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虚阳外越是指在阳气本已亏虚的病理状态下,阴气仍不能正常地发挥其收敛潜降的作用,阳气虽虚却浮越于外而不得返宅,其包括阳虚阴盛状态下的上热下寒证和阴盛格阳证,及阴虚阳亢状态下,久病阴损及阳证。研究虚阳外越就必须从阴阳二气各自的特性以及阴阳对立制约、互根互生的关系入手,才能更加准确地把握虚阳外越的根本病机和病理表现,更好地鉴别“实火”和“虚火”,并最终为摄生防病及其辨证论治提供理论指导。  相似文献   
Litterfall abundance and composition of organic and inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus forms were studied for 34 months in two different forest ecosystems (Vaccinio uliginosiBetuletum pubescentis (VuBp) and Empetro nigriPinetum (EnP)) in S?owiński National Park (northern Poland). Including broadleaves, litterfall abundance in VuBp was above 25% higher than in EnP. In VuBp the mean litterfall abundance was equal to 4050 kg ha−1 year−1 with needles (31%) and broadleaves (32%) dominating while in EnP the mean litterfall abundance was equal to 2828 kg ha−1 year−1 and needless made up 59% of total. Almost all litterfall fractions in both forest ecosystems followed a clear, coherent seasonal pattern with maximal values in Autumn and minimal values in the growing season. In general, inter-annual fall variation of needles, branches, broadleaves and seeds was not significant in both ecosystems, however, for the fall of needles and branches a decreasing tendency was observed. In VuBp and in EnP total litterfall (VuBp: T-N 97.5%, Norg 96.8%, EnP: T-N 95.6%, Norg 97.9%) as well as the needless (VuBp: T-N 31.9%, Norg 46.4%; EnP: T-N 53.5%; Norg 53.6%) were the most abundant with nitrogen with the supremacy of organic forms. Besides needles fall, the highest nitrogen return in VuBp was contributed by broadleaves, seeds and branches fall, while in EnP with branches and bark fall. The lowest nitrogen return was contributed by inflorescences and flower buds fall. Similar to organic nitrogen, organic phosphorus was dominant in VuBp (91%) and in EnP (77%) ecosystems. In VuBp total phosphorus contributed by broadleaves was comparable to deposited with needles. In the fallen needless phosphorus contribution was significantly higher in EnP than in VuBp. Nearly 40% of total phosphorus return was contributed by branches, seeds and other litterfall material in VuBp. Litterfall mass in VuBp showed positive correlation with air humidity, total nitrogen content in the rooting zone, and negative with underground water level and air temperature indicating lower resistance towards climatic stress. At both forest ecosystems total litterfall mass, total nitrogen and organic nitrogen were positively correlated with air humidity, while neither total litterfall, nor total nitrogen (T-N) and total phosphorus (T-P) at both forest ecosystems were correlated directly with precipitation volume. This is probably because air humidity is partially related to precipitation (rSp = 0.31), however it could be also an effect of sea sprays contribution. Homogeneous Pinus sylvestris stand indicates higher resistance towards unfavorable climatic conditions than Betula pubescens, and this is why it should be preferably used in afforestation campaigns in seashore.  相似文献   
太原市城市道路中植物绿化多样性现状及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实地调查了太原市12条主要道路的绿化现状。结果表明:按照出现频率来看,常绿树与落叶树比为1∶2.8;乔木与灌木比为1.1∶1,仅从比例来看,太原城市绿化植物配置还不尽合理。另外,通过调查发现太原市道路绿化植物种类单一,植物色彩单调以及空间利用不足。同时,对其不足之处提出相应改进建议:乔、灌、藤、草相结合并且要体现四季性;配置妥当,使植物在不同的季节呈现不同的色彩;乔、灌、藤、草以及地被植物搭配种植以提高空间利用率。从而逐步建立多层次、多结构、多功能的城市绿地植物群落。  相似文献   
王曦  遆超普  罗永霞  孙晓丽 《土壤学报》2016,53(6):1552-1562
氮氧化物(NO_x=NO+NO_2)因其对环境和人类健康的威胁,成为大气中需要严格控制的一种痕量组分。首次运用化学转化法,通过将主要人为排放源废气中的氮氧化物(NO_x)转化为氧化亚氮(N_2O),测定气体中NO_x的15N自然丰度,即氮稳定同位素比值(δ15N-NO_x)。利用酸性氧化剂将NO_x氧化为硝酸(NO_3~-),并通过三氯化钒(VCl_3)和叠氮钠(NaN_3)的共同作用将其转化为N_2O,利用带有自动预浓缩装置的稳定同位素比值质谱计(PT-IRMS)测定δ15N-NO_x。该方法的测量精度可达0.09‰,所需样品量仅为7μg(以氮计),对火力发电站、机动交通工具等人为排放源均适用,测量精度和准确度可满足NOx相关研究的需求。  相似文献   
The combined use of plants and bacteria is a promising approach for the remediation of soil contaminated with organic pollutants. Different biotic and abiotic factors can affect the survival and activity of the applied bacteria and consequently plant growth and phytoremediation efficiency. The effect of inoculum density on the abundance and expression of alkane-degrading genes in the rhizosphere of plant vegetated in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil has been rarely observed. In this study, an alkane-degrading bacterium (Pantoea sp. strain BTRH79), at different inoculum densities (105 to 108 cells cm-3 soil), was inoculated to ryegrass (Lolium perenne) vegetated in diesel-contaminated soil to find the optimum inoculum density needed for its efficient colonization and hydrocarbon degradation activity. Bacterial inoculation improved plant growth and hydrocarbon degradation. Maximum plant growth and hydrocarbon degradation wwereobserved with the inoculum having the highest cell density (108 cells cm-3 soil). Moreover, the inoculum with higher cell density exhibited more abundance and expression of alkane hydroxylase gene, CYP153. This study suggests that the inoculum density is one of the main factors that can affect bacterial colonization and activity during phytoremediation.  相似文献   
Abstract –  The aim of this study was to describe and quantify the effect of aquatic pollution on the fish assemblage structure of the Corumbataí River (Brazil), by comparing two sites with different water quality characteristics. The results revealed that abundance of individuals was low at the polluted site (B). However, the two sites did not differ significantly in species richness (total and average). This fact contradicts theories stating that portions where the transverse area of the channel is larger should present a higher biological richness. It was also observed that the ichthyofauna of site B had higher evenness, and, consequently, a tendency to a higher diversity than that at site A. This demonstrates that diversity estimates should be used cautiously in environmental impact studies, as they do not necessarily indicate better conditions of communities living in more preserved environments.  相似文献   
杭州植物园野生维管植物调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杭州植物园内共有野生维管植物501种、4亚种、30变种、1变型(隶属于119科365属)。本文除反映了有关物种种群个体的多度之外,突出地反映了其中归化植物44种、珍稀濒危植物5种,该园建园以来分布区已明显收缩的植物35种、2变种,濒于绝灭的植物27种、2变种,已经绝灭的植物31种、1亚种和自园外传入的植物28种、1变型,并初步分析了该园内物种及其种群分布的动态变化及其原因。  相似文献   
Presented is a modified spatial filter, called a variable-shape filter, that was used to transform a map of point locations of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) to a contoured surface illustrating relative abundance. Rather than having a fixed polygon shape and size as conventional filters do, this method preserves constant filter area but conforms polygon shape to include only the desired land-cover categories–in this study, water. Variable-shape filter polygons are formed by starting with the cell that the point is located in and then adding the nearest contiguous cells of the desired land-cover category to the polygon until the area requirement is reached. Surfaces generated using the variable-shape filter were compared to those created with a conventional, circular, fixed-shape filter. Four filter sizes, based on an analysis of manatee hourly travel rates estimated from satellite and radio telemetry data, were used. Filter sizes, defined in terms of a circle's radius, were 125 m, which was the 25th percentile of the cumulative manatee travel-rate distribution; 325 m, the 50th percentile; 800 m, the 75th percentile; and 3,950 m, the 99th percentile. The fixed-shape and variable-shape filters differed principally in how their results were influenced by land. The variable-shape filter, programmed to maintain constant area, estimated animals to occur farther from shore than the fixed-shape filter did. Fixed-shape filter polygons were occasionally divided by land barriers, such as peninsulas, resulting in calculations of relative abundance estimates that were near the visual sighting in terms of euclidian distance but far in terms of manatee travel. The variable-shape filter was preferable primarily because it was more sensitive to manatee ecology: only cells contiguous to the animal's mapped location were included in the filter calculations.  相似文献   
啮齿动物是草地生态系统中的重要成分.监测啮齿动物种群动态对于草地生态系统小型哺乳动物的生态学研究及草地鼠害控制均具有重要的意义.目前国内外对啮齿动物的种群监测主要以铗捕法、笼捕法为主,既费时又费力.红外相机技术的应用可弥补这一缺点,然而关于红外相机技术测度荒漠小型啮齿动物种群数量的研究并不多见.本研究采用红外相机陷阱法...  相似文献   
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