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Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a cereal disease of major importance responsible for yield losses and mycotoxin contaminations in grains. Here, we introduce a new measurement approach to quantify FHB severity on grains based on the evaluation of the whitened kernel surface (WKS) using digital image analysis. The applicability of WKS was assessed on two bread wheat and one triticale grain sample sets (265 samples). Pearson correlation coefficients between Fusarium‐damaged kernels (FDK) and WKS range from r = 0.77 to r = 0.81 and from r = 0.61 to r = 0.86 for the correlation between deoxynivalenol (DON) content and WKS. This new scoring method facilitates fast and reliable assessment of the resistance to kernel infection and shows significant correlation with mycotoxin content. WKS can be automated and does not suffer from the “human factor” inherent to visual scorings. As a low‐cost and fast approach, this method appears particularly attractive for breeding and genetic analysis of FHB resistance where typically large numbers of experimental lines need to be evaluated, and for which WKS is suggested as an alternative to visual FDK scorings.  相似文献   
利用SNP基因芯片(56 110个SNP)对3对玉米大斑病Ht3近等基因系进行检测分析。借助生物信息学和比较基因组学方法,确定了29个相关数量抗性候选基因,均分布于2、3、7、9号染色体;14个候选基因与各类酶活性、能源合成、金属离子、DNA合成修饰、抗逆等功能相关。其中,GRMZM2G058197位于7号染色体bin7.04区域166087520-166091392,与玉米大斑病质量抗性基因Ht3基因位置相吻合。  相似文献   
针对番茄芽枯病发生现状,在阐述该病害表现症状的基础上,分析了其发病特点及原因,包括水分供应不足、高温引起水分失衡、高温烫伤及微量元素不足等,并从培养无病壮苗、定植管理、水分管理、蹲苗及中午通风遮阳等方面论述了番茄芽枯病的防治方法.  相似文献   
Resistance of forty-one homozygous rice lines transformed with chitinase gene (RC24) and β-1,3 -glucanse gene β-1,3-Glu) to sheath blight was analyzed by inoculation. Among different lines, the resistance had significant differences according to the result by cluster analysis. The lines could be categorized into resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible types, while 92.1% of which belonging to moderately resistant or moderately susceptible type. For different resistant or susceptible lines, the resistance to rice sheath blight was remarkable correlated with the chitinase activity of transgenic lines except resistant type lines, in which enzyme activity coded by target gene was lower than moderately resistant type. The chitinase activity of transgenic lines tested at different time after inoculation or different organs of the same plant was uniform, which suggested that the expression of chitinase gene was constitutive in nature. Check varieties chitinase activity would change at different time after inoculation and reach a peak at sometime, but it had no difference at various pans of the same plant.  相似文献   
水稻白叶枯病抗性基因鉴定进展及其利用   总被引:44,自引:7,他引:44  
章琦 《中国水稻科学》2005,19(5):453-459
 1982~1987年,日本热带农业研究中心(TARC)和国际水稻研究所(IRRI)合作采取统一研究方案,创建了国际水稻白叶枯病抗性鉴别系统。统一了命名,删去了重复(包括与Xa3相同的Xa4b、Xa6和xa9)。截至2005年6月,经国际注册确认和期刊报道的水稻白叶枯病抗性基因共30个,其中 Xa22(t)、Xa26(t)、xa26(t)、Xa27(t)、xa28(t)、Xa29(t)和3个Xa25(t)为暂定名基因,有待订正。在30个基因中,21个为显性基因(Xa),9个为隐性基因(xa);13个表现全生育期抗性,15个为成株期抗性,Xa21和Xa25(t) (O. minuta)两个基因在分蘖后期表达抗性。已被定位的抗性基因有17个,即第11染色体上有7个,Xa3、Xa4、Xa10、Xa21、Xa22(t)、Xa23和Xa26;第4染色体上有4个,Xa1、Xa2、Xa12和Xa14;第5染色体上有2个,xa5和xa13;第6染色体上有Xa7和Xa27;第12染色上有Xa25(t);第1染色体上有Xa29(t)。包括Xa1、xa5、Xa21、Xa26五个基因已被克隆。并讨论了合理利用抗性基因等问题。  相似文献   
水稻抗纹枯病育种成效的初步评价   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
以广东省和江苏省里下河农科所新近育成的部分籼稻品种(系)、扬州大学农学院的研究组以不同抗源杂交后代向抗感两个极端选育的9份籼稻品系以及另一组合向抗病方向选育的5份籼稻品系为材料,设置抗感病对照,进行田间纹枯病菌接种试验。结果表明品种间对纹枯病的抗性存在极显著差异;聚类分析将参试材料按抗性水平高低聚为6类:高度感病、感病、中等感病、中等抗病、抗病和更高水平抗病。广东品种在6种类型中均有分布,但属于抗和更抗类型的品种只有3个。扬州大学农学院对抗×抗杂交向抗感两个极端选育的品系在病级的中间类型中几乎没有分布;而向抗病方向选育的品系则仅分布于中抗至抗病的范围内,且属于抗的品种数占此类品种的60%。江苏省里下河农科所近些年育成的几个品种则只分布于后4类之中,且最高水平抗性的3个品种中,其品种占2/3。表明水稻对纹枯病的抗性是可遗传的性状,对抗性的选择有效。  相似文献   
小麦叶枯性病害在黑龙江省的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对黑龙江省不同地区720个点的调查,初步查清了小麦叶枯性病害在全省的分布,根据温度和降雨量气象条件和初始病指可初步将全省病害分为三个区:即病害流行强度I级区、包括嫩江、呼玛地区;流行强度Ⅱ级区,包括泰来、哈尔滨、牡丹江、宝清、佳木斯等地;流行强度Ⅲ级区,包括北安、饶河、伊春地区。并明显了Septoria属病害和Biploria属病害的各地区叶枯性病害中所占比例。  相似文献   
含白叶枯病抗性基因Xa23水稻恢复系的分子标记辅助选育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 通过常规杂交育种技术和分子标记辅助选择技术,对携有白叶枯病抗性基因Xa23的亲本材料CBB23进行回交转育和农艺性状改良。通过分子标记辅助选择检测目的基因,快速获得了12份具有Xa23基因的恢复系稳定材料。采用白叶枯病菌株的专化强毒菌系P6对该12份材料进行室内接种鉴定,筛选出1份高抗白叶枯病的抗性新恢复系材料。应用3个不同的不育系对该恢复系进行测交,结果表明该恢复系具有良好的恢复性及产量潜力。  相似文献   
Information on the bacterial community associated with octopus is very scarce, unlike fish and other molluscs. This study revealed the bacterial community associated with digestive tract of wild Chilean octopus Octopus mimus using a culture‐dependent method and 16S rDNA clone library. Moreover, we analysed the bacterial nutritional enzyme activity of culturable bacteria. A culture‐dependent method showed that the composition of the culturable bacterial community was substantially different between female and male octopus. The predominant species in female octopus were Vibrionaceae and Streptococcaceae, whereas only Vibrionaceae was dominated in male octopus. Bacterial nutritional enzyme activities of culturable bacteria from male octopus were much higher than female octopus. The 16S rDNA clone library analysis showed that the bacterial community of male octopus exhibited a higher diversity than that of female octopus. The genus Mycoplasma was the predominant bacteria in the digestive tract of all octopus samples. The results obtained in this study raise the possibility that each octopus has different food consumption due to different bacterial community and nutritional enzyme activity, although Mycoplasma sp. is one of the predominant bacteria in the digestive tract. Moreover, our results are useful for the future of microbiological investigation associated with the octopus and for probiotics in the octopus aquaculture.  相似文献   
为了研究不同健康程度和抗生素氟苯尼考干预下斑石鲷肠道菌群结构的差异及其与养殖环境中菌群结构的相关性,采用Illumina Hi Seq PE250高通量测序的方法对健康、亚健康、典型黑身病和口服氟苯尼考条件下的斑石鲷肠道、养殖水体和颗粒饵料中的细菌多样性及群落结构进行了分析比较。结果显示,养殖水体中细菌多样性高于肠道和颗粒饵料。不同健康程度及氟苯尼考干预下斑石鲷肠道中细菌均以变形菌门、厚壁菌门和软壁菌门为主,且对应的操作分类单元(OTU)占样品全部OTU的比例均达到85%以上。黑身病的发生可影响斑石鲷肠道中丰度最高的前20种优势细菌种类的排名次序,其中变形菌门中的弧菌属的相对丰度显著增加,且随着弧菌属丰度的增加,斑石鲷的黑身病症状也逐渐加重。饵料中添加氟苯尼考投喂斑石鲷能使患病鱼肠道弧菌属的丰度从60.33%下降到1.29%,较大程度改变了肠道的菌群结构,并证实氟苯尼考有效防治黑身病。其次,养殖水体和颗粒饵料对斑石鲷肠道菌群也有一定影响,且养殖水体的影响高于颗粒饵料。本研究首次报道了斑石鲷肠道菌群结构,其研究结果为今后斑石鲷的健康养殖、疾病防控及其微生态学研究提供了参考依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
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