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河流岸带生态系统服务功能的有效发挥是河流生态系统稳定且健康的重要保障之一。为识别河流岸带土地利用与生态服务价值的空间结构,本文从河流岸带保护角度选取水资源保护、净化环境、水文调节、土壤保持、维持养分循环、生物多样性六项生态服务功能,基于遥感影像解译的土地利用数据,运用修正的当量因子法估算得到生态服务价值的空间分布规律,进而进行层次聚类分析识别河流岸带生态服务簇,并应用于太湖流域湖西区溧阳市县级河流——竹箦河作为实例研究。结果表明:(1)竹箦河河流岸带六项生态服务价值呈现出显著的空间异质性和聚集性。(2)竹箦河河流岸带可划分为五大类生态服务簇,分别为水源涵养型、绿色多元型、经济生态型、生态脆弱型以及耗水污染型。(3)各类服务簇的生态系统服务特点与空间布局分异明显,与岸带实际土地利用结构相协调,揭示了竹箦河河流岸带生态服务功能普遍较薄弱的现状。本文的研究结果可为竹箦河及类似平原地区骨干河流岸带功能区划分以及河流岸带生态保护与修复方案的制定提供理论参考。  相似文献   
枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物摄食类群研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着海洋生态学研究的深入和海洋环境监测的需要,一些传统的研究方法如多样性指数等在评价大型底栖生物群落结构变化时显得说服力不足,而摄食功能群的研究越来越受到重视。本实验根据2012年8月对浙江枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物的调查实验,分析该海域夏季大型底栖无脊椎动物摄食类群的组成、空间及数量分布,并进行相关生态评价。结果表明,枸杞岛海藻场夏季大型底栖无脊椎动物组成以肉食者和滤食者占较大优势,食碎屑者、植食者和食底泥者次之,杂食者最少;肉食者的优势种为布尔小笔螺、寄居蟹、扁平管帽螺、甲虫螺和四齿矶蟹等,滤食者的优势种为条纹隔贻贝、带偏顶蛤、短石蛏和布氏蚶等,植食者的优势种为钩虾、单一丽口螺和锈凹螺等;各摄食类群水平分布较均匀,垂直分布受水深和摄食饵料的限制;基于大型底栖无脊椎动物功能类群的生态参数评价结果表明,枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物群落健康状态呈虚弱水平,大部分站位大型底栖无脊椎动物群落受到轻度扰动,底栖生态质量状况较好。  相似文献   
本文分析了浙江六横岛泥滩潮间带大型底栖动物的种类组成、数量分布和多样性指数等群落特征。3个泥滩潮间带断面调查采获的大型底栖动物共有19种,其中软体动物10种,节肢动物6种,脊索动物2种,环节动物1种。3个泥滩潮间带断面总平均生物量为470.77±314.32 g/m2, 总平均栖息密度为480±248 ind./m2。在各类群底栖动物中,平均生物量及密度都以软体动物居首位。六横岛潮间带大型底栖动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数的分布范围分别在1.97-2.14、1.45-1.67和0.83-0.95,平均值分别为2.06±0.08、1.53±0.12和0.90±0.06。六横潮间带大型底栖动物ABC曲线分析表明底栖动物群落已受到一定程度的污染扰动。  相似文献   
In Ethiopia vertisols cover about 10% of the total land area and is the fourth most important soil used for crop production, accounting for nearly 23% of the total arable land used for crop production. More than half of the vertisols are found in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia, with an altitude of more than 1500 m above mean sea level. The unique physical and chemical properties of these soils and the high rainfall during the main cropping season create severe surface waterlogging problems which hinder crop production activities. Severe surface waterlogging affects the growth of plants by impeding nutrient uptake and creating oxygen deficiency around the root zone. To address this crop production problem, three surface water drainage methods, namely broad bed and furrow (BBF), ditch, and flat (traditional) methods were evaluated using the water balance of the plant root zone and wheat as a test crop. The experiment was conducted at the Ginchi Research Station in the central highlands of Ethiopia over two consecutive seasons (2000 and 2001). The results showed that both the BBF and the ditch drainage methods gave about 33% and 22% more grain yield than the flat treatment, respectively. However, there were no significant differences between BBF and ditch for both grain and biomass yield during both experimental seasons. During both seasons the total water balance (ΔWr) at the root zone especially, in the months of June, July and August on all the treatments was higher than the crop water requirement (ETc) and showed no significant difference between the treatments. Thus, the results of this study indicated that the soil water in the root zone was not significantly altered by surface drainage systems and therefore implies the need of further improvement of the different surface drainage methods regarding improving the waterlogging condition and hence the productivity of the vertisols in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia.  相似文献   
A survey of coastal recreational boat fishing was conducted in summer 2006 in the marine reserve of Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean) to assess the biological and socioeconomic implications of this leisure activity. Recreational boat fishers employ four different fishing techniques: bottom fishing rod, fluixa, trolling and surface fishing rod. Although the targeted species depend on the fishing method used, a total of 33 fish species were identified in the catch (8 were pelagic or benthopelagic and the rest were demersal). Fishing effort was high since fishers fished an average of 4 h/day, 8 days/month and nearly 6 months/year. Apart from the highly varied exploitation of the fauna, recreational fishing in Cap de Creus has a large economic effect on the local economy since the majority of fishers were visitors who were spending holidays in one of the villages belonging to the Park, where most of expenditures related to angling activities were made. Overall, results highlight the pressure that recreational boat fishing exerts on fish communities, particularly on littoral, demersal ones. Considering these biological and socioeconomic implications, the competition between recreational and artisanal fishers for littoral resources and the low level of compliance with the current sport fishing regulations, the implementation of a comprehensive management strategy in Mediterranean costal areas is needed.  相似文献   
基于GIS的华宁县滑坡灾害影响因子分析及易发性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明析区域滑坡灾害影响因子及其易发性,为滑坡地质灾害的防治提供借鉴。以云南省华宁县为研究对象,利用GIS空间分析技术,对华宁县滑坡空间分布及诱发因子进行了分析研究,依据区域地质灾害详细调查资料,建立GIS灾害数据库的同时选取海拔、坡度、坡向、距水系、道路、断层距离、岩性7个诱发因子,利用统计指数对滑坡在每个因子各类别中的占比进行了权重分析,最终确定滑坡灾害易发性分区并阐述其空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)在滑坡灾害分布特征上,具有空间集中分布特征,灾害点密度以中部地区最大,受灾影响人数最大的主要分布在海拔较低的宁州街道和通红甸乡。(2)从诱发因子上看,滑坡灾害大多分布在海拔1 600~2 300 m(占76.06%),坡度10°~30°(占71.83%),坡向为E,NE,NW,N等方向上(占71.82%),距离河流、断层和道路越近,发生滑坡的可能性越大。(3)在滑坡灾害易发性上,高易发区主要分布在宁州街道、青龙镇、华溪镇;中易发区主要分布在青龙镇东北部、宁州街道西南部、通红甸彝族苗族乡中部和盘溪东部;低易发区主要分布在通红甸彝族苗族乡、盘溪镇。华宁县滑坡灾害呈现出东少西多,南少北多的特征,未来华宁县应重点关注中部和西部区域的滑坡灾害预防。  相似文献   
The tillage system, which joins soil tillage, fertilisation, and seed sowing in one pass of a machine, is rarely used in cereal cultivation. This research aimed to study whether strip-till and conventional tillage (post-harvest ripping and mixing of stubble, ploughing, pre-sowing fertilisation, and seedbed preparation) differ in plant density, yield components, and grain yield of winter barley cultivated on Cambisol in a region with low rainfall, the annual average is about 500?mm. To reach this aim, a two-year, large-plot experiment was conducted in a production field. The soil within the field was spatially variable in texture, moisture, and chemical and biological properties, CV 2.3% do 29.6%. Strip-till had lower within-field spatial variability of winter barley grain yield than conventional tillage. The standard deviation was 0.36?t?ha?1, 0.67?t?ha?1 in the first year and 0.12?t?ha?1, 0.30?t?ha?1 in the second year, respectively. During the period of limited rainfall, strip-till had greater uniformity of plants after emergence; after the winter with low air temperature and a low amount of snow, it had greater plant density. Thus, strip-till can reduce variability of plants and their yield within a field, especially in adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   
为深入刻画烟台市海岸带土地利用空间结构特征,以烟台市农村土地利用详查成果数据为基础,利用分形理论和GIS空间分析方法,选取边界维数、计盒维数、信息维数和半径维数4个特征参数,对海岸带各土地利用类型的斑块复杂性、空间占比、空间分布的均衡性和向海聚集性进行了分析。研究结果表明:受人为干扰强的建设用地、耕地、园地和其他土地边缘相对比较规则且简单,而自然性较强的草地、林地、水域及水利设施和滩涂在人类活动干扰下正处于运动变化的随机状态,斑块边缘相对复杂;海岸带土地利用是以建设用地和耕地为主,其他用地类型为斑块镶嵌体的景观结构模式;土地利用空间分布的均衡性与空间占据能力表现出一定的正相关性;各用地类型斑块密度在海陆梯度上均呈现衰减的趋势,向海聚集程度的强弱,使得土地利用形态在海陆梯度上呈现似圈层状空间分异规律。分形理论的引入,为定量分析海岸带土地利用的合理性和科学性提供了新的研究方法。  相似文献   
植物生活型、地形及区域气候特征等对土壤养分的空间分布有着重要的影响。通过对我国典型自然带土壤氮磷化学计量与植物生活型、地形及气候因素间相互关系的研究,探讨了我国土壤氮磷的空间变异与分布特征及其主要控制因素。结果发现,5个自然带的土壤全氮(TN)和氮磷比(N/P)存在显著差异(p0.01);除温带荒漠带较低(0.47 mg g~(-1))外,土壤全磷(TP)均值总体变化不明显(p0.05)。在不同自然带区域内,TN、TP及N/P变化与海拔、温度及降水呈现出显著的线性和非线性二次相关,即表现出线性与单峰模式。暖温带落叶阔叶林带、温带草原带、温带荒漠带森林土壤中TN,以及青藏高原高寒植被带草本土壤中TP、温带荒漠带森林土壤的N/P主要受海拔因素的影响,而温带草原带草本植物的土壤TP则主要受降水的影响。同时,研究还发现,在多要素共同作用时,其影响程度也略有差异,温度和海拔作为控制因素影响亚热带常绿阔叶林带森林和温带草原带草本土壤TN变化,但前者受温度控制更为明显,后者则以海拔为主要驱动因素,而温带荒漠带草本土壤和森林土壤的TN主要受海拔和降水作用的影响,但以降水影响为主;亚热带常绿阔叶林带森林土壤TP,温带草原带、温带荒漠带和青藏高原高寒植被带草本土壤的N/P受植物生活型、地形及气候的共同影响,但程度略有不同,其中TP表现为降水温度海拔,而N/P为温度海拔降水。因此,在自然带和植物生活型的主控背景下,海拔、温度和降水的主控或交互作用直接驱动土壤氮磷及其化学计量特征的空间分异。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨在当前三峡库区面临的严峻生态环境下,采取何种适合的生态治理技术以解决库区生态环境安全问题,为三峡库区生态环境修复提供一定的参考依据。[方法]通过生态治理模型整体框架结构,提高中、陡土坡生态系统地表基底稳定性;通过等高种植平面绿化技术、土工格室垂直绿化技术,提高消落区植被覆盖率和土壤肥力;通过不同高层区段消落区适宜植物"乔—灌—草—藤(177~170 m)、"灌—草—藤"(170~160m)、"草—藤"配置(160~145m),对消落区的生物多样性、植被覆盖率及景观层次起提高作用。[结果]通过模型设计,将传统混凝土护坡技术与现代生态护坡技术相结合、等高种植平面绿化技术与土工格室垂直绿化技术相结合,实现了生物措施与工程措施的高度统一、系统稳定性与开放性的高度统一、植被覆盖率与景观层次的高度统一。[结论]该土工结构模型的应用对三峡水库中陡土坡消落区生态治理具有一定的参考价值和现实的应用前景。  相似文献   
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