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以青海省海南州贵德县拉鸡山地区植物群落为研究对象,从海拔3100~3920m,划分为9个海拔梯度,研究了植物生物量及物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的变化特征。结果表明:阳坡地上生物量与物种丰富度呈极显著正相关关系(r=0.564,P<0.01),总生物量与根冠比呈极显著正相关关系(r=0.714,P<0.01);海拔与地上生物量呈极显著负相关关系(r=-0.773,P<0.01),与地下生物量、总生物量、根冠比呈极显著正相关关系(r=0.769、r=0.753、r=0.692,P<0.01)。阴坡植物群落总生物量与地上生物量之间呈显著正相关关系(r=0.495,P<0.05),与地下生物量之间成极显著正相关关系(r=0.960,P<0.01),与海拔呈极显著负相关(r=-0.519,P<0.01);根冠比与地上生物量呈极显著负相关关系(r=-0.631,P<0.01)。地上生物量与海拔呈极显著负相关(r=-0.678,P<0.01)。  相似文献   
Certain aquatic Oligochaeta live successfully in organic-polluted waters while others cannot tolerate such conditions. Tubifex tempUtoni Southern and Llmnodrttus hoffmeisteri (Clap.), two non-gilled species, are compared to Branchiura sowerbyi (Beddard) and Dero nivea (Aiyer), two gilled species, concerning their haemoglobin concentration, the influence of low oxygen availability on the respiration rate and their reactions in an oxygen gradient. In contrast with L. hoffmeisteri and T. templetoni where a very narrow range of respiration dependency (pO2, 0-12 mm Hg) is found, B. sowerbyi and D. nivea have a level of respiratory dependence from pO2, 0-131 mm Hg. Haemoglobin concentrations are 6,238 - and 6,452 g/100 cm2 blood in L. hoffmeisteri and T. templetoni and 3,011 and 1,611 g/100 cm2 in B. sowerbyi and D. nivea respectively. In the oxygen gradient all four species have a preference for water with a high oxygen content.  相似文献   

This stimulator has been designed to be used by veterinary surgeons who require an instrument that is portable and can be used, not only on the A.C. mains, but also in the field, where power is not available. The number of controls has been kept to a minimum and the overall size and weight reduced to enable the stimulator to be included easily in the veterinarian's equipment bag.  相似文献   
选择青藏高原东缘同一生境类型下具有不同交配系统特点和不同传粉者丰度的3种龙胆科植物湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa)(自花授粉)、祁连獐牙菜(Swertia przewalskii)(高昆虫访问异花授粉)和线叶龙胆(Gentiana farreri)(低昆虫访问异花授粉)为对象,研究其资源分配特征。结果表明,1)3种植物的花粉胚珠比例(P/O)存在显著差异(P0.05),湿生扁蕾的P/O显著低于另外两种异花授粉植物的(P0.05),祁连獐牙菜的P/O显著低于线叶龙胆的(P0.05);2)3种植物的繁殖分配比例存在差异,湿生扁蕾的繁殖分配比例显著高于另外两种异花授粉植物的(P0.05),线叶龙胆的繁殖分配比例显著高于祁连獐牙菜的(P0.05);3)在繁殖分配比例与个体大小关系上,湿生扁蕾与其个体大小不存在显著相关关系(P0.05),而另外两种异花授粉植物则与其各自个体大小之间存在显著负相关关系(P0.05)。研究表明,交配系统类型和传粉者丰度与植物的资源分配模式有关,尽管3种植物的繁殖绝对投入量都与其个体大小显著正相关(P0.05),但自花授粉植物相对于异花授粉植物具有较高的繁殖分配比例,并且这种较高的繁殖分配比例不受个体大小影响,这种高繁殖投入的资源分配模式可能与自花授粉植物具有繁殖保障,从而降低其繁殖代价有关。  相似文献   
Density-dependent non-monotonic species interactions are important in maintaining ecosystem stability and function, but empirical evidences are still rare. Rodents, as both seed dispersers and seed predators, have dual effects on plant regeneration and may result in non-monotonic rodent-plant interactions. According to the non-monotonic models, the relative positive or negative effects of rodents on seedling establishment can be measured based on the positive or negative association of seedling recruitment rate and rodent abundance. In this study, we investigated the fates of acorns of Quercus serrata by tracking tagged seeds on 21 fragmented subtropical islands in the Thousand Island Lake, China. We found that the proportion of germinated seeds of all released seeds showed a dome-shaped association with rodent abundance per seed. The proportion of removed seeds and cached seeds showed a saturated- and a weak dome-shaped association with rodent abundance per seed, respectively. Our results demonstrated a clear empirical evidence that rodent abundance per seed triggered a switch between the relative mutualism and predation in a rodent–seed system. Our study implied that the observed non-monotonic interactions between plants and animals may play a significant role in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem function. We appeal for more investigations of the complex non-monotonic interactions in various ecosystems.  相似文献   
Rodents influence plant establishment and regeneration by functioning as both seed predators and dispersers. However, these rodent–plant interactions can vary significantly due to various environmental conditions and the activity of other insect seed predators. Here, we use a combination of both field and enclosure (i.e. individual cage and semi‐natural enclosure) experiments, to determine whether rodents can distinguish sound seeds from those infested with insects. We also demonstrate how such responses to insects are influenced by food abundance and other environmental factors. We presented rodents with 2 kinds of Quercus aliena seeds (sound and insect‐infested seeds) in a subtropical forest in the Qinling Mountains, central China, from September to November of 2011 to 2013. The results showed that rodents preferred to hoard and eat sound seeds than infested seeds in the field and semi‐natural enclosure, while they preferred to eat infested seeds over sound seeds in the individual cages. In addition, both hoarding and eating decisions were influenced by food abundance. Rodents hoarded more sound seeds in years of high food abundance while they consumed more acorns in years of food shortage. Compared with field results, rodents reduced scatter‐hoarding behavior in semi‐natural enclosures and ate more insect‐infested seeds in smaller individual cages. These results further confirm that rodents distinguish infested seeds from non‐infested seeds but demonstrate that this behavior varies with conditions (i.e. environment and food abundance). We suggest that such interactions will influence the dispersal and natural regeneration of seeds as well as predation rates on insect larvae.  相似文献   
During recent decades, forest ecosystems have been exposed to high levels of atmospheric pollution, and it has been argued that this affects the composition and activity of decomposer communities and, subsequently, ecosystem functioning. To investigate the effects of atmospheric pollution on protozoa and microflora, a new experimental design was used. Undisturbed soil columns, originating from six coniferous forests across Europe and representing different stages of soil acidification, were transferred to two Scots pine forests (Fontainebleau and Wekerom) with different levels of N and S deposition (NH4 +-N=4.90 and 42.50?kg ha–1 year–1; SO4 S=10.90 and 30.40?kg ha–1 year–1, respectively). The number of protozoa, microbial biomass C and microbial activity were estimated in the organic layer (Of) of the transferred soils at the two host sites after 21 months of incubation. The experiment aimed at answering two questions: (1) Do changes in environmental conditions, studied by transferring soils from one site to another, affect protozoa and microbial communities and, if so, (2) how important are changes in both N and S deposition in explaining the effects of soil transfer on protozoa and microbial communities? The interaction between protozoa and microbial communities was addressed with regard to these changes in environmental conditions. No effect of enhanced N or S deposition on protozoan numbers and microbial biomass C, basal respiration and caloric quotient was revealed. Reciprocal transfer of various soil columns resulted in lower abundance and activity of protozoa and microbes. This reduction could not be explained by differences in N and S deposition, but by differences in microclimate and adaptation. In some cases, protozoa correlated with pH, C/N ratio, P and S content and leached mineral N.  相似文献   
为切实保护耕地,基于遥感技术对不同耕地演化类型,包括不变耕地、新增耕地、撂荒耕地和退耕耕地进行识别和检测,以民勤县为例,采用2010和2015年2个年份的春、夏、初冬地物景观三季相特点的Landsat TM/OLI数据作为主要数据源。依据不同耕地演化类型的季相变异规律和内部要素特征选取具有物理意义的端元丰度值、丰度值差值建立2年份混合决策树划分不同耕地演化类型。同时对比分析在2010和2015年各自决策树土地利用/覆被分类结果后比较提取的耕地演化类型。结果表明:民勤县大部分耕地未发生变化,新增耕地在各个区域均有一定量的分布且主要分布在下游;退耕耕地大面积分布在坝区;撂荒耕地主要分布在沙漠绿洲过渡带。研究表明通过能够与地物先验知识关联的端元丰度值、特征端元丰度的差值建立决策树可以有效实现不同耕地演化类型的检测。误差矩阵精度评价结果显示,基于混合决策树耕地演化类型提取结果在总体精度上要高于分类后变化检测的结果。  相似文献   
Soil bulk density varies among sites as well as microhabitats, and in different years at the same site. Bulk density is a highly variable parameter that introduces undefined but significant errors to abundance field data of soil microfauna when given in individuals per g soil dry mass (sdm). Such data are not comparable among sites, microhabitats and years and they are unsuitable for comparative ecological field studies. Soil corer sampling technique, defined as soil surface square units (e.g. 1 cm2), is recommended to overcome the methodological imprecision of estimating abundance of soil microfauna from field studies in ind·g sdm. This removes consideration of variable soil bulk density and enables us to establish abundance values directly in ind·cm−2 without any recalculations. Resultant data are comparable both spatially and temporally. Abundance data as individuals per m2 is a commonly used unit for soil meso-, macro- and megafauna.


La densité apparente du sol est extrêmement variable aussi bien selon les sites que selon les microhabitats, ainsi que selon les différentes années sur un même site. La variabilité de ce paramètre induit des erreurs mal définies, mais significatives, dans l'estimation des abondances de la microfaune du sol lorsque celles-ci sont produites en termes de nombre d'individus par gramme de sol sec. De telles données ne sont pas comparables entre sites, microhabitats, ou années, et ne sont donc pas utilisables pour des études d'écologie comparative. La méthode d'échantillonnage par carottage du sol sur une surface connue (par exemple 1 cm2) est recommandée afin de maîtriser l'imprécision liée aux estimations par poids de sol sec. Cela permet de s'affranchir du paramètre de densité apparente du sol et permet de donner directement des valeurs d'abondance en nombre d'individus par cm2 sans aucun calcul. Les données ainsi exprimées sont comparables, à la fois spatialement et temporellement. Le nombre d'individus par m2 est une unité communément utilisée pour la méso-, macro- et mégafaune.  相似文献   
The first assessment of the baited remote underwater video system (BRUVs) for monitoring rock lobster Jasus lalandii (Milne‐Edwards) in South Africa was compared to annual ring net and trap survey data. Count data from 58 BRUVs, 36 ring net and 95 trap samples were fitted with generalised additive models using depth, habitat, time and spatial gradient as independent variables. A power analysis was used to determine the number of samples needed per annum to detect a 5 and 10% increase and decrease in population size. The BRUVs outperformed the nets and traps in terms of sampling effort and were better at detecting changes in abundance of lobster than abundance of three fish species. Considering factors such as cost, analysis time, additional data and environmental impact, traps are the most feasible method in deeper waters but BRUVs could replace nets and traps in depths less than 60 m, low‐density areas and marine reserves.  相似文献   
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