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Abstract. Anecdotal and circumstantial evidence have suggested that the Olsen test underestimates plant-available phosphorus (P) in basaltic soils in Northern Ireland. Therefore, the ability of this test to predict plant-available P in basaltic (and non-basaltic) soils was investigated by regressing Olsen-P data against herbage P indices calculated from plant tissue test data using the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system. The average Olsen-P concentration for a range of fields situated on basaltic soils was considerably lower than the average Olsen-P concentration for a range of fields situated on non-basaltic soils, and yet mean sward P status, as given by the herbage P indices, was similar for both groups of fields. Herbage P indices were also much better correlated with Olsen-P measurements in non-basaltic soils than in basaltic soils. Furthermore, at low Olsen-P values (≶9mgPL−1) some swards on basaltic soils were genuinely deficient in P, while others were sufficient or even in surplus for this nutrient. The results confirm that Olsen-P is inadequate as a predictor of plant-available P in basaltic soils. It is concluded that an alternative soil test is needed to provide a reliable assessment of plant-available P in basaltic soils, to prevent overuse of fertilizer and manure P and to minimize the amounts of P entering local watercourses.  相似文献   
The effect of three herbicides, diclofop-methyl (DM), imazamethabenz-methyl (IM) and fenoxaprop-ethyl (FE), was investigated at the recommended rate (×) and double the recommended rate (2×) in a durum wheat crop. FE had the smallest effect on root system characteristics, while IM had the greatest effect. For all herbicides, the double rate treatment gave a greater statistical reduction than the single rate for root system characteristics. FE had the smallest effect on the activity of aerobic microorganisms, while DM gave the greatest reduction, 10 days after application, and all three herbicides reduced earthworm abundance. DM gave the smallest reduction in the number of tillers and in plant height, while the double rate of IM gave the greatest reduction. For all three herbicides, double the recommended rate resulted in a significant reduction in the weight of 1000 seeds, while no statistically significant deviations were noted at the recommended rate. Finally, the use of all three herbicides resulted in significantly lower statistical yields compared to the sample (control plot), although there were no significant statistical differences among them, for either recommended or double recommended rates.  相似文献   
对家蚕育种亲本及其新品种性状数据档案实行信息化管理,可在家蚕育种和品种的种性维持过程中自动实现完整的信息采集、计算、调用、选择等功能。开发了一个基于B/S结构的家蚕育种与种性维持信息管理系统,主要包括品种管理、计划任务管理、饲育信息管理、蚕茧信息管理、选种信息管理、选优信息管理等功能模块。选种信息管理模块的运行过程是通过电子天平称量蚕茧质量,然后根据计算模型自动进行数据信息处理与统计分析实施选择。用户可以方便地通过网络访问该系统,实现家蚕新品种选育及种性维持工作的自动化。  相似文献   
在市场经济环境下,贷款担保作为上市公司融通资金的一种方式,是企业的一种正常的经营行为。它可以减少交易风险、促进资本市场发展。然而,目前由于种种原因,上市公司互保不仅没有起到化解市场风险的作用,反而加大了证券市场和金融市场的风险,严重扰乱了资本市场的正常运行。因此,本文拟通过思考重庆“互保圈”现象,分析“互保圈”形成的原因及危害,并由此提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   
本研究通过对陇西南塬区农业生产系统的结构分析,确认该系统的特征为产业结构不合理(以种植业为主),种植业以粮食生产为主,复种指数低(111%);养殖业中草食家畜比例低,饲养技术落后,良种率低;林果业效益低下;人口密度高,劳动力过剩,生产能源短缺等。通过系统分析提出了调控方针,该系统整体效益提高的关键是发展以草食家畜为核心的养殖业,种植业应及时调整结构,提高经济作物和饲料作物的比例,提高复种指数,林果  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to assess changes in nutritional status/body condition score, percentage pregnancy and calving rate in Zebu cows and to establish the relationship between body condition score loss and postpartum interval to resumption of ovarian activity. A total of 198 cows and postpubertal heifers of the Tanzanian Shorthorn Zebu kept under a traditional management system were randomly selected from 200 smallholder herds. Factors investigated during bi-weekly visits include body condition score (BCS), heart-girth circumference, milk yield and reproductive status of the animals, pregnancy/non-pregnancy and cyclicity/non-cyclicity. Local weather conditions and dates of occurrence of other reproductive events such as calving were also recorded. Calvings occurred all year round but with a strong seasonal distribution characterized by annual peaks observed between April and July. The annual calving pattern was closely related to rainfall, with peak precipitation occurring a few months before peak calving. The overall percentage pregnancy varied from 30% to 50% throughout the year. Postpartum cows exhibited minimum mean BCS and heart-girth circumference 12–14 weeks after calving, and cows with BCS loss >1 point exhibited the longest time interval from calving to onset of ovarian activity.  相似文献   
中国南方草地现状与生产潜力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国南方草地区为秦岭、淮河以南、青藏高原以东的广大地区 ,总面积约 2 70万 km2 ,分属淮河、长江、珠江 3大流域。南方草地多山 ,本文涉及的 12个南方省区中 ,山地与平原之比平均为 4 .85∶ 1,比全国平均比值高出 1倍。山地面积之大小与青藏高原距离的远近呈负相关。南方草地大体可以分为云贵高原区、华东区和华南区。笔者提出建立 3类系统耦合经济带 ,即西南岩溶山地系统耦合生态经济带、江淮平原丘陵系统耦合生态经济带和岭南沿海平原丘陵生态经济带。每一生态经济带内包含中心城市 ,农村生产基地和社会支持系统。据初步估算 ,这样的生态经济带蕴藏了巨大的经济潜力  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the canine cranial cruciate ligament repair system on laryngeal hemiplegia in heavy draft horses. Twenty-four heavy draft horses diagnosed with grade 4 laryngeal hemiplegia were allocated to either the prosthetic laryngoplasty (PL) group (n=14) or a canine cranial cruciate ligament repair system (CCCLRS) group (n=10). Right to left angle quotients (RLQs) of abductions of the arytenoid cartilages were endoscopically evaluated before and after surgery. Post-operative RLQs in the CCCLRS group were significantly lower than those of the PL group (P<0.01). The canine cranial cruciate ligament repair system was revealed to be a good surgical procedure for laryngeal hemiplegia in heavy draft horses.  相似文献   
发展独立学院,是我国高等教育作为一种混合公共产品的改革与发展过程中的一项重大探索。在新形势下指导独立学院的建设,就是要结合独立学院自身建设和发展的特点,坚持以质量为本的原则,务求以教育教学改革的创新解决独立学院建设与发展过程中遇到的一系列问题和困难。文中以武汉理工大学华夏学院专科人才的培养方式为个案,尝试探索一条新形势下独立学院培养技术型、应用型、务实型专科人才的道路。  相似文献   
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