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绍兴市农业生态和农业气象灾害监测预警系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过建立基于3S技术的农业生态监测和基于自动气象站、雷达、卫星、数值预报、短信息技术的农业气象灾害监测预警系统,动态监测绍兴市耕地被侵占面积,分析水资源分布、土地利用覆盖等农业自然资源分布特征,并对农业气象灾害实现监测和预警,从而为根据当地自然资源优势,通过农业结构调整,有效地减轻气象灾害损失,促进农业可持续发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
依据我国新时期农业发展的优势环境展开了农业推广进程中普遍存在问题的深入分析,并针对目前农业发展中重科研、轻推广,机制建立不健全等现状制定了切实可行的应对策略,对促进我国农业的成果转化与合理推广有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   
近50a来黑河流域气候变暖对农业生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1960~2009年间黑河流域及其周围15个气象站点的逐月气温观测数据,运用多年趋势线法、Mann-Kendall法、小波分析等方法,对黑河流域气候变化进行了研究。结果表明:近50年来黑河流域气温总体呈增加趋势(β值为0.027℃/a),线性增长率为0.28℃/10a,相当于50年中气温升高了1.4℃,其中20世纪70~80年代气温上升缓慢,至20世纪90年代以后气温显著上升;空间分布上,年均气温变化呈现出由西向东逐渐增温的趋势,其中流域中上游东部和下游地区气温升温幅度较大,以中游民乐和下游额济纳旗最为显著;流域年均气温变化存在着10~15年左右的主振荡周期和6年左右的次振荡周期,其中以13年左右的振荡周期最强;流域年平均气温在1987年发生突变,之后进入偏暖期;同时进一步分析了气候变暖对农业生产的影响,为合理利用本地气候资源提供参考依据,使流域农业得到持续稳定的发展。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation potential of croplands and grasslands in Great Britain under different management practices. We consider the feasible land management options for grass and cropland using county level land‐use data with estimates of per‐area mitigation potential for individual and total GHGs, to identify the land management options with the greatest cost‐effective mitigation potential. We show that for grasslands, uncertainties still remain on the mitigation potential because of their climatic sensitivity and also their less intensive management. For croplands in Great Britain, the technical mean GHG mitigation potentials for all cropland management practices range from 17 Mt CO2‐eq. per 20 yr to 39 Mt CO2‐eq. per 20 yr. There are significant regional variation in all cases, with the greatest potentials in England, negligible potential in Wales and intermediate potential in Scotland, with country differences largely driven by the areas of cropland and grassland in each country. Practices such as agronomic improvement and nutrient management are the most promising options because of their impact on N2O emissions and also their larger potential at low cost. In terms of annual emissions from agriculture, calculated mitigation potentials are small, where the technical mitigation potential of agronomy and nutrient management strategies are ca. 4.5 and 3.8%, respectively (agricultural emissions account for ca. 9% or 47.7 Mt CO2‐eq., of total Great Britain GHG emissions, Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK). However when compared with the land use, land‐use change and forestry sector (LULUCF) emissions, nutrient management would reduce further emission reductions by approximately half of the 2005 LULUCF sink (i.e. ?1.6 Mt CO2‐eq. per year).  相似文献   
The SALTIRSOIL model predicts soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity in irrigated land using basic information on soil, climate, crop, irrigation management and water quality. It extends the concept of the WATSUIT model to include irrigation and crop management practices, advances in the calculation of evapotranspiration and new algorithms for the water stress coefficient and calculation of electrical conductivity. SALTIRSOIL calculates the soil water balance and soil solution concentration over the year. A second module, SALSOLCHEM, calculates the inorganic ion composition of the soil solution at equilibrium with soil calcite and gypsum at the soil’s CO2 partial pressure. Results from comparing predicted and experimentally determined concentrations, observations and predictions of pH, alkalinity and calcium concentration in calcite‐saturated solutions agree to the second significant figure; in gypsum‐saturated solutions the standard difference between observations and predictions is <3% in absolute values. The algorithms in SALTIRSOIL have been verified and SALSOLCHEM validated for the reliable calculation of soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity at water saturation in well‐drained irrigated lands. In simulations for horticultural crops in southeast Spain, soil solution concentration factors at water saturation, quotients of electrical conductivity (EC25) at saturation to electrical conductivity in the irrigation water, and quotients of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) are very similar to average measured values for the area.  相似文献   
加快农业发展方式转变,促进农业转型升级,是摆在农业部门面前紧迫而艰巨的任务。根据农业发展方式转变的内涵,论述了转变农业发展方式对农村信息服务的新要求,对如何构建全市新型农村信息服务模式做了深度分析,提出了可操作性对策与建议。  相似文献   
外文农业科技期刊在经二次文献数据加工后,存在着部分时效性信息未得到有效地利用的情况。对时效性信息进行开发利用,满足读者对外文期刊信息的多方面需求,是国家农业图书馆亟待解决的问题。在分析该馆馆藏外文期刊的时效性信息含量的基础上,提出了通过建立时效性信息数据库,同时结合网络揭示,个性化定制推送服务等方式对外文期刊的时效性信息进行开发利用,以期进一步提高国家农业图书馆馆藏外文期刊的利用效率。  相似文献   
灌溉与施氮对留茬免耕春小麦氮素吸收和氮肥损失的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在甘肃省石羊河流域绿洲灌区,采用裂区设计大田试验,研究不同灌溉量(常规灌溉(327 mm)、节水20%灌溉(261 mm)、节水40%灌溉(196 mm))和施氮量(0,140,221,300 kg/hm^2)对留茬免耕春小麦植株吸氮量、收获期土壤硝态氮(NO3^--N)含量和氮肥损失的影响。结果表明,在留茬免耕农田中,灌溉量从196 mm增加到327 mm,小麦籽粒含氮量从1.55%增加到1.71%,植株吸氮量从134 kg/hm^2增加到190kg/hm^2。当施氮量超过221 kg/hm^2时,籽粒含氮量、秸秆含氮量、植株吸氮量不再显著增加。施氮300,221,140 kg/hm^2处理的植株吸氮量比不施氮处理的分别提高47%,37%和18%;在春小麦收获期,土壤表层(0-60 cm)NO3^--N含量随灌溉量增加而减少,随施氮量增加而增加,灌溉和施氮对60 cm以下土壤NO3^--N含量影响不明显。与不施氮处理相比,施氮300,221,140 kg/hm^2的氮肥损失分别为186,137,94 kg/hm^2。  相似文献   
洞庭湖红壤坡地减氮控磷对玉米产量和径流氮磷的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
坡地氮磷流失是洞庭湖农业面源污染的重要来源。以湖南省湘阴县红壤坡耕地土壤为研究对象,通过田间小区试验,探讨玉米减量施肥对产量、化肥利用率和氮磷流失量的影响。结果表明,NP常规施肥量在减少20%范围内对玉米产量没有十分显著的影响,但达到30%时玉米表现减产。减量施肥不仅一定程度提高NP化肥肥效和肥料利用率,而且降低土壤NP流失量。氮的径流量减少了12.54%~28.68%,磷减少了1.3%~30.1%。在各种减量施肥处理中,以控释肥减氮处理效果最佳,有效减少农业面源污染。  相似文献   
通过新型的小麦深施肥播种机的应用,实现了小麦深施肥播种,使种、肥分箱不同床,解决了过去化肥对种芽、幼苗的危害问题。达到了节本增效、增产增收的目的。  相似文献   
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