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Combined with the diverse biophysical and social heterogeneity encountered in the northern mountains, the socioeconomic changes in Vietnam that accompanied the decollectivisation process led to complex agrarian dynamics that today challenge traditional farming and management of natural resources. Data for this study were collected from villages in and around Ba Be National Park (BNP) in the Bac Kan Province located in the northern mountains of Vietnam. Traditional slash and burn cultivation is no longer a sustainable practice in Vietnam. The main challenges in the region are to protect biodiversity, maintain the land productivity and simultaneously support local livelihoods. The study shows that improved agroforestry cultivation could provide significantly higher productivity and income per unit of land, besides decreasing pressure on natural forests. The challenge to protect biodiversity is not met, as improved agroforestry implies less tree species. From an institutional and socio‐economic perspective, it is not easy for local communities to readily adapt to improved agroforestry. New systems must be tailored site‐specific to the diverse local conditions of resource‐poor farmers. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用SSR标记研究玉米自交系的遗传变异   总被引:136,自引:7,他引:136  
 利用 SSR标记研究了 2 1个玉米 ( Zea mays L.)自交系的遗传变异 ,初步进行了杂种优势群划分。从 69对 SSR引物中筛选出 43对扩增产物具有稳定多态性的引物。43对引物在供试材料中共检测出 1 2 7个等位基因变异 ,每对引物检测等位基因 2~ 7个 ,平均为 2 .95个 ;平均多态性信息量为 0 .51 1。 2 1个自交系之间的遗传相似系数变化范围为 0 .480~ 0 .768,平均为0 .62 7。 UPGMA聚类分析结果表明 ,供试自交系可分为两个类群。黄早四自成一群 ;其余 2 0个自交系又分为 5个亚群。生产上利用的高产杂交组合的亲本均属于不同的类群 (亚群 ) ,而在类群 (亚群 )内未发现高产组合。研究发现 8对具有较高多态性信息量的引物 ,利用这些引物可以对供试材料进行初步鉴定。研究表明 ,利用 SSR标记可以进行玉米自交系遗传变异分析 ,并用于杂种优势群划分  相似文献   
弱势群体是指在社会地位、社会资源、社会财富等方面处于不利地位和无更多话语权的人们。过去,我们对弱势群体的关注更多地表现为衣食住行,很少有人关注他们的知情权尤其是环境知情权。本文从分析弱势群体及环境知情权的概念出发、探讨弱势群体环境知情权的实现途径问题。  相似文献   
为探究植烟土壤中真菌群落结构和功能类群对生物炭的响应,采用大田试验的方式,分别设置CK(常规施肥)和T(常规施肥+750 kg·hm-2生物炭)两组试验,研究了土壤真菌群落结构,并用FUNGuild对真菌进行功能预测。结果表明,在移栽后105 d,添加生物炭处理的烟株株高和中部叶叶长、叶宽较CK分别提高了2.34%、1.71%和5.48%。添加生物炭处理土壤的pH、速效钾、有效磷、有机质含量较CK处理分别显著提高了0.52个单位、11.14%、7.90%和11.76%(P<0.05)。测序结果表明,土壤中优势真菌门类为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、毛霉菌门(Mucoromycota)、一种SAR超类群(SAR-k-NORANK)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota),平均相对丰度分别为84.78%、5.96%、2.66%和2.29%,施加生物炭提高了毛霉菌门和担子菌门的丰度,升幅分别达到了54.02%和31.49%,子囊菌门的相对丰度较CK处理降低了1.20%。FUNGuid分析结果表明,施加生物炭后,土壤中病理营养型真菌丰度降低了62.07%,腐生营养型真菌丰度升高了69...  相似文献   
玫瑰、月季、蔷薇等蔷薇属植物RAPD分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
 对蔷薇属的玫瑰、月季、蔷薇3 个种的15 个品种进行RAPD 分析, 16 个引物对受试品种PCR扩增共获得202 条谱带, 其中123 条(60. 9 %) 表现多态性。利用UPGAMA 法构建分子系统进化树, 以相似性系数0. 5 为阈值, 玫瑰与月季为一个聚类组, 蔷薇为另一个聚类组; 以相似性系数0. 6 为阈值, 4个蔷薇品种分为4 个不同的聚类组, 5 个月季品种为一个聚类组, 5 个玫瑰品种为一个聚类组, 平阴紫枝玫瑰单独为一个聚类组, 表明玫瑰与月季的亲缘关系较近, 两者与蔷薇的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   
【目的】刈割是草原主要利用方式之一,植物功能群和群落物种多样性是判别干扰条件下草地生态系统退化的重要生态学指标。研究不同刈割干扰下羊草草甸草原植物功能群和群落物种多样性的变化,了解刈割干扰下草原功能群与多样性变化过程和机制,为退化割草地生态恢复提供理论依据。【方法】以呼伦贝尔羊草草甸草原时空刈割配置为试验平台,于2014—2018年植物生长最旺盛的季节(即每年8月初),采用样方法对各个小区进行群落植被调查。分析一年一割(G1)、两年一割(G2)、漏割带10 m(G3)、漏割带5 m(G4)和对照(CK)处理下草甸草原群落功能群和物种多样性变化以及刈割时间和不同刈割处理间的交互作用,探讨植物功能群与群落物种多样性的相关关系。【结果】研究发现羊草(Leymus chinensis)在不同刈割制度下均为优势物种,但是随着刈割频次的增加呈现出羊草重要值逐渐降低,退化指示物种星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)、披针叶黄华(Thermopsis lanceolate)等重要值增加的趋势;两年一割处理下羊草、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、长柱沙参(Aden...  相似文献   
选择锡林浩特东部国家气候观象台的生态监测研究样地,对大针茅(Stipa grandis)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、知母(Anemarrhena asphodeloides)枯落物的化学结构特征进行阐释。结果表明:(1)枯落物分解速率呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,且知母枯落物分解速率高于大针茅、羊草和糙隐子草;枯落物总碳(TC)含量为富集-释放模式,在第120d时,知母枯落物TC含量高于其他3种植物。(2)大针茅、羊草、知母、糙隐子草枯落物所含的主要官能团为-OH;=C-H、-CH 2、-CH 3;C=O;C=O、C=C;C-O。(3)不同植物枯落物官能团含量在分解初期迅速减少,在分解后期减少趋势较为缓慢,与分解过程中枯落物的分解速率变化趋势一致;知母的含碳官能团含量在分解结束后最低,而羊草的则最大,且知母和糙隐子草损失量最大,与分解过程中枯落物TC含量的特征一致。(4)大针茅的支链化指数最大,羊草的最小;糙隐子草的芳香性指数最大,知母的最小。不同植物芳香性指数在分解初期迅速减少,在分解后期减少趋势较为缓慢,与分解速率变化趋势一致。  相似文献   
为研究新疆巴音布鲁克地区不同土壤层次环境因子对新疆假龙胆适生地植物群落物种多样性的影响,为新疆假龙胆物种多样性保护提供理论依据.采用野外样地调查的方法,在新疆假龙胆适生海拔范围内共设置了16个样地进行植物多样性统计分析,共调查到植物72种,隶属22科48属,以豆科和禾本科植物为主.根据样地内各物种重要值的大小将所有采样...  相似文献   
鸡血型系统对马立克氏病肿瘤形成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用 A、 B、 C、 D 血型系统的10 种血型因子试剂测定了亚发雏鸡的血型, 并对马立克氏病肿瘤病变与各血型因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明, 在14 日龄感染雏鸡的30 ~60 天内, M D V 对各个器官肿瘤病变形成上, 不同的血型系统因子对其影响有很大的差异, 其中带有 A308 、 B691 因子的雏鸡对 M D V 较易感, 而带有 B365 因子的雏鸡抗性较强。同样实验还表明, 采用鸡的( M H C) B F I V 血型分型试剂与 A、 B、 C、 D 血型试剂检测人工感染 M D V60 天后存活鸡表明: B365 与 B21 均100 % 存在于这些鸡中, 说明二者抗 M D 能力有一定的相似性; 说明 A、 B、 C、 D 血型因子可做为选择标记用于抗 M D 选育。  相似文献   
The reproductive activity of the fish assemblage in a large Neotropical reservoir was evaluated by surveying the occurrence of ichthyoplankton in response to spatial and temporal variation in environmental factors. Fish reproduction was investigated by capturing larvae along representative spatial gradients in the main body (longitudinal) and arms (lateral) of the reservoir. After identification, the captured larvae were classified into different groups according to the functional traits of their parental stock. Sampling occurred monthly at night from October to March over five reproductive periods between 2009 and 2016, using conical-cylindrical plankton nets with flowmeter. Water samples were taken simultaneously allowing the measurement of environmental factors related to reproductive activity. The relationship between the environmental factors and the functional traits was assessed using RLQ and fourth-corner analyses. An evaluation of 51,995 larvae revealed there was greater larval abundance in the lacustrine and transition zones of both longitudinal and lateral gradients. Occurrences often correlated with temporal instead of spatial gradients. Higher rainfall correlated with abundances of detritivorous and migratory species. Higher water levels correlated with higher abundances of non-native species, species without parental care, with external fecundation, and partial spawning. Dry periods, with lower water and higher dissolved oxygen, correlated with higher abundances of insectivores and sedentary species. Although the presence of a dam-free stretch of river upstream of the reservoir had a positive influence on fish larvae in the fluvial zone, the results did not show differentiation along either gradient. Thus, the composition of the functional groups of fish species that reproduce in the Itaipu Reservoir appears to be predominantly influenced by the temporal variation in environmental factors rather than the formation of spatial gradients.  相似文献   
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