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Within 15 min after application of pollen to the stigma of carnation flowers (Dianthus caryophyllus L. cultivar ‘White Sim’), ethylene (C2H4) production by the gynoecium had increased substantially. Pollen germination did not start until 1 h after pollination. Analysis of materials removed from pollen by a brief rinse with an aqueous solvent showed the presence of high concentrations of the C2H4 precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). This compound, which was found to be present in pollen from a number of flower species and which increased in concentration as the anthers developed, may be an important mediator of the early response of flowers to pollination.  相似文献   
在海口地区典型的热带高温、高湿、昼夜温差小的气候条件,以砖红壤为基质的改良土壤环境下,应用从荷兰直接引进的4个康乃馨品种作为栽培试种对象,开展切花生产适应性的研究。重点对土壤改良的配方和方法、栽培操作规程及种植管理技术进行研究确定。结果表明,海口地区能够进行反季节康乃馨的切花生产。  相似文献   
【目的】探究不同浓度明矾对康乃馨切花的保鲜效果,为康乃馨开发保鲜剂提供借鉴。【方法】以小桃红康乃馨为材料,3%蔗糖+200 mg/L柠檬酸+200 mg/L 8-HQS为基础液,在基础液中分别加入不同浓度明矾进行瓶插试验,研究康乃馨切花的瓶插寿命、鲜重变化率及其他生理生化变化情况。【结果】不同浓度明矾处理延长了康乃馨瓶插寿命,其中基础液添加180 mg/L明矾处理效果最佳,比空白对照延长切花瓶插寿命3.5 d。瓶插过程中,该处理切花鲜重变化率瓶插6 d后保持较高水平;瓶插4 d后,水分平衡值小于0,比对照延迟了出现水分平衡值为负的时间,保持较好的吸水保水能力。可溶性糖含量比对照高,增加细胞液浓度,瓶插3 d后POD和CAT活性比对照高,有效清除活性氧自由基,瓶插6 d后康乃馨切花花瓣相对电导率和MDA含量低于对照,有利于康乃馨花瓣细胞膜完整性,增强抗逆性,延缓衰老。【结论】基础液添加180 mg/L明矾处理有效延长了康乃馨的瓶插寿命,改善康乃馨切花体内的水分状况,提高酶活性清除更多的自由基,降低相对电导率和MDA含量,保持细胞膜的完整性;提高可溶性糖含量,调节细胞渗透压,延缓衰老,延长康乃馨切花的保鲜期。  相似文献   
以香石竹茎尖为外植体,从愈伤组织诱导、芽分化、增殖、玻璃化4个方面研究不同浓度外源激素对香石竹组织培养过程的影响,从而筛选出最优培养基.结果表明:MSq-TDZ1.5mg/L+NAA1mg/L+KT0.4mg/L培养基对愈伤组织诱导效果最好;Ms+6-BA0.3nlg/L+NAA0.2rag/L培养基对丛芽诱导效果最好;Ms+KT0.5mg/L+IBA0.1mg/L培养基对丛芽增殖效果最好;MS+TDZ1mg/L+NAA1rag/L培养基克服玻璃化效果最好.  相似文献   
为探讨康乃馨鲜切花最佳保鲜方法,在低温条件下,通过在保鲜液中添加蔗糖、8-羟基喹啉(8-HQ)、柠檬酸(CA)及外源激素6-BA和2,4-D等,研究康乃馨切花的采后保鲜效果。结果表明,2周4℃的低温保存结合预处理增加了康乃馨切花花径、花蕾长度、花枝鲜质量,提高了花瓣CAT活性,其中,5%蔗糖+100mg/L 8-HQ+200mg/L CA+100mg/L 6-BA配方组合保鲜效果最佳。由此说明,在低温条件下,预处理对康乃馨切花的保鲜和延缓衰老有较好的作用,且添加外源激素6-BA比2,4-D作用更佳。  相似文献   
为区分康乃馨植物,利用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)技术结合主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析(HCA)方法,测试研究8种康乃馨品种40个样品的红外光谱。结果表明,8种样品红外光谱图比较相似,但在1800~700 cm-1范围内红外光谱的峰位、峰形及吸收峰强度差异明显。选取1800~700 cm-1范围内进行二阶导数处理,利用SPSS进行主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析(HCA)。前3个主成分的累计贡献率达到96.2%,主成分分析准确率达95%,聚类分析准确率达100%。研究结果显示:傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)技术结合主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析(HCA)对康乃馨品种进行鉴别是一种可行的方法。  相似文献   
Fusarium wilt is a disease that restricts carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) yield worldwide. Efficacies in reducing the Fusarium wilt of carnation (FWC), of various types of organic amendments (fresh or pelletized poultry manure, pelletized Brassica carinata and olive residue compost) combined with soil solarization, were compared in two biennial field trials conducted in a greenhouse with a history of carnation monoculture over 8 years. Soil treatments combining organic amendments and soil solarization significantly reduced disease incidence (86–99%) and increased the number of commercial carnation stems by 5–9 times compared to non-treated plots. Twenty-one Fusarium spp. isolates, with different colony morphologies were recovered from soil samples taken in the greenhouse, before the application of treatments in June 2013. Nineteen of them were morphological and molecularly characterized. Additionally, two pathogenicity tests with 17 isolates recovered from greenhouse soils and two isolates recovered from organic amendments were performed. Fusarium species associated with carnation cultivation were identified as Fusarium oxysporum (43%), Fusarium proliferatum (24%), and Fusarium solani (33%). The phylogenetic analysis of the translation elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1α) region distinguished highly aggressive isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. dianthi, from low aggressive isolates. The pathogenicity tests showed that FWC has a complex etiology, with several Fusarium spp. identified as causal agents. F. proliferatum and F. solani are associated with carnation wilt for the first time in Spain.  相似文献   
A carlavirus was isolated fromSambucus racemosa andS. nigra in the Netherlands. The virus was sap-transmissible and capable of infecting 14 out of 58 plant species and cultivars tested, causing symptoms in five of them. It was also transmitted byMyzus persicae at a low rate. Dilution end-point was 10–3–10–4, thermal inactivation at 70–75°C and ageing in vitro 2–4 days. The virus had a sedimentation coefficient of 155 S and molecular weight of capsid protein subunits of 31 000 dalton. The average buoyant density of the four isolates used was 1.315 g/cm3. The virus particles had an average normal length of 678 nm and a width of approximately 12 nm. In ultrathin sections of leaf tissue ofS. racemosa Plumosa Aurea bundles of virus particles were observed in the cytoplasm. Close serological relationship was found to a virus isolated from elderberry in Britain and a distant relationship to carnation latent virus. In its reaction on host plants and its persistence in crude sap it also resembled the former virus, originally code-named elderberry virus A. We propose the name elderberry carlavirus for it.Samenvatting Een carlavirus werd geïsoleerd uitSambucus racemosa enS. nigra in Nederland. Het virus kon met sap worden overgebracht en was in staat 14 van de 58 getoetste plantesoorten en-cultivars te infecteren waarbij op vijf van deze symptomen verschenen. Ook metMyzus persicae vond overdracht plaats, zij het in beperkte mate. De verdunningsgrens was 10–3–10–4, de inactiveringstemperatuur 70–75°C en de houdbaarheid in vitro 2–4 dagen. Het virus had een sedimentatiecoëfficiënt van 155 S en het molecuulgewicht van de structuurelementen van het capside-eiwit bedroeg 31 000 dalton. De deeltjes van de vier gebruikte isolaten hadden een gemiddelde zweefdichtheid van 1,315 g/cm3. De gemiddelde normale lengte van de virusdeeltjes bedroeg 678 nm bij een breedte van ongeveer 12 nm. In ultradunne coupes van bladweefsel vanS. racemosa Plumosa Aurea werden bundels draadvormige virusdeeltjes waargenomen in het cytoplasma. Het virus vertoonde een zeer sterke serologische verwantschap met een virus uit vlier geïsoleerd in Groot-Brittannië en een geringe verwantschap met het anjer-latenvirus. In zijn reactie op waardplanten en zijn eigenschappen in ruw sap vertoonde het ook veel gelijkenis met eerstgenoemd virus, in de literatuur vermeld onder de code-naam elderberry virus A. We stellen voor de naam carlavirus van vlier aan dit virus te geven.  相似文献   
转GAFP-NPI基因香石竹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将双价抗病基因转入同一植物,是增强植物抗病性、拓宽抗病谱的有效措施.在建立香石竹叶片离体培养再生体系的基础上,将兔防御素基因(NP-I)和天麻毒蛋白基因(gastrodia antifungal protein,GaFP)构建在同一个植物表达载体pBin35SGAFP-NPI上,通过农杆菌介导法,利用香石竹叶片作外植体,将GAFP-NPI双价抗病基因导入香石竹品种Asso、Tuareg、ciao Bianco,经卡那霉素筛选共获得300余株转基因植株,并进行多重PCR检测,证明GAFP-NPI双价抗病基因已整合进香石竹的基因组中.琼脂糖孔隙扩散实验证明转基因香石竹对绿色木霉具有抑菌活性,说明了GAFP和NPI双价抗病基因在转基因植株中得到了表达.  相似文献   
为加快香石竹试管苗的繁殖速度,对培养基中营养物质的变化进行了研究。结果表明,香石竹试管苗吸收磷,氮符合幂函数曲线,培养过程中培养基的糖含量直线下降,通过回归分析,培养基中PO4^3-,NH4^+,NO3^-,总氮与糖的含量对其培养时间的回归系数分别为-0.9490,-0.9090,-0.9400,-0.9060,经统计检测都达到极显著水平,试管苗高生长与鲜重增长遵循双曲线函数关系,而丛生芽分化遵循  相似文献   
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