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以陕西省太平森林公园2005年5月、10月调查资料为基础,从经济联动效应、对社会就业的贡献、产业关联比三方面进行系统分析.结果表明:该公园旅游经济联动效应为1.00∶3.06,直接与间接就业人数比为1.00∶1.71,由旅游业带动的相关行业关联比为1∶6.在分析该公园旅游业目前发展状况的基础上,探讨了其在开发中存在的问题,提出了进一步发展的建议.  相似文献   
张家界国家森林公园最佳旅游环境容量研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来,大量增加的游客给张家界国家森林公园的环境带来了较大的压力.为了实现公园的环境保护及可持续发展目标,必须确定公园的最佳旅游环境容量,以此来进行公园的游客管理及接待设施的调控.该研究采用实地调查法,以床位数、游道长度及水体中总磷含量作为衡量指标,分别对公园的经济发展容量、日空间容量、不同季节生态环境容量进行了测算,在此基础上根据“木桶原理”确定了公园的最佳旅游环境容量.结果表明:公园的经济发展容量为41 400人/d,日空间容量为13 255人/d,春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的生态环境容量差异较大,分别为1 848、3 879、1 307和775人/d.根据环保效益和经济效益相结合的原则,确定公园最佳旅游环境容量为13 255人/d,公园“境内最佳住宿容量”春季为1 848人/d,夏季为3 879人/d,秋季为1 307人/d,冬季为775人/d.以上结果可为公园入园游客人数、接待区住宿游客人数及接待设施存量控制与管理提供依据. 关键词:张家界国家森林公园;经济发展容量;日空间容量;生态环境容量;最佳旅游环境容量;境内最佳住宿容量   相似文献   
云南石林大叠水风景区景观植被恢复规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以景观生态学和森林生态学为理论根据,对大叠水风景区面山部分、瀑布前、清水河、瀑布上游河道4个功能区的植被恢复进行了恢复性规划研究,以达到尽快恢复景区生态系统的目的.在树种规划中着重强调乔灌草的搭配和乡土树种的使用,在景观构成上重点强调了季相变化和景观动态变化.  相似文献   
垃圾管理是森林公园管理当中非常重要的一个环节,它直接关系着森林公园的发展前景和森林公园景观资源的可持续利用.武夷山森林公园是福建省的一个省级森林公园,它同样面临着来自垃圾的挑战.本文以循环经济理论作为理论基础,通过分析公园垃圾来源及公园垃圾从产生到处理的全过程,讨论森林公园垃圾减量、再利用、再循环和分类处理的具体方法,在此基础上对武夷山森林公园的垃圾管理工作提出合理建议.  相似文献   
Zimbabwe’s Mid-Zambezi Valley is of global importance for the emblematic mega-fauna of Africa. Over the past 30 years rapid land use change in this area has substantially reduced wildlife habitat. Tsetse control operations are often blamed for this. In this study, we quantify this change for the Dande Communal Area, Mbire District, of the Mid-Zambezi Valley and analyse the contribution of three major potential drivers: (1) increase in human population; (2) increase in cattle population (and the expansion of associated plough-based agriculture), and; (3) expansion of cotton farming. Although direct effects of land use change on wildlife densities could not be proven, our study suggests that the consequences for elephant and buffalo numbers are negative. All three of the above drivers have contributed to the observed land use change. However, we found farmland to have expanded faster than the human population, and to have followed a similar rate of expansion in cattle sparse, tsetse infested areas as in tsetse free areas where cattle-drawn plough agriculture dominates. This implies the existence of a paramount driver, which we demonstrate to be cotton farming. Contrary to common belief, we argue that tsetse control was not the major trigger behind the dramatic land use change observed, but merely alleviated a constraint to cattle accumulation. We argue that without the presence of a cash crop (cotton), land use change would have been neither as extensive nor as rapid as has been observed. Therefore, conservation agencies should be as concerned by the way people farm as they are by population increase. Conserving biodiversity without jeopardising agricultural production will require the development of innovative technological and institutional options in association with policy and market interventions.  相似文献   
African elephants can affect the quality of the habitat of other species by breaking or uprooting trees and shrubs in savannas. Their effect on vegetation has been widely studied but less is known about the effects of such vegetation changes on other animals. We studied how changes in the vegetation caused by elephants influence the selection of microhabitats by five African herbivore species (giraffe, kudu, steenbok, impala, and zebra) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. There was no clear significant effect of overall elephant-induced vegetation changes on microhabitat selection except for the small species (steenbok and impala) that used vegetation modified by elephants preferentially. This is consistent with a medium-term browsing facilitation hypothesis. More subtle possible effects were detected for larger browsers (giraffe and kudu). They selected areas with broken and uprooted plants and avoided coppiced areas. All of the browsers selected sites characterized by plants uprooted and broken by elephants, which were associated with a higher visibility, and ultimately a better probability of detecting an approaching predator, suggesting that perceived predation risk plays an important role in microhabitat selection. These results illustrate how elephants can initiate indirect effects that influence microhabitat selection by other herbivores. Understanding the indirect effects of elephants through changes in food availability and predation risk thus needs further investigation. The results of this study do not provide support for the hypothesis that elephant-induced changes in the structure of habitats have caused the declines in the populations of the other herbivores in the study area.  相似文献   
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security in the semi-arid tropics. Main factors determining the populations of NTFP-providing species are human activities. This study examined the impact of land-use, combined with rates and patterns of debarking and chopping on a NTFP-providing tree (Anogeissus leiocarpa) in Burkina Faso. We compared stands in a protected area (W National Park) with those of its surrounding communal area (fallows, croplands) in order to (i) obtain an indication on the status of the population, (ii) assess its harvesting tolerance, (iii) estimate the sustainability of present management, and (iv) derive which additional management strategies may foster its conservation. Our results reveal that the stands of A. leiocarpa are in healthy states in fallows and in the park. In croplands, the absence of saplings gives evidence of a declining population. Nearly all individuals of A. leiocarpa were harvested in croplands and fallows, while the number of harvested individuals in the park was negligible. Intensity of debarking and chopping was tree size-specific. The sprouting ability significantly increased with higher chopping intensity. We conclude that despite the land-use impact and the intense harvesting, stands of A. leiocarpa are still well preserved due to the species life history (fast growing and high sprouting) and due to indirect positive influences of human activities by providing better environmental conditions for its recruitment. Thus, the population of A. leiocarpa is not at risk to over-harvesting and land-use even though it is not protected.  相似文献   
The resources available to support conservation work, whether time or money, are limited. Decision makers need methods to help them identify the optimal allocation of limited resources to meet conservation goals, and decision analysis is uniquely suited to assist with the development of such methods. In recent years, a number of case studies have been described that examine optimal conservation decisions under fiscal constraints; here we develop methods to look at other types of constraints, including limited staff and regulatory deadlines. In the US, Section Seven consultation, an important component of protection under the federal Endangered Species Act, requires that federal agencies overseeing projects consult with federal biologists to avoid jeopardizing species. A benefit of consultation is negotiation of project modifications that lessen impacts on species, so staff time allocated to consultation supports conservation. However, some offices have experienced declining staff, potentially reducing the efficacy of consultation. This is true of the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Washington Fish and Wildlife Office (WFWO) and its consultation work on federally-threatened bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). To improve effectiveness, WFWO managers needed a tool to help allocate this work to maximize conservation benefits. We used a decision-analytic approach to score projects based on the value of staff time investment, and then identified an optimal decision rule for how scored projects would be allocated across bins, where projects in different bins received different time investments. We found that, given current staff, the optimal decision rule placed 80% of informal consultations (those where expected effects are beneficial, insignificant, or discountable) in a short bin where they would be completed without negotiating changes. The remaining 20% would be placed in a long bin, warranting an investment of seven days, including time for negotiation. For formal consultations (those where expected effects are significant), 82% of projects would be placed in a long bin, with an average time investment of 15 days. The WFWO is using this decision-support tool to help allocate staff time. Because workload allocation decisions are iterative, we describe a monitoring plan designed to increase the tool’s efficacy over time. This work has general application beyond Section Seven consultation, in that it provides a framework for efficient investment of staff time in conservation when such time is limited and when regulatory deadlines prevent an unconstrained approach.  相似文献   
Conservation easements are the primary tool used globally by land trusts and governmental agencies to achieve conservation goals on private lands, but empirical evaluations of their effectiveness are lacking. Here we compared biodiversity in sagebrush ecosystems and recent rates of change in road and structure densities on properties with and without easements held by The Nature Conservancy in Wyoming, USA. To determine whether any differences between properties with and without easements were better explained by development pressure or by management practices, properties were stratified by low versus high residential development pressure and property managers were surveyed. In areas with high development pressure, easement properties had fewer structures and tended to have fewer, smaller roads than properties without easements. In the high-pressure areas, properties with easements also had greater use by some wildlife species than properties without easements. Regardless of easement presence, there was higher cover of exotic plant species and fewer mammal burrows in high than low-pressure areas. There were no significant differences in land management practices between properties with and without easements, but managers of properties with easements tended to seek management support more often than other managers. This may present an opportunity to provide support for specific management activities on easements to ensure that they continue to meet intended goals. Given the importance of easements as an alternative to nature reserves and the significant investment being made to acquire additional easements, it is essential to continue to evaluate whether easements are an effective tool in other locations.  相似文献   
沈起龙 《四川草原》2011,(2):7-9,26
以千年菊为试验材料,利用沙子、有机肥、园土为原料,配制成人工育苗栽培的3种不同基质,进行反季节的花卉生产培育。通过利用不同基质培育千年菊苗,对千年菊的株高、茎粗细、开花的早晚、开花期长短进行研究,试验发现:千年菊在人工栽培条件下生长速度快,在西宁地区出苗率、移栽率、成活率较高且花期较长。千年菊生长在园土+有机肥+沙子(1∶1∶1)中较为理想。  相似文献   
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