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Urbanization is expanding in and around small to medium-sized cities as well as in large cities, and the expansion includes low-lying areas where the flood risk is high. Flood risk in small watersheds has been evaluated using precise mathematical models. However, these models cannot be applied to larger basins due to the complexity of data collection and analysis. As a result, quantitative evaluations of flood risk at macro scales and the flood-prevention function of paddies around urban areas have not been made. This paper proposes a method and an index that can be used to evaluate the flood-prevention function of paddies on a regional scale. In addition, the use of this system for basin-wide management is illustrated by an example for the Kinu and Kokai rivers, which are tributaries of the Tone River of Japan. The applicability of the approach is evaluated using data from a major flood that occurred in the study area. 相似文献
1997~1999年,分别从中国长江三角洲稻区的276份和日本稻区30份水稻种子样本中分离出3 200余个及303个非致病菌株。经细菌学、菌落形态及致病性测定后,对386个格兰氏阴性菌及30个阳性菌进行Biolog鉴定,并用3个水稻病原菌进行了拮抗性筛选。从中国的水稻种子中测得假单胞杆菌属的10个种及5个非假单胞杆菌属中的14个种;从日本的水稻种子中测得假单胞杆菌属的6个种及5个非假单胞杆菌属中的10个种。这5个非假单胞菌属中的14个种尚未有从中国稻谷上分离出来的记录。从中国的14个细菌种及日本的10个细菌种中测得拮抗菌,其中占拮抗细菌种总数64%的种来自假单胞杆菌属和芽孢杆菌属。 相似文献
浅谈如何搞好公益性农机培训工作 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
就如何在新形势下搞好公益性农机培训工作提出了看法和建议,笔者分别在建立保障机制、队伍和设施设备建设、借力培训与科学培训等方面展开论述。 相似文献
《农产品无损检测技术》是食品质量与安全专业的一门专业课,在本专业课程建设中占有重要的地位。在该课程的教学实践中,打破以讲授为主的常规教学形式,探索采用PBL教学法(Problem-based learning, PBL),即以问题为基础、学生为中心、教师为导向的学习方法,有效地提高了学生的主观能动性,突出调动了同学的学习积极性,显著提升了他们的学习兴趣,培养了他们分析问题和解决问题的能力,使教学质量得到了显著提升。 相似文献
Jeffery W. Bentley Jorge Andrade-Piedra Paul Demo Beloved Dzomeku Kim Jacobsen Enoch Kikulwe 《Journal of Crop Improvement》2018,32(5):599-621
Vegetatively propagated crop (VPC) seed tends to remain true to varietal type but is bulky, often carries disease, and is slow to produce. So VPC seed needs to be handled differently than that of other crops, e.g., it tends to be sourced locally, often must be fresh, and it is less often sold on the market. Hence, a framework was adapted to describe and support interventions in such seed systems. The framework was used with 13 case studies to understand VPC seed systems for roots, tubers, and bananas, including differing roles and sometimes conflicting goals of stakeholders, and to identify potential coordination breakdowns when actors fail to develop a shared understanding and vision. In this article, we review those case studies. The framework is a critical tool to (a) document VPC seed systems and build evidence; (b) diagnose and treat coordination breakdown and (c) guide decision-makers and donors on the design of more sustainable seed system interventions for VPCs. The framework can be used to analyze past interventions and will be useful for planning future VPC seed programs. 相似文献
“十二五”规划提出要在工业化、城镇化深入发展中同步推进农业现代化,但在实际推进中仍然存在一些难以克服的矛盾、问题和困难。诸如工业化、城镇化用地刚性需求和农业规模化对土地刚性需求的矛盾;农村劳动力总体过剩和农业经营人才严重短缺的矛盾;米贵伤市民、谷贱伤农民的矛盾等等。当前,工业化、城镇化浪潮势不可挡,而农业的弱质性却难以克服。必须真正把农业放在第一位,改造小农经济,推动土地流转、加大农田水利建设、并转变县域经济发展方式。 相似文献
口虾蛄人工育苗生产技术 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
根据自己对口虾蛄复苗成功经验,结合国内外学者的研究成果,。综述了口虾蛄的交尾,产卵,孵化等繁殖生物学特性,报道了亲虾蛄的选择发育时序,特征和培育技术。 相似文献
世界粮食安全形势面临着新的挑战。我国的粮食需求持续增长,但粮食生产仍存在一些传统的和新的束缚,实现粮食供需平衡仍将是一项十分艰巨的任务。因此,必须进一步加大对粮食生产的投入,加强资源保护和有效利用,改善基础设施、提高农村社会化服务的能力。 相似文献