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Increases in populations of fluorescent pseudomonads on wheat roots are usually associated with take-all decline, natural control of take-all, a disease caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt). Colonisation by Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf29A was assessed on the roots of healthy plants and of plants with take-all, and the effect of this bacterium on indigenous populations of fluorescent pseudomonads was studied. The efficacy of Pf29A as an agent for the biocontrol of take-all on five-week-old wheat seedlings was tested in non-sterile conducive soil in a growth chamber. RAPD (random amplification of polymorphic DNA) fingerprinting with a decamer primer was used to monitor strain Pf29A and culturable indigenous rhizoplane populations of fluorescent pseudomonad. Pf29A decreased disease severity and accounted for 44.6% of the culturable fluorescent pseudomonads on healthy plant rhizoplane and 75.8% on diseased plant rhizoplane. Fewer RAPD patterns were obtained when Pf29A was introduced into the soil with Ggt. In the presence of Ggt and necrotic roots, Pf29A became the dominant root coloniser and dramatically changed the diversity and the structure of indigenous fluorescent pseudomonad populations. The results show that Ggt and reduced lesion size on roots can trigger a specific increase in antagonist populations and that the introduction of a biocontrol agent in soil influences the structure of indigenous bacterial populations.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors which are responsible for clearly visible growth irregularities in Gmelina arborea stands by relating growth rates to soil and site properties. All Gmelina plantations under study, established on degraded pasture soils in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica, showed the same growth pattern: very poor growth and chlorotic foliage of trees in mid-slope positions, and fast growth and healthy leaves of trees on hilltops and hillbases. The variation in site and soil properties and tree growth rates was analysed, investigating 24 plots in eight different plantations. Leaf samples were taken from 120 trees (five trees per site). Foliar analysis revealed that the tree growth is highly dependent on the supply of N, P, K and S, indicating that poorly growing trees suffer from a multiple nutrient disorder. To identify the most restricting soil factor, simple correlations between growth rates and soil chemical and physical properties were applied to the entire data set. The best correlation was obtained with exchangeable soil K (r=0.78, P<0.001). Subdivision of the data set into plots on brown soils (eight) and plots on red soils (16) and subsequent correlation analysis resulted in much stronger relationships. Growth depressions in mid-slope positions had other causes on brown soils than on red soils. On the acid brown soils the combination of the variables Al saturation and bulk density could explain 82% of the variation of tree growth. Al saturation of up to 80% in brown soils inhibits nutrient uptake, particularly of N and P. The red soils dominate on Ca---Mg-enriched, alluvial terraces and were among the first soils to be cultivated in the region. During the agricultural use and at the establishment of the tree plantations, they received dolomitic lime to reduce Al toxicity. Here, very low K/Mg ratios (less than 0.03) may induce K deficiency. Therefore, the best multiple regression model for tree growth rates on red soils is obtained with K/Mg ratio and thickness of the humic A-layer (r2=0.75, P<0.001). Inclusion of the variable bulk density resulted in a clear improvement of the model, explaining 91% of the growth variability.  相似文献   
木霉菌对烟草疫霉的拮抗作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对峙培养试验测定木霉菌(Trichodermaspp.)对烟草疫霉菌(Phytophthora parasiticavar.nicotianae)的抑制作用,筛选出对烟草疫霉菌具有拮抗作用的绿色木霉(T.viride)菌株TG050609.平板对峙培养试验结果表明:该木霉菌对烟草疫霉菌菌落生长的抑制率为29.12%,且能寄生于烟草疫霉;其挥发性次生代谢产物和发酵滤液对烟草疫霉也有明显的抑制作用.盆栽防治试验结果表明,该木霉菌对烟草黑胫病的防治效果达到56.53%,优于58%甲霜灵锰锌WP.  相似文献   
PDA平板拮抗试验表明,哈茨木霉对黄瓜褐斑病菌--多主棒孢霉菌有较强的拮抗作用,其孢子悬浮液的含孢量为105~108个·mL-1时,对多主棒孢霉菌的抑制率高达98.2%.通过哈茨木霉菌液与4种杀菌剂对多主棒孢霉菌抑制效果的比较试验,结果表明,哈茨木霉对多主棒孢霉菌的抑制作用较50%多菌灵和50%扑海因相对较差,但哈茨木霉菌孢子悬浮液含孢量为106个·mL-1的抑菌效果与75%百菌清相当,含孢量为108个·mL-1的抑菌效果与70%甲基托布津相当.  相似文献   
黄色蠕形霉对棉花上几种病原菌拮抗作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就黄色蠕形霉对棉花上几种病原菌的拮抗作用作了初步研究,分析了葡萄糖对黄色蠕形霉抗生物质产量及活性的影响。结果表明:黄色蠕形霉对棉花大丽轮枝菌,刺盘孢菌的菌丝生长及分生孢子萌发和对棉立枯丝核菌,棉枯萎尖孢镰刀的菌丝生长均有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   
从广西稻区74种水稻品种中采集了222个水稻标样,分离出1903株内生细菌。经形态和生理生化测定,确定这些菌株分属于芽孢杆菌属Bacillus、鞘胺醇单孢菌属Sphingomonas、土壤杆菌属Agrobacterium、伯克霍尔德氏菌属Burkholderia、肠杆菌属Enterobacter和成团泛菌属Pantoea。其中,Bacillus和Enterobacter为主要类群,Bacillus为优势类群。水稻内生细菌的类群随不同的水稻品种和栽培地区而变化。水稻内生细菌在植株器官中的分布以根部数量最多,其次是叶鞘和叶。内生细菌的总量在水稻生育期的变化趋势是从苗期到孕穗期上升,从灌浆期到乳熟期下降。分离到的1903株内生细菌中,有412个菌株对水稻纹枯病菌Rhizoctoniasolani有拮抗作用。  相似文献   
臂形草Brachiaria brizantha内生真菌HND5及其产生的挥发性气体对多种植物病原真菌均有拮抗作用。本研究通过原生质体转化将绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)表达载体质粒pPKNTG转入HND5菌株中,获得了带绿色荧光且遗传稳定的转化子;PCR鉴定结果表明绿色荧光与外源质粒的插入相关。随机选取7个荧光转化子进行拮抗活性评价,发现其中5个转化子及其产生的挥发性气体对多主棒孢Corynespora cassiicola的拮抗活性与野生型菌株HND5相当。该结果为深入研究HND5菌株内生性及生防作用机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   
从南丰蜜桔叶片和洋葱的健康植物组织提取液中筛选出3株对柑橘溃疡病[Xanthomonas campestris pv.Citri(Hasse)Dye]有拮抗作用的内生菌株Bb1、Bb2和YC1,通过拮抗菌株的抑菌活性试验得出3株菌株对柑橘溃疡病均有较好的抑制效果,并对其生物学性状进行研究分析。  相似文献   
从河南部分地区采集的大豆根瘤中分离276株内生细菌,采用平板对峙法进行初筛、复筛和内生菌发酵滤液抑菌活性测定,对拮抗性代表菌株进行大豆轮纹病菌菌丝抑制效果显微观察、菌体生理生化特性测试、16SrDNA测序、系统发育分析及抗盐碱性试验和接种试验。结果表明,17株初筛内生菌经复筛和发酵滤液抑菌活性测定,其中8株抑菌率达50%以上;受作用菌丝发生扭结、缠绕成环状,菌丝末端分枝增多、变细、透明,部分菌丝末端膨大、原生质浓缩、断裂,一些菌丝被内生菌形成生物薄膜包埋、逐渐消融。8株内生菌中5株(DD013、DD123、DD156、DD159、DD287)初步鉴定为芽孢杆菌属Bacillus,DD150为赖氨酸芽孢杆菌属Lysinibacillu、DD267为肠杆菌属Enterobacter,菌株DD303为苍白杆菌属Ochrobactrum。抗盐碱性生长曲线表明,菌株DD287对3%NaCl盐浓度具有一定抗性,在碱性环境(pH8)下能正常生长,随pH(9~11)增大,菌体生长量受影响。部分拮抗性菌株对大豆生长有促进作用。筛选拮抗性菌株对丰富生物防治菌种资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   
采用稀释涂布平板法结合平板对峙法,从表面消毒的西瓜根中筛选到一株能够高效抑制尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型3种生理小种的内生细菌YGRE24。菌株YGRE24对尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型3种生理小种的抑制率分别为54.76%、55.95%和55.24%,且其除菌后的培养液也具有明显的抑菌效果。该菌株对小麦赤霉病菌、水稻纹枯病菌等也具有很强的拮抗作用。此外,菌株YGRE24还具有溶磷、产吲哚乙酸、产铁载体的促生特性。盆栽试验表明,该菌株能够在接种病原菌的情况下促进西瓜苗的生长,使地上部分的鲜重和干重分别增加44.75%和30.32%,可以缓解病害对西瓜苗生长的影响。经形态特征、生理生化特性及16S rDNA序列分析初步确定菌株YGRE24为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。  相似文献   
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