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试纸法作为一种简便、快速的现场定性半定量检测方法,在许多领域具备广泛的应用前景.就近几年试纸法在食品和水质快速检测方面的研究与应用进行概述,以利于这一方法的进一步研究与推广应用.  相似文献   
The spatial variation of soil test P (STP) in grassland soils is becoming important because of the use of STP as a basis for policies such as the recently EU‐introduced Nitrate Directive. This research investigates the spatial variation of soil P in grazed grassland plots with a long‐term (38 y) experiment. A total of 326 soil samples (including 14 samples from an adjacent grass‐wood buffer zone) were collected based on a 10 × 10 m2 grid system. The samples were measured for STP and other nutrients. The results were analyzed using conventional statistics, geostatistics, and a geographic information system (GIS). Soil test P concentrations followed a lognormal distribution, with a median of 5.30 mg L–1 and a geometric mean of 5.35 mg L–1. Statistically significant (p < 0.01) positive correlation between STP and pH was found. Spatial clusters and spatial outliers were detected using the local Moran's I index (a local indicator of spatial association) and were mapped using GIS. An obvious low‐value spatial‐cluster area was observed on the plots that received zero‐P fertilizer application from 1968 to 1998 and a large high‐value spatial‐cluster area was found on the relatively high‐P fertilizer application plots (15 kg ha–1 y–1). The local Moran's I index was also effective in detecting spatial outliers, especially at locations close to spatial‐cluster areas. To obtain a reliable and stable spatial structure, semivariogram of soil‐P data was produced after elimination of spatial outliers. A spherical model with a nugget effect was chosen to fit the experimental semivariogram. The spatial‐distribution map of soil P was produced using the kriging interpolation method. The interpolated distribution map was dominated by medium STP values, ranging from 3 mg to 8 mg L–1. An evidently low‐P‐value area was present in the upper side of the study area, as zero or short‐term P fertilizer was applied on the plots. Meanwhile, high‐P‐value area was located mainly on the plots receiving 15 kg P ha–1 y–1 (for 38 y) as these plots accumulated excess P after a long‐term P‐fertilizer spreading. The high‐ or low‐value patterns were in line with the spatial clusters. Geostatistics, combined with GIS and the local spatial autocorrelation index, provides a useful tool for analyzing the spatial variation in soil nutrients.  相似文献   

Winter wheat shoot weight and phosphorus (P) concentrations, corn leaf weight and P concentrations, and soil AL, Olsen, H2O, Bray 1, Pi (Fe-oxide impregnated paper strip) and AERM (anion exchange resin membrane) contents were determined in a network of uniform Hungarian national long‐term field trials. P application had a significant effect on soil P test values at different P levels and sites. The relationship between the different soil P test methods was studied separately for different soil groups (all, acid, and calcareous soils). Corn leaf weight was influenced by the sites much more than by soil P supply level, whereas corn leaf P percentage was influenced by both sites and P levels. For winter wheat, both sites and soil P levels had a positive effect on wheat shoot weight. Wheat shoot P percentage was influenced by the soil P supply much more than by the sites. Correlation between corn leaf P percentage and the Pi or AERM extractable P and between wheat shoot P percentage and the Pi and AERM P values was logarithmic.  相似文献   

The proportion of copper (Cu) that can be extracted by soil test extractants varied with the soil matrix. The plant‐available forms of Cu and the efficiency of various soil test extractants [(0.01 M Ca(NO3)2, 0.1 M NaNO3, 0.01 M CaCl2, 1.0 M NH4NO3, 0.1 M HCl, 0.02 M SrCl2, Mehlich‐1 (M1), Mehlich‐3 (M3), and TEA‐DTPA.)] to predict the availability of Cu for two contrasting pasture soils were treated with two sources of Cu fertilizers (CuSO4 and CuO). The efficiency of various chemical reagents in extracting the Cu from the soil followed this order: TEA‐DTPA>Mehlich‐3>Mehlich‐1>0.02 M SrCl2>0.1 M HCl>1.0 M NH4NO3>0.01 M CaCl2>0.1 M NaNO3>0.01 M Ca(NO3)2. The ratios of exchangeable: organic: oxide bound: residual forms of Cu in M1, M3, and TEA‐DTPA for the Manawatu soil are 1:20:25:4, 1:14:8:2, and 1:56:35:8, respectively, and for the Ngamoka soil are 1:14:6:4, 1:9:5:2, and 1:55:26:17, respectively. The ratios of different forms of Cu suggest that the Cu is residing mainly in the organic form, and it decreases in the order: organic>oxide>residual>exchangeable. There was a highly significant relationship between the concentrations of Cu extracted by the three soil test extractants. The determination of the coefficients obtained from the regression relationship between the amounts of Cu extracted by M1, M3, and TEA‐DTPA reagents suggests that the behavior of extractants was similar. But M3 demonstrated a greater increase of Cu from the exchangeable form and organic complexes due to the dual activity of EDTA and acids for the different fractions and is best suited for predicting the available Cu in pasture soils.  相似文献   
为筛选出适宜不同辣木材料花粉的离体萌发培养基,本研究以辣木花粉为试材,采用单因素试验和正交试验研究氯化钙、蔗糖及硼酸浓度对辣木花粉萌发的影响,并观测不同辣木材料的花粉萌发率。研究结果表明,各试验因素对辣木花粉萌发的影响程度依次为蔗糖>氯化钙>硼酸,蔗糖和氯化钙浓度对辣木花粉萌发率的影响显著,而硼酸浓度影响不显著;辣木花粉在175 g/L蔗糖,400 mg/L氯化钙,150 mg/L硼酸的培养基中,花粉平均萌发率显著高于其他处理。对不同辣木材料的花粉萌发率进行测定,发现美国种源的辣木花粉活力较高,肯尼亚种源的花粉活力较低。本研究结果可为辣木杂交育种的父本选择提供参考,提高人工杂交授粉的效率。  相似文献   
以82份非糯籼型杂交稻的亲本作为材料,用STS标记Wi10-1和Wi10-2检测其蜡质基因型,并测定其中65份材料的直链淀粉含量,研究STS标记的检测效果。结果表明:STS能准确检测供试材料的蜡质基因型;36份保持系/不育系中30%为WxbWxb,46份恢复系中60%为WxbWxb,16份早稻和早中熟恢复系仅25%为WxbWxb,30份迟熟恢复系中80%为WxbWxb;65份材料直链淀粉含量变幅为11.13%~28.49%,直链淀粉含量与STS标记的相关达1%显著水平(r=0.905);WxaWxa比WxbWxb材料直链淀粉含量平均高9.65个百分点,差异达1%显著水平;同一基因型的材料间直链淀粉含量仍有较大差异,在分子标记辅助选择的基础上,育种材料定选时还需结合直链淀粉含量的直接测定。  相似文献   
针对减阻剂室内评价环道存在的问题,设计安装了管径159mm、长300m的室外埋地评价环道,其管径、长度、油品流速更接近于实际管道.该装置采用高压氮气作为动力源,测试段沿线布设高精度压力传感器和高频压力传感器,测试段出口设有超声波流量计,同时安装有耐压罐和常压罐.由于在环道评价试验中装置的压力不断变化,因此建立了试验过程氮气管路、油品管路、氮气罐、耐压罐的瞬态模型,使用VB语言编制了计算程序,用以计算不同粘度和初始压力下的油品流速和压力变化,雷诺数范围和试验时间,判断试验条件的可行性.  相似文献   
随着计算机技术的发展,很多考试中采用了计算机考试系统。本文首先介绍了基于遗传算法的智能组卷计算机考试系统的构成,又介绍了设计考试系统时需要注意的几个关键问题。  相似文献   
家蚕对常用有机磷农药的毒性反应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了不同条件下家蚕对常用有机磷农药的毒性反应。结果表明,家蚕对9种农药都有很强的毒性反应,表现典型的有机磷中毒症状。农药对家蚕的触杀毒力和残毒期因农药品种不同而有极显著差异。家蚕对农药的抗性因季节,农药浓度和龄期大小不同而异。  相似文献   
利用热油管道清管后的生产运行数据和室内测试的含蜡原油粘温规律,得到了确定含蜡原油热输管道在线粘温关系的方法,并应用此方法得到了实际管道中原油的粘温关系.与室内测试的粘温关系比较,利用生产数据得到的粘温关系更接近生产管道中流体的性质.  相似文献   
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