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不同复合酶制剂对肥育猪生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选用72头100日龄,体重在44kg左右的三元杂交(杜×长×大)商品代瘦肉型肥育猪,完全随机分为3个组(A、B、C),每个组24头,设三个重复。A组中,饲料中加入国产复合A酶;B组中,饲料中加入国产复合B酶;C组中,饲料中加入罗酶宝TM。经过30天的饲养试验,结果表明:①B、C两组肥育猪的日增重比A组分别提高0.81%、5.50%,C组比B组日增重提高4.65%;②C组肥育猪料重比比A组提高3.53%,C组料重比比B组提高2.59%,B组料重比比A组提高0.96%;③经济效益,C组比A、B两组分别提高8.59%、5.99%;④试验全期,三个处理组的腹泻率均极低。  相似文献   
半荒漠地区灌木饲料林营造技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对半荒漠地区灌木饲料林的树种选择、经营管理等问题进行了初步探讨,给出了花棒、杨柴、柠条、沙柳、毛条、毛柳、白沙蒿、油蒿8个半荒漠地区灌木饲料林树种的造林适宜立地类型、最适造林季节、最佳造林密度、最适收获期以及最佳平茬年龄。  相似文献   
We examined the interannual variation in Neocalanus copepod biomass in the Oyashio waters in spring and summer from 1972 to 1999. In the mid‐1970s, mesozooplankton biomass in spring was high; however, it decreased significantly in the late 1970s. The timing of the decrease in mesozooplankton biomass corresponded to the 1976/77 climatic regime shift. The biomass of N. flemingeri, which dominated the Neocalanus community, was roughly constant from 1980 to 1999. Although species‐level estimates of Neocalanus biomass were not available for the 1970s, a previous study reported that Neocalanus copepods were the predominant mesozooplankton in the Oyashio waters in spring during the 1970s. Neocalanus copepods dominated the mesozooplankton community throughout the 1970s, and their biomass decreased in the late 1970s. Springtime net community production, an index of new production, also decreased in the late 1970s. We suggest that the reduction in new production negatively affected Neocalanus food availability, resulting decreased copepod biomass. New production may have been limited by a combination of subsurface iron supplies, increased vertical density gradient, and reduced vertical water mixing in winter, which resulted in diminished iron entrainment in winter. In summer, mesozooplankton biomass significantly decreased and increased synchronously with the 1976/77 and 1988/89 climatic regime shifts. The biomass of N. plumchrus, which dominated the Neocalanus community, was low in the 1980s and increased in the early 1990s. The biomass of the second‐most dominant copepod, N. cristatus, also increased in the early 1990s. Neocalanus copepods were reported to be a dominant component of the mesozooplankton community in the 1970s; Neocalanus biomass was high in the mid‐1970s and decreased in the late 1970s. Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), an important predator of Neocalanus copepods, exhibited interannual variation in standing stock that was inversely related to mesozooplankton biomass. At their peak in 1984, sardines consumed 32–138% of the daily Neocalanus production during summer. Therefore, predation pressure on Neocalanus by Japanese sardine is likely to affect interannual variation in mesozooplankton biomass during the summer.  相似文献   

From a transaction cost perspective, this paper shows how the tradition of consuming marine fish by the majority of Hong Kong's Chinese citizens has shaped the means and modes of marketing seafood in Hong Kong. It is argued that consumer preferences stimulate aquaculture as a non-open access measure to bypass state fish marketing regulations. This has resulted in two outcomes. First, the transaction cost savings on metering output quantity and quality under private property have led not only to the collapse of the state monopoly on marine fish marketing, but also to the emergence of the (then new but) currently popular kind of Chinese seafood restaurant in Hong Kong. Second, consumer preferences for variety have shaped the form of coordination between the producer and the consumer. The advantage of market coordination has led to the emergence of a system of wholesaling and retailing rather than vertical integration. Issues concerning the emergence of Hong Kong as a regional live marine fish production and trading centre are discussed in terms of the contribution of local mariculture to sustainable development.  相似文献   
Topramezone is a new herbicide for post-emergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds in maize. Two field experiments were conducted in northern Greece in 2008 and 2009 to determine the response of grain maize to topramezone applied with the adjuvant DASH at 2–4, 4–6 and 6–8 maize leaf stage. In both years, plant height, cob number and yield were not differently affected with the use of herbicide at these growth stages, indicating no difference in selectivity and a similar response of maize to the three post-emergence applications of topramezone. Slight injury symptoms of leaf bleaching were observed in the second year, however, they were transient with no lasting injury on maize growth.  相似文献   
油菜秸秆还田及肥料运筹对水稻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究油菜秸秆的不同用量与NPK肥料运筹对水稻产量及土壤肥力的影响。[方法]采用完全随机区组设计,分别于2007和2008年在肥东和居巢进行试验。[结果]在肥东试验中,与未施秸秆相比,秸秆还田水稻的有效穗数、结实率、千粒重和产量分别提高0.3%、0.3%、1.9%和0.7%;秸秆还田并减少磷、钾肥施用量25%水稻的有效穗数、实粒数、千粒重和产量分别下降2.8%、1.4%、0.7%和3.8%;秸秆还田并增加氮肥施用量使水稻增产3.7%。在居巢试验中,与未施秸秆相比,秸秆还田水稻的有效穗数和成穗率下降0.9%~2.4%和1.1%~1.2%,实粒数和千粒重增加0.6%~2.9%和1.0%~1.7%;秸秆还田并减少磷、钾肥施用量25%的水稻有效穗数和实粒数增加2.1%~2.8%和2.5%~2.8%,千粒重减少0.7%~1.0%。[结论]适当减少磷、钾肥用量不会使油菜秸秆还田水稻显著减产。  相似文献   
用全产业链思维优化“粮改饲”生产力布局具有重要的现实意义和理论价值。本文以甘肃省为例,总结甘肃省“粮改饲”工作已取得的工作成效和不足,论述了“粮改饲”构建全产业链的必要性,初步探讨了甘肃省“粮改饲”全产业链模式和布局优化,并提出完善相关支持政策、培育壮大龙头企业、高度重视品牌建设和创新科技带动引领4条对策建议。 [关键词]全产业链|粮改饲|生产力布局|甘肃省  相似文献   
用无性系变异获得抗条锈小麦新品系4-8研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以永良4号春小麦幼胚为外植体进行组织培养,将获得的愈伤组织经过继代培养、分化培养后获得45株移栽成活的再生植株,通过田间条锈病诱发鉴定选择,获得了抗条锈病小麦种质资源材料4-8。研究结果表明,4-8在田间连续5个世代中均表现对当前流行的条锈菌混合菌系(条中31号、条中32号、水-4、水-5、水-7、水-14)免疫;人工接种鉴定中,在苗期对上述混合菌系表现免疫,成株期分小种和混合菌系鉴定中仍表现免疫,说明通过组织培养获得的小麦种质材料4-8具有稳定遗传的条锈病抗性变异,从而为利用体细胞无性系变异进行小麦抗条锈病新种质创制提供了可能。  相似文献   
异色瓢虫对胡萝卜微管蚜防治潜能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确异色瓢虫对胡萝卜微管蚜的防治效果潜能,本试验以芹菜为寄主植物,研究了异色瓢虫4龄幼虫对胡萝卜微管蚜捕食功能反应和不同益害比的控害效果.结果表明胡萝卜微管蚜密度为40、80、120(头)时,异色瓢虫的捕食量成增大趋势且各组之间有显著性差异,当胡萝卜微管蚜的密度为160、200、240(头)时瓢虫的捕食量各组间无显著性差异.4龄异色瓢虫幼虫的取食量受胡萝卜微管蚜密度影响显著,且捕食功能反应符合Holling-Ⅱ型反应模型.4龄异色瓢虫幼虫的瞬时攻击率a'为1.1862,取食1头胡萝卜微管蚜所需时间(即处置时间Th)为0.004,4龄异色瓢虫幼虫对胡萝卜微管蚜的最大捕食量为210.9头,瓢虫对蚜虫的搜索效应S=1+0.00474 N.益害比试验中得出4龄异色瓢虫幼虫对胡萝卜微管蚜捕食量符合二次回归方程,二次回归方程显示当胡萝卜微管蚜密度均为500时,随着异色瓢虫数量的增加,其捕食量成先增大后减少趋势,根据公式其最大捕食量为186.26,最佳益害比例为1∶83.本试验对利用异色瓢虫防治胡萝卜微管蚜具有一定的指导意义,以期为无公害芹菜种植提供有效的生物防治对策.  相似文献   
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