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在兽用生物制品生产过程中,偏差不可避免,而偏差的发生则会为产品质量埋下了某种程度的隐患(质量风险).如果不进行偏差管理,就会使得实际生产过程越来越偏离预先批准的程序,甚至发生重大质量问题.为了保证产品的质量,进行严格有效的偏差管理是兽用生物制品生产质量管理的重要内容.文章从偏差识别、偏差分类、偏差调查、纠正和预防措施等...  相似文献   
Shear stresses and soil properties modified due to stress play an important role during formation of seals in a series of rainfall events and during tillage. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effects of the penetrometer geometry on the penetration resistance as affected by shearing under different initial soil conditions and to use the information on soil strength to elucidate shearing process. Nine homogenous air-dried soils (<2 mm) were sprayed and stored so as to obtain equilibrium soil water contents. The moist soils were sheared by horizontal displacement of layers of soil particles/aggregates in between hands in one direction. The soil cores were prepared with comparable bulk density before the measurement of maximum penetration resistance (Pmax) with a small flat tip and a cone tip penetrometers. At a wide range from 0.05 to 6.2 MPa, Pmax was linearly correlated between the small flat tip and the cone tip penetrometers. The conversion ratio was higher under the saturation condition irrespective of the shearing effect. The penetrometer with the small flat tip was more sensitive for the weak soils. Shearing generally increased Pmax in most cases, but it decreased Pmax for some sandy soils under both saturated and unsaturated conditions and for a clayey soil under the saturated condition. The soil consisting of swelling clay exerted a decrease in Pmax. Rearrangement and/or sliding of particles/aggregates and increase in soil suction during shearing were attributed to the increase in Pmax. Increase in porosity due to the aggregation during shearing was ascribed to the decrease in Pmax. In addition, it was shown that agricultural cultivation resulted in a reduction in soil strength.  相似文献   
CHEN Jie  H. P. BLUME 《土壤圈》1999,9(2):113-122
Nine horizon samples of three soil profiles representative of Dystri-gelic Cambisol, Fibri-gelic Histosol and Relic Ornithosol were taken from Fildes Peninsula of King George Island, South Shetland Islands to quantitatively demonstrate the enrichment, migration and loss of the elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, K, Na and P) in soil horizons and their behaviour within profiles by application of the enrichment coefficient calculated in terms of the abundance of Ti. Six horizon samples of 4 other profiles randomly taken from the studied area were examined for calculation of the redistributing enrichment coefficient, which was applied for a better understanding of the element redistribution between soil and clay fraction along with soil development. The results showed that the enrichment, migration and redistribution of the elements varied strongly among the investigated soils and horizons, due to the differences of weathering degrees and moisture status, influences of sea bird activities, etc.  相似文献   
In view of the complication of compreliensive evaluation to development projectplanning alternatives,an AHP model for comprehensive evaluation to the alternatives is advanced,the way of determinating the weight of each index affecting the aIternatives' quality is expounded,and the general methods of evaluating the alternatives with the indexes are given.  相似文献   
为适应面制主食工业化生产,保证主食流通过程中的质量,研制可集成于面制主食工业化生产线末端的复合杀菌包装生产线。依据面制主食贮藏特性及流通过程中变质的影响因素,结合食品保鲜包装的技术与方法,确定面制主食杀菌包装生产线由主食干燥、复合杀菌和包装三大功能装置组成。在设计方案时采用层次分析法,选择主食杀菌包装生产线上所用食品干燥、杀菌保鲜技术方案,并设计生产线的物料流程。优选的结果为,干燥采用红外线干燥,复合杀菌方式为低温、紫外线和臭氧相结合,包装采用接缝式裹包,且整条生产线可程序化控制,实现杀菌时间、紫外线照度、臭氧浓度和温度的实时调节,为主食品工业化生产提供杀菌包装装备。利用该设备对馒头进行复合杀菌试验,结果表明馒头的色泽和质构均优于自然放置的馒头,经杀菌包装后的馒头在温度4℃,相对湿度为50%~70%的环境中贮存20 d其菌落总数为3.5 lg(CFU/g),达到预定20 d的保质期。研究结果为面制主食工业化生产及复合杀菌包装装备设计提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的]评价研究区泥石流的危险性,找出适合新疆西昆仑地区泥石流灾害研究的技术和方法。[方法]以新疆西昆仑山脉西段马尔洋地区为研究对象,在充分收集、研究前人资料和有效利用其他信息源的基础上,通过对研究区ETM+影像数据的研究,对研究区泥石流灾害点进行了判读。结合DEM数据,对该区地形地貌进行了研究。[结果]选取了合适的泥石流灾害危险性评价指标体系。一般危险区、中度危险区、高度危险区、极度危险区,面积分别为:31.69,40.70,38.31,25.83km2,所占比例分别为:23.21%,29.81%,28.06%,19.92%。[结论]研究区泥石流灾害极度危险区和高度危险区占总面积的47.98%,主要分布在研究区的中部和西北部区域,为泥石流灾害高度危险性易发区。  相似文献   
阐述道路黑点交通事故的生成特征,通过AHP法建立交通安全影响因素的层次结构模型,形成了诸因素重要程度量化分析方法,为减少和预防密集型交通事故提供切实依据;应用该方法对某大型交叉口进行了分析和计算,确定了各安全影响因素的权重,提出了相应的安全保障措施。  相似文献   
根据数理统计的原理和方法,运用过程能力分析的方法,通过计算卷烟生产过程烟支质量过程能力指数,开展工序质量过程能力评价,及时了解各工序对卷烟品质的控制能力,确保烟支生产的稳定性,从而提高卷烟企业在市场中的竞争力。  相似文献   
对湖南都庞岭自然保护区特有植物——长果皂荚的皂苷提取工艺条件进行研究,采用水浸提方法,考查了提取温度、时间、次数、固液比对长果皂荚总皂苷提取效率的影响。结果表明,经过一系列的单因素实验和L16(43)正交实验,得到了长果皂荚皂苷提取工艺的最佳条件:在浸提温度70℃、时间8 h、首次浸提固液比为1:4,第2-n次为1:2,浸提4次的条件下,可获得最高总皂苷提取率29.67%,为进一步开发利用长果皂荚提供实验依据。  相似文献   
为了确定紫茎泽兰溶剂脱毒的最佳工艺条件及探索紫茎泽兰中泽兰酮含量与香葱产量的关系。采用正交试验与高效液相色谱法,结合堆肥发酵及相关分离分析技术。通过比较紫茎泽兰溶剂脱毒前后毒性成分含量的变化,确定了紫茎泽兰溶剂脱毒的最佳工艺条件为:pH为8、浸泡处理时间48 h、料液质量比为1:10、温度为50℃。同时分析了9-羰基-10,11-去氢泽兰酮的含量与香葱产量的关系,结果表明腐熟后的紫茎泽兰有机肥中毒素含量很低,对香葱的产量无明显影响。紫茎泽兰溶剂脱毒效果明显,其溶剂脱毒工艺应用于发酵生产有机肥具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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