N04, while positive alleles of all QTL for GWP and 100 GW were from Dan232. In conditional mapping, one and two QTL failed to be detected, and all four additional QTL were detected. Nevertheless, three QTL were identified, which controlled PEV independently from GWP/100 GW. They seemed to be potential candidates in popcorn breeding to increase PEV without decreasing GWP/100 GW. The results suggested that for significantly correlated traits, the conditional QTL mapping method could be used to dissect the genetic interrelationship between traits at the level of individual QTL, as well as reveal additional QTL that were undetectable by unconditional mapping.  相似文献   
干酪乳杆菌LC2W细胞壁组分体外对巨噬细胞活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨干酪乳杆菌LC2W细胞壁组分体外对小鼠巨噬细胞功能的影响。以培养液单纯培养小鼠巨噬细胞系RAW264.7细胞作为对照,研究干酪乳杆菌LC2W细胞壁主要组分磷壁酸和肽聚糖对RAW264.7细胞代谢水平、吞噬中性红能力及释放NO的影响。不同浓度磷壁酸和肽聚糖对小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7细胞代谢MTT能力、吞噬中性红能力有明显增强作用,并呈一定的剂量效应,在相同质量浓度时,两种细胞壁组分激活巨噬细胞能力无显著差异。同时诱导产生NO量也随着浓度增大而增加,当浓度达到50μg/mL时,磷壁酸诱导能力显现出较高的水平。干酪乳杆菌LC2W细胞壁主要组分磷壁酸和肽聚糖能激活小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7细胞,提高其代谢水平及吞噬能力,同时可诱导具有杀瘤作用的活性因子,并具有一定的剂量效应。  相似文献   
云南普洱茶感官品质与内含成份关系研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在云南不同地区选择具有一定生产规模的5家云南普洱茶生产企业,到厂现场进行普洱饼茶随机取样,共取样6个;在云南省农业科学院茶叶研究所进行感官审评,在云南农业大学普洱茶学院进行内含成份分析,研究云南普洱茶感官品质与内含成份的关系,为云南普洱茶的规范生产和持续健康发展提供参考。结果表明:水浸出物含量的高低直接影响普洱茶的品质,并与普洱茶的汤色、浓度、滋味密切相关;茶多酚含量相对较高的茶样其感官品质均高于茶多酚含量相对较低的茶样;咖啡碱含量和糖类物质含量对云南普洱茶的感官品质的影响不是主要因子,但可以适度增进云南普洱茶的内质。  相似文献   
基于地基激光雷达的叶倾角分布升尺度方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地基激光雷达因其具有穿透力强,能够提取植被冠层三维结构信息的优势,是提取植被叶倾角分布(Leaf angle distribution,LAD)的理想数据源,因此将地基激光雷达数据与遥感影像结合获取大尺度叶倾角分布结果颇具潜力。以河北省保定市北部4个县为研究区,利用10个玉米样地的地基激光雷达数据提取叶倾角分布结果,使用主成分正变换提取玉米实测叶倾角分布数据中信息量最大的前3个主成分,再利用神经网络模型对所提取的主成分与Landsat8反射率数据结合建立关系模型,然后将训练好的模型应用于整个研究区进行升尺度转换,最后通过主成分逆变换,得到升尺度后平均叶倾角(Mean tilt angle,MTA)结果。对升尺度后LAD与实测LAD及升尺度后MTA与实测MTA进行交叉验证,结果表明,升尺度MTA与实测MTA的验证精度(R2)为0.786 2,均方根误差(RMSE)为3.04°。该结果表明,使用提取主成分方法建立光谱数据与叶倾角分布的关系模型从而达到升尺度转换的目的具有可行性,模拟精度较高,且误差较小。  相似文献   
稻米功能性成分的生理活性及其产品开发   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
王忠华 《核农学报》2005,19(3):241-244,201
本文就稻谷主副产品如淀粉、碎米、米糠、米胚和稻壳等中的主要功能性成分,包括抗性淀粉、γ氨基丁酸、多磷酸肌醇、谷维素、维生素E和二十八烷醇等的生理功能及富含特定功能因子产品的开发研究进展进行了简要综述,以期为开发与研制新型功能食品提供思路。  相似文献   
Summary Diverse landraces of wheat, collected from the semi-arid (150 to 250 mm of total annual rainfall) Northern Negev desert in Israel were considered as a potential genetic resource of drought resistance for wheat breeding. These materials were therefore evaluated for their reponses to drought stress in agronomical and physiological terms. Up to 68 landraces, comprising of Triticum durum, T. aestivum, and T. compactum were tested in two field drought environments, in one favourable field environment, under post-anthesis chemical plant desiccation which revealed the capacity for grain filling from mobilized stem reserves, under a controlled drought stress in a rainout shelter and in the growth chamber under polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced water stress. Biomass, grain yield and its components, harvest index, plant phenology, canopy temperatures, kernel weight loss by chemical plant desiccation, growth reduction by PEG-induced drought stress and osmotic adjustment were evaluated in the various experiments.Landraces varied significantly for all parameters of drought response as measured in the different experiments, which was in accordance to their documented large morphological diversity. Variation in grain yield among landraces under an increasing drought stress after tillering was largely affected by spike number per unit area. Kernel weight contributed very little to yield variation among landraces under stress, probably because these tall (average of 131 cm) landraces generally excelled in their capacity to support kernel growth by stem reserve mobilization under stress. Yield under stress was reduced with a longer growth duration of landraces only under early planting but not under late planting. Landraces were generally late flowering but they were still considered well adapted phenologically to their native region where they were always planted late.Landraces differed significantly in canopy temperature under drought stress. Canopy temperature under stress in the rainout shelter was negatively correlated across landraces with grain yield (r=0.67**) and biomass (r=0.64**) under stress. Canopy temperature under stress in the rainout shelter was also positively correlated across landraces (r=0.50**) with canopy temperature in one stress field environment. Osmotic adjustment in PEG-stressed plants was negatively correlated (r=–0.60**) with percent growth reduction by PEG-induced water stress. It was not correlated with yield under stress in any of the experiments. In terms of yield under stress, canopy temperatures and stem reserve utilization for grain filling, the most drought resistant landrace was the Juljuli population of T.durum.  相似文献   
Summary Because yield components do not behave as independent attributes the conclusions derived from simple yield analyses are of limited value in plant breeding programmes. By calculating a function W of the variances and covariances of the yield components, it is possible to estimate, on a scale from 0 to 1, the degree to which the variations in yield components were independent of one another in any given experiment. By this approach examples of almost complete compensation among the components (W = 0), of mutual independence of the components (W = 0.5), and of additivity of the components (W = 1.0) have been discovered in original data and in the literature. Reasons, and possible applications for these findings are discussed. Investigations into the sampling properties of W are reported in an appendix.  相似文献   
小麦产量构成因素的双列杂交分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用千粒重和每穗粒数有一定差异的7个冬小麦品种为亲本,按Griffing双列杂交法Ⅱ配制21个杂交组合,研究了小麦2个产量构成因素——千粒重和每穗粒数的遗传。结果表明,扬麦11千粒重和宁麦9号每穗粒数的一般配合力最好,且宁麦9号具有控制每穗粒数较多的显性基因。千粒重的遗传符合加性-显性-上位性模型。每穗粒数的遗传符合加...  相似文献   
蔗渣堆沤过程的变化特征与“有效C/N比值”的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究测定不同堆沤时限蔗渣(新鲜和堆沤3,6,9及12个月蔗渣)的理化性质,详细探讨蔗渣堆沤后的变化特征;并用分离的各蔗渣组分和多种纯无氮有机物来调节沙培系统的C/N比值,进行微生物夺取速效氮强度的模拟试验,查明了蔗渣中各组分和多种纯无氮有机物对微生物的有效性,确定蔗糖,淀粉,半纤维素和纤维素是微生物有效(速效)的碳源,而木质素是无产(迟效)的碳源。从而提出以“有效C/N比值”代替以往人们常用的“  相似文献   
小麦品种产量与产量因素通径分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对94个不同品种小麦在渭北地区干旱条件下的试验数据,分类建立小麦产量与产量因素的回归关系,并做了通径分析。结果表明,在分类小麦的关系中,穗粒数对产量的总影响和直接影响都最大。  相似文献   
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