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A previously unknown association of ants with birds breeding in tree holes is described. Ants Lasius brunneus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were found in c. 15% of nests of Parus major L. and Poecile palustris L. (Paridae) breeding in tree holes in the primeval deciduous forest located in the Bia?owie?a National Park (Poland). The ants preferably used holes located higher above the ground. As such holes are warmer than the unused holes or other nest sites, it is suggested that the ants cohabit holes utilized by the tits to gain thermal benefits.  相似文献   
IntroductionEcoledcalrelahonshipsanddePendenceofwildlifesPe-ciesonsouthwesternPOnderosapine(Pineponderosa)fOrestsarecloselyrelat6dtohabitatuse.Foraginghabits,seasOndfoodPreferences,anduseoftreesforfeedingarelawtydePendentuponthestrUctureandspahalar-rangme…  相似文献   
This study looked at the effects that multi-nutrient fertilization had on understory vegetation nutrient concentrations at four conifer forested locations in the inland Northwest. Multi-nutrient fertilization of conifer stands cannot only enhance the overstory species in the inland Northwest but also the understory vegetation. Determination of nutrient concentration response to fertilization treatments can provide managers the ability to better manipulate their forests for grazing and wildlife habitat. We grouped the understory vegetation into three general life forms: forbs, grasses and grass-likes, and shrubs. Multi-nutrient fertilization had little effect on nitrogen concentration across all life forms. Potassium and sulfur generally increased in concentration. Micronutrients as a whole showed less variability in response to multi-nutrient fertilization. Boron, copper, molybdenum, and zinc generally showed increases in concentrations across all life forms. We were able to conduct analyses on a selected number of understory vegetation species. Individual species showed variability in nutrient concentration response to multi-nutrient fertilization. Wildlife habitat and grazing quality were both increased and decreased following multi-nutrient fertilization. Increases in nutrient concentrations will provide more nutritious vegetation to these animals and vice versa for decreases in concentrations.  相似文献   
郑重 《河北林果研究》2007,22(4):411-413
女儿河公园三期改造工程在深入研究自然地貌特点,设计了沿河各景点和市政桥梁,突出水面在整个公园建设中的核心地位,并在沿线布置了休闲广场和园林小品。建设成适应城市发展趋势,个性鲜明、功能合理,满足市民文化生活需要的现代城市公园。  相似文献   
安徽敬亭山国家森林公园开发利用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
敬亭山国家森林公园具有森林景观丰富多彩 ;历史文化底蕴丰厚 ;双塔辉映、古朴典雅等旅游资源特色 ,是集森林公园、风景名胜区和城市公园于一身的综合型公园 ,具有极强的竞争力和美好的发展前景。提出将公园划分为游览区、游乐区及管理服务区等功能分区的开发建设构想 ,并提出开展特色旅游等开发利用建议。  相似文献   
Environmental factors, such as global solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentration, were measured above and within the canopy of a tropical rainforest in Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Few data concerning the environment of this forest have been reported. Intensive observations were carried out in 1998, 1999, and 2000 with the following results: (1) The fraction of global solar radiation reaching the upper layer of the canopy varied with global solar radiation above the canopy. Even though the global solar radiation above the canopy fluctuated, the fraction of that reaching the lower canopy and the ground was constantly approximately 5%. (2) The fraction of wind speed reaching each layer of the canopy increased with wind speed above the canopy. Little wind was usually present at the lower canopy. (3) The daytime air temperature at the canopy top was higher than that near the ground. The maximum difference between the air temperature at the canopy top and that at the ground was about 5°C, and the diurnal temperature ranges at the canopy top and those at the ground were about 8°C and about 5°C, respectively. The highest daytime water vapor pressure occurred within the canopy and particularly near the ground. Vertical gradients of water vapor pressure during the day were steep, probably because of high transpiration. (4) In the 1998 observation the minimum and the maximum CO2 concentrations were 360 ppm in the day and 450 ppm at night, while in the 2000 observation the minimum and the maximum CO2 concentrations were 350 ppm in the day and 540 ppm at night. The higher CO2 concentration in the daytime and the lower concentration at night observed during the 1998 observation period were probably due to reduced photosynthesis and soil respiration caused by exceptional dry conditions during the observation period.  相似文献   
通过外业调查和室内测定,获得西山国家森林公园主要可燃物的相关参数,输入BehavePlus模型,得到潜在火行为参数,以火强度大小为主要指标划分主要可燃物类型,结果表明:在坡度分别为25°和35°情形下,高强度火的林分为地盘松林、麻栎林和云南油杉林,中强度火的林分是华山松林和滇青冈林,低强度火的林分只有旱冬瓜林。研究结果可合理划分火险等级,实施科学的火管理。  相似文献   
通过对广州起义烈士陵园内观花植物种类、盛花期、花色、各季节观赏效果近两年的实地调查分析,得出:种类约有91种,其中春季33种,夏季37种,秋季11种,冬季10种;红色系和白色系为主色调,分别为36种和29种,各占总数的39.6%和31.9%。探讨了如何使公园各季节主题花鲜明的前提下具有季相性、连续性、多样性,以期为今后园内建设和改造提供参考。  相似文献   
以三明市如意湖湿地公园为研究对象,采用游憩行为观察法、核密度估算法、问卷调查法,分析游客的游憩行为与环境偏好及其影响因素,探究游客在三明市如意湖湿地公园中游憩的时空分布规律.结果表明:老年游客偏好在林下空间及主要景观节点处,以舒缓的游憩方式进行游憩;中青年游客的游憩目的以游览观光为主,偏好在滨水空间及景观视线良好处进行...  相似文献   
民间遛狗文化是澳门的民俗特色之一。如何科学合理地规划建设城市遛狗公园(遛狗区)以满足市民日益增长的生活需求已成为专业部门面临的重要挑战。通过对文献实证研究、遥感测绘和实地调研,梳理了近代以来澳门遛狗、赛狗的民俗文化活动特点,分析了澳门高密度城市环境中的民间遛狗文化与城市遛狗公园建设的供需匹配度,得出澳门半岛与离岛城市遛狗公园建设均有较大的匹配度失衡,针对性提出未来澳门城市遛狗公园建设的规划策略思路。  相似文献   
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