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Abstract: Harold Brookfield's academic career spans more than half a century, traversing small tropical and subtropical islands and mountainous uplands, focusing on people–environment relations and linking to a diversity of institutions and disciplines. His unwavering commitment to fieldwork at the local level and to comparative study is paralleled by a healthy scepticism with respect to academic trends and orthodoxy of any kind, whether intellectual or physical. It is the farmers of the developing world who are the source of much of his inspiration. His theoretical contributions are based essentially on his observations of their practices and his learning from their experiences. His academic insights into the processes of change in rural areas of Melanesia, East and South‐East Asia, Africa and South America, where small‐scale ecological studies are linked to global forces, are of lasting significance.  相似文献   
A comparative study of mangrove ? oras in China and India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species compositions in the mangrove habitats of China and India, especially on Hainan Island (China) and on the Sundarbans and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands (India), are of interest, showing several similarities and differences. The total mangrove areas of India cover about 6419 km 2 with 43 species (23 major and 20 minor species), while the mangrove areas of China cover about 150 km 2 with 26 speices (19 major and 7 minor speices). We carried out a comparison of mangrove floras in the Indian Sundarbans, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and in Hainan Island. The mangrove areas of the Indian Sundarbans comprise about 66.5% of the total Indian mangroves, presently covering an area of 4267 km 2 with 35 species from 22 genera and 16 families. There are 34 species from 17 genera and 13 families in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Hainan Island is considered a distribution center of mangroves; it has the largest number of mangrove species in China, i.e., 25 species from 15 genera and 12 families, accounting for about 96% of the total number of mangrove species in China. The mangroves of Hainan Island and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands belong to island types, while those of Sundarbans belong to inter-tidal deltaic types. Differences in soil type, rainfall, temperature, tidal fluctuation and other climatic features possibly cause variations in floristic composition of these regions.  相似文献   
 在分析、借鉴国内外研制经验的基础上,研制单喷头曲面设计、双层喷射变雨强弹簧调节的野外模拟降雨喷头,实现了以单喷头替代多喷头组合式模拟降雨装置,并达到同样模拟降雨效果。由于喷头采用曲面设计,确保喷射水舌有规律地变化;模拟雨滴动能接近于天然降雨动能;模拟降雨过程均匀;喷射面积稳定。实测证明:雨滴中数直径为0.574.26mm,降雨均匀系数≥0.8(±0.05),降雨面积为150 m2,模拟降雨强度为30~240 mm/h。  相似文献   
贵州是中国较早开展乡村旅游的区域之一。在众多乡村旅游地中,贵州天龙屯堡、郎德苗寨、西江苗寨因核心力量导向差异而形成3种不同的乡村旅游开发模式,即公司主导型、社区主导型和政府主导型模式。作为贵州乡村旅游开发的典型代表,3种模式各具特色,值得关注。通过对3种不同乡村旅游开发模式下的市场开拓能力、社区居民获益方式与状况、传统文化保护与传承及其乡村旅游开发模式的形成原因进行横向比较分析,为国内乡村旅游开发提供经验借鉴和理论指导,推动乡村旅游研究的深入。  相似文献   
民族音乐学是在历史进程中,与文化学、人类学、地理学等各种学科的交融中逐渐形成和发展起来的。对民族音乐学的研究,不仅要考虑音乐形态产生的地理环境差异,而且还要考虑经济运行方式对音乐形成产生的影响,更要考察文化形态的变更对音乐发展产生的推动作用。  相似文献   
在天津地区的生态环境条件下,通过田间引种试验,比较了不同粮饲兼用型玉米新品种在前期、中期、后期的生长性状表现和籽粒、新鲜秸秆产量性状表现及其适应性、丰产性、粮饲兼用的性能。结果表明,鲁单50和农大108两个品种粮饲兼用的综合性状好于其它品种,比较适合天津地区种植、推广。  相似文献   
云南松针叶比较解剖学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
遵循比较解剖学和生态学的原理与方法,对分布在滇东南、滇中以及滇西北地区的10个云南松种群的针叶微观构造进行了观察,结合生态因子分析了云南松种群的针叶结构多样性及其生态适应性,云南松种群的针叶结构特征表现为多态性,从滇东南—滇中—滇西北,针叶断面积表现出“小型化”的趋势,针叶内部的基本结构特征较为稳定,但其组成分子的数量特征值变化较大,滇东南地区云南松针叶的内皮层细胞出现了凯氏带加厚,细叶云南松和思茅松针叶内皮层的凯氏带则更为明显。  相似文献   
甜瓜小拱棚栽培品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。结果表明,古拉巴和玉金香2个品种兼具优质、丰产、抗病、抗逆性强等优良性状,具有拱棚种植的开发潜力,可作主栽品种推广。伊丽莎白是仅次于古拉巴和玉金香的早熟优良品种,可作为拱棚栽培的搭配品种使用。  相似文献   
区域农产品比较优势理论分析   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
本文以比较优势理论为基础,结合实际,给出了区域农产品比较优势的概念和内涵解释。认为在市场经济条件下,区域农产品的价格和质量是确定其比较优势的决定性因素,而构成区域农产品价格和质量的因素又很多,本文从区域农业生产的自然资源条件与要素禀赋状况、营销、政府行为、生态环境、经营体制、历史发展基础与区域文化、特色产品这七个方面进行了全面分析,并给出了一个理论分析模型。  相似文献   
厚壁毛竹与毛竹叶片的光学解剖结构比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规石蜡切片技术,对厚壁毛竹Phyllostachys edulis‘Pachyloen’和毛竹Phyllostachys edulis的叶片进行比较解剖研究,分析厚壁毛竹和毛竹叶表皮、叶肉细胞和梭形细胞等性状的解剖特征。结果表明,厚壁毛竹与毛竹叶的解剖结构组成基本相似;同一竹种不同年龄竹叶间各解剖因子存在明显差异,1年生新竹叶片的梭形细胞最为发达,导管截面积,输水截面积和韧皮部截面积也均高于其他年龄竹;而3至5年生竹的叶角质层厚度、维管束鞘细胞截面积大于1年生和2年生竹。  相似文献   
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