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对柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化期、田间消长规律及活动习性的研究,结果表明:1、三个观察点成虫羽化始见日至羽化高峰的时间都在5-10天左右,羽化期为16-19天,2011年麻阳的成虫始见日和羽化高峰期比2010年提前了5-8天,2011年长沙的羽化始见日和羽化高峰期都比麻阳稍早2-4天。2、成虫从羽化至基本死亡共持续84天。成虫在田间的始见日和高峰期分别处在5月下旬和6月中下旬,2010年成虫的田间始见日和高峰期都比2011年迟5至7天。3、成虫在交配产卵前,很少飞往柑橘树上,而在橘园及周围杂草或灌木丛中觅食、栖息;当气温超过30℃,成虫飞往橘园周边高大乔木或草丛中避暑,下午16∶00以后飞往柑橘树上产卵。  相似文献   
经济林种子是育苗、造林的物质基础,种子品质的好坏直接关系到苗木生产及造林的成效。本文就经济林种子的休眠与萌发、种子的老化及劣变、种子活力等种子生理工作研究现状进行了较为系统的总结,并提出了今后经济林种子生理的研究方向和发展趋势。  相似文献   
为了霜期设施农业充分利用气候资源适应气候变化,规避气象灾害风险,利用辽宁西北部气象资料分析霜期气候资源变化,并探讨霜期设施农业气象服务对策。结果表明:辽西北地区霜期气温升高而不稳,极端最低气温天气更显突出,霜期降雪增加,阴天日数增加,日照时间减少,太阳总辐射减弱,大风强度增加,霜期极端天气现象对霜期设施农业影响显著。霜期设施农业气象服务势在必行,为了推动霜期设施农业的发展,应从设施农业工程、环境控制、利用气候资源节约能源、适应气候变化等方面入手,建立评估、监测、预警气象服务一体化服务系统,通过网络平台,搭建专业化、动态化、多元化、精细化的霜期设施农业气象服务预警平台,提高防灾减灾能力,确保霜期设施农业可持续发展。  相似文献   
LI Xuemei 《干旱区科学》2020,12(3):374-396
Short-term climate reconstruction, i.e., the reproduction of short-term(several decades) historical climatic time series based on the relationship between observed data and available longer-term reference data in a certain area, can extend the length of climatic time series and offset the shortage of observations. This can be used to assess regional climate change over a much longer time scale. Based on monthly grid climate data from a Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project phase 5(CMIP5) dataset for the period of 1850–2000, the Climatic Research Unit(CRU) dataset for the period of 1901–2000 and the observed data from 53 meteorological stations located in the Tianshan Mountains region(TMR) of China during the period of 1961–2011, we calibrated and validated monthly average temperature(MAT) and monthly accumulated precipitation(MAP) in the TMR using the delta, physical scaling(SP) and artificial neural network(ANN) methods. Performance and uncertainty during the calibration(1971–1999) and verification(1961–1970) periods were assessed and compared using traditional performance indices and a revised set pair analysis(RSPA) method. The calibration and verification processes were subjected to various sources of uncertainty due to the influence of different reconstructed variables, different data sources, and/or different methods used. According to traditional performance indices, both the CRU and CMIP5 datasets resulted in satisfactory calibrated and verified MAT time series at 53 meteorological stations and MAP time series at 20 meteorological stations using the delta and SP methods for the period of 1961–1999. However, the results differed from those obtained by the RSPA method. This showed that the CRU dataset produced a low degree of uncertainty(positive connection degree) during the calibration and verification of MAT using the delta and SP methods compared to the CMIP5 dataset. Overall, the calibrated and verified MAP had a high degree of uncertainty(negative connection degree) regardless of the dataset or reconstruction method used. Therefore, the reconstructed time series of MAT for the period of 1850(or 1901)–1960 based on the CRU and CMIP5 datasets using the delta and SP methods could be used for further study. The results of this study will be useful for short-term(several decades) regional climate reconstruction and longer-term(100 a or more) assessments of regional climate change.  相似文献   
Climate change may cause shifts in the natural range of species especially for those that are geographically restricted and/or endemic species. In this study, the spatial distribution of five endemic and threatened species belonging to the genus Onosma (including O. asperrima, O. bisotunensis, O. kotschyi, O. platyphylla, and O. straussii) was investigated under present and future climate change scenarios: RCP2.6 (RCP, representative concentration pathway; optimistic scenario) and RCP8.5 (pessimistic scenario) for the years 2050 and 2080 in Iran. Analysis was conducted using the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model to provide a basis for the protection and conservation of these species. Seven environmental variables including aspect, depth of soil, silt content, slope, annual precipitation, minimum temperature of the coldest month, and annual temperature range were used as main predictors in this study. The model output for the potential habitat suitability of the studied species showed acceptable performance for all species (i.e., the area under the curve (AUC)>0.800). According to the models generated by MaxEnt, the potential current patterns of the species were consistent with the observed areas of distributions. The projected climate maps under optimistic and pessimistic scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, respectively) of 2050 and 2080 resulted in reductions and expansions as well as positive range changes for all species in comparison to their current predicted distributions. Among all species, O. bisotunensis showed the most significant and highest increase under the pessimistic scenario of 2050 and 2080. Finally, the results of this study revealed that the studied plant species have shown an acute adaptability to environmental changes. The results can provide useful information to managers to apply appropriate strategies for the management and conservation of these valuable Iranian medicinal and threatened plant species in the future.  相似文献   
曾洪学  屈兴红  陈佳静 《蔬菜》2020,(12):10-13
为探究甜瓜嫩果皮颜色的遗传规律,以甜瓜嫩果皮颜色为深绿色的S26和青色的S28为亲本材料,通过构建BC1群体,利用卡方测验,分析回交群体BC1的深绿色嫩果皮和青色嫩果皮的分离比例,开展甜瓜嫩果皮的遗传规律分析,以对嫩果皮颜色基因进行初步定位。结果表明:BC1群体表型表现为深绿色和青色2种,且群体比例为1∶1,从而确定颜色性状为单基因控制且深绿色为显性性状。通过分离群体分组分析法(BSA)和混池测序结果可以看出,控制甜瓜嫩果皮颜色的基因位于chr04的端部位置,这为后续基因的精细定位以及克隆提供了研究基础。  相似文献   
为了深入了解南海上层海洋热力状态的变化规律,利用1980—2015年共36年GODAS月平均海温资料,将5~366 m的垂直平均海温表征南海地区海洋上层的热含量,分析了南海海洋上层热状态的水平和垂直分布特征以及季节和年际变化特征。结果表明:年平均南海热含量水平分布表现为东高西低的形势,垂直纬向平均分布表现为暖水厚度和温跃层深度东厚(深)西薄(浅),垂直经向平均表现为暖水厚度南厚北薄,温跃层深度中间浅两边深;南海地区海温变化幅度在75~200 m处最大,不同深度海温距平均具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征;南海区域平均热含量在秋季最高,春夏次之,冬季最低,其年际变化明显,且在1998年之后出现明显的突变,由负值转变为正值,表现出明显的增温趋势;热含量季节EOF主模态空间分布形势表现为东高西低的特征,对应的时间序列在20世纪90年代末存在年代际转折,由主要为负值转化为主要为正值,表现在空间分布上,则为南海地区热含量由西高东低型转化为东高西低型。  相似文献   
于2015-2017年的5-10月份,采取定位观测研究方法,在齐齐哈尔市城市森林中选取6个固定观测区,包括16种林分类型,在每个林分类型中设置固定观测点,进行逐月连年观测空气负离子浓度、正离子浓度以及空气温度湿度等环境因子,获取有效观测数据18万个;对观测数据系统全面分析,探索城市森林负离子浓度日变化、月变化、季节变化规律及时空分布格局。结果表明:经3 a连续观测,齐齐哈尔市城市森林空气负离子浓度的日变化规律,一般是早晨(06:00-08:00)达到峰值,随后下降,至中午或下午最低,晚上18:00左右再次出现峰值;负离子浓度最高值可达2000个/cm^3左右、最低值在300个/cm^3左右。齐齐哈尔市城市森林中,空气负离子浓度一年中的变化规律,从5月份开始逐月上升,到9月份达到峰值,从10月份开始下降,负离子浓度5月份最低,9月份最高。齐齐哈尔市城市森林各季节空气负离子浓度水平有所不同,秋季空气负离子浓度水平最高,夏季略低于秋季,春季最低。  相似文献   
旨在研究主被动遥感结合的地表覆被变化监测方法,使用高分数据和哨兵1号数据分别代表被动和主动遥感,对新疆西天山国家级自然保护区地表覆被变化情况进行检测,进而对得出的林地、草地、建筑物检测结果进行联合分析,最终得到主被动遥感联合变化检测结果。通过实地精度检验对主被动遥感联合变化检测结果进行验证。结果表明,该方法的变化检测结果精度达到90%以上。说明结合主动遥感和被动遥感既能克服天气的影响,又能在检测中保留光谱和纹理等丰富的信息,变化检测的精度较高;主被动遥感联合变化检测可以较为快速、准确地掌握地表覆被类型的变化,能够在一定程度上减少被动遥感数据的云量困扰。并且该方法在林地和建筑物上有较高的敏感性,适合森林自然保护区的森林变化和建筑监测。  相似文献   
为探究不同浓度外源Cr6+处理下,延胡索(Corydalis yanhusuo)生理指标及抗氧化系统的变化情况,测定了延胡索植株内铬含量、株高、生物量以及抗氧化系统各项指标。结果表明:当土壤中Cr6+浓度在67.32~323.32 mg·kg-1范围内,随着土壤中Cr6+浓度的升高,延胡索体内Cr6+累积量增加。延胡索植株株高、生物量表现为先升后降趋势,当土壤中Cr6+浓度低于131.32 mg·kg-1时,延胡索生长受到促进,而且这种作用具有一定的浓度依赖性:当土壤中Cr6+浓度低于131.32 mg·kg-1时,超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)有较高活性,将超氧阴离子自由基歧化分解为H2O2,此时过氧化物酶(peroxidase, POD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)活性均呈上升趋势,将H2O2分解,延胡索植株的生长受到促进作用;当土壤中Cr6+浓度达到195.32 mg·kg-1后,延胡索受到的胁迫严重,SOD活性有较大幅度的下降,植株体内超氧阴离子自由基大量累积,延胡索植株生长受到抑制。  相似文献   
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