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Objectives were to analyse absolute and relative size of mink at maturity, and to test effects of selection line, sex and interaction on size. For male and female mink selected for high or low feed efficiency, size at 30 weeks was analyzed for body weight, carcass weight, pelt weight, subcutaneous fat weight, and pelt length. For absolute size, an ANOVA model included effects of line, sex, and interaction. For relative size, two models were used: an allometric model and an extended allometric model, which included effects of line, sex, and interaction.

For the ANOVA model, sexes differed for each variable; females were less than males. As a percentage of body weight, however, carcass weight was larger in females than males, whereas fat weight was smaller in females than males. For the extended allometric growth model, sexes differed for carcass weight and subcutaneous fat weight; females fattened faster than males.  相似文献   
The control of Rumex obtusifolius, even with the use of herbicides, is difficult in permanent grasslands where R. obtusifolius reduces both productivity and nutritive value of herbage. It is important to find alternative approaches to managing R. obtusifolius. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to compare the impact of different cutting frequencies, which simulated grazing (three cuts), silage making (two cuts) and hay making (one cut) on shoot and root measurements of the vigour of R. obtusifolius. In both experiments the same cutting frequencies were imposed but in Experiment 1 the treatments were imposed for 2 years and in Experiment 2 for 1 year. Compared to the silage‐making and hay‐making treatments, there was a reduction in the vigour of the aerial parts of R. obtusifolius on the grazing treatment, associated with a reduction in the number of leaves (Experiment 1), in the size of the largest leaf (Experiment 1) and in the herbage mass of dry matter (Experiments 1 and 2). Roots had higher concentrations of total soluble sugar and lower concentrations of starch in the grazing treatment than in the other treatments. These results showed that a reduction in the vigour of R. obtusifolius in permanent grasslands is possible only if the plants are submitted to a high frequency of defoliation under cutting or grazing.  相似文献   
为了研究鲎形体与体重之间的关系,进一步探讨其生长特性,分别测定了中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)和圆尾鲎(Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)14龄成鲎和10龄幼鲎及不同性别的形态参数(头胸甲宽度及体重)。结果表明,中国鲎和圆尾鲎14龄成鲎和10龄幼鲎以及雌、雄的头胸甲宽度与体重均表现为正相关(R20.88);10龄中国鲎和圆尾鲎异速生长曲线的斜率-回归系数b分别为2.2263和2.1883,而14龄成鲎的回归系数b分别为3.1551和2.6501;10龄和14龄雌、雄中国鲎的b值分别为2.2314(♀)、1.9626(♂)和3.2295(♀)、2.8674(♂),10龄和14龄雌、雄圆尾鲎的b值分别为2.5342(♀)、1.9547(♂)和2.7791(♀)、2.1803(♂),b值均大于1,表明体重增长率大于头胸甲宽度的增长率,处于正生长期,且雌鲎的异速生长率均大于雄鲎;F检验表明,中国鲎和圆尾鲎10龄及14龄不同性别的头胸甲宽度与体重存在极显著的线性关系(P0.01)。  相似文献   
采用大样本随机取样的方法,选取30株蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.Mazz)开花植株,对其根、茎、叶、花等构件的生物量及物质分配关系进行定量分析。结果表明:蒲公英种群花期各构件生物量的变异系数分别为54.11%、59.48%、111.21%和64.65%,具有较大的表型可塑性;其生物量与生物量分配的大小具有相同的规律:叶花根茎。蒲公英植株大小随着根、茎、叶及花生物量的增加呈幂函数形式增加,各功能构件生物量与有性繁殖构件之间均呈极显著的幂函数异速生长关系。  相似文献   
植物各器官之间的异速生长关系决定了植物的生活史对策,进而影响种群内个体之间的共存和生物多样性的维持。传统方法无法区分植物性状对其的响应是环境造成的,还是由于个体大小差异造成的,而异速生长分析能够解决这一问题。为此,本研究利用异速生长分析方法,通过模拟沙米在退化草地恢复过程中不同的种群密度(16, 44.4, 100和400株/m2),研究其各器官之间的异速生长关系。结果表明,沙米各器官之间都具有显著的异速生长关系:其中根和地上、根和主茎、叶和根、主茎和地上等器官生物量之间的变化不随种群密度的变化而变化,属于表观可塑性;根和茎、茎和地上、叶和茎等器官生物量之间的异速生长及生物量比值均受种群密度的显著影响,属于真正可塑性,这表明种群密度变化的确影响了沙米的生长变化。研究同时发现,沙米叶和地上生物量之间的异速指数仅在44.4株/m2种群密度下接近于0.75,即叶生物量与个体大小呈3/4次幂关系,符合生态代谢理论,而在其他密度时异速指数与0.75有显著差异(P<0.001),表明环境变化可能会导致沙米生长策略发生改变。种群密度对沙米繁殖和其他器官之间的异速生长关系影响不显著,表明在不同种群密度下,沙米仍保持相同的繁殖策略;然而种群密度在沙米生育期对繁殖和其他器官之间的异速常数和个体大小均产生了极显著的影响。因此,在探讨繁殖器官与个体大小的关系时,还需要关注植物生育期的变化,只有生育期相同的时候,才能比较不同研究之间的差异。  相似文献   
For body weight (BW) and morphological traits measured repeatedly during growth in Japanese flounder, random regression models (RRMs) were constructed to genetically analyse growth curves and relative growth of morphological traits to BW or body length (BL). In the RRM of growth curves, genetic effects were optimally modelled using Legendre polynomials of two orders for six growth traits. Family and permanent environmental effects remained constant for morphological traits, whereas family effects changed linearly for BWs. During the measuring periods, the heritabilities of the traits increased with age and ranged from 0.256 to 0.843 for BW, 0.379 to 0.806 for body height, 0.338 to 0.773 for BL, 0.286 to 0.665 for head length, 0.159 to 0.708 for length of caudal fin and 0.335 to 0.774 for width of caudal peduncle. Genetic correlations for each trait decreased with increased lag in days of age. In the RRM of relative growth, all morphological traits analysed were significantly associated with BW and BL. The heritabilities for the allometries of morphological traits to BWs ranged from 0.251 to 0.755, whereas those to BLs ranged from 0.412 to 0.871. The majority of genetic correlations among these allometry scalings were negative. These estimated parameters can be utilized to not only guide the efficient selection of traits, but also to genetically regulate synchronous growth of body shape with BW in Japanese flounder.  相似文献   
Gmelina arborea Roxb. is a fast-growing, deciduous tree species native to Bangladesh. It has been widely planted since 1992 for commercial production of pulpwood in hilly areas of Bangladesh. The purpose of this study was to derive well-fitting allometric models for estimation of aboveground biomass, and carbon and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) stocks in G. arborea to ensure sustainable production and management of this species. Eight linear models with 64 regression equations were tested for estimation of aboveground biomass, carbon and nutrient stocks in different parts (leaves, branches, bark and stem) of the plant. The best-fitting allometric models were selected in accordance with various relevant statistical criteria.  相似文献   
松嫩平原羊草种群生殖分蘖株的数量特征及其定量分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
在松嫩平原羊草籽实的乳熟-成熟期,对翻耙样地和封育样地的羊草生殖蘖进行取样调查.结果表明,在同一生境条件下,生殖蘖株高、穗序长、节间长、穗节数和生殖生长比率5个性状较均匀整齐,籽实数、结实率、小花数和小穗数的生态可塑性较大.生殖蘖高度与穗序长、节间长呈极显著正相关,与生殖生长比率呈显著或极显著负相关,穗序长与节间长、穗节数、小穗数和小花数均呈显著或极显著正相关,穗节数与小穗数和小花数、小穗数与小花数、籽实数与小花数和结实率均呈极显著正相关.羊草生殖蘖数量特征的生态可塑性及其相互间的定量关系,揭示了羊草生殖蘖个体生长、发育和生殖的协调发展规律.小花数随小穗数、籽实数随小花数和结实率在2个样地呈异速增长,是翻耙样地羊草生殖蘖籽实产量远大于封育样地的主要原因.  相似文献   
采用联合异速生长遗传模型,对中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所渤海冷水性鱼类试验站培育的F1杂交虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)和F2杂交虹鳟的体质量和体尺性状异速生长进行了遗传分析,旨在为虹鳟及其他水产动物异速生长的遗传参数估计和实现体质量与体型的同步选育奠定理论基础。首先采用逐步回归分析法选择体尺性状对体质量的异速生长显著的性状,建立最优表型联合静态、动态异速生长指数模型,随后构建了两个用于遗传分析多个静态、动态异速生长的随机回归模型。虹鳟多个体尺性状相对体质量的异速生长遗传分析结果表明,体长与体质量具有较大的异速生长指数,为1.633 8,且为正异速生长,而其他体尺性状相对体质量呈现负异速生长;遗传方差大小顺序和表型的偏异速生长指数一致,体宽和背鳍基长的异速生长的遗传相关最大,为-0.867 5,其次为体长和体高,为-0.619 4,最小的是-0.021 7,为体高和体宽。体长与体质量的动态异速生长的加性遗传方差估计值为0.292 9。结果表明,虹鳟体质量和主要体尺性状的异速生长是由遗传机制决定的,遗传方差及遗传相关的估计能够用来筛选优良亲本,这为进一步利用异速生长理论指导虹鳟及其他水产动物体质量与体型的同步选育提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
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