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为探究肥料减施下玉米-大豆间作对作物产量和昆虫群落组成及多样性的影响,在玉米、大豆单作及二者间作下施以标准肥料750 kg/hm~2和减半肥料375 kg/hm~2,于作物生长期调查田间昆虫群落组成及多样性,并在收获期对玉米和大豆进行测产。结果表明:与单作玉米相比,间作玉米在施用标准肥料下的百株生物量、百株籽粒重和千粒重分别显著增加78.33%、85.35%和38.71%,而在施用减半肥料下则分别显著增加90.91%、135.73%和33.33%;相同种植模式下,与施用标准肥料相比,减半肥料使单作玉米百株籽粒重显著降低22.45%。与单作大豆相比,在施用标准肥料下,间作大豆的百株籽粒重和千粒重分别显著降低49.47%和11.54%,在施用减半肥料下,间作大豆的百株生物量、百株籽粒重和千粒重分别显著降低73.94%、50.51%和17.39%;相同种植模式下,与施用标准肥料相比,减半肥料使大豆在单作和间作下的百株籽粒重分别显著降低65.02%和65.73%,使间作下大豆的百株生物量和千粒重分别显著降低73.14%和17.39%。与单作相比,间作均显著降低了标准肥料和减半肥料处理下玉米和大豆害虫群落的物种数、多样性指数和均匀度指数,还显著降低了标准肥料和减半肥料处理下玉米天敌昆虫群落的物种数和优势度指数以及大豆天敌昆虫群落的物种数和均匀度指数。表明玉米-大豆间作能有效提高玉米产量,降低虫害发生,但对大豆生产不利,而间作条件下减施肥料对玉米产量的影响更小。建议在田间生产中可将夏玉米和大豆间作种植,更有利于通过生态学方法控制田间害虫发生和增加作物总体产量。  相似文献   
为完善国有林场森林资源的价值核算,更客观真实地反应其经营管理绩效。本文概述了我国林业税费体制的历史沿革,并以某国有林场为实例,在假设其它条件不变的前提下,分别以不征收特产税和将"两金"由20%调整为5%及二者兼而有之三种情况,具体分析了税费变化对林木资产评估值的影响。  相似文献   
本研究通过对东祁连山不同土地利用类型下土壤的7种重金属含量进行测定,结合青藏高原土壤元素背景值,对土壤重金属污染程度和综合潜在生态风险做出综合性评价。结果表明:7种重金属元素的均值都超过了土壤元素背景值,其中Zn和Ni平均含量较高,为196.67 mg·kg-1和74.28 mg·kg-1,分别是土壤背景值的3.20和3.00倍,形成了土壤重金属元素的富集现象;内梅罗综合污染指数法和潜在生态风险系数法分析显示,各类型土地平均内梅罗综合污染指数为2.84,属于中度污染程度,其中农田平均污染指数最大,为3.10,达到了重度污染水平;草地为2.71,湿地最小为2.49,均为中度污染水平。各类型土地的综合潜在生态风险系数为94.31,其中农田类风险系数最高,为101.90,草地类为92.22,湿地为73.29;各类型土壤中Zn元素变异系数最低;Cd元素变异系数最高。  相似文献   
小反刍兽疫(PPR)是一种由小反刍兽疫病毒引起的疾病,主要感染山羊和绵羊。2021年为加快推进小反刍兽疫无疫区建设,实现小反刍兽疫非免疫无疫区建设标准,长沙市某县拟在本地开展小反刍兽疫退出强制免疫风险评估。通过对小反刍兽疫监测流调、危害识别、风险路径的确定和风险因素层级评估等方法进行的定性风险评估初步显示,在该地取消小反刍兽疫强制免疫后可能会发生小反刍兽疫的风险等级为中。在风险管理措施上,提出该地退出强制免疫应推迟一年,重点完善政策支持、加强监测排查、加强检疫监管、强化培训宣传等建议。  相似文献   
科学的耕地评价是耕地合理开发、利用、保护的前提,耕地资源认知的深化引领耕地评价研究发展。为明晰耕地评价研究的发展历程、热点动态和未来前景,系统梳理1949—2023年引领耕地资源认知变化的理念、事件和政策,探讨耕地资源认知发展的阶段性特征,借助文献调查、文献计量分析、理论分析等方法,对不同阶段耕地评价研究的主要内容、政策支撑、技术方法与代表成果等进行总结,并提出面向新时期社会发展需求的耕地评价研究展望与关键问题。研究表明:1)耕地资源认知按时间顺序可划分为资源本体、资源平衡体和资源综合体3个阶段,认知对象由耕地数量单一维度向耕地数量与质量、数量-质量-生态、实体耕地与虚拟耕地等多维度转变,研究范围也由宜耕地、耕地等实体资源向近远程耦合框架下的全球虚拟耕地拓展;2)各阶段耕地评价的研究重点围绕耕地数量、耕地质量和耕地综合利用展开。在资源本体阶段,侧重土地开发适宜性评价,关注本底要素宜耕性;在资源平衡体阶段,注重耕地质量提升,对耕地资源的可持续利用潜力进行评价。在资源综合体阶段,评价对象向全球粮食贸易中的虚拟耕地拓展,评价内容关注耕地多功能及功能间权衡与协同关系。因此,未来耕地评价的研究内容需适应新时代发展的现实需求,耕地本体评价需兼顾实体和价值量,耕地质量评价需匹配人类福祉需求,耕地综合评价需考虑多元对象和指标。在评价理论与方法层面应加强学科交叉融合,充分利用新调查监测手段,丰富精细化耕地资源数据,为进一步拓展资源认知、丰富评价范式、优化耕地保护制度等提供支撑。  相似文献   
祁剑飞  曾志南  宁岳  巫旗生 《水产学报》2016,40(7):1099-1105
为了评价底栖动物增殖放流过程中存在的生态风险,通过现场调查、已有文献资料分析和专家咨询,建立了以层次分析法为基础的生态风险评价体系。应用该体系对5种增殖放流的底栖动物进行了生态风险评价。研究表明,西施舌、紫海胆、韩国文蛤和泥东风螺为"中"风险等级;波纹巴非蛤为"低"风险等级。本研究可为今后增殖放流过程中的生态风险评价提供参考。  相似文献   
Landings in the blue crab, Portunus trituberculatus, fishery in Korean waters of the Yellow Sea have declined substantially from 11,000 t in the 1980s to 2,300 t in 2004. Blue crab habitat quality in the Yellow Sea has been degraded by anthropogenic activities including sand mining, land reclamation, and coastal pollution. Various traditional management measures have been implemented, including closed seasons during spawning and size limits, but these measures alone have been unsuccessful to conserve blue crab stocks. Consequently, a total allowable catch and a stock-rebuilding program using an ecosystem-based management approach were implemented in 2003 and 2006, respectively to rebuild blue crab stocks and restore habitats. This program involved assessment of both blue crab stock status and trammel-net fishery impacts at an ecosystem-level using an ecosystem-based fisheries assessment method ( [Zhang et al., 2009] and [Zhang et al., 2010]), which considered fishery data from catch and effort time-series, crab population biology, and ecosystem characteristics, including habitats and environmental conditions. Recent (2008) management status indices have shown significant positive change compared to conditions in 2000 with respect to sustainability of the stock and fishery and with regards to biodiversity and ecosystem habitat quality.  相似文献   
狭鳕(Theragra chalcogramma Palas)目标强度的现场测定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
1993年夏季“北斗”号调查船白令海狭鳕(TheragrachalcogrammaPalas)资源声学调查期间,利用计数—积分法对狭鳕的目标强度进行了现场测定。结果表明,平均叉长516cm的狭鳕的平均目标强度为-343dB;以常规的20Logl形式表示,其目标强度与叉长的关系式为TS=20Logl-68.6dB。该测定结果较目前采用的关系式:TS=20Logl-66.0dB低26dB;应用于资源量计算,其估算值将比现估算值高82%。  相似文献   
The green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis) fishery is of great importance to Maine’s economy. The fishery took off in the late 1980s as a result of expanding export markets, but has experienced substantial decline in landings since 1992 because of large decreases in urchin stock abundance. Fishery-independent surveys have not been conducted, and no formal stock assessment has been done prior to this study. Using the data collected from the fishery and urchin life history parameters derived from scientific studies, we conducted a formal stock assessment for the urchin stock. A stochastic observation-error length-structured model is used to describe the dynamics of the sea urchin population. A robust Bayesian approach is used for estimating fishery parameters because of concerns of possible outliers in fisheries data and mis-specification of priors. This study shows that the current stock is only 10% of the virgin stock biomass and that the exploitation rate is close to 40% suggesting that a large reduction in exploitation rate is necessary.  相似文献   
Designing fishing policies without knowledge of past levels of target species abundance is a dangerous omission for fisheries management. However, as fisheries monitoring started long after exploitation of many species began, this is a difficult issue to address. Here we show how the ‘shifting baseline’ syndrome can affect the stock assessment of a vulnerable species by masking real population trends and thereby put marine animals at serious risk. Current fishery data suggest that landings of the large Gulf grouper (Mycteroperca jordani, Serranidae) are increasing in the Gulf of California. However, reviews of historical evidence, naturalists’ observations and a systematic documentation of fishers’ perceptions of trends in the abundance of this species indicate that it has dramatically declined. The heyday for the Gulf grouper fishery occurred prior to the 1970s, after which abundance dropped rapidly, probably falling to a few percent of former numbers. This decline happened long before fishery statistics were formally developed. We use the case of the Gulf grouper to illustrate how other vulnerable tropical and semi‐tropical fish and shellfish species around the world may be facing the same fate as the Gulf grouper. In accordance with other recent studies, we recommend using historical tools as part of a broad data‐gathering approach to assess the conservation status of marine species that are vulnerable to over‐exploitation.  相似文献   
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